Hi everyone! This here is another idea that has been buzzing around in my head. Please let me know what you think in the reviews on if I should continue or not.


Noctis sighed, pushing her long hair behind her ears, turning to see Titus Drautos, Captain of the Citadel guard, approaching her.

"Yes?" she asked as politely as possible, trying to hide her attitude. She was annoyed because the last few days have been nothing but her royal duties – after constantly being reminded by her royal advisor, Ignis – and today was supposed to be her meeting her best friend, Prompto. Not matter how upset she is, her photo-happy, cheerful, and joking blonde-haired best friend always cheered her up. She always wonders how exactly he keeps his hair up in its do; it practically floating. He always tells her it's the hair gel, but how much he used is something she stopped asking a while ago.

She was pulled out of her thoughts as the Captain approached her and bowed before speaking. "His Majesty asked me to make sure you arrive to Prompto safely."

She smiled nicely. "I think I'll be okay. The arcade isn't far."

Drautos frowned. "I would still like to accompany you for your safety."

She inwardly groaned. Just because she's a girl all the guards here treat her like she's fragile. She stopped being fragile years ago thanks to the hours and hours of Gladiolus' – her Shield, whose only job is protect her and her father King Regis – training. "I don't think anyone will attack me in the two blocks it takes to get to the arcade. I already know Gladio is there hiding somewhere and I can take care of myself." She said with the roll of her eyes. Without waiting for an answer, she turned back around with a wave of her hand. "Later, Drautos. Tell Dad to stop worrying about me."

She knew she would get a stern talk from Ignis later, but she didn't care right now. Now, she just wanted to enjoy her free day with her best friend playing their favorite video games.

She walked along the sideways of Insomnia, thinking. She could have drove her car to meet her friend, but considering the short distance and how beautiful the day was, she decided to walk. She was wearing her normal everyday attire – well, what she preferred at least – consisting of a black tank top with a short-sleeved black leather jacket with the symbol of the Crownsguard on it, black jeans, and black combat boots with the bottom of the boots being red.

She has learned to deal with it, but she hated the formal wear she was required to wear on formal occasions; which usually ended up being every day. Dresses and heels will be the death of her eventually.

"Noct!" the princess was brought out of her thoughts at the shout of her nickname, given to her by the very one running up to meet her.

"Hey, blondie." She smiled, playfully elbowing her best friend in his arm.

"Really? Thought we agreed that you would stop calling me that." Prompto complained as he rubbed his arm lightly.

She shrugged. "I will when I get bored of it or come up with something else."

Seeing him but not acknowledging him, Gladio frowned at her deeply. No doubt Drautos called him telling him about her refusing the protection and left the Citadel without a guard.

She sighed, trying to calm herself down as her emotions began rising again. "Rough day, huh?" Prompto asked, clearly noticing his friend's inner struggle.

"Oh, you know. Same old, same old. That the "precious little fragile" princess can't take care of herself." She said, trying to sound sarcastic but the anger still clear in her voice.

Prompto blinked in shocked, causing her to immediately apologize. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be taking it out on you."

"No, I get it." He replied casually, "The royal life is tough."

"You have no idea."

Noct pulled out her phone, confusion on her face as it buzzed. It was from Ignis. Rolling her eyes, the princess opened the message and read it over; nearly dropping her phone at the end from shock.

"Noct?" Prompto asked worriedly, noticing his friend's paled face. "What is it? What's wrong?" He had to shake her lightly to get a response, her black hair falling in her face. Recovering, she pushed her hair back behind her ears quickly, harshly grabbing Prompto's wrist. "Not here." Her tone was just the same as her grip.

She quickly pulled her blonde-haired friend out of the arcade and back into a nearby alley. That doing just what she was hoping it would.

"And just what do you think you're doing?" Gladio's voice rang from the sidewalk, him walking to them with a scowl on his face.

Wasting no time, the princess was pulling him over toward the blonde and slamming him into the wall, shocking both boys. "Did you know about this?!" She hissed in his face, holding up her phone.

Gladio's look on his face gave her the answer. The Shield was just as surprised as she was.

"Can someone PLEASE tell me what's going on?" Prompto practically yelling his question. Noct let go of her bodyguard, who had pulled out his phone and was making some calls, and she said dully as she handed him the phone. "See for yourself."

She waited for her friend to read the text, trying to make sense of the situation as Prompto squeaked out, "They want you to do what now?!"

