This is the story of how the sole survivor of one of the Ark stations find her way through the maddening world alone until she finds her people.

So this is Chapter One of something that randomly came to me this afternoon. Hopefully you'll get the gist of things in this chapter but if not then just say and I'll iron things out in the next one or two.

Looting was one of the few things that River truly hated. Stealing was one thing, but stealing from the dead was just that step too far for her. However, in the only surviving piece of the fallen Ark Station, sat the only survivor of the wreck, surrounded by the belongings of the dead. She had long since gotten over doing what made her uncomfortable and was, in that moment, skinning the last of three rabbits that she'd caught with a knife that she'd taken from a dead man.

River was still figuring out the whole survival thing, but she seemed to do well as a hunter and had thankfully landed quite literally in a body of water. The water had rendered the Station useless when they had landed, meaning that contacting Alpha Station wasn't going to happen. A week of panic later and she was the only one alive. Most had died in the initial fall, though some had fallen to exposure or ingesting something that certainly wasn't food.

And so she was alone.

When it had been announced that everyone was going to Earth, the nineteen year old had, despite the circumstances, been struck with child-like excitement. She had gathered her most prized posessions in her backpack, not caring for her clothes in favour of packing her books and a few childhood pieces that were nothing but sentimental value.

The first second of impact with the ground killed her father. His head opened like a melon onto her mother's shoulder who screamed until a tree impaled her stomach, silencing her with her eyes wide open. River's boyfriend was among the survivors, though not for long as a piece of the Station fell and crushed him when he tried to pull it of so to avoid it falling on anyone. Even she saw the irony there.

Her largest food source since the death of the others and the end of rations had become fish. The lake that they'd landed it was absolutely packed full to the brim with huge fish, many were larger than River's arm. She opted not to bathe in said lake as she didn't want to ever scrub something bad into both her water and food source, so she usually took water from there and washed herself in a small ditch that she'd dug with her hands, letting the dip dry in the sun or the water would soak into the earth after some time.

Over the course of the two months and eighteen days that she'd been on Earth, River had managed to slowly but surely shovel and carry enough dirt over to the Station to make a floor all the way around it that was about two feet wide. It had taken her a while but she was sick of having to take her shoes off just to leave only to put them back on the other side of the lake.

One of the first things that she learned to do was to swim, shortly following having leaned how to start a fire, to fish and to boil her water clean. Thankfully the water was good to drink all the same, but every so often she boiled some just in case. She knew that if it wasn't safe then she'd already be dead but she couldn't help it sometimes.

Done with the clothes that she was moving away from the leak that had just sprouted from a lower part of one of the walls, River stood and set about finding something to plug the wall with. She wasn't too concerned since it wasn't where she slept and definitely wasn't where she used as a bathroom, she considered using dirt, having heard of a mud hut, but she opted for a small rubber ball that had been brought down by an optimistic child that was long since dead. It only took a little push and the thrust of a palm to keep it in place, stopping the leak.

River ran a hand through her long chestnut hair, annoyed by the water covering the floor. It may not have been a concern but it was still an annoyance.

She left it, however, going back to the rabbits that she had been skinning, finishing them off and setting the pelts to one side. She planned to fashion some sort of gloves from them, knowing that Winter was bound to approach soon and she would need to keep warm.

Having seen some of the natives of the lands, who thankfully hadn't seen her despite having killed three of her people, River had seen the way they wore the animal hides and bones and so had made some similar items for herself. She had three boar skins that had become both a blanket and a cloak depending on what she was doing, knives crafted from bones, spears with pieces of boar spine and ribs, she even managed to sucessfully dry some of the animals' intestines and cut two strips into a bow string. It wasn't as strong as a real bow but so far it had served her well. As well as this, she had used the other pieces of bones to craft snares in the nearby woods and in the lake, meaning that her dinner usually caught itself.

By the time she was done with the rabbits and had mopped most of the water from the Station's floor it was growing darker.

She worked until night truly fell, closing the Station's doors that she had fixed alone in order to provide herself with some protection and privacy while she slept. Once she had checked that her trip wire was in place to wake her silently if anyone entered before she disarmed it, she went to the small storage room that was just hanging onto the main part of the Station and settled into the nest of blankets that she had there. She found the t-shirt and boxer shorts that she slept in every night that had belonged to boyfriend that had died such an ironic death and pulled them both on. She washed the underwear every couple days but still hadn't brought herself to wash any of the shirts that he had brought to the ground despite no longer being able to smell him over her own scent. She gently thumbed the silver necklace that housed a three inch tall silver cross, both of which had been his and had been passed through his family and finally to her, lying in the blanket nest and promtly falling asleep.

Four hours. That was it. She had slept four hours before the small glass of water turned and spilled all over her face. She woke with a start at that, looking up to the small ledge that it had previously stood proudly on, not once having tipped before now. She gently pulled the cord that had coiled around it and out of the room which, to her horror, fell slack.

Someone was inside.

Alright, so I know the first chapter is really short but I guess I wanna know first of all if anyone would be interested in this carrying on, if the length is way too short of just a little too short and just how people feel about this I guess.

This is the second or third The 100 fic that I've started but it's the first one that I'm posting and although I'm caught up to the show, I'm yet to read the books and my grasp on the world of the show isn't perfect so please bear with me and feel free to please point out any errors be it grammar or something wrong like names or places.

Hopefully someone out there will enjoy this! Feel free to ask questions and leave feedback!