Hello once again mina-san! I'm so very SORRY about my - very, very, very, very, very - late chapter! This chapter was about 45-46 pages without my bits! Yay!

Please read and Review!

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Inuyasha or anything related to Inuyasha other than media I have purchased for my own enjoyment. I have a hentai closet but that's just my obsession!

Chapter Forty-Six: The Storm

The Higurashi house was quiet, almost depressed in its thick air, and Kagome felt lethargic as she packed her bag full to the brim for yet another trip to the past.

She packed slowly, lost in her reflections of how her life had changed so drastically from nearly two years prior. It was so strange how girls her age in this time spent their time in school while worrying about boys and current fashion while she was more worried about medical supplies and battle strategy.

Somehow though she didn't feel any regret for how things had progressed in her life. After all without her trip through the well she wouldn't have met Inuyasha and fallen in love. Nor would she have met any of her friends or her adopted child. Then again, if she hadn't fallen into the well she doubted that Naraku would now have most of the shikon no tama nor would countless innocent people have died for the sake of the jewel.

The thought depressed her somewhat and she lingered over it a moment more before pushing it away with a frown. It would do her no good at all to keep in her mind; things were as they were and that was that.

Folding the last of her clothing she stuffed it into the bag and struggled with the clasp for a moment before throwing the pack over her shoulder, nearly toppling backwards with its weight. Readjusting the bag she left her room, tromping down the stairs to where breakfast awaited; she'd be leaving for Sengoku Jidai directly after.

The breakfast was good, traditional if nothing, but delicious and she savored it. It was over sooner than she had hoped and she helped her mother clean up before the family gathered at the door.

"I promise I'll be back as soon as I can, alright?" Kagome smiled down at her little brother, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "You keep studying, you hear me? I want a full report on your grades when I come back."

He smiled up at her and nodded, fully aware that she'd been crying in her room before she'd come downstairs the night before, but he kept it to himself. She was smiling now and he was glad of that.

"Oh dear, here are some more first aid kits. I know you're loaded down but," Mrs. Higurashi smiled sadly and offered them to her daughter.

"It's ok; I need those, thanks a million, Okaa-san!" She beamed at her mother and opened the gored yellow pack at her side.

She noticed with dismay that she needed to either drop something from the contents or leave the kits behind. That would be unacceptable however. Starring with furrowed brows at the contents of her bag she stood and sighed, "I'll be taking another small bag with me."

"You have so much already Kagome, it's too much for you to carry."

Accepting the bag her grandfather handed her she giggled at the bright pink pack covered in pockets and began to load it. In went the medical supplies, feminine hygiene products for she and Sango, extra knives, chop sticks, and other random necessary items into the pockets.

"It's fine Okaa-san, I'm stronger thanks to Inuyasha." She hefted her yellow pack onto her back and grabbed the other with her free hand. "I'll be fine, I promise."

Worry filtered through brown eyes but her mother finally nodded and wrapped her arms around her. She held on tight to her daughter and Kagome closed her eyes, memorizing the feel of her mother against her: the smell of her perfume, the texture of her skin where it touched her cheek. She always feared that she would be without her mother one day and wanted to cherish what time she did have.

Finally separating from her parent Kagome gave her brother and grandfather hugs, whispering her goodbyes. She looked at her family gathered in the doorway of their home and wondered what she would do without them.

Turning to leave she paused and remembered a vital task, "Okaa-san, on my desk, there is a stack of school work I've gotten done. Could you drop it off for me? That way I'm a little ahead."

"Hai, but you were supposed to be resting, not working."

"It helped pass the time."

That was mostly a lie and Mrs. Higurashi knew it but she said nothing and only gave a slight nod of acknowledgement.

With a final wave and call of goodbye the girl turned on her heel and made her way towards the well house.

It's so good to finally go home. The thought came to her and she smiled, picking up her pace as she neared the doors that would give her access to the well.

Stepping in she shut the door firmly behind her, picked her way down the steps, and with a grunt lifted her self and the bags onto the well rim. She perched there for a moment, casting a glance around the ill lit building, and then slipped down into the well, the warm pull of its power a welcome sensation.

Kagome emerged from the well gasping for breath, fingers scrabbling at the wood as she pulled herself up and partially over the rim. She gave a grunt as her ribs were pressed against the wood and nearly held captive there due to the weight of her yellow pack. Flinging the smaller bag over and onto the ground she used her arms to pull up and pushed with her feet against the wall of the well, her shoes slipping against the moss covered stones, and with a huff and a wiggle she was over the well and collapsed beside it.

"Damn pack just gets heavier and heavier."

"No kidding."

Kagome looked up and smiled at the vision of her mate, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched her, "Couldn't help me out?"

"I was having fun watching your breasts jiggle as you got out."

"Hentai," she accused as she slipped the straps off her shoulder and stood, dusting off, "just for that you get to carry the big bag."

"Great, I've once again been demoted from mate to pack mule."

She walked by him with the pink pack slung over her shoulder, "At least you're useful that way," she grinned at his glower and made her way down the path with a sway to her hips.

She could feel his eyes lingering on her ass and she grinned. She rather liked teasing him; he was so easy to get to.

At least the view is good. Inuyasha smirked and jogged to catch up with her.

They walked together for a time in silence, hands locked together between them, and simply bathed in the presence of the other, content. Soon however, Kagome's thoughts strayed to the shikon no tama, and as though sensing her unspoken question Inuyasha filled her in on the happenings in her absence.

Aside from the talk of shikon shards the walk was uneventful and when they reached the village they were met by their companions and they set out from there, none of them wishing to linger for too long save for a quick visit to Kaede's.

The fire in the prayer room had been roaring something fierce for the past three – almost four – days. Suaru sat before it now, watching as the flames flickered and bowed as if caressed by a hard wind. Shadows danced around the room and over her form, lingering in the corners and growing larger with each movement of flame.

It was not a good sign.

A frown took residence upon her lips and she stood suddenly, waving a hand out before her as if waving away a pest, "Peace!"

The fire slowed and grew quiet, the omen of bad fortune receding for the moment.

"I thank you for your wisdom and warning, fire." She bowed as best she could and was rewarded with the flickering of flames dying slightly before rising once more.

Turning from the room she left, two priestesses shutting the door behind her before following her along the small unadorned hall that lead to the main prayer room. They opened the doors for her and she glided in, pausing to cast a glance about at the various females who prayed at the several alters in the room. Their voices rose in a soft murmur and she was awed that many of them prayed for the safe return of Sesshoumaru and the luck for those in league with Inuyasha seeking the shikon no tama in their quest.

Seeing Namiko waiting for her at the doors she smiled but instead of a returned smile she received a look of worry and fear. She hurried to her, panic rising in her chest.

"Namiko," she took the others hands in hers.

"I have seen something most alarming," she pulled her closer, away from any straying ears, "the spirits have spoken of three who have returned to this plain once again, by force of another being."

"Yes," Namiko's glance demanded answers, "It seems that the lord of death and resurrection has returned to us once more."

"You know of him and this? He has made it passed our wards, how," Suaru cut her off by pressing a finger to the female's lips.

"It does not matter, all that matters is that he is not to find us, do you understand," she ran a hand through the others hair, "I want the guards doubled and I want the spiritual wards and the whole lot of defenses we have intensified."

"He'll be coming here then?"

She shrugged slightly and made to leave, "We shall prepare for the worse. Though if I suspect who he has brought back correctly, we may be in danger; I will leave you to tell your mate of the news."

She left before another word could be spoken and before Namiko could accost her for any further information.

Why does she fear who he has brought back more than he himself? Namiko cast the thought about in her head and finding no suitable answer she left it for a later time. Suaru would be a fool to think she was done with her.

Ares withered in the bed, screaming as if something was devouring her from the inside out, and it jerked Kouga awake as if someone had plunged a dagger into his stomach.

Lurching up he placed his body over her; pinning her against the sheets. She was thrashing violently; her lips were bleeding from cuts inflicted by her own fangs, her eyes rolling up into her skull as though she were possessed.

There was a flurry of movement behind him all at once at the chamber doors, multiple voices and scents crashing against his senses and he snarled at those who filed in and surrounded the bed. The flesh of his hands and legs that connected with Ares felt like they lay against a fire and he could feel panic rising within and along with it his beast.

Kina was speaking to him softly – treating him like a cornered animal with a wound – and he fought the urge to lash out at her. What was wrong with him? Why was he acting as if he was defending Ares? She needed help.

A long moan of pain filled the room and he starred shell shocked down at Ares. She wasn't thrashing now; in fact she'd gone perfectly still and was watching him. Crimson swirled under the surface of her amethyst eyes and he was hit with the most delicious scent.

It was heady like spiced wine that had aged to perfection and without another thought he had buried his nose against her throat, inhaling deeply. She mewled and bared her throat; submitting. That small movement sent fire to his loins.

Her yukata was gaping slightly, affording him with a view of the tops of her breasts. His hands had minds of their own and they trailed through her hair, down her cheeks, tickling along her neck, caressing her shoulders, skimming down to the open cloth. Just one little flick of his claws and his view would be unhindered; so close.

Hands grabbed him about the middle and he was airborne before he even had a chance to register who'd gotten hold of him. A male stood before the end of the bed. Kouga starred at him for a moment, still winded and lost as to who in the hell he was.

A dark grey pelt rested about his hips, covering the white sheer pants he wore till about mid thigh. His chest was bare save for the few stands of ash and brown hair that fell across his shoulders. His eyes were sharp and fierce like wolf eyes and those bright orange eyes watched him as though daring him to come at him.

A female was sitting upon the bed with Ares, holding her close to her breast as if to protect her. She locked grey eyes with his blue ones and barred her fangs. He could scarcely see her for the male guarding them but he caught site of a short silver robe embroidered at the hems – though the hem was only to her mid thigh – and beneath that coming down to her knees a sheer shift of white. Her hair was a mix of white dappled with grey and it was pulled back into a complicated bun.

He realized exactly who he'd been looking at with a start. Kai and Rei.

Shaking his head he staggered to his feet, feeling as though he'd just woken from a daze.

Rei was shouting orders to those in the room, "Get all the males out," she turned her gaze to Kinjya and Anna who were now also curled about Ares, stroking what flesh they could touch gently to calm her, "you two will stay with her, its already begun to affect you."

They scarcely heard her and she rose, ushering the males out, "You, Kina, help me; they must leave. You'd do well to lock your daughters up before they begin to follow Ares's lead as well!" She pushed the girls from the room and Hakkaku and Ginta followed after.

Kouga found himself being hoisted up and then dropped outside his chamber doors. Rei and Kai followed him out and before he could protest Rei had sealed the doors and taken guard.

"Just what the fuck is going on?" He was pissed, horny, and completely lost as to what the hell had happened within the last five minutes.

First he'd woken to Ares in pain, and then he'd nearly ravished her in front of several pack members and Ukusa- who he now saw cuddled in Maiyuka's arms, thank the gods – and now he'd been kicked out of his own room and Ares and her two females had been locked in. It was far too much in too short a span of time.

Kai leveled his gaze on him again and he could nearly feel the animosity from the other as though it were tangible, "Ares is in heat."

Oh. Feeling brilliant for being slow this morning he returned Kai's glare and would have started a verbal argument to distract the male had his mate not stepped in.

"With each passing heat that Ares does not mate it becomes more violent and occurs more than once a month. She is an alpha female and therefore must be kept away from the other females before she influences them to go into a heat as well."

"What of the two females with her?" Kina was also at the door but made no move to get past Rei.

Shrugging she leaned against the doorframe. "They're used to it. They've been with Ares for a few years now; they go through it with her. Hopefully she'll select an alpha male for herself once this heat is over."

"She does not need a male."

"Really Kai, you know she does, she can't keep going through this, it's too much for her," she pushed away from the door, "she must do it for herself and as her duty as the alpha female of her clan."

