Chapter 2: Getting Involved

Hola amigos, I'm so happy that you guys liked the last chapter, so I'm here again. Sorry for the hiatus of this fic but I also got other projects which I recommend you check out if you like other RWBY fics, or TF2.

Steve had just set up a small shelter to spend the night in. It was made out of the stone but still looked decent. Well, for minecraft standards in the middle of nowhere, it was decent.

He made thick walls to keeps away Grimm and kept his Bruho and White Fang inside to assure they wouldn't be harmed. Steve also made a sniper perch so he could use his bow and arrow skills so he would not have to get up close and personal with these demon monster things again.

The miner was on high alert, making sure to aim for the eyes. He then ducked down, as he saw more faunas. He didn't want any trouble, but after the soldier walked away he saw a familiar red caped girl. He then immediately thought of Ruby. "Crazy girl, she's gonna get herself killed", he said to himself. He climbed down from his perch, saddled up on Bruho, and ran after her. White Fang jumped out of the window of the stone structure and followed, the wolf not the Faunas soldiers.

He rode on Bruho and had his bow out, now he might of been better to go alone since the galloping of a horse could be mixed up with a grimm. He stopped his horse when he saw Ruby fall down a hole. Steve saw this and grabbed White Fang, he then took out a Ender Pearl and threw it. Purple aura formed around him and the three instantly vanished.

They appeared at the bottom of the hole and were on point. Steve got off his steed and held his sword tightly. White Fang stook close to his friend and was baring his teeth. Steve leaded them though the bottom of the hole.

After a few minutes of walking, the group saw Ruby confront a man in a bowler hat, like a bitchin' hat. Oh God, I want that.., SORRY, this is what happens when you play Team Fortress 2. Now back to this weird combo.

He had a cane out and was smoking a large cigar, "Little Red, Little Red", he said in a taunting voice. "How unfortunately your life will end", said Roman Torchwick as he raised his cane. He squeezed his cane and a scope popped up from the end. He looked at her with a cocky look on his face, but he then screamed in pain. Steve sent White Fang to attack him, and he did by biting his leg with his sharp fangs.

This hurts way more than a regular wolf, White Fang is from minecraft, he took down a fucking golem that's made of solid iron, Endermen, and can keep up with Bruho. Wolves are also known for having powerful jaws so just multiply the pain from a wolf bite by ten. Roman screamed, "Get off me you fucking mutt". He then hit White Fang in the face with his cane and got the wolf to take it's iron grip off of him.

He kicked the wolf's side and it laid on the floor, but he got right back up and bared his teeth. Steve got on his horse and it got on his hind legs, like when you see a knight on is trusty steed. Roman looked at Ruby with a smug look on is face, "Is this your knight in shining armor, Little Red", he said as he took aim with his cane. Ruby then jumped on him and pushed his hat down so it covered his eyes.

"Steve, run", Ruby yelled as she booked it through a exit.

"Gidde up", Steve said as Bruho rode on, White Fang ran with them. Normally he would've killed the bad guy harassing a little girl, but the little girl he was trying to save just ran off so he had to make sure she was safe.

Time Skip

Ruby and Steve were running through the the base in quick haste. Ruby slowed down to make sure Steve could keep up, although Bruho and White Fang are both pretty fast. The sounds of galloping filled the base as they fled from their pursuers. They stopped at a screeching halt as they ran into a group of White Fang members, not White Fang the wolf, the organization White Fang. Don't give me shit, a girl named Ruby Is the leader of team RWBY.

The White Fang members raised their various guns and melee to attack the two. This was a shit hit the fan scenario, Ruby had no Crescent Rose and Steve had primitive weaponry, a bow and sword ain't gonna exactly do good here. As Steve thought this was it the White Fang members were sent flying from a huge explosion. Were there any deaths, who the fuck knows.

