(A few days after the battle between Fenrir and Hagion)

Artemis yawned as the light off her brother's car shined through the flap of her tent, waking her up with its warmth.

"Idiot.." she mumbled out, throwing off her small blanket and rising slowly, wincing as her joints popped and cracked from under-use. As she walked out of her tent, she was greeted by a strange sight, albeit quite amusing.

Hagion had climbed up a large oak tree, and had swung himself upside down like a monkey on the strongest looking branch, seemingly copying what he had seen from a hunter practicing, since it seemed clumsy and his legs barely held him up, making it look like he was about to fall any second, which is what seemed most of the hunters thought.

A large group of them had congregated under Hagion, all with worried looks, and were trying to coax him down. He payed them no attention, and kept his eyes on his hands, which were rapidly spinning and twisting in strange patterns. As Artemis walked closer, she noticed Thalia was trying hard to not crack a grin, and at the sight of her mistress, pointed at her hand while gesturing up at Hagion.

Artemis looked back at Hagion and frowned in confusion, before slapping her hand to her forehead. He had a rubix cube.

Thalia started cracking up in laughter at Artemis' realization, and walked over, along with Artemis' most experienced medic.

"What exactly is going on here?" Artemis asked, a smile forming, and Thalia started to speak, but was promptly cut off.

"Hagion has climbed up the tree, refuses to come down, and ignores all of us, all because he wants to finish the stupid cube!" The medic yelled out, and Thalia glared at her, before stepping forward herself.

What Ava is trying to say is that she is afraid that Hagion will open up a previous wound if he fell." She looked back at the busy giant, still messing with the cube. "Which would be bad, which is also why we haven't gone and tried to get him off physically." she finished and Artemis shook her head, a full smile now present on her face.

"Now that is important, but where did he get the cube in the first place?" Artemis asked, and Thalia started chuckling.

"According to our newest hunter, the little girl named Sophie, he saw she was struggling with it, and offered to try and solve it." All three looked back at Hagion his expression in the most extreme case of concentration that Artemis had ever seen, and then Artemis spoke again.

"How long has he-"

"Four hours."

Artemis sighed as Thalia and Ava said this in unison, and walked to the middle of the group of hunters, right under Hagion.

"Hagion, my child, don't you think you've hung on that branch long enough?" Artemis asked tentatively, and patiently waited for an answer, sighing in slight irritation as he didn't show even a slight inclination that he had heard her.

"How about we leave him be for now, I don't think anyone will be able to move him right now." Artemis stated to her hunters and walked back to the camp, the rest of the hunt soon following her, leaving Hagion alone with his cube, the wolves, and the tree.

"How is it even possible?" Thalia asked in wonderment, as at four o'clock in the afternoon, eight hours after they had left him to his own devices, he was still hanging upside down from his branch, his hands still flying around the cube trying to solve it.

"You would think the blood would have all rushed to his head at this point.." Ava said beside her, a similar look of confusion and amazement on her face.

'I'm more amazed he hasn't finished the cube yet." Artemis stated beside Ava, a look of amusement on her face. She again walked up to Hagion, and this time tapped on his shoulder, which did absolutely nothing to garner his attention.

"Hagion, dear, I think you have played with cube for long enough." Artemis stated firmly, eyes narrowing in irritation as he completely ignored her. She then tried to take the cube away, but every time she reached for it, he pulled it slightly farther from her reach. At that she growled and started to furiously attempt to grab the rubix cube, every single attempt failing. As Artemis huffed in frustration, she heard giggling and slowly turned to Thalia and Ava, who had been joined by the majority of the hunt, who were attempting to hide their grins and giggling.

As she opened her mouth to shout at them, Hagion's voice exploded behind her.

"I DID IT SOPHIE!" he yelled and threw his hands out to his sides, which threw him off balance, which caused him to fall, which was unfortunately on the now pale Artemis who could only watch in disbelief as he yelped and collapsed on top of her.

It was too much for the hunters, even though they highly respected their mistress, the sight of their psuedo-brother collapsing on top of her by accident forced them to start laughing uncontrollably. This was only amplified as Hagion sat up and looked down, and realized he was sitting on the now dazed Artemis and looked at her strangely.

"Mother, why are you laying down where I fell?" he asked innocently and yelped as she growled and pushed him off, or tried to. It was more like she pushed him and he fell slightly to the side, which he used to give himself a foothold to stand up.

Almost instantly forgetting his dazed mother as he picked up the perfected Rubix cube, he rushed over to a tiny girl brown haired girl who was giggling and laughing at his antics. He picked her up and placed her on his broad shoulder, giving her the cube.

"There ya go Sophie! I finished it just for you!" he boasted, causing her to laugh even more.

Even as Artemis slowly got up off the ground, she couldn't' stay irritated at her hunters or Hagion, this was the happiest she had seen them in awhile; She wasn't going to take that away from them. Plus as she thought about it, it WAS pretty funny.

She started to laugh and smile with her hunters, which continued on into the night, their smiles staying even as they slept.

Thats the chapter, I thought an adorable filler would be nice. Btw, I was wondering If I should put in character Bio's for OC's that I make such as Ava and Sophie. oh and Hagion, can't forget him. either put your thoughts into a review or send me a PM please and thank you!

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