Kouga could tell that this was an old argument and before he could be drug into the middle of it he stood and marched his pack members out of the hall. He'd need to relocate for the time being. Damn it all; it was too early for this shit.

The dungeon was ill lit, cold, and very uncomfortable. Of course, Izayoi hadn't expected anything else from it once she'd realized that she was in an actual dungeon. Gathering her kimono under her she tried to keep what little warmth she had to herself. What little light was available came from the far wall where two torches took residence. She could make out the pattern of blood stains crisscrossing the room and she grimaced. Who ever this place belonged to didn't seem to have much care for the appearance of the room, save for the chains.

She tugged at her own chains though it was futile. They gleamed and looked to be polished silver, the chains connecting to the shackles being thick and sturdy. The shackles were at her ankles and she gave them another tug. Apparently the devices used to hold the prisoners were top notch.

The door creaked ominously as it was pushed open and she crawled back towards the wall, keeping low to the floor. She waited there, crouched down with her back against the wall as several males tromped in, six of them bearing the weight of a larger being that they lay a few feet from her and began to shackle as well.

They paid her no mind, not even sparring a glance in her direction, and when they'd finished they rose and went back out the way they came without so much as a word between them.

Curiosity was getting the better of her and slowly she inched toward the still being, praying that she wasn't about to find herself in another mess. Being locked in a dungeon was a large problem already; adding another being that was hostile would just be the icing on the cake.

Her breath caught in her throat and she felt the pit of her stomach drop as she took in the male's face. He was handsome, entirely male save his long silver locks, his jaw was sharp, chin pronounced, his arched brows brought into focus by the long silver bangs brushing against them as if in teasing, the sharp nose, and lips that would make any grown female jealous for their gentle curve and softness.

She remembered the softness of those lips so well and with a trembling hand she reached out to stroke the alabaster skin. Oh gods, how she'd missed the touch of his flesh to hers.

How she'd missed her dear mate, her beloved Inutaisho.

"Oh beloved, I've missed you," she made no effort to fight the tears that came, "I wished everyday for so long that I could see you," her breath hitched painfully, "Inuyasha and I needed you so much; he more than I after my death."

She starred down at him and nearly shrieked in fright as her eyes met the burning gold of her mates. They were clouded from sleep but he starred at her and recognition was there along with the shock of seeing her once more. The last time he'd seen her was when he'd saved she and Inuyasha from the fire the night of Inuyasha's birth; the night he'd died.

"Izayoi?" The deep baritone like velvet brushed steel sent a shiver down her spine just as it had the day they'd met. He'd always had that kind of effect on her.

He starred at her for a heartbeat of moments and then began to rise. It was a slow progress and he growled low in anger at the weakness he felt in his body, but she ignored it as she helped him sit up and lean against the wall.

"What has happened Izayoi?"

His question set her heart to convulsing in pain and with a deep breath she gave warning, "I will tell you what I know, but please hold your words for now."

He nodded as if wary of her and she gritted her teeth. There really was no easy way to tell him how she'd died and had left their pup alone nor the events leading up to the truth. However, it was now or never.

The entire group was tense as they traveled and a unnatural silence fell over them, leaving even Shippo subdued. Kagome's tension had risen since she'd heard about the usagi destroying villages but it was more than that really.

Something had changed since she'd been gone, before actually but she'd paid it little notice, but now it was as if the earth itself was restless. Kagome rubbed her hands along her arms swiftly, irritated that her skin had prickled once again as if ants were doing a polka across her flesh.

She felt like eyes were following them, watching and calculating, but her senses found nothing. It was almost as if they had been dampened for even the hanyou and youkai in their group had not been felt as strongly as normal.

Perhaps she was still ill despite feeling better? Lingering exhaustion making her senses dull? Knowing no other explanation she shrugged it off as nothing more than that, though she kept her wits about her as they walked. It would not do for something to come at them unexpectedly.

So now they walked; Inuyasha in lead, Miroku after him with Shippo walking between he and Sango whom Kirara trotted just ahead of, and she taking the rear. Normally the group wouldn't allow it so but she'd insisted and not wanting to upset her they'd allowed it though they kept checking on her every so often with wary glances.

Worrywarts.She thought with a touch of affection.

Something,she thought with frustration, is wrong. I only hope that it wont be something negative for us.

Watching her human friends exchange looks before casting a united look of pleading her way she smiled and shook her head at them. She knew what they wanted and though she wasn't hungry she wouldn't deny them their meal.

"Inuyasha, lets stop for lunch, please!"

"Weaklings," he directed his glare at Sango and Miroku who studiously ignored him while he stomped towards a fallen log, "always having to stop, it's a miracle we get anything done!"

"Inuyasha, please dear?" Kagome's voice was tired and raising his brows at her he obliged her by settling on a low tree branch.

Opening her gorged pack as the others collected firewood and settled into a makeshift camp Kagome produced varying flavors of ramen, bottles of water, and a can of sardines. Throwing the last item to Sango - who gave it to a nearly dancing Kirara - and then the bottles of water to Miroku, the miko stood and made her way to the fire where a pot of water waited.

The group chattered lightly, Kagome giving her mother's regards and assuring them she was much better now. Occasionally she'd give a glance at the water - it seemed to be taking far too long to boil - as Shippo chatted animatedly about the latest things he'd drawn and done while she'd been away.

Soon enough however even he was quiet as Kagome handed out the food and only the sound of eating filled the air between them. Kagome however did not seem to be enjoying the meal as much as everyone else.

Lifting a bit of noodles to her mouth Kagome forced the bite down, blanching at the rubbery texture they'd taken during cooking. Judging by the way the others were quickly inhaling theirs it tasted fine, but she couldn't eat another bite.

Eying the nearly full cup in her hands she tried a sip of the broth and quickly followed it with half of the water in the bottle beside her.

I'd thought the broth might be better but, apparently not. She frowned at the innocent looking food item. Looking up she caught sight of Shippo and Inuyasha watching her and she smiled before offering them her portion.

"Aren't you hungry?" Shippo peered at her nearly full cup, the question a little unsure, as if he was nervous about taking the offered food.

"No, I'm not sick anymore but I wont be able to eat as well for a few days. Go ahead, you and Inuyasha split it."

Nearly sweating under the heavy stare of her mate she sighed in relief as he took the offered food and split it between himself and the kitsune before enjoying what was in his bowl.

When Inuyasha stood and tossed his cup into the fire the group looked to him, waiting for his barked orders they knew would - and did - come, "Hurry up and pack up; you can have a bit more rest after."

Graciously accepting the offer of more time they did as he bade and rid themselves of their own cups before gathering their supplies.

Separating herself from the group by a few feet Kagome held Shippo as he dozed, her back against the sturdy trunk of a gnarled tree probably older than herself. She ran soft hands over her little ones back as he nuzzled into her his nose pressed against her neck. She noted how he'd grown in the past few months and wondered how long it would be before he'd outgrow her arms. Hopefully longer than it seemed; she enjoyed the simple pleasure of being with the sweet, mischievous, little kitsune.

I hope that one day, when you're older, that you will be as proud of your children as I am of you. She thought it with much fondness and prayed that her kit remained safe throughout the ordeals of the shikon no tama. The chances of that were slim, she knew, but she had to at least hope for that was all she had; hope.

The thought of the Shikon set the hair on the nape of her neck to tingling and suddenly the world was clear. She felt a mass of energy from all sides pressing in around them, suffocating in the hatred of the beings aura, and she knew they were in danger.

"Inuyasha," her scream was drowned by the battle cry above them, "look out!"

Without thought she wrapped an arm around her kit, gave a lunge towards her weapon, had set him firmly between her knees so her body half covered him, aimed, and fired an arrow into the oncoming mass of fangs and claws.

They turned to ash at the touch of her holy power and she kept firing, trying desperately to make a dent in the barrage of attackers. It was as if they were an endless mass that blurred before her eyes and she screamed her rage and fear as she notched her arrows and sent them flying.

Shippo screamed from under her and she whirled, arrow in hand, and sunk it into the face of a creature - it looked like a cross between a spider and a human; walking on two feet but having six arms and an array of eyes across its face - and it screamed hands waving wildly about as she pushed her arrow deeper.

Claws cut her flesh and she jerked back, arrow still clutched in her hand and stained with the blood of the fallen youkai. Whirling she notched the arrow and sent it flying before she went for another, grasping at air.

Shit, shit, shit, shit!

She'd ran out of arrows!

"Get ready Shippo," she tensed and grabbed him before jumping and talking off at a full tilt towards the woods. Twisting around a grove of young trees she slipped a small pouch from her pocket and gave it to the child who tucked it away. Without looking back she darted left and emerged a moment later from behind a tree, arms now devoid of her son, whirling to face the oncoming youkai.

"You want the shikon no tama," she held the vial up in one hand and waved it, grinning, "then come and get it if you think you're strong enough!" That said she took off again, glancing back to be sure they followed her.

Shippo, Inuyasha, She blinked back the faint sting of tears as she tried to gain ground from the youkai, I love you all; I hope you know that.

Trembling Shippo waited with baited breath as the youkai stormed past his hiding spot as his mother drew them away, using the lure of the shikon no tama to keep him safe. It seemed he could hear the heavy breathing and footfalls of the pursing group for a long while and he bit his lips in effort not to wail with fear.

His mama may have been a miko but she was still just a ningen and she was out of arrows; how did she plan to fight?

Burying his head against his knees he locked his hands about his legs and kept silent, waiting for someone to come for him.

Kagome had dropped him into a thicket of foliage at the base of the tree she'd passed and he'd crawled into the burrow the tree roots had made, obediently he had placed a seal given to him by Kaede at the opening of his hide out; it was meant to keep him hidden from anyone who was not of his group that would mean him harm.

Kagome had been persistent that they prepare for the worse by actually practicing and talking about what to do in case they ever got separated. Apparently she was right to do so and Shippo was glad that his mother had made sure he was prepared.

Sighing he curled up and scooted further into the safe haven made by the roots as he settled in for a wait.

Be careful mama!

The scream his mate gave chilled Inuyasha to the bone and before he'd even a moment to glance her way a black cloud of bodies had descended upon him and his group.

Bastard youkai coming after them again! His claws and Tetsusaiga bit into the flesh of almost countless beings and he frantically searched for his mate.

A scream let him know she was fighting and he caught sight of her through the body he'd just split apart; on her knees with bow drawn taunt, firing into the oncoming enemy with a look of rage splashed across her face. He watched as she turned and sunk her arrow into the creature sneaking up behind her and then he was drawn back to the battle as another wave overtook him.

"Damn it, don't you fucking learn?" Raising his sword, checking to make sure that his pack would not be in the way, he brought the blade down, "Kaze no kizu!"

"Inuyasha," the voice was high with exhaustion and tension, "Kagome's gone!"

He whirled, found Sango was correct, and began hacking a path towards the place his mate had last been, "Get out of my way you weaklings!"

He turned, howled in anger, and before either ningen could say a word Kirara picked them up with claw and fang and Inuyasha unleashed the Kaze no kizu once again, and again, and again. There was naught but a mix of flesh, blood, and thicker things left in his wake, the once green foliage now a sickly dirty red.

"Lets go, they need our help," disappearing into the tree line his voice carried back to them, "Hurry up already!"

Scrambling they followed after him while Kirara took off ahead of them, passing Inuyasha, to search from above for the missing members of the group.

I'm going to die. The thought should have scared her, sent her shrieking and running for cover, yet she felt calm; peaceful even.

Starring at the drop below her - it had to be over twenty feet - she heard her pursuers close in.

"Well damn," the hair on the nape of her neck prickled and gooseflesh ran over her body, "I didn't want it to end like this."

It doesn't have to end this way.

Something whispered it to her mind, like a caress in the darkest part of her. She shuddered and turned to face the thinning woods where the sounds of crashing feet and yowls were growing louder.