A Blonde girl with lilac eyes and two golden gauntlets appeared from the explosion. "Ruby", she said in relief as the scythe wielder jumped into the older girl's arms. Steve assumed they were sisters from the worry she showed for Ruby. Steve grabbed his bow to watch the back end, just incase any stragglers got any bright ideas

A girl in a white dress and a white pony tail said, "Are you okay", in a worried/pissed tone.

"I'm fine, I'm fine! But listen! Torchwick's got all kinds of weapons and robots down there", Ruby said in haste. "We barely made it out of his grasp", she said.

"We", Yang said in confusion, she then saw who she was talking about. "Who's this", Yanh asked.

"That's Steve", Ruby said.

Steve turned his head and said, "We should make haste, we don't know when the other guards will be back". White Fang bared his teeth at the girls as he just noticed they were there, he was too busy trying to watch the back with Steve that he forgot.

"Eep", a girl with a huge black bow and black girl squeaked as she hid behind the blond girl, she was terrified of both White Fang and the corgi that seemed fairly harmless. "I hate dogs", she said to the blonde.

"Remarkable, while we thought that wolves were too wild to be pets, this man seemed to have him tamed", a man with large glasses and green hair said, fairly peppy and a tad hyper. "Hello there little fellow, I'm Professor Oobleck", the professor said as he went to pet the animal. But, White Fang takes everything he doesn't know as a threat, especially if Steve is around and he bit the green haired man's hand. "YYEEEOOWWWCCH", screamed the man as he pulled his hand out. "Feisty one isn't he", he said.

"I told you, dogs are no good", Blake said, she was now on Yang's head, in fetal position.

"Don't mess up my hair kitty", Yang said in a angered tone.

Steve turned around and said, "White Fang, heel". White Fang was still growling at the 5, the corgi just had a cute expression on his face and didn't seem scared. White Fang obeyed and went over to Steve and Bruho. "Ruby you said they have weapons right", Steve asked.

"Yeah, armed to the teeth, androids mechs, all loaded into the train cars", Ruby replied.

"What" Blake said, she handed Ruby Crescent Rose, still being weary of the corgi and wolf.

"That's ridiculous. These tunnels are sealed, the tracks lead to a dead end", Oobleck said.

Then the party heard the voice of Roman Torchwick across the speaker. "Get to your battle stations, we are leaving now", he said over the intercom. The trains then started to move towards the tunnels.

"They sound like they're going somewhere", Yang said.

"We need backup, let me call Jaune", Ruby said as she took out her scroll. It flashed "Low Signal" and she said, "I can't get through". Steve was just confused, in his mind he was thinking how she would call her friends over a small piece of glass.

"Stop fooling with that thing, if those oversized minecarts are full of weaponry then we need to stop it, those bandits shouldn't be using them", Steve said as he got Bruho ready to jump. "Let's go Bruho", He said as Bruho neighed and followed the train, with White Fang following.

"We have to go after him", Ruby said in a worried tone.

"That dolt is gonna get himself killed", Weiss said. The part then followed Steve.

On da Train

A White Fang member is standing guard on the train, he hears a noise outside and starts to see rose petals. He turned on his mic and said, "I think they're on the-", he was about to finish but then Professor Oobleck knocked him out with what appeared to be his coffee mug… this guy must like his Starbucks.


"Boss! They made it onto the train", a White Fang member said to Roman, who didn't seem very amused.

"Then grab some cargo and get them off the train", Roman said, or well… yelled. The White Fang member nodded and left to do as Roman asked.

"Man, animals, every one of them", Roman said, not realizing there's a White Fang members sitting next to him "Not you though, you're, heh, you're great", Roman said nervously.

Back with our Heros

Oobleck, Team RWBY, Steve, White Fang, and Bruho are now stabbing atop of the train. "Quick children we must get to the front to stop the train train", Oobleck said in haste.

"Professor, what's that", Weiss asked as she pointed to a hatch on the train.

Oobleck enabled down and said, "It appears to be a bomb".

