When I saw the old cemetery fence again, after everything and so much time, a lump spontaneously appeared in my throat. Though perhaps I only noticed it now; during the entire car ride I'd been dreamily watching the sunrise – in awe of the red, gold, orange and even purple in the sky –, not thinking of anything in particular. Next to me on the backseat lay a small garland of red and white flowers, ready to ornament the white stone.
We were all quiet while the car came to a halt and we stepped out. Dad and I flanked each other on our way there, with Bucky following a step behind. We halted a few feet from mom's stone, looking down while a fresh breeze played around with my hair. The red flowers contrasted beautifully, along with the red ribbon now also fluttering in the wind.
After a while, dad turned to me, and asked for a moment alone. Naturally, I agreed, and made a request of my own: whether I could show Bucky something. Fortunately, I received a positive answer, so I turned to Bucky and gestured towards the entrance. Briefly, he put his hand on my father's shoulder, before he walked along with me.

Strolling along the small path I had run along many a day, I enjoyed the still rising temperature of the morning winds, which rustled the leaves all around us. It took a considerate longer time to walk than it did to run, but eventually we reached the trees surrounding the now nearly sacred meadow. I glanced up at Bucky. His eyes widened when he recognised the view.
'This is…?'
'Yeah… it is a lot better in real life, isn't it?' I stepped a bit forward, letting my fingertips slide along the tops of the flowers, feeling the soft petals bend underneath the gentle pressure. I stopped, closed my eyes, and breathed in deeply, enjoying the warmth of the sun. When I opened my eyes again, another gust of wind let the treetops dance and stirred Bucky hair and the wide, white blouse he was wearing. I chuckled when the edges curled up and he had to rearrange the fabric.
He smirked apologetically. 'It's a bite wide,' he confessed, 'but I like it like this. It's… freeing.'
It was, not only for him; it was so obvious he was in control of his own appearance again. He looked so different with washed hair and a clean shaved face, a billowing white blouse and faded jeans. His current appearance barely reminded me of the Winter Soldier, though he didn't look like James Buchanan Barnes from WW2 either. It was an all-new Bucky Barnes.
I smiled teasingly. 'It suits you.'

Elated, I nearly skipped over to a big sturdy tree and jumped up, grasping a thick branch low enough down to hold on to, and started pulling myself up. Just as my arms started to protest, I swung myself on top of the bough, turned and sat down. Now I was the one pulling down my shirt to cover my belly.
When I looked down, I saw Bucky frown, gazing at my side, where seconds ago my skin had been visible. Not only skin, however; it was exactly the spot where the white scar still ran along my side.
'Why don't you come up?' I called down.
Bucky seemed a bit startled, but quickly came into motion and in no time at all he was sitting next to me. (His superhuman strength and metal limb came in handy). I shifted a bit until I sat comfortably against his shoulder and gazed out across the lush field.
'I saw you looking.'
'Yeah. And I think you're doing the guilt thing again, so I just want to tell you something, okay?' I didn't wait for an answer. 'Because I have a feeling you think the scar bothers me. Let me just say that it doesn't, honestly.' Bucky didn't respond. He was looking out, just as I was, but his face told me he didn't really believe me. 'In a way I'm happy about it. This scar is a reminder of love.'
'Yes, love,' I smiled, taking his hand. 'When I got this scar, I never understood how much the people around me love me, and how much I love them. Dad, Sam, Natasha… even Tony,' I laughed quietly, 'they all care for me, but I was too blinded by dissatisfaction to see it. I just took them for granted.'
Bucky's frown started fading. 'That sounds nice.'
'It is,' I agreed. 'But it isn't everything. Because this scar is a reminder of a wound you healed, and it reminds me of how you helped.'
Bucky was quiet. His eyes panned around - he was thinking deeply. Then he looked down at our hands and smiled. 'When I helped you… I don't think I had ever saved something before I met you. I only destroyed. So I'll never forget I shot you, but… if I hadn't, and I'd never met you or gotten to know you… I'd still be locked up in my own mind. But now…' incredulously he took in the little blossoms on the branches, the flowers on the ground, and finally us, sitting in a tree, 'now I have all this. I have you.'
'Well, then,' I smiled, 'isn't it the most beautiful scar that has ever existed?
His eyes glistened. His grip tightened a bit around my hand. 'It certainly is.'


It isn't easy, being daughter of Steve Rogers – also known as the legend Captain America. Not at all.
First of all, there are people out to get you, who want you to use against your father, for you are his greatest weakness.
Second of all, your family situation can be a bit… complicated. Ages don't add up, and it's difficult to assign the typical family roles to any one of them.
Third of all, we can both be a bit headstrong, so communication isn't always our forte. It can take an awfully long time before we tell the other one what's really going on in our heads.

They do say I look like him, with my blond hair and blue eyes, but if I'd have to point out the similarities between us, I'd say it is our determination to save those we love. Because we love fiercely, we Rogers. We don't let go easily – we've got a strong heart. Love is our greatest weakness, but that's okay, because it is also our greatest strength.
It is how we survived the greatest of setbacks, how my father was able to pick that shield and how he still carries it today, how I was able to withstand the evil forces trying to turn me into a weapon to use against my father – it is how we brought back James Buchanan Barnes.

So, it isn't easy, being Steve Rogers' daughter. But I wouldn't change it for the world.