Hey guys! Here's another update!
Of course, we all know Emily wouldn't just give up ;-) Hope you'll like this next update!
Chapter 6
Derek Morgan was watching JJ intently; just a few seconds ago, he could have sworn he saw a finger move. It wouldn't be right for JJ to wake up without Emily present, but if she did, they had all the more reason to get Emily back home safe. They still had no leads as to where he took her. They all knew who was behind it, but now they had to find his hiding spot. He felt terrible he wasn't out there looking for his friend, but Emily had given him the job of protecting JJ and that was exactly what he intended to do.
Another finger moved and Derek shuffled his chair closer to the bed, taking a hold of JJ's hand. What was he supposed to tell her? Your wife isn't here because she is taken by the man who put you into this bed? No, that didn't sound right. Your wife went after the bastard who put you in here because he escaped custody? No, not that either. He had to break it down gently, knowing JJ would still be fragile once she woke up.
A squeeze in his hand broke him out of his thoughts and his heart started pounding in his chest as he kept a close eye on JJ's face. A whimper escaped her lips and he knew deep down she really was waking up. He glanced to the glass doors and waved his hand, urging a nurse to come into the room.
"I think she's waking up," he informed her, holding up their joined hands to prove his point. "She just squeezed my hand and she's making sounds,"
"Well, that would be a good sign if she were to wake up," the nurse nodded, quickly checking JJ's vitals.
She studied her chart before hanging it back where it once stood.
"Everything seems to be going well, there are no inconsistansies. I will go and get a doctor so he can examine her when she wakes up,"
With a small nod in agreement, Morgan turned his attention back to the woman in the bed. He could see her eyes moving behind closed eyelids and knew she was just seconds from waking up. His left hand made its way to her left knee and with is right, he picked up her hand and held it in his.
Suddely JJ's eyes shot open. She was frantically looking around the room as if she still wasn't aware of her surroundings until her eyes fell on Morgan. His lips were moving, but the words didn't seem to reach her ears. Turning her gaze away from the hispanic agent, she tried to look around the room. A picture of Michael Blackford flashed in front of her eyes and all of a sudden it felt as if she was back in the basement, staring into the barrel of her own gun. Her eyes were rying to follow the actions, but everything went by too fast. The next thing she knew, she was lying on the ground, staring up into beautiful brown eyes.
"JJ," She finally heard a voice and turned her head to the source which had brought her back to the present.
Morgan was still standing to her left and was slightly bent over her bed. Then she noticed the muscles in his upper arm tense and her gaze followed his arm as she finally realised he was holding her hand. He was squeezing her hand every now and then to try and get a reaction from her.
JJ opened her mouth to speak, but closed it again as she realised she couldn't squeeze back. Her mind willed her hand to move, but the limb was too stubborn to take any orders. Instead it just kept still, refusing to budge. She opened her mouth to speak, but closed it yet again as she realised his other hand was resting on her knee. Tears sprung in her eyes as fear set in. If she hadn't seen the hand on her knee, she never would have noticed because she didn't feel the pressure it created. Morgan, seeing her reaction, quickly removed his hand and placed it on the other, which was still holding her left hand.
"Emily?" the blonde choked out before Morgan had a chance to speak.
"The doctor will be here soon," the male agent explained, trying to ignore the question by focussing on her condition instead.
"He said it was normal to feel weak. The bullet hit some nerves and muscles which control the left side of your body. You've been in a coma for an entire week. You played quite the hero,"
JJ squinted her eyes at the man, still trying to put together the pieces of what happened in the basement. I'm staring into my own gun, I'm lying on the ground in a cool pool of blood while trying to communicate with Emily.
"Emily?" she tried again, urging Morgan to speak up and tell her where her wife was. His silence felt as if he was about to deliver terrible news and tears once again made their way to her eyes. She didn't even bother to keep them inside, but Morgan was quick to soothe her.
"No, JJ, no, she's okay, I promise. We just..." he fell silent once again as he searched for the right words to say.
"She's been by your side every single day, but when she found out Michael escaped, she..." His words trailed off, hoping JJ could fill in the blanks on her own.
"Michael?" the blonde whispered as she leaned her head back into the pillow.
She squeezed her eyes shut in order to try and force her memory. We were in the house, I went to the basement, I stared at my own gun, I'm lying on the floor. No, that couldn't be all she remembered.
Without realising it, she lifted up her right arm and pressed her palm against her forehead. We entered the house, I went to the basement, I saved the victim, she took my gun. While shaking her head, she kept trying to force her mind to remember everything completely. She tried to remember the smell, the sounds, anything she could think of. I heard Emily's heels down the stairs, Michael hit her, he was going to shoot her, he shot me. He scaped. Waith, he escaped? She mulled over those last words over and over again, but they never made sense. Her eyes flew open and bore into Morgan's.
