It was the day. The day of the fight and Gilligan was pumped. The past few days of training did him a world of good. He felt strong and confidant. The tips he got from the Professor's martial arts book were a big help. He spent hours learning proper kicking techniques. He would practice by placing a pineapple or mango on a stick and trying to kick it off. A few times it landed in the general vicinity of the Skipper but the sea captain did his best to be patient as he knew Gilligan was doing his best and never did any type of karate or taekwondo. It wasn't easy and one could not master it overnight. Eventually Gilligan got the hang of it and did a fairly decent job of performing the movement. He was now dancing around throwing out his fists in the air. "I'm bad. I'm fast. I move like a butterfly and sting like a bee." He said. "Move like a butterfly...sting like a bee...That's right I move like a butterfly I sting like a bee. Pow. Pow." He threw a few more jabs in the air. "Pow. Pow."
Skipper shook his head. "Calm down Gilligan. Stay focused. You need to concentrate."
"I am Skipper." Gilligan replied. "I am concentrating and I am focused on making sure Mary Ann doesn't have to marry Maliko." He danced around a bit more. "Move like a butterfly…sting like a bee…Move like butterfly..Sting like bee."
The tribal family appeared. Maliko stared down at Gilligan who would not be intimidated by him in the least bit. Takai spoke. "It time."
Gilligan and Maliko took their places on opposite sides. Mary Ann stood over by Skipper clutching his arm. "Oh I hope Gilligan will be okay." She said.
Skipper gently pattered her hand. "Don't you worry. Gilligan will be just fine. I have faith in him. He can do it. He won't let you down Mary Ann I promise."
Ginger and the Professor stood on another side and the movie star was clutching the academic's shoulder. "Poor Gilligan." She said. "I just hate this." The movie star added in dramatic fashion. "He can't lose. He just can't."
"He won't." Professor assured. "Gilligan has been training hard and I know he will find a way to come out victorious in this fierce battle of strength and wits."
Ginger grinned at him. "I love it when you talk that way." She purred her finger gently stroking his cheek. He coughed and turned a bit red. Ginger smiled again enjoying the effect she had on the Professor.
Mr. and Mrs. Howell also watched praying that their favorite sailor would win this fight. "Thurston dear." Mrs. Howell said. "What if Gilligan gets in trouble. Whatever will we do?"
"Don't worry my dear." He said with a smile. "I have a plan." He gestured to a bucket of a glue like substance.
"Oh Thurston you are so wise." Mrs. Howell said kissing his cheek.
"Yes I am aren't I?" He grinned at his adoring wife.
Takai gave the signal and the fight commenced. Gilligan stood with his fists in the air ready to do battle when he saw Maliko charging at him with a spear. His eyes wide, he yelped a "Yikes!" and jumped out of the way. Maliko ended up slamming right into a tree and went down like a sack of potatoes. He slowly stood up feeling dizzy and he sulked. "I defeated. You win. I no match for you. You mighty warrior. More mighty than me Maliko." He bowed his head at Gilligan who was stunned.
Lana approached Gilligan. "We never see warrior like you. You command tree to stop Maliko. You powerful." She too bowed her head.
Takai walked up the young sailor. "Many congrats to you. You prove to be brave fighter. We bow to you."
Gilligan was bewildered by all of it. "I um…I well…I…"
Mary Ann came running over and threw her arms around him. "Gilligan you did it!" She gushed. "You are wonderful!" She planted a huge kiss on his cheek. "My hero!"
Gilligan grinned at the attention. "It was nothing Mary Ann." He said. "I just saw him coming at me and knew I should just get out of the way…"
"You have such good reflexes." Mary Ann said kissing his cheek once again. "I can't thank you enough." She said squeezing him tight.
Lana smiled. "You may get married now." She said. "We make big wedding for you."
Mary Ann realized they did tell the tribal family she was to marry Gilligan. "Oh um…well you don't have to go through that trouble."
"It no trouble." Lana said. "It is part of tradition. The one who loses fight must prepare wedding for winner. We prepare wedding for you."
"Oh." Mary Ann said. "Well I…Gilligan…"
Gilligan gulped. "I guess it's okay." He said not wanting to make the family angry. "If that is what you do…"
"We plan wonderful wedding for you both." Lana said clapping her hands.
Mrs. Howell came rushing over. "Oh please let me help." She said to her. "I have so many ideas…"
Mary Ann couldn't help but giggle. She knew Mrs. Howell had two weddings planned in her head for a long time. One for her and one for her redheaded hutmate.
Gilligan gestured for Skipper who came over. " What is it Little Buddy?"
"They still think Mary Ann and I were going to get married. What should we do? They are planning the wedding." He said.
"We can't make them mad that is for sure." Skipper said. "We are just going to have to go along with it. Besides it won't really be official. I think it is best to play along."
Mary Ann nodded. "I agree." She said. "We will go along with whatever they wish. Besides it may be fun. Don't you think Gilligan?"
