Party planning.

Tori POV


Johna was wanting for me at the door whilst I finished getting my stuff for school together, ever since we all stopped walking in a group me and Johna just continued to walk together.

I asked Johna what he thought about throwing Tris and Maya a party he was up for it so that's one person who up for coming, just need to convince some other people to help me plan it.

Lunch came round quickly and I meet up with a few people to help me plan a party, Zoë, Rasha and Grace where already in stunted council we where just waiting for Johna, Winston and Zig.

"So why are we all here anyway Tor" Zoë asked

"I've been thinking that maybe we should throw Tris and Maya a party now that they both are better then what they where and to show them that they come still have a good time with their friends and so they know how much we really do care about them."

" I'm up for that it would be nice for everyone to get together" Zoë replied.

We spent all of lunch talking and planning the party, what time it would be, who is coming, food and drink and how to get Maya and Tris there. We all thought that it would be good for them to have a break from all the staring pointing and rumours and try to be regular high school students even if it was just for one night.

soon the bell went and we all headed are separated ways to our next lessons and acted like nothing happened if we saw Tristan or Maya.

We all thought that at some point some one was bound to say something by accident to one of them bit now the week is nearly over and the party is nearly Jetta and none of us have said anything to them it is looking like we are going to get away with this.


We spent most of the week planning a party for Saturday that would be at Toris house.

The only thing is that we want to keep it small with only close friends, but any party that anyone holds at Degrassi always gets crashed usually by the people who you don't want there.

So far we've managed to keep it quiet and only between all of the close friends of Maya and Tris but as for the actual party who knows what could happen. We still also need to try and get Maya and Tris there.

Me and Tori check with their moms and they said that it was fine if we had a responsible adult there. We weren't sure who to ask first but both Owen his girlfriend Anya and Katie are down so we thought about asking them and getting them to bring Maya and Tristan with them.