The blue troll eyed the bread longingly. He licked his lips together and a smug smirk formed on his face. He was currently sitting on the top of Harper's Art Shop, one of the greatest places to find art in the whole kingdom. Right across from it was where fresh bread was sold every hour.
This was what he had been waiting for. As soon as the newly baked bread was set out on it's lovely, gleaming silver tray, the smell hit his nostrils hard. This only reminded him how hungry he was. He was about to leap down when he felt a tug on his arm.
He knew very much what this was about.
"No, no! Bad idea!" The voice was none other than the voice of his older brother, Birch. He was very slinder and handsome troll with green eyes and purple skin like his father's, as well as dark purple hair like his mother's, and a blue nose. He wore blue shorts that were torn from over the years and a tan, baggy coat.
"What's the problem? We gotta eat."
"I have a bad feeling about this one!"
"You always have a bad feeling," sighed Branch with a roll of his eyes. "We gotta eat something. If you don't want any trouble, then stay up here, I'll be back in a second." Branch was just about to make his way down until he felt another tug, this time on his green leaf vest.
"No, it's too dangerous!" insisted Birch, showing no evidence of letting go of his brother's vest anytime soon. "He's right there! If you had any sense, you'd at least wait till he wasn't looking."
Branch scowled. "What do take me for, an idiot?"
"Don't make me answer that…"
"It's okay Birch, don't fret! I've got a plan!" His blue eyes gleamed with mischievousness.
"Now I'm really worried," Birch said, feeling a bit numb. Almost all of Branch's plans involved putting himself in danger, putting Birch in danger, or sometimes even putting the kingdom in danger. Birch hated when he did all that, especially when he put himself in danger. Birch could not risk losing the only brother he's got. I mean, food was important and all but they did have a few fruit scraps that folks felt bad for them to feed off that'd last them a week if Branch wouldn't be a pig and chow them down. This is why Birch came up with a rule that they were to eat only twice a day because their low food supply. Once in the mornings and once in the evening was enough for Birch. He always let his brother get more more food than him.
They lost their parents when Birch was seven and Branch was a year. Ever since then they were on the streets with nowhere to go and no one to look after them.
"I've got this," Branch repeated nonchalantly, finally managing to wiggle out of his brothers tight grip. He carefully stepped down from the side of the building, which was no hard task considering Harper's Art Shop didn't stand very high.
Birch clenched his teeth together, watching Branch's every move as he got closer to the bakery. With each step he took Birch's heart pumped quicker and harder.
"Hello Mr. Baker!" Branch chirped.
"How many times to I gotta tell you? My name is Butch!" sneered the baker. He never liked Branch that much. He was nice to everyone else in town but whenever Branch came around his lips would turn from grinning into a snarl in only seconds.
"Funny," Branch rubbed his chin. "If your name is Butch...why aren't you workin' with the meats?"
Butch heaved a long- and maybe a little over dramatic- sigh. "I don't know, kid. Now go away! You're holding up the line!" Branch turned to see about eight trolls in line glaring at him.
"Alright, alright I'm going…" He faked a frown, then waited to let himself grin until he was completely turned around. This was just half of his plan. He was smart enough to know that Butch wouldn't just hand him the bread, and he wasn't dumb enough to just take it from him when he was looking right at him. After all he learned young that stealing was a huge crime in Troll Kingdom. There were punishments that he didn't even want to talk about.
Anyway, Branch looked around swiftly before smirking and smacking a female troll right in the bum. He knew he had to pick a feisty one, one who'd pick a fight.
And indeed she was the right troll, and it was even more perfect because right behind her was the most innocent looking male troll. In fact, she yelled at him in some crazy different language and slapped him across the face.
As Branch had predicted, a quarrel was set loose and it was complete chaos. Butch noticed this immediately, stepping out from the stand and trying to break up the fight. Branch chucked before making his way to the bread. He picked up the most fresh-looking one. Before leaving his inhaled the wonderful smell. He hadn't had fresh bread in who knows how long…
"Butch! It's that street rat again trying to steal your bread!" a thick voice of a male troll snapped Branch back into reality.
"Street rat!" yelled Butch so loudly it made Branch's ears ring. Well, it didn't take much to make Branch's ears ring.
"Gotta eat to live Butch," he said quickly before he took off running. "And gotta steal eat!" he exclaimed as the wind whipped through his creamy blue hair.