The voice was right really, it didn't have to end this way. All she had to do was call forth power and use it like she'd done with the tiger youkai that had come for her shards before. However she'd been touching the male at the time and she doubted she'd make it out alive if she touched every single one that was after her right now; there was no way possible.

There is more than one way, touch needn't be applied.

Nodding slightly and not realizing she'd done so, she stepped forward and closed her eyes.

She was searching; reaching inward with a metaphysical hand as she searched for the place her power lay dormant, just under her sense of self. She found it lying like a cat in the sun, relaxed yet alert, and she reached for it. She coaxed it to full awareness by calling to it softly, cooing gently to lure it closer to her waiting hands.

It came to her, spilled into her body like a giant wave, touching things inside of her with silken texture - things that nothing should have been able to touch unless she was cut open from breasts to hips.

She felt as if fire overtook her and when the horde broke upon her she screamed, thrashing as the power pushed at her. It wanted out, it wanted to hunt!

Her hands rose in warding and the power exploded from her, going out like a ripple in water until it had consumed all within its grasp. There was no time to breathe, no time to struggle, and before she'd even regained her sight she was alone once more.

Dust scattered in the wind, flirting with her sandal clad feet, and then was taken by the breeze. Knees suddenly weak and head spinning she slumped only just catching herself with her hands as she began to fall face first into the grass.

Breathing is good. She took in the crisp air and slowly made it to her feet, her vision blurred at the edges.

Pressing fingers against her temples she attempted to distract herself from the oncoming headache as she wobbled back towards the woods. She wasn't sure exactly where she'd come from yet she had to find her group quickly. She was nothing more than easy prey if she kept idle.

One, two, three; three little rabbits as fluffy as could be, at one time all pristine white, but now stained crimson with the blood of the ningen they had just devoured.

Kagome stood stunned, eyes wide as she took in the carnage before her.

The man was dark skinned, balding, and rather plain looking – though his face was contorted in pain and fear even in death. The dark green haori and tan hakama he had worn were nothing but blood stained tatters left to cling to him, to which was also the fate of his fundoshi.

His stomach was a red ruin; the flesh eaten away to reveal his bowels, bites taken out of nearly every inch, his liver and kidneys gone. His spine could be seen; a wet and glistening whiteness marred by the red of blood through the hole that had been his abdomen. Her eyes grew wider as her gaze traveled down – his sex was gone, looking as though it had been taken in one bite.

An unsettling roll began in her stomach and she had to fight the urge to let her breakfast reappear.

The body shuddered and something began to crawl out from under the ribs with a thick, wet, pop.

It was another usagi, soaked with blood, the man's heart hanging from its mouth. It hopped out from the body and settled to the side, gnawing on the muscle in its mouth. The other rabbits moved on the body as one and the sound of ripping flesh and wet slurps filled the air.

Kagome took a deep breath to help steady herself and instantly regretted it. She could taste the fermented stench of the intestines and the sickly stench of a dead body left to ripen in the sun. The intestines smelled like an outhouse and the blood a metallic tang – both so thick that the taste caught at the back of her throat.

Bile rose thick and hot and it took many shallow breaths to keep the contents of her stomach under control.

The sound of flesh being torn increased and she winced.

Oh God.

Her vision spun for a moment and she closed her eyes, counting to ten slowly. Opening her eyes revealed the same scene of before, but she was ready for it now.

Her eyes kept shifting towards the usagi who was nibbling on the heart, and she noticed with alarm the rate at which it seemed to be growing. She'd blink and it would have grown a few inches both in height and width.

She watched on in morbid horror as the rabbit's bones began to pop and shift, pressing against the skin – looking so dangerously close to ripping through – until the sound of the flesh beginning to rip forced her eyes closed.

When it finally stopped she looked around the clearing, only to find a woman in the rabbits place, her bare body wet and reflective in the sun. The woman was fair haired – a soft white that glinted gold – and her small hands clutched the half eaten heart.

She was bared for the world to see, lying on her stomach, long legs stretched out behind her as her small tight breasts rested against the ground. A gentle curve of shoulder dipped as she shifted slightly, and Kagome could clearly see the dip of her back before the flesh of her buttocks rose and rounded into a tight curve.

She took a step back, intent on leaving and finding her companions, but fate had cursed her. The female's head snapped up, nostrils flaring, and she let out a wordless howl that sent tremors down Kagome's spine.

They moved as one, those who where in animal form shifting into the more humanoid body, towards her location and she whirled on her heel and bolted. Her feet thudded against the ground, the landscape blurring around her as she ran, all manner of vegetation snagging in her hair and clothing. Hearing the crashes of foliage behind her and the snarls and howls as they hunted her spurred her on.

She leapt over a fallen tree, twisted through the tangles of upturned roots and woods, only to emerge by a river. Without hesitation she waded in, propelling herself as fast as she could, until the bottom fell way from under her and she slipped beneath the surface. Resurfacing with a sputter she began her struggle towards the opposite shore, fighting the fast current.

She reached the other side and pulled herself up and out, the training garb weighing her movements as she scrambled on hands and feet for a moment before righting herself and taking off again. She'd lost the sandals she'd been wearing somewhere amongst the river and grimaced as she ran over several stones and other jagged protrusions.

A long cry went up behind her, followed by several splashes of bodies hitting the water, and she pushed herself farther, ignoring the stitch that was beginning to form in her left side.

Feeling the malicious intent in the auras behind her she pushed onward with more vigor, breath wheezing in and out, ribs set aflame as the muscles along her legs knotted and pulled. Her head was beginning to feel light and her vision swam at the edges yet she kept moving; twisting, leaping, scrambling, and sliding about as she ran.

The noise of her pursuers escalated and she knew that it was going to be too late. Something darted through the trees just to her left and tackled her about the navel. She hit the ground hard, groaning as the air rushed out of her lungs and her head bounced back against the unforgiving earth.

She heard the screams of pain and the ripping of flesh around her – so loud and consuming in the air - but she couldn't see, her world was swimming, and whatever had tackled her was up and moving, dragging her by her arms. Twisting and wriggling she latched her blunt nails into the other and gripped hard, nails sinking into the flesh. Blood poured over her flesh from the wounds she inflicted, but it was cold, as if death had long ago settled in, and the being that held her didn't stop.

Looking up as her vision cleared gave her the view of a male, his dark eyes gazing down at her. He grinned and threw her forward in a violent motion and she grunted again as she met the ground.

She was caged by a wall of flesh, all of it male, and she shuddered at the looks she received. They starred at her as if assessing a catch of game instead of the human that she was. She turned her head slowly, looking for an escape, and instead her eyes found the remains of the rabbit youkai. They'd been butchered, half of them skinned, and there were numerous sprays of blood staining the lush wilderness.

It was too much for her. She moved to hands and knees and heaved, her breakfast leaving her quickly. She sobbed as she scuttled back from the mess she'd made, starring in open horror at the males who drew closer to her.

"Naraku-sama," there was sarcasm thickly in the deep baritone of the male to her left, "has requested your presence. We will be taking you with us girl. Struggle and you will know pain."

Shuddering she nodded and stood. There was something lacking in these males before her. Yes she felt power but it wasn't their own. They were human hunters and trackers, nothing more, so what was it about them that made her skin crawl?

Running her hands nervously over her arms as she waited for them to move, she gathered what power she could find in herself and thrust it out. A feeling like electricity danced in the air and it stunned them enough for her to bolt.

"Inuyasha!" His name left her lips in a scream. A hand caught her leg and she toppled, knowing it was too late. She struggled, kicking – her feet colliding with another's flesh – and struck out until she was pinned and her world went black.


"Kagome, Shippo, where are you?" Inuyasha's voice carried through the eerily silent woods and his heart hammered in his chest while his stomach turned to lead.

My mate! My pup! His breathing was beginning to come heavy as he tried desperately to sniff them out but all he could smell was the youkai - a barrage of foul scents - and he began to search with a frantic need.

Shippo! The scent of sapling forest trees and mint teased his nose and he followed it, finding himself at the base of a large tree as its gnarled roots shimmered lightly with a holy seal.

"Shippo, come on pup, it's safe."

"What city does mama live in?" The voice was firm and the seal remained firmly in place.

Grinning in relief Inuyasha replied, "Tokyo."

The gleam of the barrier fell and before he'd had even a moment to react the small boy had launched himself into his arms, crying hysterically.

"Mama," he hiccupped, words tumbling together, "they followed," his crying rose to a crescendo, "she's gone!"

Feeling a cold settle in his stomach Inuyasha cuddled the child to him, eyes searching the tear stained face, "She lured them away, didn't she?"

Nearly wailing the boy shuddered and collapsed against his surrogate father, hands clutching a small red draw string bag trimmed in gold and laced with silver in the shape of a sakura tree and it glimmered faintly with a holy seal. Inuyasha knew then what it meant.

Kagome had given Shippo the bag that contained the shikon no tama shards when she'd placed him in the hiding place and she'd lured the others away with fake shards from her family shrine.

Damn it Kagome, He blinked rapidly to dispel the tears that threatened to overtake him as he realized that his mate was possibly harmed and lost to him, You better be alright. I can't do this without you!

"Inuyasha," Sango's voiced quivered and it took far too much to look into her eyes, to see the tears glimmering there as she clung to Miroku.

They were begging him with their eyes to tell him it wasn't true; that Kagome wasn't in mortal danger.

Gods, how he wished he could say the words, but even he knew; deep in his gut, that it wasn't true. He couldn't tell them because he refused to lie to them.

Kagome was in danger, if not already dead.

The thought made him sick to his stomach.

"Lets move," Miroku gathered Sango to him and without a backward glance took off at a full run towards the trampled path left behind by Kagome pursuers.

"Hold on Shippo!" Inuyasha bound after them, both arms around the child, and Kirara followed closely on his heels.

Please be alright Kagome, please; we're on our way!

The choking bitterness of the thick miasma surrounding her made her head swim while her eyes burned under the hood the males had thrown over her head. She'd awoken to the feel of shikon shards only to find she was being carted by a male, slung like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder, and blinded.

Apparently they were taking no chances of her remembering her way about; she'd been unsettled at the discovery. They weren't stupid and that scared her. Nothing like smart bad guys to let you know you were fucked.

She was jostled slightly as the male carrying her stepped up, or at least that's what it felt like, and then she simply swayed a bit with his gait as he carried her onward.

One of the strangest things she noted however was that she heard no others about. There were no other footsteps aside form her captors that she noted and she heard no one neither greet them nor give them orders as they padded along the wooden floors.

The fact that she could hear the difference in sound as they had stepped upon the wood instead of earth let her know that she was most likely in Naraku's keep. The realization sent a shiver down her spine.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

A low knock upon wood stiffened her spine and when the shoji clicked gently open she was ready for anything.

Except for the smell of rotten flesh surrounding her like a fog, even thicker than the miasma; thick enough to block out the smell of it.

Choking and nearly vomiting though her stomach held nothing she curled against the body she rode on, caring nothing for pride, as she tried to escape the stench.

The male body offered her no escape as it to began to smell like the room and she bucked only to be placed down gently, two sets of hands grabbing either of her arms. The wood was cool against her legs and suddenly the bag was jerked from her head and her gaze was unhindered.

The light from the various candles and lanterns were harsh after being in darkness and she half closed them to spare herself pain. But when her eyes alit upon those across from her they opened wide and she screamed, trying desperately to scramble back. The hands held her deftly and she shrank back as much as she could while gagging and whimpering.

The man across from her reminded her of a god, albeit a dark god: his pale body nearly bare save for two straps of leather over his chest and dark pants with a peculiar design of silver droplets, the dark hair that swept down his back and over his shoulders reminding her of fresh blood against night shadows. His face was made of sharp angles and he was all the more striking for it. She saw his eyes - dark like a rolling storm - trailing over her form and suddenly she felt naked under his gaze. It was a frightening realization that she was trapped and overpowered that made her flesh grow cold.

