The Fire Dragon's Pain Part 1 The Dragon's Farewell

Summary: Jellal after being released from prison comes to the Fairy Tail guild wanting a second chance Makarov allows this and Erza is happy but Natsu isn't he leaves the guild to follow his own path

A/N: This story take place after Fairy Tail and the Alliance defeated Oracian Seis. Jellal comes to Fairy Tail wanting to join. Natsu on the other hand hates Jellal and quits when Makarov allows Jellal to join. Erza is happy that she now has her friend back but in gaining her friend she loses another as Natsu walks his own path alone.

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail if I did it would already be NatsuxErza.

It's been a month since the alliance beat Oracian Seis. Lucy gained some new Zodiac keys so she was happy. Erza was unhappy because her oldest friend Jellal was taken away. Natsu also wasn't happy ever since they got back Natsu has distanced himself from Erza not that she noticed all she seemed to care about was that bastard Jellal.

Natsu had come to realize something after he saved her from Jellal he noticed he was gaining strong feelings for his fellow guild member Erza Scarlet of course It was pointless to tell her she only seemed to care for that bastard who tried to sacrifice her Jellal at least he was locked up where he should be well that's what he thought the next moment his hopes came crashing down when the guild doors opened and who was there but that bastard Jellal.

Erza was in shock whilst Natsu was pissed He's out already what the hell He watches as Jellal walk up to Makarov and even though Natsu's across the room he heard what Jellal asked Makarov he wants to join Fairy Tail. Natsu is still pissed but that turns to shock when Makarov allows him to join. Natsu stands up "This is a fucking joke right your allowing anyone to join now."

Makarov looks over at Natsu "Now now Natsu everyone deserves a second chance."

Natsu stands up and walks to the door he opens the door then stops "Some people do not that bastard and it makes it easier for me he's in I'M OUT."

He storms out of the guild leaving everyone in shock. Happy rushes out after his adoptive father he finds him at there home he finds Natsu packing "Natsu what are you doing where are you going."

Natsu continues packing "What does it look like I'm leaving to hell with Fairy Tail first we let in Gajeel and Juvia well I don't have a problem with her but Jellal after what he did the old man's lost it so I'm leaving."

Happy sighs "Then I'm coming with y.. Before he can finish Natsu knocks him out "Sorry Happy where I'm going your not following stay here with Lucy and the others."

He then leaves his house and heads out of the village with no destination in mind other then to get as far away from here as possible. He doesn't even look back he continues walking typical it's raining heavily but he hardly cares.

A few hours later everyone's in the guild talking when Happy bursts through the door "NATSU'S GONE." Lucy approaches him "Gone where."

Happy sniffs "He's left the guild he knocked me out so I couldn't follow him."

Erza's in shock Natsu. Gray smirks "Don't worry Happy he's just letting off some steam."

Happy shakes his head "No he's gone he was packing when I got there everything's gone he's not coming back now I've lost both my foster parents."

Mirajane sighs This is so sad I hope he'll be OK out there all alone. The rest of the guild are also in shock none more so then Natsu's former teammates. Erza sighs I finally got one friend back and now I've lost another.

Meanwhile Natsu reaches Balsam village several miles from Magnolia town he decides to rest as it's getting quite late he finds a hotel he pays with jewels without giving a name.

Back at the Fairy Tail guild Natsu's former squad mates are restless they can't believe Natsu would just leave for Happy it was a total shock. For Gray he's just confused not thinking that Natsu would ever leave the guild he loved so much.

Lucy misses her first friend Natsu and now he's gone. As for Erza she's in shock thinking the same thing as Gray is but also thinking about what happened in the tower Natsu never gave up on her and now he's given up on the guild he loved and fought for could it be because of Jellal that he's gone does Natsu hate him that much that he'd abandon all his friends.

The next day Natsu gets up he's about to leave town when he's confronted by an old man "You've finally arrived."

Natsu looks at him "What do you mean."

The old man smiles "I'm the mayor of the town we sent a request for someone to help us for Vulcan's are terrorizing us they've taken people also please help us your from the Fairy Tail guild correct."

Natsu sighs "Not anymore but I will save these people and get rid of these Vulcan's do you know where they are."

The mayor points up to the mountains "Up there please help us."

Natsu nods "I will help you I'll be back soon."

Natsu leaves the village heading up into the mountains he uses his senses to find the camp he looks on OK 100 Vulcan's didn't expect that many still it should be a challenge and that's what I live for. Natsu steps out from his hiding place "Hey Vulcan's come say hello to my fists."

The Vulcan's look at Natsu and immediately start attacking him. Ever since Natsu beat Jellal he's become powerful especially as he beat Laxus also.