"Branch!" Birch screamed, jumping off the shop and running towards his brother. He was surprised he caught up with him so quickly, and even more surprised when he noticed Branch was still holding the bread. "Branch! Give him the bread!" Birch begged.
"Why should I?!" Branch demanded, looking like he was having the time of his life. He turned his attention to what was ahead of him and stopped dead when he saw about ten guards with swords. "Uh oh…"
Birch gave him a nudge. "Give it back, maybe- BRANCH!"
His eyes widened when he realized Branch had different plans. He stretched out his hair and attached it to a larger building, tucking the bread safely to his chest as he ascended up. "You get back her street rat!" Butch yelled with a shake of his fist.
"Please sir," Birch tried, "he's just a kid. Nearly twenty. We have no money. What about a trade?"
Butch scoffed. "What do you have?"
"Hmm…" He rubbed his chin just as Branch had done moments ago and dug through his pocket where he point two buttons and a grape. "This is all I've got." He held it between his palm and extended his hand so the baker could see.
Butch examined it before laughing loudly as well as the guards. Birch smiled nervously.
"No way boy!" he grinned from ear to ear, slapping the buttons and grape out of his hand. "Now get the street rat!"
"No!" Birch exclaimed, hurrying after them.
Meanwhile Branch was about a half mile away, pouncing down from a building and making an awkward landing onto the clothes hanging up on the dryer rink, sliding into a pair a suspenders. It must've been too much to support his weight, because he fell to the ground, his head going first. Branch had a thick skull so it didn't hurt much.
"My suspenders!" an old male troll carped, "You hollagon! Get over here!" he called through the window. Branch knew him very well.
Then came the voice of reason, his wife Patty. "Harold, leave the kid alone!" She smiled and looked at him. "Getting into trouble so early in the day Branch?" smirked the old woman.
Branch blushed and shrugged. "I guess so. They don't appreciate I'm broke, I guess."
Patty chuckled.
"Welp, they found me. Gotta run. I'll clean up the mess later!" he promised as he jumped out of Harold's suspenders and getting back on his feet again, the bread still safely in his blue hands. How great this felt, living life on the edge. He knew Birch didn't appreciate his rebelliousness but to Branch it made life worth living; he also claimed that he put excitement in Birch's rather serious life.
"Branch! Up here!"
"Birch! Great timing!" He'd never been so happy to see his brother at this time.
"Shut up and get over here!" snapped Birch, extending his hair. Branch did as well so know Branch's silky blue hair connected with Birch's thick purple hair, heaving him upward.
"What now?" Branch asked.
"Jump!" Birch ordered.
Branch didn't think twice before jumping. He was a bit scared but didn't let it show. It was daring, nonetheless. Birch wasn't far behind him, and they both came to a safe landing into a pile of straw. Well that was good luck…
"Get down before they find us!" Birch whispered harshly. The pair buried themselves as deeply in the straw as they could, using their hair to blend in with it. When they heard footsteps, Birch held onto his brother tightly. Branch thought he might protest but decided against the idea. After all they'd be in bigger trouble. "Where did they go?!"
Branch couldn't help but at least smile when he heard Butch's clueless voice. Idiot. He was now trying so hard to hold back his laughter.
When the sound of the footsteps got lower, they knew they were off the hook.
For now.
The princess was stretched out on the perfectly trimmed grass in the first yard of the castle, her normal spot. She looked at the clouds, trying to make shapes out of them. "What do you see up there, princess?" asked one of the guards by the name of Biggie.
"I don't know," admitted Poppy.
Biggie chuckled. "Are you looking for something?"
"I don't know," she repeated. "I feel like I am. However, it feels out of reach…"
Princess Poppy's philosophy was that there was always something new to discover. She was often found outside a lot and loved to write and read songs. She lived in a fantasy of cupcakes and rainbows, where nothing was too messed up that couldn't be fixed with a simple song. She never believed it when one told her that she had a beautiful voice, but instead of telling them that she'd blush and thank them for the compliment whoever that may be.
Her color was pink, and her hair was a darker pink. Some argued that her eyes were pink as well, but if someone were to look closely they'd see that they were a light purple. Just like her mother's. The same exact shade. She wore a sky blue dress as well.
"Well, if there is anything I can do to help find this "out of reach" thing you speak of, do not hesitate to ask."