The Professor and Team RWBY back away from the bomb.

"Why not just remove the explosive", Steve said. "All we have to do is be careful with it and it shouldn't explode", Steve continued.

"No you dolt, we are on a fast moving vehicle with White Fang on it", Weiss said, in a rather annoyed tone.

"What's wrong with my wolf", Steve asked, as he named him White Fang.

"Are you serious, the White Fang no good faunas who just want to see mankind die", Weiss said.

"Not all faunas are like that", Blake said as this triggered her. The two began to argue about this, as this seemed like a touchy subject for both of them.

"Guys…", Ruby said, getting a what from the two huntresses. "We got baddies", she said, pointing forward. White Fang members were already climbing up in dozens.

Oobleck didn't think go then as much as a threat, as being a skilled huntsman makes White Fang members pretty apathetic by comparison. "I didn't think they'd go-", Oobleck was about to finding when he heard the bomb beep. "-Easy on us", he finished. Steve would of fighters but there were a lot of White Fang, and he was pretty sure they wouldn't go into a honorable melee battle. Team RWBY were running away, but Oobleck stopped Blake and told her to detach the caboose. She went to detach it but just as she was about to it detached itself.

"Guess this really didn't want us on the train", Yang said. Oobleck looked back to the caboose as played out like any Michael Bay movie. "That's not good", Oobleck said.

"Err, neither is this", Ruby said as she stood next to an open hatch

"Another bomb", Blake said in a worried time.

Oobleck looked into all the hatches, his eyes then went wide. "They all have bombs", he yelled to Team RWBY and Steve.

The bomb under Team RWBY charges up and starts beeping and the cart they're on detaches itself. "This ain't good", Steve said. This forced Team RWBY and Steve to run to the next cart.
Steve on his horse and White Fang(the wolf) followed.

"This doesn't make sense", said Yang.

The White Fang members, from before, can be seen climbing the train seen again.

"Get the humans", a member said.

"Oh shit it's the wolf tamer", another White Fang said, some actually got a bit scared. They were informed about a muscle bound man riding a horse and had a deadly wolf with him. A few actually wanted to leave this as they heard of the brutal killings Steve and his wolf caused, even Bruho got a kill in the fight before.

Team RWBY jumped forward to attack the incoming White Fang members. Steve got on Bruho and drew his sword. White Fang snarled and ran after them. Oobleck turns around and watched the detached train car explode. Only this time it creates a hole allowing multiple types of Grimm to emerge.

"Oh, dear…", Oobleck said

The horde of Grimm begin advancing quickly toward the runaway train.

"He's leading Grimm to the city", Oobleck said

"What", Weiss said in confusion

Oobleck: It's the cars! They detach and explode, creating openings for the Grimm!

"That's insane",Blake said. Then another train car detached itself.

"We have to hurry", Oobleck said. "You three, go below and try to stop those bombs", Oobleck said to Yang, Blake, and Weiss.

"What about us", Ruby asked.

"We're going to stop this train", Oobleck said in a heroic manner.

"Yeah, I know. I said that earlier", Ruby said.

"These guys are easy, I've taken them on before", Steve said. He drew his bow and was ready to old school snipe these bastards. White Fang bared his teeth and began to growl while Bruho was getting ready to run.

The group moves forward. As the train continues towards it destination, White Fang members start to pilot multiple Atlesian Paladin-290s, and jump to the top of the train. Steve, White Fang, Bruho, Ruby, Zwei, and Oobleck ran.

"Up ahead", Oobleck said.

A Paladin is then charging towards them.

"We got a problem", Oobleck said.

Steve then thought a moment, many ideas going through his head, then he remembered how he took down a pyramid full of monsters. Steve pulled out some cobblestone, redstone, reds time repeaters, some water, and a lever. The major imprint ant pet do this was TNT.

He quickly built up the makeshift cannon as fasts as he could, all while Ruby started in awe as he just built a weapon as if he conjured it from thin air.