He grins "I'm all fired up now let's rock" He charges at the Vulcan's he uses Fire Dragon's Roar, Fire Dragon's Claw, Fire Dragon's Iron Fist, Fire Dragon's Wing Attack, Fire Dragon's Sword Horn, Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame, Fire Dragon's Flame Elbow, Fire Dragon's Crushing Fang, Fire Dragon's Grip Strike, Fire Dragon's Roasting Bath, Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon's Fist, Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade, Crimson Lotus: Phoenix Blade.

With using all that Magic he manages to beat all 100 Vulcan's surprising even himself. He looks around and hears crying inside the cave he enters the cave and sees several people "Hey guys I've come to rescue you the Vulcan's are history it's time to take you home."

Meanwhile in the Guild Erza, Gray, Lucy and Happy have left Magnolia town heading on a mission to Balsam Village to rescue the village not knowing Natsu's already completed the mission

Natsu helps everyone down the mountain. A few hours later Natsu returns to Balsam Village leading everyone back there the Mayor looks on in shock not believing what he's seeing but he's happy he even sees his daughter and can't believe it he grabs Natsu's hands "Thank You Thank You I can never repay you I thought whoever was taken would be dead Vulcan's eat people don't they."

Natsu looks at him "They don't eat people I'm not sure why they took these people to be honest but there all back here safe and sound."

The Mayor smiles "Well thank you I will get your reward plus an extra reward for rescuing everyone who was taken."

Natsu nods "OK."

The mayor comes back 30,000 jewels plus an extra 30,000 for rescuing everyone who was taken."

Natsu smiles "Thanks well I'll be off."

The mayor smiles "Well thank you what is your name is I may ask."

Natsu looks at him "I'd rather not say."

The Mayor smiles "Very well thank you again."

Natsu smiles he goes into a shop and buys a large black coat with a hood to cover his arms and face he then leaves the village a few hours Erza and the others arrive there still down about Natsu not being with them still a mission is a mission. They arrive in the village and are surprised it seems the whole village is having a party. Erza and the others are confused they head to the Mayor's home.

The Mayor smiles "Oh hello are you here for the party."

Erza is confused "I thought your village was having Vulcan problems."

The Mayor smiles "Oh it was before we were saved oh I see your from Fairy Tail also so was he."

Erza seems confused nobody else was taking this mission "I don't understand nobody else was sent here was it a team."

The mayor smiles "No one man."

Erza nods "Mystogan."

The Mayor chuckles "No it wasn't him he wouldn't give his name but he took out 100 Vulcan's and rescued over 50 people from them he had the same tattoo as you guys oh he had Pink Hair I remember that much such a powerful young man so my daughter who was taken told me she thinks he was called The Salamander."

Erza and the others are shocked but also happy. Erza smiles Nice work Natsu "He's not here now is he."

The Mayor shakes his head "No we wanted to invite him to the party in his honour but he declined he left must have been four or five hours ago atleast."

Erza sighs "Did you see which way he went."

The mayor again shakes his head "No I'm sorry I was a little emotional because I had my daughter back I heard Vulcan's eat people The Salamander said they don't."

Erza nods "He is correct well we will be going enjoy your party."

Erza and there friends turn back and head back home but atleast they know Natsu's OK. Happy is especially sad that they all missed Natsu by a few hours. It takes a few hours to get to Magnolia Town when they enter the guild Mirajane looks up she sees the sad dejected looks of them all. Happy Lucy and Gray sit down at the table and Erza sits at the bar.

Mirajane smiles "Wow that was quick I know you was good but why the long faces."

Erza sighs "We got there to late."

Mirajane looks shocked "What are you saying the village was wiped out."

Erza shakes her head "No the mission was already accomplished."

Mirajane nods "Some other guild did it."

Erza shakes her head "Natsu did it himself."

Mirajane smiles "Wow atleast he's OK then that's good to know don't worry he'll come back."

Erza shakes her head "I don't think so."

Mirajane sighs "I see well that's sad how about some Strawberry Cheesecake to cheer you up."

Erza stands up "Not right now I'll see you later."

Mirajane is shocked She turned down Strawberry Cheesecake she never turns it down she really is depressed.

Erza leaves the guild heading home when she hears her name being called she stops and turns around and sees Jellal approaching her "Hello Jellal."

He smiles "Hello Erza back already you only left a few hours."

She sighs "What is it you want Jellal I'm not in the mood right now."

He nods "It's about us actually."

She raises an eyebrow "Us what do you mean."

He smiles "Can we go for a walk."

She sighs "Fine."