A/N: Well call me butter cause I am on a roll - now this was initially going to be published as a chapter, and it would have been an extremely long chapter; hitting around that of 30,000 words, in "Runnin' Back Home To You" - so I decided to therefore take it out and make it's own short, which would then give me more room to type out the story lines that I have for it, that were essentially going to cut due to the length it would become.
Now I know Mikki with Sebastian isn't everyone's fave pairing, but you know what it's keeping me writing at the moment, and I enjoy that so I am going to continue to roll with it for now.
This story which originally was going to be done in flashback within the other - goes back to the start of their relationship and how they met and the progression over the years of that with one another, up to the point where they do break up and Mikki goes to California; but what it will also go into once they are split up is that of how they never really truly got to the point where either of them were able to move on from one another, and them then essentially getting back together at the start of "Runnin"
So if you do like it please leave a review, fave or follow - but please remember to be nice. I should also quickly point out that any character you see that you don't recognize from Glee, belong to me and cannot be used without my permission first.
Thanks for reading,
Love always,
KJ xoxoxoxoxoxo
Six years, five months and four days; that is how long the two of them were together, but it wasn't as if they actively counted every day though of their relationship which started sophomore year of college, however the date of their saying goodbye to one another; for that of no other reason that one of them had gotten a job over the other side of the country, that would be a day now in their lives neither of them now would be able to forget.
After getting back to college, for the second half of their sophomore year in 2009, it was just near the start of March and Mikki along with Kurt who had been her best friend since they were kids; and Ellie, who she had met that of her freshman year of college when they became roommates, and then through asking for that of their sophomore year if they were able to be again placed together again and were; were one Friday night after classes were over for the week, sitting at a table at one of the bars located to near that of campus.
"Okay so don't look now" said Kurt, who had a clear view of the table, with Mikki sitting to the side of and Ellie with her back to thereof. "But table with the four guys, one of them keeps looking over here"
"Really?" asked Ellie.
"Maybe he likes you Kurt" said Mikki, with a laugh.
Kurt looked at her with a laugh. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's not me he's been looking at, sweetie"
"And he can't exactly see my face, so probably not me" said Ellie, with a laugh also. "Are they cute, Mik?"
"Give me a sec" said Mikki, and pretended to look to over that of the bar and turn back towards that of where the three guys were sitting, and saw the two she could see looking over to where she was and saying something. "Two white guys, asian guy, black guy; guess they are kind of, but can't see the black one much as back to us"
"So which one keeps looking over here Kurt?" asked Ellie, looking to him.
"One of the white boys" replied Kurt. "And I'm pretty sure he has been looking at Mik"
"Seriously Kurt you are so delusional sometimes" said Mikki, with a laugh. "Did you both want another drink, my shout"
"Sure" replied Ellie, with a nod to that of her friend.
"Thanks" said Kurt, also and Mikki nodded grabbing that of the small little bag she had bought along for the evening and headed over to the bar.
"Okay are you sure he was looking at Mik, or were you just teasing her?" asked Ellie, looking to Kurt with a laugh.
"Oh I'm pretty sure he was looking at her" replied Kurt, with a laugh of his own. "Considering he is also heading over to the bar now"
"Really he is?" asked Ellie.
Kurt nodded and Ellie quickly turned in her seat to look as well. "Ohh he is cute"
"Yep" said Kurt with a nod, as they looked to over at the bar to see what unfolded.
Over at the bar, Mikki got the attention of that of the barperson. "Could I grab another three cokes please"
"Sure" he replied, with a nod as the guy that had been looking over to where she and the others were sitting, stepped up beside her.
"So can I buy you a drink?" he asked.
"Well actually I'm buying for my table" replied Mikki, looking to him. "And I don't let guys, I don't know buy me drinks anyway"
"I'm Sebastian" he replied. "So now you know my name"
Mikki looked at him with a laugh as the bar person placed the three glasses of coke on the counter for her and she went to grab some money out of that of her bag, but Sebastian got in first handing that of a few bills over to him.
"Can I also grab four more as well, please?" he asked.