"Professor get out of the way", Ruby said. Oobleck then saw Steve's cannon.

"Fascinating", he said. "Might as well help you with this", he said.

Oobleck takes a sip from his thermos and then he transformed it into a torch with a small flame burning at its tip. Zwei barked, prompting he's ready for an attack. Oobleck waits for the not-so blocky miner as he finishes the makeshift TNt cannon. Steve then let the dust fall and put the lever in the right place, he put down the TNT and he was done.

"Let's blow these golems sky high", Steve said with a grin as he pulled down the lever activating the cannon. Oobleck waited for the fuse to be just on the verge of blowing up. Zweii jumped and flipped in the air, and Oobleck hit him with his bat, turning him into a small fireball. He did it just in time as the cannon then set off and launched a full block of TNT. Steve had a bit of a deadpanned expression on his face as he's trying to process how a dog turns into a fucking fire ball.

The Paladin shot, only for it to get knocked off the train by the explosive combination attack. The Paladin tumbled on the train tracks, and explodes when it hits a barricade. Another Paladin appears in front of Zwei, its guns aimed at him. Suddenly, multiple fire attacks hit it, and is finished off with a might kicked from Steve and Bruho. But Steve left the Paladin a little present and as it hit the track and blew up slightly after.

"That was awesome", Ruby said.

"Thank you", Steve said. Ruby then came up to him in the speed of light, talking at the speed of light.

"How did you make that cannon so fast, how do you have that on you, how do you know how to make it, how are you and your horse so strong, how are..", Ruby was asking a million questions at the speed of light to Steve.

The group then see some White Fang member, who grew a pair, carrying various types of melee weapons like swords, hammers, axes, you name it. They had mechs behind them as backup.

"I'll get them, you take care of the golems", Steve said a she drew his blade. Oobleck was very curiously about the workmanship of his weaponry but this was not the town to ask questions. Steve got on his horse and White Fang bared his teeth, the three charged into battle.

Ruby took aim with Crescent Rose and Oobleck started throwing fire with his torch canister.

Bruho charged but a member with a hammer smacked down on the train, knocking Bruho off balance.

"Get the wolf tamer and make him suffer", one with a halberd said. The man with the hammer charged but Steve blocked it with his sword.

Steve then looked into his eyes and said, "No one hurts my horse". Steve was way a stronger than this guy so he just kicked him in the gut, as he was dazed Steve pulled out an arrow and stabbed him in the neck. The member tried to speak but all that came out was blood.

Ruby saw this and felt like she was about to be sick, Steve had just killed a guy in cold blood. But she then saw the sight of White Fang, ironically fighting a White Fang wolf faunas, he was ripping out his neck. He dropped his sword and White Fang ran over to Steve. Ruby nearly barfed, almost dropping her weapon, she wasn't used to blood and gore.

This didn't stop Steve as he was in a sword fight with a fox Faunas. A deer Faunas pulled out their spear and was about to stab the miner but White Fang jumped on the guy and bit half his face off. The Faunas screamed in agony but it was ended as White Fang proceeded to tear out his neck.

Steve locked blades with the fox, he kicked the him in the leg, making him hit the floor. He slashed at the miner but Steve slashed back, knocking the blade from his hand. Steve then stabbed him in the heart and threw him off the train.

A few Faunas ganged up on Steve, all having sadistic grins as they readied their melees. White Fang bit a guy on the leg and he screamed. Steve then ran and stabbed a guy in his neck with his diamond blade. Bruho ran in and started to stomp on a members head till it was nothing more than mush.

Steve still had two Faunas charging at him, so he duel wield his shirt sword and pickaxe. He clashed blades, making sparks fly. Steve then pushed back, but the two kept their ground. White Fang jumped a guy and bit his leg. Holding the appendage in his mighty jaws, he threw him off the train. Steve took the chance and knocked the guy down. He then stabbed straight through his head. The diamond sword pierced through the metal rod of the train car.