Biggie was always a gentlemen, since the day they met. He had been working in the castle since he was very young, and he always looked out for Poppy and her well being. He was twenty six- six years older than the princess. His color was indigo blue, similar to his eyes, and his hair was a light blue. He also had a pet glow worm he named Mr. Dinkles, who never left his side, even when he was on duty.
Poppy thought for a moment. "Actually, you could do me a favor."
"You could talk to my father for me…" she hesitated, "about the law. You know, the one about me having to marry."
"Princess Poppy, we've been through this, the law is the law. It's not going to change..." He hated telling her that, but it was the truth. He knew she had asked that because of what happened with the last suitor.
But we will get back to that.
"So you won't talk to him?"
"I'm afraid not."
There was a few moments of silence until Biggie spoke again, feeling a little bad for disappointing her. "I know what will cheer you up," he said.
"I dunno," he shrugged.
"Psh, yeah that really helps, Biggie…"
Biggie bit his lip. "Sorry."
Poppy lifted her head when she heard the door open, revealing her father. He gave Biggie a nod before stepping down to get to Poppy. "Princess, we need to talk!" King Peppy was still a little sour from what happened yesterday with the suitor, and there had been little communication between the two.
"What's there to talk about?"
"Dearest," sighed Peppy, "you must stop rejecting every suitor! The law says-"
"-you must be married to a prince, I know," she finished for him.
"By your next birthday," he added. "You've only got three days left!"
Biggie bounced up and down like a child. "That's right! You're twentieth birthday! You've got that to look forward too!"
Poppy and Peppy glanced at Biggie for a moment, sharing a similar glance before Poppy decided to continue. "The law is wrong!" she protested. "And if I do marry," she smiled warmly, "I want it to be for love."
"Poppy," said Peppy quietly, "it's not just the law. I...I'm not going to be around forever. I just want to make sure you have someone to take care of you."
"I've got everyone else in the castle to take care of me. Biggie will. And Suki- she takes care of me everyday by cleaning," she assured. "There's a lot of trolls who can take care of me."
"You know that's not what I meant Poppy."
"Please, try to understand," she begged. "I've never done a thing on my own. I haven't even been outside the palace walls. There's so many things in the world I haven't seen, so many things I wanna do!" she smiled, jumping on one of the trees and hanging onto one of the branches. She smiled as the breeze hit her face. It felt very nice through her hair. "Where's the adventure?"
Peppy scoffed. "Adventure! You are a princess, and it's about time you started acting like one!" Eyebrows furrowed, he made his exit. It made Poppy frown knowing that she made her father even more upset but she didn't know how much longer she could take this.
"Mr. Dinkles, I forbid you to have any daughters!"
The glow worm lifted it's head curiously. "Mew?"
Night was falling, and Birch was still upset about what had happened earlier today. He'd been giving Branch the silent treatment ever since they headed home. Their dwelling was a bit separate from Troll Kingdom so it was about a mile.
Birch had his hands in his pockets as Branch finished up the last of the bread. "Hey, Birch? Want the rest of this?" asked Branch with his mouth full.
Finally he spoke. "Would you at least wait till you were done chewing? It's rude to talk with your mouth full. I've told you that millions of times." He still didn't face him, and his voice sounded a bit grumpy, which really came to no surprise.
Branch swallowed the huge bite he stuffed in his mouth. "Well gee, sorry…" he mumbled. "But you never answered my question."
Birch stopped, clenching his fist together. "I don't want any bread, Branch! Happy?"
Branch looked down at the bread, deciding that he didn't want any either. So he put it in his hair in case of emergency. As Birch kept walking Branch grew concerned. His brother hadn't eaten much today, he only had a few blueberries this morning and refused to take any bread. Birch believed that if one wanted bread, it'd only be fair for him to pay for it. He wasn't completely on board when Branch started stealing. In Branch's opinion it was better than just waiting for food to come.
"If you're not gonna eat any bread, promise you'll eat when we get home?"
"We'll see," muttered Birch.
"What does that mean?"
The purple troll whirled around. "It means we'll see!" he snorted, giving him a hard glare before turning back. Branch flinched for a moment before making him silently and moving on.
When the pair finally reached their dwelling, it occurred to Branch that maybe it'd be best if he'd just apologize for stealing, although he couldn't make any promises that he wouldn't do it again.
Their dwelling was an abandoned building just outside of Troll Kingdom. It took some climbing to get all the way to the top where they lived, but it was all worth it for one reason: it had the greatest view. When they finally reached the top Branch was excited to draw the old dusty curtain just to see it.
