AN: and that's the end. If you'd like one last chapter as an epilogue, please review and tell me. Else this will be the last chapter :) I hope you enjoyed the story- I enjoyed writing it :)

Harry was for the first time, in what felt like years and probably could be years, outside the comfort of his house. He was sitting at a small bench, watching Draco, a fond look on his face. Draco had gotten him a dog the second Harry had been well enough to leave the safety of saint mungos. It wasn't just any dog. Harry rubbed his neck, smiling as he recalled when Draco had appeared at his door step as few hours after they had parted. The puppy had been in a curb with a little blue bow around it's neck. It's fur was dark, on the edge to being fully midnight black. Draco had held the curb up and exclaimed he knew how to heal Harry's mind. Harry had been confused at first, but after Draco had explained what he meant, while they were sitting in the kitchen, streaming hot tea in each their cups and the puppy now sleeping safely in Harry's lap, Harry had finally got it. Harry's sanity had nothing to do with his actual mental state. He wasn't insane in the regular sense of the word, which was why no healer could cure him. No. As Draco had said, while making rather excited had gestures and almost spilling his tea: Harry had been so used to having the responsibility for something, that without the burden responsibility added on his shoulders, he couldn't stabilize his mind. At first Harry had taken care of himself, in shape of surviving living with the Dursleys. Afterwards he had taken the responsibility of being the savior onto his shoulders, while still managing to deal with keeping himself alive at the Dursleys. After the war, none of those had been any of his concerns. Harry didn't even have responsibility for himself. Kreacher took care of that. With his friends and family slowly retrieving themselves from him, he wasn't even needed anymore. At this point Harry had thrown his cup of tea against the wall and woken up the puppy. Draco had stopped his explanation to go over and hug the broken male. Harry really was broken, but Draco's theories had been right.

He chuckled for himself. After getting Padfoot Harry had only had one unstable moment and that was three weeks ago. The puppy had grown quite a bit and now the resemblance between Sirius animagus form and the dog was only clearer. Harry smiled as he watched Draco throw the stick for Padfoot again, the dogs legs moved with a speed Harry found ridiculous, speeding after the stick to retrieve it and return it to Draco. Draco. Harry caught Draco glance over at him, he waved to the blonde male, who didn't even think before he waved back. Draco had truly changed since school or maybe Harry was the one who had changed. Maybe the Draco he knew now had been there all the time, hiding behind Malfoy. Harry chuckled. Draco was an outcast in the wizarding world. A former death eater and the man who supposedly had tricked the savior of the wizarding world into his heart. To Harry Draco was so much more. Harry might be the savior in everyone else's eyes. But to him, the real savior was Draco. Draco with his ridiculous blond hair. Draco who was kicked out of the manor and disowned for something as scandalous as dating a Potter. Harry laughed for himself. He would never quite understand the pureblood society.

Draco sat down beside him, Padfoot trailing after him wagging his tail like he was the happiest dog in the world. Harry suspected Padfoot really thought that, but what did he know? He could only speak with snakes. Harry smiled as he felt Draco's hand take a hold of his, the blonde's head resting on Harry's shoulder. "Padfoot never get's tired." Harry chuckled at Draco's words, turning to look at him with a soft smile, before reaching in to move some hair out of his face. "It's a good thing he tires you out before we return home-" Harry wiggled his brows, which earned him a smack on the arm from Draco. "Shut up, Potter. Just because I one time jumped you doesn't mean I'm always desperate." Harry chuckled. "The keyword being always. Don't lie to yourself Draco. You're always desperate." Draco rolled his eyes, snorting. "says the guy who groped me just this morning, while I was doing something as sexy as washing my hands." Draco put extra pressure on the word sexy, making Harry cringe. "Oh stuff it. You know what you did-" He grumbled. "You tease" Draco leaned in to peck Harry's neck, nuzzling his nose softly into Harry's skin. "Just admit that you're into it." Harry huffed. "Over my dead body, Malfoy" Draco snorted. "Please." Harry smiled and squeezed Draco's hand. The two of them just sitting on the bench in comfortable silence for some time. Padfoot jumped onto the bench and got comfortable in Harry's lap, Harry gently petting the dog.

"Hey Harry." Draco muttered, making Harry look at him. "Yeah?" Draco smiled. A smile Harry probably never would get tired of seeing on the blonde's face. "I love you." Harry blinked, before leaning in to press a soft peck against the blonde's lips. "I love you too."