"He escaped?!"
The hispanic agent quickly made a hand motion to try and get the younger woman to lower her voice.
"Emily went after him. They told the police numerous times he needed enouth officers to guard him, but they wouldn't listen,"
"Where is he? Where is Emily? Where are they now?"
It was the question Morgan had dreaded the most. Somewhere deep down he was furious at Emily to leave him in this situation, but on the other hand, he understood her actions. If it were Savannah who had been taken, he would have done the exact same thing. He took a deep breath and locked eyes with the blonde.
"She went after him and now we lost them both,"
Emily was slowly waking up. Her head was pounding from the iron pipe Michael had used to knock her out with once again. This time he had made sure she really was out cold. She tried to move her hand, but was met with a restraint, forcing her to keep it in place. The harder she tried to move her arm, the harder the ziptie cut into her wrist until it drew a thin line of blood. Slowly opening one eye, she tried to look around the room. A bright lamp was positioned in front of her, shining its light directly into her face, making it hard for her to keep her eyes open.
It was only now she realised she was sitting down on a chair. With both of her eyes now openen, she squinted against the light so she could analyze the entire situation. Her hands were restrained with zipties around the armrests of the chair and her ankles were bound to its legs. Her eyes roamed over her body where she found a rope wrapped around her chest. There was no way she was going to get out of this situation. With a glance at her watch, which she was still wearing, she could see it had been three hours since Michael escaped.
Now looking around the room, the only thing standing there besides the lamp was an old television with a laptop sitting on top. There were barely any windows except for one small sash window to her left. It was too dark to see anything outside, but given the size of the window, she guessed she was somewhere in a basement. With a deep sigh, she let her body slump into the chair. She had to make a plan if she wanted to get out of the situation. She didn't mind taking his beatings, because she thought that was what she deserved for failing JJ, but she wasn't ready to die either. With one last glance at her watch, she knew what she had to do.
"Look who's awake," a voice laughed behind and as she felt a finger trace along the curve of her neck, her body tensed.
Michael rounded the chair and turned off the big lamp inside the room. Instead, he powered on the tv and took the remote in his hand. With his other, he pushed a button on the laptop.
"Took you long enough. Maybe I hit you a little too hard,"
"What do you want? Torture me? Go ahead," Emily sighed, leaning her head back in frustration.
She tried to wriggle her body in the meantime, hoping the rope around her chest would loosen up a little. Luckily, Michael didn't noticed because he was too busy working on his laptop. Suddenly, JJ's hospital room showed up on the tv and Emily froze in the chair.
"What are you doing?"
A grin spread on the taller man's face as he leaned against the tv.
"There are many different ways of torture," he explained, pointing to the tv. "I know for a fact you don't want anything to happen to that lady in the bed,"
It was only now Emily realised JJ had woken up and Derek was seated next to her bed.
"JJ," she whispered, trying to get closer to the tv.
She couldn't believe her eyes. The doctors had told her the chances of her waking up were slim, but there she was, sitting up right and talking to Morgan. Emily did noticed how the left side of her body was slightly slumped and guessed the blonde had lost the feeling in a few parts of her body.
Tears made their way to her eyes. How could she have been so stupid? She should have stayed in the hospital with her wife. Instead, she went after the unsub and allowed herself to get caught. A wave of anger flushed through her body and suddenly, she violently fought to get out of the chair. The zipties wouldn't budge, but she could feel the rope start to loosen up around her chest.
A loud laughter escaped Michael's lips as he enjoyed seeing the unit chief struggle.
"You're never getting out of that chair," he chuckled, tossing the remote to Emily's feet.
"Too bad because there is sound with this video. If you were able to get out, you would've been able to turn on the sound. Oh well, not my problem. Besides, I have a guy inside that hospital. One wrong move from you and one phone call from me and my guy will inject something in the IV of that wife of yours. Trust me, she'll never wake up after that,"
With that, Michael passed by her chair and left the room, leaving Emily alone with the video.
"No!" Emily screamed, but Michael had already closed the door.
With a grumble, Emily tried to move out of the chair.
"No!" she screamed again, fighting the rope and zipties with every strength inside her body.
A few more movements with her chest and the rope suddenly pooled in her lap, allowing Emily to let out a relieved sigh. Now she could finally carry out her plan.
She bent down to reach her watch with her mouth. Derek had given her the watch after the whole Doyle scenario, just in case something similar were to happen again. Right now, it was time for the watch to prove its use. With her nose, she pushed the glass aside, revealing a tiny button inserted inside the watch. She pushed it and a bright red light started shining. Carefully, she placed the glass back where it belonged, but let out a frustrated grunt as she noticed the red light gave a red shine to the glass. All she could do was hope that Michael wouldn't noticed the change in her watch.