"Sure" replied the barperson, and then proceeded to fill that of four more glasses.
"Thank you Sebastian" said Mikki, placing her bag under that of her arm and going to pick up the three glasses to take back over to the table.
"What that's it?" he asked. "You're not going to tell me your name"
Mikki looked at him, with a smile.
"You don't want to tell me your name because you're in like witness protection or something" said Sebastian with a smile to her.
"Witness protection" said Mikki, with a laugh. "No"
"Okay, you're secretly some royal princess and don't want anyone knowing your true identity?" asked Sebastian.
"Nope not a princess either" replied Mikki, shaking her head.
"Well you could totally be one that is for sure" said Sebastian, with a smile to her.
"Hmm and let me guess" said Mikki, with a laugh. "You'd be my prince charming?"
"If you let me, yeah" replied Sebastian, with a smile. "But you're still not going to tell me are you"
Mikki shook her head. "No, but you can try and guess it"
"Guess it" said Sebastian, with a laugh. "Do you know how many names there are literally in the world?"
"Trillions upon trillions" said Mikki, with a smile. "Guess you have a lot to choose from then, huh"
"Okay, yeah" replied Sebastian with a laugh. "I'll play your little game"
"Hmm, so what do you think my name is Sebastian?" asked Mikki, with a laugh.
"Start at A" replied Sebastian. "Adrianna?"
"Not even close" said Mikki, with a smile.
"Not close as in too modern, or as in the alphabet nowhere that of what your name starts with?" asked Sebastian.
"I don't know you tell me" replied Mikki, with a laugh.
"Okay, wow" said Sebastian with a laugh also. "You're really playing hard to get aren't you"
"Girls got to have some mystery now doesn't she" replied Mikki, with a smile.
"Right" said Sebastian with a smile. "Eleanor?"
Mikki looked at him and laughed. "Do I look like an Eleanor?"
"No, not really" replied Sebastian. "Come on give me a hint, I'm dying here and we're literally going to be here forever as well, if you don't help me out"
"Okay" replied Mikki, with a smile. "Think Disney"
"Disney" said Sebastian, and Mikki nodded. "Aurora?"
Mikki looked at him and shook her head.
"Belle?" said Sebastian, with earned another head shake from Mikki. "Ariel then?"
"Nope" replied Mikki, shaking her head again.
"Okay well it's got to be Jasmine then" said Sebastian, with a nod and confident smile.
"Sorry wrong again" replied Mikki, with a laugh.
"Oh come on, what else could it be. I mean I very much doubt your parents called you something like Pocahontas" said Sebastian.
Mikki just looked at him not saying anything.
"They didn't did they?" asked Sebastian, looking at her and Mikki burst out laughing.
"No of course not" she replied. "But I said Disney, and you're only thinking that of princesses, and well maybe you need to think broader then that"
"Broader than that of the princesses" said Sebastian.
"Uh huh" replied Mikki, with a nod. "Classic Original Disney"
"Classic Original Disney" said Sebastian.
"Yep" replied Mikki.
"Okay so, I don't know Daisy" said Sebastian.
"You're close" replied Mikki with a smile.
"Mickey" said Sebastian, and Mikki looked at him with a smile. "That's your name Mickey"
"Well it's my nickname" she replied with a laugh.
"Oh come on" said Sebastian, with a laugh as well. "Name, not nickname"
Mikki laughed and opened up that of her small bag and got out her driver's licence and showed it to him.
"Mikayla Kapowski" said Sebastian, looking at it.
"Yep" she replied with a nod. "Or Mikki for short, spelt M.I.K.K.I"
"Well it's lovely to meet you Mikayla Mikki 'M.I.K.K.I' Kapowski" said Sebastian with a smile to her.
"You too Sebastian" replied Mikki, with a laugh as she put her drivers licence away. "And this is where you would tell me your last name since you know mine now"
"Smythe" he replied. "Sebastian Smythe"
Mikki looked to him with a smile, and picked up the three glasses of drink that he had paid for, for her.
"Nice talking with you Sebastian Smythe; thanks for the drinks" said Mikki, with a smile and walked back over to the where Kurt and Ellie were still sitting.
