This is the third part of this short story. I hope you are going to enjoy it! Many thanks for your reviews they really made my day and inspirited me to keep writing this next chapter!
"You look beautiful Lizzy!"
Elizabeth smiled at her sister through the mirror. Jane herself looked like an angle in her white gown. It was a new dress, one their mother insisted on buying last year when Mr. Bingley invited them to the famous Netherfield ball. The silk was of good quality, the ribbons of rose making the dress unique and elegant. It was a shame she had not had the possibility to wear it since then but now the time had come and Jane looked absolutely stunning in it.
"Your Mr. Bingley is going to be besotted by you, dearest Jane. You truly look like an angel." Lizzy said referring to how Charles Bingley liked to call Jane when they were left alone. Her sister blushed but smiled shyly at the compliment.
"Your Mr. Darcy will be bewitched by you Lizzy, I am sure of it." She said stepping closer and taking the last pin from her hand. She put a tiny white flower into her hear and fixed it with the pin. "There."
Lizzy stared at herself in the mirror. Her gown was white through not as pure white as Jane's. Hers was rather a shade of ivory and her ribbons that of light blue instead of pinkish. She also wore elbow long gloves. She had never been as beautiful as her sister, but she had never felt plain. Now however, no matter how beautiful her gown was, she couldn't help but feel nervous. Her dress was more than a year old, pretty and elegant but not one a future Mrs. Darcy should be wearing in Opera, she imagined. Never before had she any concerns about what others would think about her but now she was uncertain. What was society expecting of a future Mrs. Darcy? She couldn't help but recall Mr. Krock's reaction. He had thought her and Jane not wealthy enough for his shop… as would the famous London society think her not good enough for the prominent Mr. Darcy.
Shaking her head she stood up with a smile. She had never been one to let herself be troubled by others opinion and as she had said to her fiancée, she won't change. She won't let them change her. With a bit lighter heart, she linked her arms with Jane's and together they stepped out the door.
"Mrs. Gardiner, the Darcy carriage arrived."
The announcement echoed in the floors. "They are here." Jane whispered excitedly.
"Are you nervous dearest sister?" Lizzy smiled.
"Don't tell me you are not! This is the first time we appear in society with our fiancée!" She whispered back.
"Jane? Lizzy? The carriage arrived!" Their aunt called from downstairs.
"We are coming!" Lizzy answered. "So what if it is the first time they see us?" she asked her sister as they descended the stairs.
"Oh Lizzy, what if they won't like us? What if they won't…. approve?" Jane whispered.
"They won't approve? Jane!" Lizzy laughed out. "There is nothing they have to approve. We are not going to marry the Ton! All that matters is what the gentlemen think. Anyway, there is no human being in whole England who would think badly of you! Don't worry Jane, you truly are an angel and I am sure you will win their approval even if it is not something you should be worried about." She smiled and before her sister could have reacted, they reached their Aunt and Uncle.
"We have to thank Darcy for his exceptional attention. To send this fine carriage for us! Your fiancée is truly generous." Mr. Gardiner said as they sat comfortably in the exquisite carriage on their way to the Opera.
"Very good of him indeed." Lizzy smiled looking outside the window. She couldn't help but notice the curious glances from various gentlemen and gentlewomen as the carriage stopped in front of the House of Music. The big Darcy crest picked the good people's attention no doubt. Soon she forgot about the curious glances however as her eyes landed on the two gentlemen waiting patiently for their arrival.
"Mr. Gardiner! Mrs. Gardiner!" Mr. Bingley bowed to the couple before turning to the two young women descending from the carriage. "Miss Bennet!" He smiled so brightly Lizzy had to hide a smile of her own.
Mr. Darcy would have shaken his head, had his thoughts not been otherwise engaged.
"Miss Elizabeth." He bowed offering his arms.
"Mr. Darcy, thank you again for lending us your fine carriage!" Mr. Gardiner said as he took his wife arm. "It was a real pleasure enjoying such fine way of transport."
"The pleasure is all mine." Darcy said as they slowly made their way to the Opera.
"How very many people!" Mrs. Gardiner whispered as people around them walked to the fine House of Music in London. She recognized very few, Mr. and Mrs. Pock, a family of another successful trading family were present but as the many others from their station they went to the left while the six of them claimed the stars where the private boxes were found. Here only people from the first class gathered, none she would know.
"This is one of the best performances they say. Darcy, it is very good of you to let us use your family's private box!" Bingley said. "This will clearly make the performance even more enjoyable!"
Taking the opportunity of the others preoccupied, Darcy took it upon himself to help Elizabeth of her coat. Once seated he leaned closer to whisper into her ears.
"You look beautiful tonight, Elizabeth."
Lizzy blushed as she smiled at her fiancée. She couldn't help but notice how elegant and comfortable the seats were. The view was spectacular all reserved only for them.
As she glanced around she saw many families from the first class occupying the boxes around them. Of course she knew none, them being high above her rank. Yet she will be in their companies and at the same level once she married Mr. Darcy. She also noticed the curious glances from the ladies of these families. They hid behind their elegant fans – also a mark of their wealth - but their sharp eyes were on her. The gentlemen were less secretive. They looked straight at them some curios, some frowning in disapproval.