It didn't take long for Michael to emerge back into the room, carrying a tray full of knives. Of course, she could have known making her watch her wife on tv wasn't going to be his only method of torture. She swallowed hard as he turned towards her and his eyes scanned over the fallen rope.
"I see you tried to get away," he grinned as he moved closer and took a hold of the rope. He tied it back around her chest and his motions stopped as his eyes fell on her watch. "What's that?"
"What's what?" Emily innocently countered, trying to get Michael's eyes back on her.
Her tactics were in vain as he angrily pulled off her watch and opened the glass.
"A gps tracker?" he spat furiously, tossing the watch on the ground before kicking his feet on top of it. "You made the wrong move!" He took out his cell phone and typed in a message.
"No, no, no, no!" Emily pleaded, again trying to get out of the chair as she saw a man entering JJ's hopsital room. "Derek! Do something!"
Morgan was seated in a chair next to JJ's bed. The doctor had just checked up on JJ and had left the room.
"Doctor said you'll probably regain all the feeling in your limbs, that's good news isn't it?" Morgan smiled, leaning back in his chair.
He noticed JJ sigh and frowned, urging the blonde woman to speak up.
"I know, it's fantastic, I just..." Her smile faltered as she locked eyes with Morgan. "You need to find Emily, Derek. You need to be out there looking for my wife,"
"I know," Morgan agreed yet shook his head left to right. "But I promised her I'd stay here and protect you. Besides, the entire BAU is looking for her, they're in the best position of finding her,"
As JJ slumped back in the bed, a tall dark man, dressed in nurse's clothes entered the room. "I'm just here to check up on you, miss. I need to give you some extra painkillers,"
Morgan raised an eyebrow and got to his feet. "Doctor Kumar has just been in here to check up on her and he didn't say anything about pain killers,"
"Besides, I'm not in pain right now," JJ added, pulling her arm away from the man's grasp as he took out a syringe. "What are you doing?"
Just as the man was about to try and take another hold of JJ's arm, Morgan lunged forward and threw himself at the man, attempting to twist the syringe out of his hand. They both fell to the ground, wrestling for the syringe while JJ called out for help. Seconds seemed like hours before Morgan finally managed to get a hold of the man's arm and twisted it so he stabbed himself with the syringe. It didn't take long before his eyes dialated and his limbs fell to the floor.
Another nurse came running in and gasped at the scene in front of him. "It's okay," Morgan attempted to calm down the male nurse.
"I'm a former FBI agent, she is an FBI agent, her badge is in her purse on the chair." Pointing to the purse he was referring to, he slowly got to his feet. "This man was attempting to kill a federal agent, I couldn't let that happen,"
The male nurse still wasn't sure about Morgan's explanation, but he waved over some of his collegues. Together, they lifted the body onto a stretcher and covered it with a blanket before rolling it out into the hallway.
"I will have to inform my surperiors and security," the male nurse stated, earning a nod from the former FBI agent. With that, the man left the room, leaving the two friends alone.
"Did that really just happen?" JJ questioned, attempting to get back to a sitting position.
In all the comotion, she had turned to her left side and was now struggling to get back up. Morgan, being the gentleman he is, quickly rushed to her side to help her back in her previous position. He was about to reply when the sound of his cell phone filled the room.
He smiled as he saw the caller ID. "Hey baby girl, you're on speaker," he greeted her, allowing JJ to listen in on the conversation. "You will not believe what just happened,"
"Oh, you'd be surprised my brown chocolate genius," the technical analyst countered, earning a frown from both friends.
"You see, that gps thingy you put in Emily's watch came in handy. I think she managed to activate it. It pinged off a tower just long enough for me to get an exact location. I already sent the team on their way. Also, by doing a technical sweep around the building, I found some active servers. He's streaming a live video from your room, I'm looking at it right now,"
"He's hidden a camera in here? How the hell did he manage to do that? He could never have known in which room JJ would be put in," Morgan wondered as he sat down on the edge of the younger woman's bed.
A chuckle escaped Garcia's lips. "Well, that's where our guy comes in. That was one hell of a tackle! I ran his face through my program and it appears they went to the same school. They have a similar past so I figure they stuck together,"
"Well, let's hope they can finally bring my wife in here," JJ sighed, leaning back into her pillow, praying Michael hadn't killed her yet.
If he had a live feed from this room, that meant he saw his attempt to kill her had failed. That also meant he would take out his anger on Emily. All she could do was pray her wife would be found alive while in the meantime, Derek went in search of the hidden camera.