However the intimidating male that vibrated with power was only partially the cause of her fright, the other was of the female draped over his lap.

Her flesh was mottled grey and peach - dead enough to have started to decay but close enough from life to have that slight flesh hue - her short black hair was tousled as if from bed and she was nude, her body rubbing suggestively against the male holding her.

His long fingered hand cupped her thigh and slid upward towards the apex, which spread to allow him intrusion if he wished though he declined and instead chose to lay his palm upon her inner thigh. Kagome watched in a shock of embarrassment and revulsion as the females nipples pebbled as the male dipped down to bite into the flesh of her right breast. She began to gag violently - again - as the flesh gave way as though it were an over ripe fruit and something much thicker than blood oozed from the puncture marks.

"You do not enjoy voyeurism miko?"

She gazed at him with hard eyes, gaze never leaving his as she rose to his underlying challenge.

"I do not care for it."

"Pity," he began stroking the females thighs again as he raised his red coated lips from her breast that looked alarmingly like a deflating balloon, "I shall dispense with the games then, and get on to the meaning of this little tryst of ours then?"

"Dozo," she silently applauded herself for the calm voice she gave even as she wanted to flinch at the word tryst; it just sounded overly obscene when spoken from his lips.

"You are here under the invitation of Naraku," he smiled at her and the effect of it was ruined by the nearly black substance that ran down his lips and over his chin, "as well as Kikyo. My servants have simply played the messenger."

A brow arched at that and she gave the males to her sides a pointed glance, tugging gently though their hands remained firm upon her arms, "Messengers?"

"Well, they do have their others uses of course." He grinned cheekily at her as he resumed petting the female in his lap.

"Is there a reason I'm here before you, or not?"

He frowned at her and tilted his head, almost at though he was confused by her response. "I find Naraku repulsive, as well as his little pet. We have a common interest do we not? We both want for Naraku to be finished, ne?"

"Perhaps, however I do not see your need to speak to me in this."

"I can help you get rid of him," his voice grew condescending, "Surely you do not think you and your little rag tag group strong enough to defeat him?"

"We will defeat him on our own." Her tone was flat, but the force that lingered under it brought rage to his eyes.

Leaping up he threw the female from him and rounded on Kagome, his eyes bright with restrained power, "I offer you my assistance and you refuse it? Knowing that you will die at his hands unless you gain the aid of those powerful?"

­ There was a man; his black hair billowing about his head as he rushed at her, and she was a child again, holding small arms up to shield her from his attack. Then the feel of warm, thick, wetness hitting her skin like rain. Her eyes opened and she saw pink, silken strands of hair, soft and vibrant like fresh sakura, and arms were holding her, a voice soft and child like murmuring sweet things in her ear. She and the other girl walked away from the man, and as they rounded the corner of the hall she saw him starring at her, his eyes flashing with power.

Kagome shook her head to clear her vision, blinking rapidly as the world swam around her. What was that?

Eyes widening as he too felt the pull of recognition he grinned maliciously and sat once more, sweeping a hand in her general direction. The hands holding her fell away and she turned her head to watch the males slip from the room. Her attention, however, was brought back to the room when the scratch of fingers upon wood alerted her to the movement of the other beings lurking in the shadowed corners of the room as they came at her, hands reaching for her.

They were overpowering and they rode her down in a mass of bodies, holding her as she struggled, but it was the look in their eyes that scared her. They looked hungry, as if the touch of warm flesh had been denied to them, and they withered in something like ecstasy the more she struggled. A woman, pert breasts pressed against her own, leaned down and laid a sprinkling of light kisses along her jaw and bit softly at her jugular.

For an instant she feared that those teeth would sink into her flesh and tear it away but instead she moved on, licking at the skin before a male shoved her away to tease her collar with a nip.

His teeth pressed against her throat suddenly, harder than before and she bucked and jerked until he grabbed her harshly, bruising the flesh of her arms with his hold. His hands clenched on her jerkily, as if he couldn't entirely control himself and she knew true horror as she saw what humanity was left in him flee his eyes.

He was suddenly monstrous; teeth bared and salivating like a starved dog over a scrap of meat. Her hands rose without thought and he snapped at her forearms as she tried to push him away. His weight bore down on her and soon they were face to face only her arms keeping his snapping jaws away from the tender skin of her neck and face.

Snarling he lunged and she screamed into his face, her power flaring around her in a pink cloud. It ate at his skin in a burning wave until his flesh smoked and caught flame. It was not the pain that sent him from her yowling but the flame itself which spread across him like wildfire until he was a twitching mass of burning flesh upon the floor.

Yells and curses surrounded her and she used it to her advantage by sprinting towards the door, hands grabbing the males who grabbed at her until they too burst into flame and she was gone again as she sped around the corridor.

Damn it! She was blocked by a hissing female and she whirled on her heel, racing the other way, dodging the hands that snagged at her clothing and hair. She rounded another corner and saw a partially open door that looked to lead outside.

Her hand found the seam of the door and then a set of arms wrapped about her and pulled her into a hard chest.

"You may be able to purify my servants girl, but I'm so much more than they could ever dream to be," rubbing his cheek against her hair he grinned, "just remember my name child; I am the great one, the lord of death and life, I am Shinu of the house of Sarai."

A chill swept up her spine and suddenly it was as if her power had been snuffed out like a fire doused with water and he tossed her into the waiting arms of his minions.

"Take her to the dungeons with the other two. Do not," he glared at them and slammed the shoji shut behind him as he retreated to his room once more, "let Naraku have her. If he takes her you will know my displeasure."

Screaming in rage Kagome twisted and writhed against those holding her, tears seeping from her eyes as she was carried. The mass of hands and bodies bore her down into the darkness of a dungeon and she renewed her struggles with vigor.

The door before them opened and she was carried in, pinned to the ground with the heavy weight of chain and shackle binding her wrists. She could hear the angry growls of another creature in the room and the fearful cry of a woman and it was enough of a distraction that those around her clasped the final binding and they left her there, weak and breathless on the ground.

With a shaky sob she rolled slowly, her abused ribs protesting, and her breath coming in short gasps. She pushed herself up off her aching chest with unsteady arms and peered around in the semi dark chamber. A torch glowed against the far wall and cast long shadows across the room.

A growl to her left made her shrink back and she tensed in preparation for another struggle, futile though it may be.

"Daijoubu ka?" The soft voice was to her right and she flicked her eyes in the general direction briefly.

"Hai, daijoubu," she seemed to think for a moment before flicking her eyes to the right again, "Daijoubu ka?"

The woman who had been hiding in the shadows crawled forward slightly, ignoring the growl of warning from the rooms other occupant and revealed herself with an unsure smile, "Hai, daijoubu."

Kagome looked at her then and could nearly feel her heart stop as her breath caught in her throat. She had seen this woman before, only once, when she had first met Sesshoumaru. Except then it had been a trick for the female to take the visage of Inuyasha's mother. And here again before her was the visage again – long raven hair, lavender tinted eyes, pale skin, and heart shaped face.


A chain rattled nearby and Kagome watched with bated breath as the other came into the light as well and she stared in wonder at the male.

He was tall, taller than even Sesshoumaru, and his bright amber eyes rivaled the sun with their intensity. His presence loomed before her but even over that was the unmistakable waves of power that radiated off of him with each inhale and exhale of air. Silver hair was tied back tightly into a high tail and it fell down his back like silk and she noted that it was longer than even Sesshoumaru's by a good six inches. She noticed the spikes on his armor and understood why Sesshoumaru had them as well. He was a breathtaking creature and she was awed by his presence.


"Onna," his voice was a deep rumbling baritone that sent shivers dancing across her spine, "who are you?"

Her mind was apparently still catching up with her, because even though she heard his question she couldn't seem to articulate an answer. In fact she sat there, starring at him, with her mouth slightly agape.

Inutaisho furrowed his brows at the girl and restrained a growl that had started in his chest at a sharp glance from his mate. He noticed that she was watching the girl in worry and he gave her a warning look that told her to stay where she was.

"Inutaisho-sama!" The cry was high pitched and full of something like panic and Miyoga bounded from the confines of Kagome's sleeves towards his previous master.

Bringing a large hand up Inutaisho smacked his cheek, effectively punishing the flea that had greedily latched upon his flesh, and he starred down at the blathering creature resting in his palm with a raised brow.

"Oi, Miyoga, what were you doing with that onna?"

"I'd thought I'd never see you again nushi! You've been gone for so long," he trailed off at the question and looked back at Kagome who still seemed shell shocked, "Kagome-sama!"

Blinking slowly said girl focused on him, and moved closer at the urging from Izayoi, "Miyoga-jii, are you alright? How did you get here, with me no less?"

"I was investigating a rumor about someone aiding Naraku and I happened to be on one of those who brought you down here, I," the flea stopped and looked on in horror at the purple and yellow area of raised flesh on her cheek, "You are hurt! Oh gods, Inuyasha-sama shall be in a rage when he sees what has happened to his mate!"

Two voices spoke as one at the outburst, "Inuyasha? His mate?"

"Ah," Kagome licked her suddenly dry lips at the heavy stare she received from both.

Miyoga came to her rescue at the nervous gesture, "Please, allow me to introduce you to Kagome-sama mate of Inuyasha-sama, the miko-sama of the Shikon no tama!"

"The Shikon no tama," Inutaisho lowered his gaze from the girl to Miyoga, "the bauble that grants wishes; the jewel from the miko-sama Midoriko?"

"Hai, Kagome-sama is the current guardian miko of the jewel."

"It is that 'bauble' that is the reason for your being alive now." A small chuckle followed the statement and sent Kagome whirling to face the male at the door.

"Naraku!" Her voice wavered slightly and she drew back, eyes never leaving his form.

"My, my, my, I must say that you sound angry, Kagome-chan."

"Don't you ever call me that again." She felt a sickness welling in her stomach at the almost affection tone he had used and the term he added to her name.

Inutaisho snarled, moving to put himself before the girl as best he could, "Release us this instant. This disrespect against mine and I shall not be taken lightly."

Grinning Naraku stepped more into the room, the door open behind him, "Ah, but Kagome-chan, you and I are going to have a long while to get to know each other." He ignored Inutaisho completely as he walked around the reach of the inu youkai's chains towards Kagome.

The words sent rage through her veins and she hissed at him, barring her blunt human teeth. "You dare to assume I would let you near me?"

"You," he reached out for her and she scuttled back on her legs and arms, glaring at him, "will not have a choice in the matter."

"Leave her alone!" Izayoi grabbed Kagome to her and held her close.

Kagome was shocked to say the least, but knew better than to let the female stay close to her. Gently she pried herself from the others hold and stood, giving her mate's mother a slight push, "Please, Izayoi-sama, get back. He's dangerous."

The two females stared at each other for a moment before Izayoi moved back, looking to her mate for help. She feared greatly for her son's mate and knew that whatever the male had planned would not be an act anyone could forgive.

Her chains were tight and Naraku had reached her, the only way she could go would be towards him, so she held her ground, glaring at him as he reached out towards her. His fingers traced lightly down her cheek and she turned her head, snapping at the appendages.

"Mesuinu," he lashed out and struck her, "know your place!"

She staggered but stayed upright, white spots dancing in her vision and her head feeling as if the bones of her skull where loose and moving freely. Her eyes watered and she turned her head slowly to look at him, the room wavering at the edges.

"I know my place; it is at Inuyasha's side. It is you who seems to forget yours, Naraku." The words were heated and she readied herself for his next blow.

Gritting his teeth he made to strike her but was interrupted from a call outside the door, "Shinu-sama said you are not to lay hands on the girl. Leave her or he shall know you have crossed the line, Naraku."