"For how long am I going to be their favorite object to gossip about I wonder." She murmured so only Darcy could hear.
Mr. Darcy looked around frowning back at the curious London society in displeasure. "We won't spend much time in London, do not worry. The society in Pemberley is fewer in number but more agreeable." He answered.
Lizzy chuckled. "That does not answer my question Fitzwilliam."
"I am afraid… they will be quite interested for a while. But they will be less forward about it once you were properly introduced."
"Do not worry, dearest. I do not believe them to be more difficult to handle than your Aunt de Bourgh." Lizzy laughed quietly.
Darcy smiled back but he wasn't quite as sure himself. He knew the ton, they could be just as mean and prejudiced as her aunt. However, he was also sure his Lizzy could handle them just fine and those who were anything but respectful Darcy would handle himself. Watching as his fiancée spoke quietly with her sister, both ladies enjoying themselves made him relax.
He glanced around once more and his eyes landed on a familiar figure. On the first floor among the wealthy trade families sat one specific shop owner in the very last raw. Mr. Krock. He narrowed his eyes, his blood boiling. Ever since he had heard about Mr. Krock's attitude towards his fiancée he could not forget it as Elizabeth would have wished. Leaning back into his chair Mr. Darcy made up his mind quickly.
"Is everything all right?"
The small hand of Elizabeth on his and her soft voice made him turn to his betrothed.
"Yes. Yes of course."
There was no time to discuss anything further as the room went dark and the performance began.
One hour later the Bennet sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner, Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy stood outside their box enjoying the break.
"What an amazing performance!" Mrs. Gardiner said. "I have never had the opportunity to watch such an amazing master piece. And this building, truly the house of music I would say." The lady was truly taken aback; their station and wealth had never allowed such luxury as this before.
"Quite so, Madam." Mr. Bingley agreed.
"Why don't we enjoy some refreshment before the performance continues?" Mr. Darcy asked offering his hand to Elizabeth, the others following his lead.
The punch served was refreshing and the ladies enjoyed themselves well enough that Darcy could look around. Soon his eyes landed on the man he was looking for. Quickly excusing himself he walked straight up to the man.
"Mr. Krock." He greeted causing the man to turn around in surprise. His eyes went so wide it almost popped out of their sockets.
"Mr. Darcy!" He muttered. Such honor to be approached by Mr. Darcy, Master of Pemberley! What on Earth could have made the prominent gentleman to seek out his presence he could not guess immediately. Overtaken by surprise and pride he soon found himself rather disturbed. There could be no rational reason for the gentleman to talk with him unless he was displeased with him for some reason.
"Was there any issue with the bonnet you ordered? I hope it was delivered in time!" He said. The bonnet, it must have been the bonnet as they had had no contact other than that in his shop as of lately.
Darcy pondered for a while how to answer. The urge to seek out the man who had been so impolite with his Elizabeth had been great. The urge to put the man to his place even bigger but Lizzy's word came suddenly back to his mind. Pride was indeed a fault but one she was ready to forget and correct. As she had done with him before.
"Yes, it arrived in time." He said and after but a few seconds made up his mind and stared right at the other man. "I believe with the quality of your goods everything is all right. So says my fiancée."
There was but a short moment of silence. Mr. Krock blinked once as he took in his meaning. "Your… fiancée." He said slowly.
"Well yes. You have met her but the other day. Miss Elizabeth Bennet adores the bonnet." Darcy watched as the man in front of him turned white, his month opened but no sounds left his lips.
"Mr. Krock, my sister frequently visits your shop and likes the goods you can offer very much. I can say the same about my fiancée. I believe the future Mrs. Darcy would favor your shop taking into consideration only the goods you can offer but the success of a shop depends not only on its items but let's say the appreciations and care the shopkeeper shows towards his customers."
Mr. Krock turned even paler. "I can assure you sir, Miss Darcy's requests were always handled in time and with high care. I appreciate the favor your kind sister shows to my shop. The situation would, of course be, the same regarding your wife, your future wife I mean."
Mr. Darcy said nothing for a moment. "I would hope so, sir. Any mistreatment of Miss Bennet-"
"No! No, of course never such thing should happen! Please do tell Miss Bennet she is more than welcomed to come and visit my shop with her sister any time she wishes!" Mr. Krock interrupted quickly.
Darcy narrowed his eyes for a moment then nodded slowly. "I do hope we understand each other Mr. Krock." He said. "Good evening, sir." He nodded again and walked back to his fiancée.
It was just when he reached the small group and offered his arm to Elizabeth when the bell announced the end of the break and they had to make their way back to their seats.
"I hope very much you were not ordering yet another too expensive bonnet again, Sir." Elizabeth whispered to Darcy her eyes glowing with tease.
"I would not dare. I have to admit, I know very little of bonnets and would not wish to displease you by choosing the wrong one. No, dear, I shall not try to surprise you with such fine goods without some advice and help." He answered smiling.
"Then, pray say, what business did you have with the good Mr. Krock?" She arched an eyebrow.
"We have talked about business and how to make a business successful." He said with a rare teasing smile on his lips.