Yang was trying to fight a petite neapolitan icecream colored girl, and losing horribly. They stopped as they heard a clank and saw the blade of Steve's sword with a bit of blood start being pulled out.

Back at the top Steve got on Bruho and charged, he stabbed a guy straight through jus chest, getting a few more White Fang members caught in his human cabobe. Steve let the dead bodies hit the floor and continued to lay down some pain on the members. White Fang knows on a guy, biting into his head and exposing brain.

Bruho charged and Steve lunged forward off his horse, stabbing a guy in the chest. One member came at him but Steve kicked him away. White Fang the proceeds to jump on the member and knocked him down, White Fang proceeding to spill more blood. Bruho jumped and chargers a guy, the Faunas didn't want to the kill the animals, even though Steve's wolf scared the shit out of them. Bruho kicked a guy with his hind legs, sending him flying off the train.

The other member was about to swing his axe when he got shot in between the eyes by an arrow. Steve then went to pick up his arrow and placed it back in his bag.

"Enough", said the Faunas with the halberd. "Take care for the mutt and the horse, the human is all mine", the White Fang member said as he readied his halberd.

Two other White Fang members with dust SMGs cocked their guns. White Fang bare his teeth and Bruho could be seen getting nervous. "I don't want to shoot a horse", one member with an SMG said. He then received a completely rational answer to his complaint, being knocked off the train. The other guy didn't hesitate to fire off his gun.

"I'm getting the wolf, it's caused more harm than the humans", he said as he let loose.

Bruho ran, out running the dust bullets but White Fang charged at the White Fang member. He grabbed the gun with his mouth and pulled. The two then proceeded to play tug of war.

Steve and the halberd wielder were already clashing blades, making sparks fly. "You humans have caused enough trouble to us, Faunas will take over and build back what humans destroyed", he said, going off on a bs monologue. Steve wasn't haven't any of that shit and kicked him back and swung, the halberd clashed with the sword and the two locked eyes.

"I've slain way worse monsters than you, what makes you think you're a challenge", Steve said. The Faunas head butted Steve he then swung, but instead of getting into a stand still they were swing and clashing with fast swipes as the sounds of metal and jewel connected. The two were in a heated duel that went on for a while as Oobleck and Ruby were trying to take down/survive against the mechs.

Oobleck dodges a couple swipes from the Paladin, and then runs to the top of its head, and shoots it in its engine before jumping back down. Ruby twirls Crescent Rose around a few times, and then she and Oobleck fire simultaneously at the Paladin's feet, knocking it off the train. The both of them switch positions.

"Go on ahead Ruby, it's turn to teach them a lesson", he said to the Scythe wielder.

Ruby was hesitant about going but she leaves with Zweii. She notices that Zweii si now saddens, but she smiles and says, "Go with Oobleck". Zweii then perked up a bd ran to fight the Proffesor.

Steve fight a glimpse of Ruby leaving, Steve didn't have time to keep this fight lasting till the next TF2 update. So he punches the White Fang member in the gut and beheads him. Steve scoffs at the disembodied head and kicks it off the train. He then gets on Bruho and goes to follow Ruby, with White Fang (the wolf) running after them.

Bruho quickly catches up with the girl a she's not going full speed. She seems a bit uncomfortable as Steve had blood on his clothes and his once beautiful diamond blade was covered in blood and White Fang looked like he just came back from a successful hunt. The four continue to run to the front of the train, seeing the remaining members of Team RWBY emerge. Ruby and Steve then get looks as they see the train is on collision course with a thick concrete wall.

She and her teammates then start to worry a bit. Steve has a million ideas in his head on how to take down this wall, he left his TNT cannon back with Oobleck and only had so many supplies to be building contraptions willy nilly. He can't mien the wall as the train is super fast.

"What do we do", asked Blake.

"I could build another TNT cannon but I don't know how much more redstone I have", Steve said.