He gave Kagome's form a once over and smiled at her – though it was more a bearing of teeth, "I will have what I desire, little miko. I wonder how Inuyasha would react if his mate was used by another male," he stepped closer to her until their bodies nearly touched, "I bet he would rid himself of you. Who wants damaged goods, after all?"

She tensed but was trapped with no where to go. She glared at him, defiance a bright light in her eyes, "I'll kill myself before I ever let anyone but Inuyasha have me."

The words were true and she knew without a doubt she would do it. She would rather die then allow Naraku to rape her. The mere thought of it brought bile to the back of her throat and made her whole body cold with fear and disgust.

"We shall see." He moved back and starred at her a moment longer before sweeping out of the room, the door shutting loudly behind him, the sound of locks grating in place soon following.

She stood there a moment longer, looking at the place he had been, her form trembling slightly. A sob worked its way into her throat and came out softly. "Ah," she wrapped her arms around herself as the tears that had been coming welled and fell in rivulets down her cheeks.


She turned to Miyoga at his call, her face a ruin of pain. The tears doubled then and she collapsed gracelessly to her knees, face buried in her hands, sobs pouring from her lips unrestrained.

"Inuyasha," his name was a long cry, punctuated with a hiccup, and she curled in on herself, rocking slightly.

"Oh, little one," Izayoi moved forward on hand and knees, caring not about her kimono, and wrapped the frightened girl in her arms, "Hush now; it's all right, he won't hurt you."

Inutaisho's eyes promised pain to whomever he could get his hands on and he too moved forward, reaching a hand out to smooth the tousled raven locks of his son's mate.

"Do not fret young one, he will not touch you. I will not allow it."

With a shuddering sigh she raised her face from Izayoi's shoulder, "I meant what I said," she pulled back and began to brush away her tears, "I'm crying because it's just been a stressful day, not because of that bastard. Gomen nasai, I suppose this isn't the way you wanted to meet Inuyasha's mate."

She was trying to sound nonchalant and it surprised Inutaisho somewhat. "Perhaps, but things are as they are."

She gave a small smile at that and gathered what was left of her wits, "Thank you, Izayoi-sama."

"You really are Inuyasha's mate, aren't you?"

"Hai," her voice was soft and she gave the other woman's hand a light squeeze, "I know it must be hard to take in, considering he was still a child when you died, but it's been over fifty years since your death, Izayoi-sama."

Her eyes fell to her lap and she nodded, the entire situation nearly becoming unbearable. Waking in the godforsaken dungeon, seeing her mate, finally admitting to him that she had died and left their son alone in this world, and now this.

A hand cupped her cheek and she knew it was Kagome by the soft skin and demure size of the hand, "Izayoi-sama, please, do not worry. I know we'll get out of here somehow."

"It is simply how that is the question, ne?" She raised her face to them and locked eyes with her mate.

Silent understanding passed between them and he took her to his arms, resting his chin on the top of her head. Kagome watched them with a faint smile though the gesture brought to mind Inuyasha and she knew she had to get free. Too many people were depending on her.

"Kagome-sama," Miyoga's voice was almost sad as he looked to her, "If you can not get free, will you really do it?"

She knew what he was skirting around saying and she nodded, anger flashing into her eyes, "I will not allow it Miyoga-jii. I am Inuyasha's mate and I will not lay with anyone but him."

"What of Shippo though, Kagome-sama?"

Tears came to her eyes at the thought of leaving her adopted kit and she shook with the fear at the very thought, "Inuyasha will take care of him. Sango and Miroku, and even Kirara and Kaede, would help him."

"Who are these people you speak of?"

"Our companions; Sango the taijiya, Miroku the houshi, Kirara the hi no neko who is Sango's youkai companion, Kaede is an elder miko who is our ally, and Shippo," she licked her lips and fought back more tears, "is mine and Inuyasha's adopted child; a kitsune kit that we found during our travels for the shikon no tama."

"You have no pups of your own, yet?"

Surprisingly she flushed at the question and shook her head lightly, "Iie, Inuyasha and I have only been mated for a few months."

"Most inu males see to it that their mates are with pup quickly."

She was not having this conversation with her mate's father, was she?

"We are on a journey to destroy Naraku and reclaim the Shikon no Tama, it's too dangerous to have a pup right now."

Izayoi smiled at the thought of a pup but agreed that while traveling a child would be too dangerous. "Well, perhaps we will at least get to meet Shippo-chan if we can escape this wretched place."

"Yes," Kagome smiled at her for the rescue from Inutaisho's focus, and pulled lightly at her bonds, "I'm sure Shippo would be thrilled to meet you."

"Unfortunately we'll have to get out of these damn shackles first." Inutaisho was pulling on his shackles currently, the chains rattling with each tug, though they refused to give.

Kagome tugged on hers as well and noticed with alarm that the shackles actually tightened around her wrist the more she pulled against them. She stilled her movements and studied the locks around her wrists as well as those upon her in-laws and finding no way to released them she sighed her frustration, the urge to curse at the top of her lungs rising.

Settling back against the damp stone wall she let her head fall back, eyes starring unfocused into the dark ceiling. All of her options seemed to be out.

Inutaisho couldn't break the shackles - they would tighten too fast and harm both she and Izayoi before he got them off.

Her power still seemed dampened after whatever it was Shinu had done to her, that and she'd used her power freely already during her fighting and flight leaving her head heavy and her body aching.

Izayoi didn't seem to be able to help them free themselves though she was studying her chains and murmuring thoughtfully to herself.

Miyoga she was sure wouldn't be able to break them or unlock them though he could be used as a lookout and could scout for a way out.

On that thought she leveled her gaze on Inutaisho, "Miyoga-jii, I need a favor."

The flea hopped unto his masters knee, his body visible against the white fabric of the hakama, "What favor would you ask of me, Kagome-sama?"

"Scout for me. I need to know the way out of here."

"Find the weak point in the guards as well." Inutaisho gave a small smile at the girl and then a nod to Miyoga, "Return to us promptly Miyoga."

"Of course! I'll return in a few hours time." Scampering away the flea slipped out under the door and Kagome waited with baited breath until she was sure he hadn't been noticed by the guards.

"Clever girl."

"Hardly," she stood and began to pace, worrying her bottom lip with her teeth as she did so.

"What do you mean by that?"

The smile Kagome gave was bitter and she stopped her pacing, starring blankly ahead, "If I was half the miko that Kikyo was I'd have never been captured."


"Inuyasha's former lover," Kagome barred her teeth and whirled towards the door, nearly snarling, "Have you been waiting just for that? Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"It would be wise of you to acknowledge the fact, stupid girl." The woman still wore her traditional robes, the red and white, and she narrowed her eyes at the defiant girl as she padded into the room.

"If it were a fact perhaps I would," tossing her hair she stepped forward, chin tilted up, "but you've got no room to point out my flaws, not now, not with what you've become."

"What would you know of me?"

"You smell of that male," Inutaisho cast the female before him a glare and growled softly in warning.

Eyes widening fractionally at the implication of those words Kagome raised a brow at Kikyo, "You're trading your body to him? Why? What can you gain from letting him," she almost choked on the last, "Use you like that?"

"What I do is no concern of yours."

"No, my only concern is the fact that someone who thinks their self so high and mighty, so powerful; is under the impression that Iam not worthy of Inuyasha or being the guardian of the Shikon no tama when they're busy letting Naraku use them as a fuck toy." She gestured wildly, jerking her chains in the process, "You see my problem with the whole theory, right?"

"I am not his toy girl! He doesn't hold power over me!"


Kikyo sneered and marched forward, going toe to toe with her reincarnation, "What did you say?"

"You," Kagome put force behind her words, willing her body to calm its enraged trembling, "are pathetic. I almost pity you for your idiocy."

She flinched lighty as her already abused cheek was assaulted again, Kikyo's hand being firmer than even Naraku's.

"You call that a hit?"

"Such a brazen child you are." The woman sneered at her, though a brow rose in question at the choice of Kagome's words.

Turning her back on the woman Kagome moved towards the far wall, hands clenching at her sides. She was trembling, raging on the inside though she tried to ignore the urge to fly at the female behind her.

"I'm not a child Kikyo, make no mistake of that."

"You are a foolish girl who thinks herself better than me; you are nothing."

Whirling she stalked towards Kikyo, hands balled into fists, and she stopped a few inches short of her, snarling, "You're right, I'm not like you, I'm morethan you could ever hope to be. You're worthless and corrupt and I'll be damned if you think you're going to push me around!"

Her first struck out and met flesh, leaving a ashen colored blemish upon Kikyo's cheek, as if she'd been purified by Kagome's touch, and the force behind the blow sent her to the ground. She gaped up at the girl, anger bristling across her body, and Kagome starred back at her, waiting - daring her to retaliate.

"All it would take is for me to go to him and Inuyasha would leave you for dead. Do not get a big head from him taking pleasure in your body."

"I'm only going to say this once," Kagome's grin was almost feral as she watched Kikyo stand and she took pleasure in the ashen bloom of skin, "I will kill you."

"What happened to your oh so pureheart?"

"I saved you once out of kindness, and care of Inuyasha's feelings, but don't think that I wont hesitate to eliminate a threat to my family, bitch. If it comes to it, I'll kill you without a regret."

"You are tainted by the seed of a male of youkai heritage."

"An empty shell of a priestess that livesby taking the souls of dead women into her body - thus condemning their souls to your fate - so that you may keep that false body alive, dares to accuse me of being tainted by my mate? You're tainted by more sin than I, golem."

Hissing Kikyo lunged at her, kicking and scratching, fighting without any dignity and Kagome laughed in her face, matching her blow for blow. They rolled across the floor in a pile, Kagome chains restraining them both as they tangled together. Finally they separated, Kagome struggling to her feet first as Kikyo scuttled back, spitting at her for the gash across her cheek.

"I've done some growing up Kikyo and you never were one for close combat."

"Priestess," both Kikyo and Kagome looked up at the call, anger marring their faces as one of Shinu's apparently ever present servants called from the doorway, "you've stayed long enough. Leave now, or I shall fetch Shinu-sama to remove you."

"I am done here, there shall be no need." Standing she dusted herself off, and giving a final scathing look in Kagome's direction she turned her nose up and left without another word between them.

"How strange you are," the servant tilted his head at Kagome before shutting the door, his voice muffled by the thick wood, "so demure looking but you spit fire girl."

She ignored the comment and settled upon the ground once more, glowering at the floor.

This was really pissing her off.

"They're trying to break your spirit," Inutaisho was running a clawed hand through Izayoi's hair, and looking to them Kagome flushed crimson.

"I apologize; no matter what they're attempting I should have never behaved so in front of you," she bowed low, nearly toppling over in her haste, "I meant no disrespect."

A giggle brought her eyes up and she flushed deeper as Izayoi placed a hand over her mouth to stifle it though it proved useless.

"You are in your rights to do as you see fit when someone challenges you, especially concerning your pack."

"It was still rude of me."

"I would have thought less of you if you'd simply let her speak ill of our son; however you've shown that you're willing to put everything on the line for your loved ones. Inuyasha has chosen well, and I support that choice." Izayoi smiled a secretive smile and motioned for her to come closer.

She did so and was surprised to be pulled into the older woman's side, but she found it a comfortable spot, and she took comfort in the warmth given to her. Slowly, without meaning to, she began to nod off and finally slept, albeit lightly as she stirred every few minutes to glance around. Not long after her Izayoi too nodded off and Inutaisho watched them, eyes flittering from one face to another.

They were beautiful, these women resting within his protection. Izayoi with all her delicacy and strong will, and now Kagome, who he saw was caring but viciously protective. He did not think ill of his youngest sons choice of mate. No, indeed not, not when she could stand before those buffoons who'd imprisoned them here and stare them down.

"Things will be interesting, I can feel it already."

Sesshoumaru was not a patient male, in all respects he desired promptness and complete control. Starring down his nose at the mass of youkai slithering about, climbing their way up to him, he sneered.