Sebastian gave a laugh at what had just happened and picked up the three glasses for him and his three friends, and walked back over to his own table.
"Okay what was that?" asked Ellie with a laugh, as Mikki put down the three drinks on the table.
Mikki looked to and smiled. "Just a little bit of harmless fun"
"Oh what did you do this time?" asked Kurt, with a sigh.
"He wanted to know my name" replied Mikki, with a laugh. "So I made him guess what it was"
"And did he?" asked Ellie as she and Kurt looked at her with a laugh.
"After I gave him a few hints, yeah" replied Mikki, with a nod.
"And you were totally flirting with him, sweetie" said Kurt. "We could see that from over here"
"I wasn't flirting with him" replied Mikki, looking at her best friend.
"So you weren't doing the whole biting your bottom lip and fluttering your eyelashes at him" said Kurt, with a laugh.
"No, it was just a bit of harmless fun" replied Mikki, with a laugh. "I mean sure he's kind of cute, but really Kurt I am not going to pick up someone in a bar"
"Well I don't know about that" said Kurt, with a smile. "Because him and his friends are coming over here now"
"What?" asked Mikki, looking and saw that Sebastian as well as that of his four friends were approaching their table.
"You know what I just realized Mikayla Kapowski" said Sebastian as he put down his drink. "You never gave me your phone number so I could call you"
"That's because I never offered it to you, Sebastian Smythe" replied Mikki with a smile to him.
"Oh well I'm just going to have to convince you now to aren't I" said Sebastian, and took sat on that of the other stool at the table.
"Well just make yourself at home there" said Mikki, with a laugh.
"Hmm I will" he replied, with a smile to her, as his friends also grabbed a stool each from that of a nearby table and sat down also.
"Hi I'm David" said the black guy as he sat down with them.
"Wes" stated that of the asian guy with a smile.
"Hey Artie" said the other white guy.
Kurt" said Kurt, with a smile to them all.
"Ellie" she said also with that of a smile too; and the now seven of them sat around talking, with Mikki and Sebastian surprisingly actually hitting it off, and by the end of the night they had exchanged that of numbers with one another, vowing to be in touch with each other soon.
Having made the choice to go to one of the bars close to that of their college, one Friday night; Sebastian Smythe along with his roommate Artie Abrams, who had also been his best friend since high school; as well as two guys that they had met when they pledged Sigma Nu their freshman year of college the year before, and had become fast friends with Wes and David were sitting at a table together, talking.
"Okay seriously who is it that you're staring at over there" said Artie, looking to his best friend, with a laugh.
"I wasn't staring" replied Sebastian, looking at him; which also got a laugh from Wes and David.
"Yeah sure" said Wes, with a laugh. "You've been looking over there for the last couple of minutes, so clearly someone has caught your attention"
"Hmm so come on Seb, confess" said David, with a laugh. "Who you staring at over there?"
"Well we can only really see one girl and one guy clearly" said Artie. "The other girl has her back to us"
"Yeah" said Sebastian with a nod.
"So we know that you're not at all gay" said Wes, with a laugh. "So guessing it's the girl we can see the face of"
"Uh huh" replied Sebastian, looking to his friend. "She's kind of pretty from what I can see of her over here"
"I think I've seen her in a few of my classes" said Artie, looking over to where she was and then to his best friend.
"Really?" asked Sebastian. "Do you know her name?"
"There is literally so many people in those classes" said Artie with a laugh. "So sorry no I can't recall a name, but I am pretty sure she was in one of intro psychology class last year, and she may be in my English Lit class this year"
"Go talk with her" said Wes, with a laugh; and Sebastian looked at him shaking his head; and then looked over to the table again, and could see the guy over there was talking to the girl he was currently eyeing, who then tried to be discreet and look over in their direction, but he failed in catching that of her eye before she looked back to her friends, laughing.
"Well if you're scared to go and talk to her in front of her friends" said Wes, with a laugh. "Then now maybe your chance, as she is heading towards the bar"
"Umm yeah she is" replied Sebastian, looking as the brunette walked over to the bar and spoke to the bartender there.