"Um sure." He said feeling a bit uneasy. He liked Mary Ann and thought she was pretty but to be her husband? That was weird. But Skipper was right. They could not risk the wrath of the family.
It was an hour or so later everything was in place. Lana sewed a beautiful white dress with some fabric she had brought in the canoe. Gilligan wore one of Mr. Howell's shirts and jackets. Skipper lent him one of his caps. Mary Ann thought he looked dashing.
Skipper had two books with him. One was the Navy guide that gave him instructions on marriage and one was the Bible. He laid the Bible on a table next to him and looked over the Navy guide. "We gather here to join Mary Ann and Gilligan in Holy Matrimony." He said.
Mary Ann smiled at her "groom". So it wasn't an actual legal wedding but who cares! It was romantic and well she loved her sailing man. Yes she loved him. He was the sweetest guy she had met in ages. There was no one back home like him and truth be told she would never find anyone like Gilligan. He was one of a kind.
Gilligan smiled at his "bride". She was pretty that was for sure. And now that he was standing there he was liking the idea of her being his. It felt right. Mary Ann was so kind and nice to everyone. He liked being with her. She actually would listen when he told tales from home. Skipper would get annoyed and would say he droned on too much but not Mary Ann. She loved his stories. It was nice to have someone who listened to him. And no one could bake a pie like she could. The best coconut crème pie in the world she made! Was he ever lucky to have this terrific girl in his life! He bet the guys back home would be jealous. Boy the look on their faces if they could see his Mary Ann! She would be the prettiest girl in Pennsylvania that was for sure. He bet she was the prettiest in all of Kansas.
The two said the traditional vows and placed rings that were borrowed from the Howells on their fingers. When Skipper told Gilligan he could kiss his bride, this time he did not run. He placed a gentle kiss on her lips and she beamed at him. Everyone applauded and Mary Ann hugged her new "husband" with a big smile on her face. Ginger dabbed her eyes. She wrapped her arms around the Professor. "Don't you just love weddings?" She asked her hand gently touching the skin inside his shirt. Her lips lightly kissing his temple. "I do. I just love them."
He sighed knowing he couldn't fight it and there was no sense in continuing to try. "You want to get married Ginger?" The scholar asked point blank.
"I thought you would never ask!" Ginger exclaimed. "Of course I would marry you!"
He turned around and placed a long deep kiss on her lips as she wrapped him up in her arms tightly. "I love you Ginger." He said breaking the kiss momentarily.
"I love you too darling." She said returning her lips to his.
The party to celebrate the union between Gilligan and Mary Ann began. Mr. Howell put on a record that Mary Ann had with her on the Minnow. The song playing was Blue Moon. It was one of her favorites and as it turned out one of Gilligan's too. The farm girl felt as if she was floating on a cloud as they danced. "This is wonderful Gilligan." She said. "Don't you think so?"
"Yeah it is." He said spinning her around. "I'm having fun."
"You know Gilligan." She said moving closer. "Since we are "married" we could technically…"
He paused for a minute. "Uh Mary Ann…I…I…."
"I love you." She said kissing his lips.
His eyes bugged out as her lips were against his but then he decided he liked her kiss and placed his arms around her. Maybe Mary Ann was right….maybe they could…He broke the kiss and gazed upon his bride. "I love you too Mary Ann." He said.
The party came to a close and Gilligan whisked his bride away to a clearing that was just beyond the lagoon. He set a blanket down along with two cups and a bottle of champagne that Mrs. Howell lent him after informing Mr. Howell it was a special occasion. Gilligan had also brought two torches and lit them so they would have some light. He sat down on the blanket taking Mary Ann's hands in his. "I love you Mary Ann. And I am glad you are mine."
"I'm glad you are mine." She said. "I love you Gilligan. I always had." She then grinned. "I knew it was love. I've known it from the first." Mary Ann kissed him gently. "From the first."
"Me too." He replied with a grin. "Me too."
Gilligan took the champagne bottle and Mary Ann began kissing him. All of a sudden the cork just popped out of the bottle with a loud pop. Gilligan looked down in amazement and Mary Ann laughed as the bubbly spilled over. The champagne was poured into the two cups and Gilligan said a toast. "To us. To a new beginning."
"To us." Mary Ann said. They clinked their cups and took a sip Mary Ann looked up at the night sky. "It's sure beautiful here at night."
Gilligan nodded. "Everything looks so different." He remarked. "It's kind of mysterious in a way."
"Yeah it is. But romantic." She set her cup down. "Very romantic."
Their lips met and they fell back onto the blanket with the bright moon shining down on them. Gilligan paused a minute and looked at Mary Ann. "You know. I would fight anyone for you." He said. "Even if Maliko had not hit that tree, I wouldn't have given up. I would have kept fighting."
"I know you would have. You are my brave hero. I love you!" With that their lips met once again as they held each other under the sky.
The End!