Fools, to think yourselves at my level.

Raising Tokijin he thrust the sword out and watched in satisfaction as the power of the blade ripped into the mass of flesh, rending it, burning it; killing those who dared try his power.

Turning his back on them he made his way across the hill, heading south to where he'd felt a disturbance of power. It had felt strangely familiar, though he could not place where it had come from, only that he had met it once before.

'Suaru,'He cast his power out to his mate and waited for her reply.

He received none and it sent a chill of panic down his spine.

'Suaru,'His voice was louder this time and he grabbed at her with power, only to find her out of his reach, 'my mate!'

'The dead have ears that listen to the living. Know only the living are your allies. Watch well those who return from the spiritual realm.'

It was his mates voice, soft and secretive, and he knew then that danger rode high around him with those words. He slowed his pace a fraction, spreading his senses wide, ears listening to all around him.

The wind that whispered faintly through the trees, animals fleeing from predators, his own boots meeting the ground as he moved, the rustle of silk from his clothing and pelt. Then under it all, the faintest sound, the smallest of noises of others, stalking behind him, hiding oh so carefully.

It was the sound of men, humanoid beings, moving in the grass and trees, using nature to hide them. Slowly he drew to a stop, listening as the others behind him grew quiet and then he turned, drawing his sword in one movement.

"Show yourselves!"

They emerged like snakes from high grass; quiet and without disturbance to the area around them, surrounding him in a half circle. They took position around him and stood still and he watched them with a thread of wariness in his stance.

They had the stillness that only came with death, as if they could wait an eternity to move for the time of the mortal plain no longer held them prisoner.

"We come in greeting, Taiyoukai of the West."

He bared his fangs at them, spine stiffing at the sarcasm inflicting their words, "You dare come before me, you who reek of death?"

"We dare nothing youkai," they had dropped the respectful terms and the male speaking turned loathing eyes his way, "for we are servants of our lord, and death has no meaning to us. We live for his whim and we fear not a sword of man nor youkai."

"You fear not a sword of earth nor hell, but what of heaven?" Smirking he sheathed Toukijin and instead reached for Tensaiga, drawing the blade smoothly.

"No sword can harm us, or are you deaf as well as mentally lacking?"

"Oh no," he felt the blade become hot in his hands, felt the weight of it as if it were a part of him, and he glanced up from its polished surface to smile with pleasure, fangs peaking from beneath his lips, "I lack of nothing. You however, will be lacking of your meaningless existence."

Lunging he struck out, catching the first male across his chest and sending him down howling. Pivoting his blade flashed in the late afternoon sun and he chuckled darkly, hacking away at the mass of them.

"Fools!" Blood splattered his cheek but he ignored it, driving the tip of Tensaiga betwixt the ribs of an enemy.

The last one standing made no move to fight him but instead smiled as the blade sunk into his gut, drawing up until his skin split and his entrails bulged out between the skin.

"Our lord is the Lord of death, and he shall come reclaim what is his. Even you, and your blade that can destroy us, will be nothing before him."

"We will see, but you will die here and now, and be testament to my power. He may come, but he will fall."

He jerked the sword from the man and raised the blade a final time, bringing it down with precision honed by years or training, and felt satisfaction as the male fell forward, his head bouncing to the ground and rolling to the side in a wet spray of blood.

Cleaning the blade Sesshoumaru called once more for his mate.

'Be prepared for our arrival shortly.'

'Be careful,' Her voice softened with care, 'Return to us, you and our guests.'

Standing he sheathed the sword and began his walk once again, a hand resting fondly on Tensaiga's hip. Let it not be said that he didn't appreciate the power the sword held; being able to resurrect the dead was a useful thing. As well as the ability to be able to kill creatures brought back from the dead; such a wonderful double edged effect it was.

"Inuyasha, I'd suggest if you'd like to find your mate, you follow me."

The words sent a spiral of fury down Inuyasha's middle and he turned, glaring at his older half brother with murder in his eyes.

"What the fuck did you just say?"

One fine arched brow rose with annoyance and striding forward he ignored the humans, youkai child, and neko present, "I am simply offering my assistance in retrieving your mate. I have need to approach Naraku's keep as do you. It will be, beneficial, if we follow one path."

"You," Inuyasha almost forgot to sound angry as he studied his brother, surprise nearly forcing his eyebrows to meet his hairline, "are offering to stay in my company?"

"I made an offer to your mate and she accepted. I am simply here to close my end of the bargain."

"What are you talking about? Kagome wouldn't speak with you!"

"Oh? Well then, we shall have to ask her when we've retrieved her then." He brushed by his sibling and began walking, casting a glance over his shoulder with a glower, "Do hurry, or else she won't be in any condition to be retrieved, not when left in Naraku's care."

Sputtering Inuyasha followed, too angry and far too stressed to make a tangible argument, "Just who the hell do you think you're ordering about!"

A heavy hand fell on his shoulder and Miroku nudged him none to gently with his staff. "Just shut up, we need help and Kagome is more important than any show of dominance you two want to have a pissing contest over."

Sango bit her lip, chewing on it in her worry, and tucked Shippo closer to her, "He's right Inuyasha. We'll just have to trust him for now. We have to get Kagome."

He looked from his friends to his kit who had finally succumbed to an exhaustion induced sleep and his ears flicked back in irritation.

"Swear it, on our fathers lands and all that you hold under your power Sesshoumaru, swear to me that you mean no harm against my pack."

Stopping finally he turned to regard Inuyasha, and in that moment it dawned on him that he'd finally grown up a bit. Where before Inuyasha would have growled and charged ahead senselessly he now held his temper and even went so far to speak so that whatever reply Sesshoumaru gave he was indeed sworn to speak only truth.

Clever little brother, though I could use a turn of phrase against you, I wont.

"I swear on this Sesshoumaru's lands and name that my intent is as I said. I intend to help you retrieve your mate and discover Naraku's keep. For this time being, you have my aid."

"Lets get on with it then." Leaping for the trees Inuyasha loped ahead and Sesshoumaru followed after, inwardly chuckling at his brother before he too became serious.

They had to save the miko, before Naraku or anyone else could bring her harm. He knew very well what price he would pay at his mates hands if he didn't give his brother aid and she seemed a little overly fond of the miko. Best to keep his pregnant mate happy and all.

"You will be sent to Sesshoumaru-sama soon, Tsutsui-sama, however I feel it prudent to warn you that Suaru is a cunning female. She will have the favor of many, especially the males of Sesshoumaru's counsil."

Glancing at Shinu's reflection in the mirror Tsutsui brushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear, "Those males were once a counsil that had ears for my words as well. Cunning she may be but I will put her in her place."

"If she comes into contact with Inuyasha, the hanyou son of Inutaisho I spoke of, and his mate she will also have their trust. She has brought many to their knees before her and she will not hesitate to turn blood against blood."

"What family set this snake loose upon my son's house?"

Tensing Shinu hung his head, hiding the grin upon his face, "I fear that my own house gave rise to Suaru, though she is not blood, simply a child taken in."

"You set me to fix your own mistakes. Fool." Standing she tied her hair back and turned to face him a sneer staining her lovely face.

"I had warned her that she was not to become involved with Sesshoumaru-sama, but unfortunately she is a beautiful creature on the outside and even he was drawn by her."

"You have poor control of your house; it will be a downfall in the future, I'm sure," she turned from him, checking her reflection in the mirror, "I will handle it from here, you're dismissed."

"Of course." Standing he bowed and exited, waiting till he had retired to his rooms to rake his claws over the wood of the wall, anger marring his face.

"Insolent bitch!"

She would pay dearly for her impudence; one did not show such disrespect to a god after all.

Waking a few hours later in the dungeon with a stiff neck did nothing to improve Kagome's current disposition of being pissed. In fact it only served to ruffle her feathers and she was pacing the floor, casting soft glances at Inutaisho who she'd convinced to take a nap, a half sleeping Izayoi tucked against his side.

Miyoga had returned to her and after finding no weakness in the guard she'd sent him with a mission to leave the keep and find Inuyasha if at all possible. It was the only thing she could do really.

Sighing she slumped against the wall, smiling tiredly at the two who were awake now and watching her.

"It will be alright, don't worry." She said the words, meant them, but somehow she couldn't believe them as much as she did before. It was beginning to wear on her nerves.

The sound of soft footfalls reached Inutaisho's ears and he gathered Izayoi to him, watching the door as the lock grated and the door gave a great creak as it swung open, the light from the hall a stark contrast to the dim torchlight offered within.

Kagome tensed, prepared to strike as best she could, but seeing the figure materialize in the door when her eyes adjusted was enough to leave her mouth dry in worry.

Seeing them was a crushing blow to her heart. She ached and screamed on the inside but outwardly she was serene. The woman looked at her and she saw the flash of uncertainty in those eyes, and while she wanted to snatch her up, scream her rage and pain into her face and sink claw and fang into her she held back, instead gazing at Inutaisho with a longing that had more to do than with just her heart. It was an ache that came from the center of her, that was a part of all of her, and it left a bitter taste in her mouth to see him holding another so tenderly as he looked at her, not speaking, as if he owed her nothing!

Bastard,she though with hate and love and more than she could name, and she smiled, even as her heart broke, and watched him with that bitter feeling deep in her chest.

Kagome inched forward to Izayoi's side, watching the woman with worry even as her eyes roamed over the delicate features; the high cheek bones, full lips that parted with her breath, and the slightly upturned nose. Those features she'd seen before, though more masculine, and as if chiseled from marble rather than the pearl this woman appeared to be.

"How careless of you," her voice was honey sweet, and she stepped forward, azure eyes set upon Inutaisho, "To get caught like this. One would think you'd have more tact, Inutaisho."

"Tsutsui," The name left him in a breathless rush and suddenly he came to his feet, taking a half step towards her before seemingly remembering himself. He stopped there, watching her, and then his gaze was brought to his mate at the tightening of her hands upon his silk clad arm.

"Tsutsui?" It was Kagome's question, and Izayoi flinched lightly at the name.

"The wife of Inutaisho," an arched brow rose as lips curled into a condesending sneer, "though it seems rumors are true. You've taken a human to your bed. This is your bitch then?"

"Please, do not call me such."

"Human, do not presume to speak when you are not spoken to," narrowed eyes grazed over Inutaisho with the weight of her anger and she took a step back, tossing her hair. "If you lie in his bed you are his bitch, take it for what it is and be glad that you are granted such a chance."

"Your words do not become you, Tsutsui." Placing a reassuring hand over Izayoi's he smiled softly at her before facing the door once more, "Why are you here?"

With a sigh she flexed her claws and brought them up for inspection, making a small show of the flick of her wrist and the cloth that touched the delicate skin there, "I'm here to help you."

"You seem rather angry for someone offering help, though I suppose being in a place like this grants you that. Please, may we speak briefly of your purpose, Tsutsui-sama?" Kagome bowed as she knew it was expected of her, and tried to hold no grudge nor fear of the female despite the anger rolling off her in waves.

The human girl surprised her with her politeness. It was a refreshing thing to see that spark of fire with delicacy about it after being locked in with Shinu's servants, dull as they were.

Kagome, her mind supplied, the mate of Inutaisho's hanyou son. Her lips quirked briefly. "Very well, we shall speak briefly. I am angry, but regardless, I will need aid to get out of this wretched excuse for a keep. This is of course the most prudent way. Inutaisho can be useful to a degree, after all."

The remark was meant to be scathing and he let it slide, smoothing the ruffled feathers of his pride with a sigh. "Then let us not dally. We will leave, now, and be done with it. I'm assuming you know a way out?"

Coming fully into the room she went first to Kagome, holding up the key to the shackles that chained her to show she meant no harm, and she proceeded to release the girl, "I'm not like you, I do plan ahead."