Straight ahead was the castle where the King lived. It had always been Branch's dream to live there.
But before he could draw the curtain he knew he had some apologizing to do.
Birch set down the few fresh apples they had gotten from the market place that he actually payed for with some money a nice generous troll had gave him. These apples would last them for the time being.
"Hey, erm, Birch?" Branch rubbed the back of his neck, a nervous habit of his.
Birch didn't face him. He was too busy fiddling with the apples, but it didn't fool Branch one bit. He knew he was listening. One of their similarities was that their ears were very sensitive and they could hear almost everything. Well, at least that's what it felt like.
"I'm sorry for what happened today."
Then he lifted his head, but did not face him.
"I shouldn't have stolen. And I know the only reason you're mad is because you want to protect me." He knew it was true. Ever since he was young all his brother wanted to do was protect him. So he knew were he was coming from.
Birch turned around to face him. "I…" He heaved a sigh. "It's alright, Branch. I get it."
"You do?"
"Yeah. You were hungry. But...stealing isn't the answer. We've been through this. There are nice folks around her, trolls that care about each other. They can help us."
"I understand that," said Branch, "but I want to be independent. They only give us money and food because they feel bad for us. Do you really want their pity?"
Birch sighed again. He sighed a lot. "We'll talk about this in the morning, Branch," he said, making up his bed.
Why not now? he wanted to ask. He held his tongue, though. That'd be best. Branch nodded and made his way over to the curtain and drew it to see the beautiful view. "Wow," he smiled widely. The view of the palace took his breath away every time he saw it. "Look at that view," he breathed. "Isn't it great Birch?" He sat right on the edge of the balcony, cuffing his hands in his cheeks.
"The view?" The purple troll snorted, sounding a bit amused. "You and that silly dream."
"It's not a dream, Birch. It'll happen, you'll see!" Branch assured his brother. "One day, things are gonna change for us, for the better. We will live in that palace, we'll be rich with all the food we could eat! We won't have any problems."
"Get your head out of the clouds. Seriously. You think royals have no problems?"
"I mean why would they? Everything is done for them-"
"Weren't you just talking about how you wanted to be independent?"
"I'm not done. They don't have to run the streets or scrap for food."
"You think about food way too much," Birch chuckled a little. "I need to get you a hobby. Better yet, what about a nice girl?"
"A nice girl?" Branch snorted. "Psh, that's the last thing I need. Besides, who'd wanna date a street rat?"
"A lot of girls," Birch answered. "Girls love bad boys."
"You mean street rat?"
"Don't talk that way. We aren't street rats."
"That's what everyone says."
Birch's emerald eyes glowed in the darkness. "Just because it's what everyone says doesn't mean it's what we are."
As Branch thought about this, Birch didn't wait for a reply. "Be quiet, now. I'm tired." He pulled the blanket close to him and turned the opposite way so now only his back faced him.
"Why? Just cause lil ole Birchy is tired everyone has to go to bed?" Branch asked in a babyish voice, nudging his brother on the shoulder.
"I never said you had to go to bed," said Birch, eyes remaining shut tight and his back faced to him. "Just don't stay up too late, okay?"
"Alright," Branch agreed, going back to the small balcony and looking at the palace. He wondered who all lived there. He never met the King and his daughter, but it'd be great to make their aquantance.
He'd bet Birch would, too. But he and Birch had completely different dreams. Birch didn't seem to care if he lived or died, his only care was Branch. This made him wonder if his older brother was depressed. He was always under a great deal of stress. He was a little more realistic than Branch, and Branch wasn't afraid to admit that. All Birch thought about was the present. He had no plans for the future, while Branch believed the future was going to be brighter.
He never saw it so clear now.
Things will change, he promised himself, glancing at his brother who just looked like a blob from where Branch was sitting. I promise Birch. They'll change for the better.
Surprise! I've been wanting to write this for a while! I guess I just couldn't manage to put it all together. And now that we have some other Disney adaptations in the making right now I thought it would be a good time to write this one!
So that was chapter one, I had a blast writing and I hope you had fun reading it! I know it's not too exciting considering there is no real Broppy moments but this just sort of sets up the characters :)
Also sorry if everyone is a little bit OOC, especially Branch XD By the way, what do you guys think of Birch? I thought it'd be nice to give Branch a brother.
Anyway, I will try to update my other stories over Spring Break which is next week so stayed tuned.