Asami Ryuchi was sitting in his leather couch in his office, in Sion, while reading some new reports and drinking whisky . He hear his phone ringing, he had ha answered his phone and put it to his ear.

- Asami.

- Asami-sama we have found them. What are your orders?

- Keep watching them.

- Yeas, sir.

Asami Ryuchi had put his phone down and tough. ,, Finally I have found them, now I can take them with me".

It turns out that great Asami Ryuchi fathered a Twins with a young actress 4 years ago, but she kept it in the dark from him. It turn out that she didn't want him to know about the twins even after her death in the traffic accident. Looks like that she left twins in the care of an unknown young man called Takaba Akihito. He looked in to the photo of Akihito and his two children smiling and playing in the park.

- I need to pay him a visit. Kirishima, contact Takaba Akihito and ask him to meet me, if he refuses just say that I am the real father of the twins and it is only right for me to want to get to know my own children.

- And what if he will still refuse to meet you sir?

- Just tell him that I will take them by force if he will refuse to meet me.

- Understood Asami-sama.

Asami's Ryuchi's secretary smiled and went to his office to contact the young man known as Takaba Akihito.

- Hello?

- Is this Takaba Akihito?

- Yeas, who are you?

- My name is Kirishima Kei, I am the secretary of Asami Ryuchi.

- And…? I don't remember having something to do with him, or ever meeting him.

- The twins which you are rising is his, Asami- sama is their biological father.

- Now just wayt a moment!

- The young man sounded confused and angry at the same time.

- So you are saying that, that Asami Ryuchi, the one and only is Erika's and Saito's father?!

- Yes, he is.

An uninterested voice answered, which made the young man more angry.

- Then what the hell was he doing these 2 years? Erika and Saito doesn't have a mother over 2 years now!

- Asami-sama didn't know that he has children, these news reached him only few weeks ago.

This time secretary answered in annoyed voice, he didn't like that some unknown brat dared to say something like that about his boss.

- This doesn't change the fact that he was sleeping around with woman not caring about consequences. And he was probably using money that woman would leave him alone after he was done with them.

- Now listen there you insolent brat! You have no right to talk like that about Asami-sama!

- If you think that I will be giving children to a man who acts like that with woman and which dint even call me himself even tough it concerns his children, anddddd which used his secretary to contact me, you are dead wrong, now if you will excuse me mister secretary I have to go.

Kirishima, wasn't fast enough to give the insolent young man a piece of his mind, because Takaba had already ended the call. Enraged secretary returned back to Asamis's office and dint bother to hide his pissed off expression.

When Kirishima marched into Asami's office obviously pissed off and his eyes red from anger, Asami perfectly knew what happened between his secretary and the young man because he had listened to their conversation trough his office phone. He couldn't hide his grin, he never tough that there would be ever a person who would dare to speak like that to Kirishima and would say something like that about him. Even tough he never met the young man, but he already like him.

He was already sick and tired of people who were worshiping him and tried to get close to him only, to get the taste of his wealth and be in his favor, but Takaba was different, he wasn't like them, he knew who he was an wasn't afraid like others, and he was sure that that beauty with hazel eyes will be his.

- Kirishima, order the men to fallow Takaba Akihito and prepare a detailed report about him, I want the report by tomorrow morning.

- Yeas, Asami-sama. What are you paling to do with him?

- I don't know yet.

Asami said while looking trough his office window at small people rushing to live, he smirked and tiought – time for some refreshment Takaba Akihito, you better prepare yourself.