"Very well then; do enlighten us." He held his hands out, allowing her to unshackle him, before taking the key from her hands, not daring to allow her too close to his mate.

Seeing the action for what it was did nothing to settle the anger in her but she shrugged it off, moving instead towards the door.

"The guards had swords; simple but efficient enough. You and I know how to use them," stepping outside the door she bent and snatched up the blades, pausing to retrieve the daggers tucked upon the males bodies. "They can use these, assuming they know how at least." She gestured vaguely to the two females, sneering.

Izayoi straightened at the insult, nearly reaching her limit with the other woman, and she bit out a terse, "We can manage, thank you."

I have a sudden feeling of déjà vu. The thought made Kagome snicker slightly before she dusted herself off, moving forward towards Tsutsui. It seemed she was going to have to be the go between if they wanted anything done.

"I know a little of fighting, but we'll do our best to be of help," she bowed slightly, "Should we happen to find a bow and arrows however, I'm sure I'll be more useful."

"Long range then? You need more than that but it will do for now," Inutaisho took the offered sword and slipped it into the confines of his armor, giving the dagger to Izayoi.

"The guard changes in exactly a half hour. By that time we need to be slipping through the cracks and out of here. We don't have time to dawdle."

"I will lead then, Tsutsui?"

"It would be more prudent if you were to take the rear. They'll be coming after us, you know. It will be quicker with me in the front."

"Let her take the front," Kagome tested the weight of the dagger in her hands, satisfied that she would be better off with weapon in her right hand, "I'll be behind her and Izayoi behind me. I can switch places with her whenever needed to keep her safe."

"I'm not powerless." Izayoi knew she sounded sullen but really, even Kagome was taking charge, miko or not. She wasn't entirely unable to handle herself! "I can do what needs to be done."

"We don't have time to argue, just do what the girl said and lets go. Time is running out and I don't intend to be here when Shinu and Naraku come calling." Spinning on her heel Tsutsui took off at a quick trot, leaving Kagome to nearly full out run to catch up with her.

Swearing under his breath Inutaisho followed with Izayoi in his arms, depositing her behind Kagome once the coast was clear.

Kagome's heart was racing, beating franticly against her ribs like a caged bird, and she felt a little light headed. Her adrenaline was pumping, her blood rushing in her ears. She was scared, she wasn't too prideful to admit it. But why did it have to always grip her so tightly when she needed to be calm? Damn her erratic emotional female tendencies!

"Calm yourself. It is unbefitting for a mate of a warrior to be so panicked." Tsutsui gave the girl a cold stare to back up her statement before returning to her duty of checking the hall for any unwanted presences.

Finding nothing she crept forward, slinking and sliding - though if that was her way of being sneaky Kagome surely felt like an elephant doing the electric slide along the hall - towards the stairs that lead to the main floor of the keep and away form their cramped dungeon.

Biting her lip Kagome counted to ten slowly, and then back to one, her heart slowing to its normal gate as she waited for Tsutsui to return from her venture upstairs, nearly jumping out of her skin when the flaxen haired female peered down at her, motioning for her to follow.

Stalking through the halls they managed to navigate unscathed, though Inutaisho was only growing more and more agitated as they went. The air was stale, the lingering scent of the miasma burning his sensitive nose, and it was entirely too quiet. It was the quiet that came just before a storm and it set him on edge as he let his eyes roam freely about, taking in every detail from the polished floors to the graying walls.

The courtyard was deserted, the guards no where to be found.


It was a mutual thought between Kagome and Inutaisho, and rightly so seeing as they had apparently just walked into a trap.

"Did you actually think we'd let you go? I'd much rather let Naraku make you his toys." Twirling her fan about Kagura stepped from behind the main doors, tapping her chin thoughtfully with a sharp claw. "Now, what's a good punishment for misbehaving children? Oh," she grinned maliciously, "How about I put you in the corner, hm?"

She darted left at Inutaisho's unexpected attack, giving the twittering laugh of a crow before flicking her fan his way, raising the wind into a violent whirl that bit like blades into their flesh.

Placing himself before the females Inutaisho took the brunt of the blow, using his mere force of presence to limit the winds reach. "You'll have to better than that girl!"

Hissing she opened the fan fully, brining it aloft before her head and then down in a graceful sweep, lifting it again, brining it down once more, repeating the process until they lost sight of anything but that red sweep across the fan, dancing before them like a feather caught in the wind.

Tsutsui snarled, fingers twitching as she called forth her own power, letting flow from her fingertips in a glowing mist that solidified into a whip, snapping it as she leapt forward into battle.

Kagome watched her in awe, for though Inutaisho was pure sleek power in his movements he had nothing on the sheer grace of the woman twirling and striking, body moving as if she were dancing around her opponent. Her whip cracked through the air, the pungent acidic scent overlaying the miasma, the scent of burned cloth set aflame by it growing as Kagura lost ground.

Tsutsui was steadily pushing her back, Inutaisho rounding the two remaining females up and around towards their route of escape. Kagura was pale, striking erratically in effort to push the female back, to give her time to find a weakness in their ranks.

It came to her in the form of Izayoi, who she lashed out for, strangling on a yell as the whip buried into her side.

"Izayoi," Diving Inutaisho took the blow head on, using his flesh as a shield, and Izayoi screamed under him, fear welling inside of her.


"Damn it!" Kagome didn't have time to check on them, she took Kagura's distraction of watching them to her advantage and ran at her, dagger slicing through the air with startling precision.

The metal found purchase in the flesh of her right rib cage, grating against the bone, and Kagome tugged it out quickly, slashing at Kagura again, only to miss as she skittered backwards screaming.

"Hurry!" Tsutsui grabbed her, drug her blinking the blood away from her eyes towards the others. Shoving Kagome towards Inutaisho she shoved Izayoi towards the gates. "Get her out of here, lets move!"

Wrapping Inutaisho's arm over her shoulder she ran, half dragging the male with her, Kagome in the lead with Izayoi hot on her heels, layered kimono bunched about her hips and thighs as she ran.

"Don't stop," Inutaisho called to them, gaining his own feet and allowing Tsutsui to move more freely though she stayed close. Even as strong as he was a direct hit so soon would hinder him.

The terrain was uneven, Kagome stumbling a bit as she went, one hand on Izayoi's own to keep her steady.

"Naraku," the cry was Kagura's, echoing against the trees as if spoken by the wind. "They're gone! They've escaped, the four of them!"

Slamming her fist against the oak doors of the main entrance Kagura screamed wordlessly, turning as Naraku broke into the battle torn courtyard scowling at her.

"You let them escape! Impudent onna, can you do nothing correctly?"

"If you had kept a better eye on them ,other than trusting Shinu's pets, you wouldn't be in this mess!"

"Silence! We must follow them!" His patience snapped as she simply stood there, glaring at him, her hair in disarray and clothing in shambles,. "Move damn it!"

Kikyo appeared in the door, leaning against it with a smile. "I suggest you follow them Naraku, before they make it past your borders."

"You wont be joining me?" The barb about the size of his lands only irritated him and he glowered at the smiling woman, finding no humor in the situation as she did.

"Iie, I'll be staying here. Unless you think you're no match for the four of them. Such a small number, four."

"You'll pay for that when I get back, Kikyo." Taking his place on Kagura's awaiting feather he turned his back to her.

"If you beat them, of course." She grinned and turned as well, slipping back inside once more. Indeed, if you even defeat them, baka.

She was terrified. The suffocating feel of evil that surrounded them was like a tremble of the earth; it shook her to the very core and she knew they were helpless to stop its coming. She turned to see them behind her, Inutaisho struggling to remain upright, Izayoi and Tsutsui on either side of him, helping support his weight as he stumbled those last few steps forward. He wouldn't be able to protect them, they all knew it. Izayoi was only human and Inutaisho wouldn't allow her to fight.

Not that I would ask her. Kagome smiled at them weakly and found Tsutsui's eyes on her, the slightly flinching in them showing how drained she was as well.

"Take cover in the forest, now." She wasn't about to let them die here, not without a fight, even if it cost her more than she should be willing to give.

Naraku was drawing closer, the smell of miasma thickening in the air, wafting towards them in the wind like a warning and she focused on that. The feel of his aura, cold and hard like serpents scales, and her skin crawled with it.

"You can't expect to face him alone." Inutaisho was resisting the females trying to corral him into the foliage and they strained against him, "He'll kill you."

Turning her head she smiled softly, taking in the play of sun in his hair, before turning her eyes heavenward, towards Naraku's coming.

"I have no choice. I won't let he nor Shinu have you," she cast another glance at Tsutsui, "Any of you."

He broke over the horizon with a horde of demons behind him, swirling like a black cloud, the wind of Kagura's fan whipping about until it left stinging welts on her exposed skin. Kagura was smirking down at her, Naraku just at the edge of the feather, clad in baboon pelt though lacking its face, and he was openly amused at the situation, laughing as he leapt and came to grace the ground before her.

"Double damn," her teeth gritted together in agitation and she glared at him, feet planted firmly and muscles coiled for action. She wasn't going to give ground just because he was near her again; she'd be damned before he won anything from her.

"Ah, Kagome-chan," sighing he tucked a lock of hair behind his ear, eyes roaming over her slowly, "You broke my rules. We can't have that you know. Such improper behavior and all."

Her anger spiraled at his implications, her fist clenching until she cut bloody crescents into her palm with her nails. "We have nothing further to discuss Naraku, you know this. Let us be if you know what's good for you."

"Such bravo, such fire; you are entirely too entertaining to be let go Kagome-chan. However, if it's a bargain you're looking for, I have one for you that you may find suitable. Just come with me and I'll let your loved ones live. It's a simple request."

Now she was more than angry; she was fucking enraged. Apparently Naraku just didn't know when to quit and the last statement, that was just fuel to her fire.

Bastard!As if she would just lie back and allow him to have his way with her and ignore the fact that they both knew he would kill her loved ones the second he got the chance. She knew better and she wouldn't betray their trust, not even to save them.

That condescending smile made her want to rake her nails down his face, bleed him until he screamed and the rage rolled within her; crashing and straining to break free of her and be vented in physical action. She smiled at that thought, enjoyed the mental image of him cowered before her and she saw the brief - hesitant - flash of worry in those blood red eyes.

The smile became something more, something predatorily and it was a wondrous feeling, as if something in her had broken free and suddenly she was lighter, assured of her ability to with this battle; the way was still a long way from now.

Her silence grated on his nerves and he strode forward, intent on beating that triumphant smile off her face.

He was stopped short however by the pulse of power encircling her, held back by the sheen of power that flowed from her, came as if from under her skin until she glowed as if her skin had swallowed the moon.

"Bitch, what games do you play?"

"Games," her head tilted and she inspected him like a dog would a strange scent, "I play no games, perhaps it is you who plays the game?"

"Don't fuck with me woman!"

"Hm, I never intended to. Or are you so short of memory?" She laughed richly and deeply, throwing her arms and head back, eyes closing.

The world was suddenly clear, so startling clear that it stole her breath and left her feeling as if she was floating. Without looking she could feel Naraku, feel the clean crisp energy that was Inutaisho, held on either side by the solid earthy feel of both Tsutsui and Izayoi, and she knew that whatever happened they would be alright. Somehow, someway, they would make it.

Her power billowed within the center of her, a pearlescent pink of her miko abilities and around that a crimson swirl that was the darker part of her and she embraced both. Called to them, cooed and caressed, until they spilled over and within her like some giant beast. It clawed its way out of her, tearing and ripping at her until she wanted to scream and relaese it, but she held it there just under her skin, waiting, waiting; waiting for the time to strike.

Taking a step back Naraku cursed lowly, swearing revenge against Kikyo for allowing him to come alone after the girl when she was better suited to bring her down. The miko whom he'd brushed off as nothing more than a minor threat was making his hair stand on end, every instinct of self preservation telling him to turn tail and run.