The girls then realize that Steve is covered in blood and so does his wolf. Blake screams and jumps on Yang's back. "I told you, dogs are terrifying", Blake said as she shook and dug her nails into Yang's back.

"Wait, he KILLED people", Weiss said, grasping her sword.

Steve looked slightly annoyed, "They were trying to kill me, what do you expect", Steve said, after the years of killing magic skeleton archers, the undead, bandits, huge mass spiders, exploding plant/reptile hybrid monsters, ect. He's kinda got numb to killing at this point. White Fang's instincts kicked in so he gets a passed.

"Guys, plan now, discuss kill counts later", Yang said.

Steve then starts to build a cobble stone down around them. Weiss and Ruby smile at each other as she creates a ice barrier for extra defense.


Ruby hears the sound of an emergency alarm blaring as her vision comes back with buildings into her view. She turns her head to the lower right and sees Blake and Yang slowly getting back up, her sister coughing as the dust settles. She turns her head again and sees Weiss sitting up against a large piece of debris, who also gives a thumbs up at her team leader signaling she's okay. But she sees a terrible sight, Steve was covered in blood and so were his two companions.

Steve weakly reaches for his bag, Yang and Blake give it to him and they have worried looks on their faces. Ruby starts to tear up as she sees her friend on the verge of death. She had even forgot he killed people as her sadness overtook the horrible memory of him killing people. "G-go, we.. we'l…'ll b-be f-fine. They are relevant ant to just leaving him their. Steve sits for. A it and weakly goes into his bag that is miraculously in pretty good shape.

The team of huntresses then notice, much to their chagrin, that they have returned to the central part of Vale, and multiple civilians in the area notice them among the debris. Ruby hears the sound of low rumbles and growls from behind her. Suddenly, a giant King Taijitu emerges from the hole, and multiple Grimm start pouring into Vale. The civilians scream as they attempt to flee the chaos. The sounds of screams and roars fill the air, and all Team RWBY can do is watch in horror. Ruby's expression changes from worried and scared to angry and determined. This whole ordeal caused her to lose a friend and now, she will avenge him. As she is in thought, thinking about his death. Blake and Weiss scream and jump on Yang.

"Don't worry Steve, we'll avenge you", Ruby said. She then felt a hand on her shoulder

"While I appreciate your concern, I'll be just fine", the miner said. Ruby turned and cried, she then put him into a bone crushing hug, just before realizing that Grimm are invading.

When they thought Steve was a dead man

Steve grabbed a piece of steak from his bag, although it felt like hell to move his arms. He then threw it to White Fang. He groaned and slumped against some debris. White Fang used all his might to bite the steak, he then got up, weakly, and finished the rest. His wounds were healed and he dug his face into the bag to find an item. Steve and Bruno laid in pain, weak beauty's can be heard from the horse as it laid in blood.

Unlike White Fang who can heal from eating, Bruho and Steve have a slow, but effective, healing factor. Steve was now on the stage of moving and tried to stand himself up, while using debris for support, Bruho was on his side and his healing factor was slower than Steve's.

White Fang then grabs a bottle full of a red, pink liquid. He then throws the bottle on the ground near Steve and Bruho. It healed most of their wounds. Bruho had just enough to stand up and heal more. Steve now was standing but the lotion healed Bruho more so head pulled out a loaf of bread and devoured it. He slowly healed his wound and walked over to Ruby, who was in grief and scaring the shit out of Weiss and Blake.

Well, here ya go. Thank you for your patience as I was busy with my other stories and being lazy :/ But I finished this chapter as I neglected it for so damn long and thank you random guest for giving me a wake up call to write more for this fic. Anyways, I have a question, what do you like about this fic, is this any different from the other Minecraft/RWBY fics, what is bad about this, and what can be improved in the future. Also sorry for this chapter being shorter but I think it's alright. That's all for now, adios.


I will answer your reviews, if they are questions, ideas, or any shit like that. Gracias for reading!