"Go on, go" said Artie, with a smile to his best friend. "Before you miss your opportunity to talk with her"
"Okay, going" replied Sebastian with a laugh and stood up, heading over to the bar; as the three guys watched him in interest trying to talk to the girl he'd been looking at for most of the night.
"Well he's got her laughing" said Wes, as the watched over to where he was. "That's got to be a good thing, right?"
"Don't you just wish sometimes that you were able to listen into any conversation that you wanted to and hear what is going on?" asked Artie, with a laugh as they still watched where both Sebastian and the girl were laughing about something.
"Totally" replied David, looking to Artie with a quick nod. "Especially those discussions that teachers have sometimes about upcoming tests and all, to know what was maybe going to be on them"
"Yeah" said Artie, with a nod; as they saw the girl show Sebastian something and he laughed. "Okay yeah I think he's potentially getting her phone number. Way to score"
"Uh huh" said Wes, with a laugh. "And to think he wasn't even going to try and talk with her"
"Luckily he has such awesome friends" said David, as Sebastian headed back over to the table with a smile on his face. "Who pushed him to do so"
"What you dorks talking about here?" asked Sebastian, as he placed the tray with the four drinks for them down on the table.
"You" replied Artie, with a laugh.
"Me" said Sebastian, as he sat down and looked at his best friend with a laugh.
"Yep, so you got her number right" said Artie, with a smile as he picked up one of the glasses of coke.
"Umm no I didn't" replied Sebastian, shaking her head.
"So what in the world was she showing you then?" asked Wes, looking to him with a laugh. "Her social security number or something?"
"No" replied Sebastian shaking his head with a smile. "Her driver's licence"
"And why would she be showing you her driver's licence?" asked Artie.
"Because she made me guess her name" said Sebastian, with a laugh.
"Guess her name" said David, with a laugh also. "That's just crazy, there is no way with all the names in the world that you could have guessed it"
"Well I kind of did actually" said Sebastian, with a laugh and smile.
"Really?" asked Artie, and Sebastian looked to him and nodded.
"Yeah, she gave me some hints" he replied. "But I guessed it"
"And so what is her name?" asked David.
"Mikki" replied Sebastian, with a smile looking over to the table where she was again talking and laughing with her two friends.
"Like as in the mouse" said Artie, with a laugh.
"Different spelling, she spelles M, I, double K, I" replied Sebastian looking to him. "Short for Mikayla, and that is why she showed me her driver's licence because she told me it was her nickname when I guessed that, I thought she was playing around or something with me"
"Hmm so Mikki, huh" said Wes.
"Yep" replied Sebastian, with a nod.
"How did you even guess it was that, because it's like so random" said David. "I don't think any of us could have come up with that for her name"
"She hinted me towards Disney" replied Sebastian, with a laugh.
"And let me guess you totally said princess names to begin with didn't you" said Artie, with a laugh.
"Yeah" replied Sebastian, with a nod.
"And yet didn't ask for her number because?" asked Wes.
"I forgot too" said Sebastian, looking at him with a laugh.
"Well I say we go over there now, and get you that girl's phone number" said David. "Because otherwise all we are going to hear for the rest of the year is how you didn't get said pretty girl's number"
"Okay, yeah" replied Sebastian, with a nod. "I'm going to go and get her number"
"Alright then" said Artie, as Sebastian stood up and he did also. "And this time, we're coming over to make sure that you actually do manage to get it and not just shamelessly flirt with her"
Sebastian looked at his friend and laughed, and the four of them headed over to the table where Mikki and her two friends were, in hopes that Sebastian would indeed be able to get the phone number of the girl that he so clearly had taken that of a shining too.
End Note: Like I said to begin with I know that some people don't take a liking to this pairing, but at the moment this is what is keeping me writing so I am going with it.
So clearly from the moment they met, they both took that of a liking to one another, and now I guess is just how quickly will they progress to that of boyfriend/girlfriend is the next question.
All will be revealed in the next chapter.
Thanks for reading,
Love always,
KJ xoxoxoxoxoxo