"Don't you dare treat me as if I'm not a threat," He lunged, striking out with a hand that melded into tentacle as it neared her, "Cower in fear like the helpless bitch you are!"

Snapping her eyes open she flung her hands out in warding, letting that oh-so careful control she had go, letting the power spill from her in a wave of scalding heat, "You cower bitch!"

He tried to escape it, to run, but it was if he was frozen so completely enthralled by the spectacle she made. Hair billowing about her, eyes brighter than the stars, and her skin still glowing like the moon.

When the pain came, however, it broke him from his trance and with a scream he leapt, avoiding the full potential of the blow, but it crippled him, sending him to the ground on hands and knees.

He struck out again, even as he felt the burn of his body being taken over by her purification, vision blurring with the pain. No, no, no!

She saw the attack, knew that she couldn't stop it, and she wanted to cry at the unfairness of it all. Her power was gone with that single hit, leaving her weak; defenseless, "Inuyasha."

Her body jerked, lungs struggling to work as she was flung backwards, body limp before she even hit the ground. Her eyes were open and she saw faint splotches of color; blue, red, and an unnatural flaxen streak against the sky.

Shapes and darkness loomed over her, colors now after that brief glimpse, and she couldn't find the strength to reach for them, to assure or deny them of her condition as they crowded around her.

"Damn you! Don't you know when to stay out of the way, stupid dog!" Naraku struggled up, using Kagura to lean upon though she looked disgruntled at his touch. His gaze however was not for her but Inutaisho who stood before Kagome, his left arm limp at his side, blood already saturating the while silk.

"I told you once already, you fool, I wouldn't take this respect of mine and I. She is my son's mate; to show her the disrespect you have is just like signing your life over to my hands. I'm not nearly as forgiving as she."

The human sword he had acquired during their escape was useless in this fight and he cast it aside, snarling a challenge, "I'll take you out with my claws alone! Come at me if you're a man or will you hide behind that woman?"

Snarling Naraku lashed out, too blinded to notice anything but the male before him, Kagura releasing him to his fight deeming it a currently unworthy venture on her part.

"You'll die this day inu, for good!"

"Come at me then bastard!"

They went at each other, ripping with claws, fangs snapping as they struggled for power, Inutaisho forcing Naraku to the ground with his weight and stature over the other man.

"Kill him," the cry went from Naraku as he thrashed about, bucking to keep Inutaisho's fangs and claws away from his jugular. His demon horde swirled at the call, circling the battling males.

Releasing his hold on the male Inutaisho brought his arms up, taking the majority of the blows force with his forearms as Kagura stuck once more with her fan, the wind cutting his face and arms.

"Coward, using that woman!" He retreated a few paces, glowing at the grinning male.

"Was it not you who allowed Kagome-chan to protect you, hm?"

"Shut up Naraku, you're giving me a headache." Raising to unsteady legs Kagome held Tsutsui's arm for support, head aching viciously as she attempted to focus. "You're the one who cant play fair. Do you minions always have to rescue you from your own stupidity?"

"Heh, at least I have someone on my side. Where is your mate again? Off fucking Kikyo, no doubt?"

"No, that seems to be your forte. Forgive me that unlike you my mate is an honorable man and knows that he needs nothing outside our family. I'm more than you or Kikyo could ever hope to handle." Shaking off Izayoi's hand she stepped up beside Inutaisho, her face livid. "I'm about sick of you and your half assed attempts to put my mate down. Don't be jealous just because you're not a man."

She barred her teeth in a grin, arms akimbo as she glared him down, a dark look at Kagura keeping the female a silent witness to the argument.

"I'll kill you bitch!"

"Over my dead body! Kaze no kizu!" The attack cut through the clearing, Inutaisho grabbed Kagome and leaping back for good measure as the blast swept by only feet from where they'd been, Kagura and Naraku scrambling to avoid casualties.

"Inuyasha!" She struggled from Inutaisho's arms, her eyes only for her mate. He was just left of their battle ground, the Tetsusaiga held forward as he eyed Naraku.

Darting around Tsutsui's outstretched hand she raced to him, throwing herself at him.

He switched the sword to his right hand, wrapping her within his left arm, and their lips met in an earnest kiss. She clung to him, sobbing, his name leaving her in breathless cries as she showered his face with kiss, sighing as he laid claim to her lips again.

Resisting the urge to roll his eyes Sesshoumaru stepped before them, granting them some semblance of privacy as he raised Tokijin, "Are you looking for a fight, Naraku?"

"Perhaps another day you filthy dog, for now however, I will let you be. Soon enough, you will face me." He left in his cloud of miasma, Kagura following after him quickly.

"Coward, as usual," Turning he raised a brow at his younger brother, "If you're done now, we've business to attend whelp."

Inuyasha raised his brow but nodded, still holding his mate close, unwilling to release her just yet.

Sesshoumaru's eyes filtered over the other three present, his anger spiking at seeing his father and Izayoi, but it was the last one his eyes laid upon that made his heart drop from his chest.

"Haha-ue," His voice caught, throat suddenly tight, and he watched her, drinking in the vision of her with a shudder deep within.

Azure and gold met, locking and holding, and speaking so much more that neither knew how to express, or were sure would be welcome from their lips.

My pup is alive. It hit her like a physical blow to her chest and she lost her breath with the force of it.

So beautiful. That thought, that truth, that desire she so longed to scream to the heaves brought tears to her eyes and she felt ashamed and enthralled, and overly raw as they left her eyes unchecked.

She was a wretched creature then, she knew, to love him this much that she was willing to rid him of the leech of a female he mated - that she was willing to deceive her precious, darling, pup.

So they stood there, unwilling to make the first move, afraid that the other would dissolve into nothingness if they embraced, leaving only pain in the wake of that lovely dream, that nearly physical want to feel each other and assure themselves that this was real.

Izayoi, however, had no such delusions. As soon as the Tetsusaiga had been placed within its sheath she had done much like Kagome; throwing herself into her son, crying and babbling - blubbering really - and clung to him for dear life.

His body trembled as he held her, afraid she would break like fine china in his calloused hands. "Mother," the word was hard to say but he forced it past his throat and gave a wry smile as her sobs rose and she gripped him all the more.

They've grown, Golden eyes filtered from his oldest son you the younger, and he beamed, chest swelling with pride, They're fine, strapping, young men. Mine, my sons.

Important Notes: My computer is STILL dead, so I've resorted to buying a new one; feh! I'm still working on my own novel but it's a slow process!

I got married in April and my husband is still alive so that's good, right? I've also been given a chance to become Assistant Manager at my work so that may slow things up a bit, sorry!

For anyone who wants to be put on an Email alert list, please leave a review with your email and a nick name, thanks! Or if you would rather just send me an email! (My email is located in my author profile!)

Note:Tsutsui and Ukusa belong to my friend YamiSerenity and are her property! Kinjya belongs to my friend Koga! Anna belongs to my friend Anna-chan! Ask them before you attempt to use any of their characters! And Suaru in the fic is NOT me I just like the name! Suaru, Rath, Ares, Hotsuharu, Umeko, Reishou, Namiko, Shinu, Yoko, Hitomi, Kina, Maiyuka, and a few others who come in belong to me; so ask me before you attempt to use them, thanks!

MAJOR THANKS: YamiSerenity, thanks so much for letting me use Tsutsui and Ukusa! I hope you enjoyed Tsutsui's parts in this chapter!

THANK YOU SO MUCH TO Playfulpup17 for becoming my BETA and helping me get this chapter out! You were my muse, my beta, and my cheerleader! Thanks a million!

Special Thanks: To everyone who has reviewed - no matter the content I appreciate the time you took to respond to my work, thank you!

C's & A's: madhatter30 - Thank you and I'm glad you think it was good: o.OkiLLingLoneLynessO.o - I know that it was very poor in the beginning of the story but please remember this story was started when I was in junior school. Its old! I do plan to edit it and re-post the majority of it now that I have a beta. Sorry about it and thank you for your tips: sugerplumfairy17 - Here is the update and I hope you enjoy: Moriko Hikari - I do too sometimes, but I think I'd fall over in a spasm of joy before I could harm Miroku, and yes, I hate that witch; grr. : PKHenkel - Yes, I know that it was horrid and I'm sorry! I didn't really think much through in my younger writing years. I try not to think of it because I fear I may cry if I see all the bad things. However, now that I have my beta I will be re-posting the majority of the fic again after I edit it. I hope that when I do so you will read it again and enjoy it more, thank you.

Thanks to all who have reviewed!

: - Translations - : - Koi - Love : Koibito - Lover : Koishii - Beloved : Oniisan - Big brother : Miko - Priestess : Youkai - demon : Kitsune - fox : Ai shiteru - I love you : Kami - God : Nani - what : Gomen - Sorry : Arigato - Thank you : Kawaii - cute : Kowaii- Scary : Nee- chan: Big sister: Taijiya - youkai exterminator : Houshi - priest/monk : Hentai - pervert : Ako - my child : Domo - thanks : Domo arigato – Thank you very much : Kaze no Kizu - wound of the wind (I think) : Sore wa himitsu desu – It's a secret : Reisho – Thunder : Kage – shadow : Shinju – pearl : Sango – Coral : Kohaku – Amber : Hoshi - Star : Inu – dog : Inuyasha – dog demon/damon : Sesshoumaru – (the) killing perfection : Iie - no : Imouto – little sister : Shizu kani – shut up/be quiet : Ichi – one : Ookami – wolf : Tora – tiger : Nasake – Mercy : Onna – Girl : Ouji – Prince : Nushi – Master : Sureibu – Slave : Itoshii - Darling : Daijoubu ka? - Are you ok/alright: Hai, daijoubu. – Yes, I'm Fine/ok/alright : Itai – Ow : Watashi wa – I am (as in a greeting) : Chotto – What (in an exclamatory usage) : Megami – Goddess : Chichiue – Father (more formal) : Otouto – little brother : Hahaue – Mother (more formal) : Koryu – Garnet : Ningen – Human : Jaken - hard hearted, cruel, unkind. : Naraku – Hell/Hades : Demo – but : (-) ka – denotes a question : Hikari – Light : Kurai – dark : Sakura – cherry blossom : Shinu – to Die : Inutaisho – great dog demon (I think that's right) : Izayoi – lightening : Umeko – plum-blossom : Yoko – positive female : Kentaro – Big Boy : Sairai – Second Coming : Mesuinu – Bitch (in the dog sense) : Ryuu - Dragon :(That's all for now.)

Jade:ITS ALIVE! - cackles insanely -

Rena:Woo-hoo! -tosses confetti into the air -

InuPapa:Who are you? -sniffs at Rena -

Rena:-whacks nose with rolled up paper - It's rude to sniff people! -smiles at readers - I'm Rena by the way, Jade's Beta!

Jade:-stops cackling- You should all thank Rena, really! If it hadn't been for her letting me keep her up until about four a.m. for several days to bitch, moan, write, and cry I'd never have gotten the chapter done! She was my muse! -turns worshipping gaze on Rena -

InuPapa:Eh, so YOU'RE the twisted female that made this botched attempt at writing?

Majority of Chars: -gasp- NO!

Jade:-sniffles- I, -sniffle - I thought it was ok….

Rena:-snarls- Oh no you didn't! Now she's going to have writers block again - and right after I just got hired to beta too! Its time to open up a can of Whoop-Ass now!

Suaru:Ah, Rena-chan, why don't you go play with Rin, hm? -smiles and ushers a protesting Rena away-

Izayoi:-quickly drags InuPapa off - Come along now dear, its not polite to make girls cry like that….-clucks tongue and waggles finger at him, scolding -

InuPapa:-pouts- Yes dear.

Kag:Thank you all for reading, please be sure to review if you can! Thank you!

- Curtain closes on the cast, still partying in a "Fresh Chapter Out" joy -