Chapter 1


It's the first week of January, I just came home from spending the holidays with Ray. It was quiet with just us and Ray's new girlfriend, Rita. I really like Rita; she is very sweet and takes good care of him. While I was visiting Ray helped me look for a new car, but I couldn't find one in my price range. My beloved Beetle, Wanda, died over the summer so I had to get a new car. So now, I use Zipcar when I need it.

I was lucky enough to get an internship at a publishing house, SIP, shortly after graduation. It was a little rocky at first since my boss, Jack, was pretty creepy and hit on me. Luckily for me, he was fired for harassment when he was inappropriate with the HR Manager in front of Mr. Roach. My new boss, Mary, is really cool. She's really made it a point to teach me about the publishing industry.

My best friend, Kate, just got engaged on New Year's Eve to Elliot. She met Elliot about six months ago when she interviewed his brother for an article of our college newspaper. As she was leaving Christian's office, she bumped into Elliot and it was love at first sight. I've only met Elliot's brother a couple of times but they couldn't be more different if they tried.

"Kate, let me see the ring again." She happily shows me her engagement ring and it is beautiful. It's a stunning 1-carat solitaire Tiffany engagement ring in yellow gold. "It's so beautiful and so classic!" I have never seen her so happy before.

"Ana, you'll be my Maid of Honor, right?" Kate asks me.

"You're not going to have Elliot's sister as your Maid of Honor?"

"Of course not. I love her, and she's going to be a bridesmaid, but you're my best friend." She smiles at me. Kate is my rock. When people first meet us I'm sure they think we're exact opposites but I think that's why we're so close. We complement each other.

"I would be honored, Kate!" I give her a big hug. "I know it's been only a few days but do you have a date picked out?"

"We're thinking a spring wedding would be nice. Maybe mid-April." Kate already has a stack of bridal magazines to look through. "Just one thing, though…"

"What's that?" She seems so serious, what could be such an issue around her wedding.

"You know, Elliot is asking his brother, Christian, to be the best man so it means that he not only will be your escort for the wedding but you'll have to work with him and do some planning as well. I know you don't like him very much but he and Elliot are very close."

"Kate, I completely understand. It will be fine. Plus, it's not that I don't like him, I hardly know him. It's just that the few times I've met him he seemed a little… stuck up."

Kate starts to giggle. "I know! He's so different from Elliot. And I don't think he approves of me very much. All he does is work. Granted, he's very successful but I remember when I interviewed him I thought he was so cold. You know?"

"I do. So, enough about the wet blanket, what is my first job as a Maid of Honor?"

"Well, my parents want to throw us an engagement party. Would you help me out so I don't kill my mother with it?"

"I would love to. Hey, at least you know your mom is going to design you the perfect wedding dress." Kate's mom is a dress designer and is pretty exclusive. She made Kate's prom dresses and they were stunning. We sit together on the couch looking through the magazines for ideas.


My older brother Elliot proposed to his girlfriend, Katherine, over New Years. Honestly, I don't know how he puts up with her. She's pushy and obnoxious but he loves her so whatever. At least I know I would never have to compromise myself for someone like that. People like me don't do love. I have my subs for my gratification and then I work, which I enjoy immensely. That's really all I need.

Elliot asked to come over my house today, for what I assume is to ask me to be his Best Man. He hinted as much anyway. I'm in the great room reading the Wall Street Journal when he comes in. "Hey, bro. How's it hanging?" Elliot has always had a way with words.

"Hello, Elliot. And how it's hanging is none of your business."

"You are so uptight. Sounds like you need one of your playroom girls again." Elliot knows all about my past after he caught me one night with a sub. I told him everything about Elena, my submissives, and my playroom. At first, I was worried he would think I was a depraved human being but he seems to think I was a victim. I wasn't but a weight was lifted off my shoulders when I told him.

"Shut up, Elliot." But he does have a point. I haven't had a new sub for a few months. Elena usually helped me contract with my subs but a few months ago we had a falling out when she made a pass at me. When I rejected her she got really angry and starting yelling that she made me and she could ruin me. I was always thankful for her because I do believe she helped turn my life around when I was fifteen but I built my company on my own. She may have lent me the capital to start it but I paid her back ten-fold with the salons. For some time, however, I felt I was drifting apart from her. I was no longer the fifteen-year-old boy she could control.

"So, brother of mine, I'm actually here to ask you to be my best man."

"Of course I will. I know we joke a lot but you not only are my brother but my best friend. I'm glad you are happy with Katherine, Elliot."

"Good, I'm glad you can be my Best Man. And, you can just call her Kate like normal people. Listen, there's one more thing. Kate is asking Ana to be her Maid of Honor so you will have to do some things with her. Can you be nice to her for Kate's sake?"

"You don't expect me to become friends with her, do you? I don't know how she's even friends with Kate."

"Ana is a sweet girl if you get to know her. She's just shy."

"Shy? More like plain and boring with no personality."

"Dude, you're harsh."

"No, I'm just a good judge of character and can read people."

"Regardless, Kate's parents want to throw us an engagement party so please be on your best behavior."

"Me? On my best behavior? What about you, Elliot?"

"Hey, if anything, I'm overly friendly."

"That's going to end soon." Elliot starts to laugh and opens a beer.