She sighed. "They want me to marry Ardyn Izunia, the Imperial Chancellor of Nifliheim, to be the symbol of the peace treaty that my father is going to sign with the Emperor." She said unemotionally.

"You're not going too though, right?"

"From the sounds of it, I don't have a choice."

She waited until Gladio was through with his current call and asked, "Well?"

"That was Ignis. Sadly, it's true; straight from His Majesty himself. The wedding is to take place in Altissia." He told her, sorrow on his face. "Ignis and I are supposed to see you there in a couple of days."

"Well, you better make room for one more; because if I am getting married," she started then turned to Prompto with a smile on her face. "I want my best friend to be there; photographing everything."

Prompto made a choking sound. "Are you sure-?"

"Positive; and I'm pretty sure Dad will be okay with you to come along."

"Set forth with my blessing, Princess Noctis." Regis said upon the throne.

Noctis bowed in respect before stumbling out, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

He breathed deeply then said, "Take your leave and go in the grace of the gods."

"Right." She said, turning to leave, her friends shocked before bowing to the king and following her.

"So much for royal protocol." Ignis muttered behind her as she walked down the steps of the Citadel.

"It's not like you had to deliver a royal address." Gladio commented and Noct rolled her eyes.

"Your Highness!" Drautos yelled, her turning to see him following her father down the steps. The king himself struggling with his cane.

"What now?" she questioned as she walked back up to her father.

"I fear I have left too much unsaid." He started facing her, then to her companions. "I ask not that you guide my daughter, but to stand beside her."

"We'll see the princess to Altissia if it's the last thing we do." Gladio said bowing to the king.

"I hate to cut this short, but Cor's got the motor running." She commented, turning back to the car.

"Take heed on the long road," he continued causing her to pause. "Once you start forward; you cannot turn back."

"What, you think I would?" annoyance rising in her voice,

Regis sighed, knowing this way getting nowhere he walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder and said with emotions swirling in his eyes.

"Walk tall, my daughter."

" Un. Believable." she breathed out,

"Not exactly a fairytale beginning huh, princess?" Gladio questioned, voice strained.

"We let ourselves get carried away." Ignis commented, sitting the driver's seat of the car. Her father had lent them his car, the Regalia, for their trip. Sadly they did not get very far as the car broke down.

Sounds of struggling were heard for a few more moments until Noct spoke up. "Hey, Gladio? Do me a favor. Push this thing by yourself."

"All by myself?"

"You won't even notice if we just let go." Prompto said, which caused Noct to laugh quietly.

"Prompto. Don't even think about it." The Shield growled.

"Save some breath for pushing." Ignis sighed.

Another push then Noct groaned. "Ignis, c'mon – time to switch."

"Nuh-uh. We just switched back there." Gladio argued

"And it's my turn Noct." Prompto chirped, while Ignis said, "His 'turn'."

"Oh I'm sorry but who's the actual female here?!"

Noct was one the ground gasping for breath and a southern female voice piped up. "Well, howdy! Y'all kept a girl waiting!" A pause. "Now, where's the princess?"

Noct stood up to come into face with a blonde-haired mechanic. "Howdy, your Highness! Congrats on your wedding."

Noct chuckled awkwardly. "Not hitched just yet." She muttered awkwardly.

After one quick chat with the girl – Cindy – and her grandpa Cid, the four found themselves out hunting some pests because they were broke.

"Man," she gasped after running to a nearby old shack to now look or a missing fellow named 'Dave', "I can't wait to get the car back."

The others murmured their agreements.

"Hey! I see the sea!" Prompto yelled at the vast blueness before them.

"I 'sea' it too." Noct shot back,

"That's Galdin Quay." Ignis said to state the obvious.

The four slowly but surely made their way to the resort that was connected to the dock.

"I'm afraid your out of luck." A man with reddish-brown hair said as he approached the group. "the boats bring you here…" he trailed,

"What about them?" Prompto asked, making sure he won't stop.

"… Well, they'll not take you forth." He finished, brushing between Noctis and Gladio. "I'm an impatient traveler; ready to turn ship. Catch." He said, tossing something in the air to Noct's face, Gladio catching it in the air. He opened his hand to reveal a coin.

"And what's this?"

The man hummed. "Consider that your allowance."

Gladio stiffened and stepped in front of Noct. "Oh, yeah? And who's allowing us?"

The man shrugged. "A man of no consequence." Then he departed, leaving the four questioning each other.

"Who the hell was he?" Noct mumbled, cocking her head to the side.