I don't even know what I was thinking. Just that it was supposed to be an innocent first meeting. I really shouldn't write at 2am.
Disclaimer: I don't own Noragami.
Its Not Stalking If...
The door swung open, slamming against the railing with an ear shattering clang. Hiyori hurled herself at the panicking boy balanced at the edge of the balcony, her hands found his face and pulled him closer to her.
"Don't do it!" She screamed at him, her warm eyes boring into his bewildered blue ones. "I understand life is hard but you have so much to live for! You can't just throw it all away like that!"
Her anti-suicide speech over she began panting. Her lungs burned from lack of air, heart thudding against her chest from running up fourteen flights of stairs to catch up to this stupid blue eyed boy about to throw it all away.
The silence stretched on for a couple of minutes while she caught her breath, the boy stayed frozen in a half seated position, held up barely by her surprisingly strong hold on his face. Pages fluttered in the breeze and her eyes focused on his odd blue ones, her neck grew warm at the proximity. Then he opened his mouth and squeaked.
"Are you...stalking me?"
A loud thud made them both jump and turn their heads to look at the door which had swung shut. Hiyori sighed in relief and hastily put some distance between herself and the boy, which honestly wasn't much, this balcony could probably hold three people comfortably, if they didn't move around much. Her gaze shifted to the boy who was still staring at the door, his shoulders hunched and eyes dim in apparent defeat. His mouth puckered into an exaggerated pout before it shifted back to her.
"You let the door close." He stated matter-of-factly but his eyes were accusing.
"That's not important!" she insisted, a hand on her hip, bending down to glare at his seated form.
"I had to stop you."
"Stop me?"
"Yes! I get that you're depressed. But suicide will solve nothing!"
"I'm sorry? What?"
"I saw you and Tenjin-san. You seemed upset."
"And you followed me?"
Now that he put it that way….
"W-well! What was I supposed to do! You looked so upset and then you just...I mean you're on the fourteenth floor of this building! A sealed off floor!"
"I'm not here to...jump off ya'know."
"What?" Hiyori blinked in confusion. "Then why?"
Her gaze fell to the book lying next to his tacky brown boots. Ugly boots. Well he's already commited fashion suicide so…
"But...you seemed too tired that day in the infirmary a-and you had bruises on your arm last week. And you were...drunk that one time."
"Hungover….not drunk." His cheeks flushed in embarrassment. "I've never been drunk in class."
"Oh...and the bruises?"
"Took a bad fall."
"So...why are you stalking me?"
"I'm NOT stalking you!" Hiyori bristled. "Well since you're obviously not depressed enough to jump off this place I'm gonna go now."
"Yeah good luck with that."
Something in the way he said it froze her in her tracks, wide eyes turned to stare at the boy who looked at her with a mix of amusement and irritation.
She looked back at the door that opened outwards and with dawning horror realised that the handle was missing and the rusty metal door was technically sealed shut till someone shoved it open from the inside.
No! Nonononoooo
"Don't worry!" The boy drawled out, "Yukine will be here if I'm not back in a few hours."
She didn't mean to shriek, really she didn't. But she did just technically admit to a random stranger that she had been stalking him. Even if it was for a heroic purpose of saving his life.
"Fuck! Will you relax?" The boy rubbed his neck slowly, averting his gaze and fixing it on his book.
"What are you even doing here?"
"Studying. No one disturbs me here...well no one disturb-ed me here before you showed up."
"To save your life!"
"Which doesn't need saving!"
"You looked depressed! What was I supposed to do?"
"I'm not depressed!"
"Well then you've got a depressing aura about you."
"Can't you just call someone and leave?"
"I don't have my phone. You call someone."
"I don't have mine."
"What? Why?!"
"Hey I said no disturbance!" the boy crowed at her, "why don't you have yours?"
"Well I'm sorry if I prioritise human life over my book-bag!" she huffed.
"Listen…" Hiyori took a deep calming breath, a pleasant fragrance filling her nostrils, something like pine mixed with a subtle musk and the chilled air. She resolved to be polite, she was not going to stoop this low, it was unbecoming. "Senpai…"
"Ah finally some respect." The boy grinned at her and she immediately revoked the privilege.
"Never mind."
Hiyori didn't know how long it'd been, she wasn't good at reading the sun and her only company was a guy she didn't exactly want to deal with right now. But she was certain of it. He had seemed upset, she hadn't really been stalking him, she only felt somewhat concerned.
"So you're...really not depressed?" She asked carefully.
"You seem disappointed." The blue eyed boy mumbled. His focus set on the page in front of him. Hair falling in his face.
Well she did just spend an awful lot of time on her do-something-nice-daily project for the day. Clearly a waste.
"So...what are we gonna do?"
"Well, I'm gonna study." He leaned back against the wall, legs folded under him as he finished tying his jersey jacket around his waist. "you can do whatever you want." He spread out his arms as though the tiny balcony were a large hall and Hiyori stumble back in the little space to avoid his limbs. Her gaze lingered unnecessarily on his shirt, somewhat stained but clean enough, with the jacket off the pleasant smell was stronger and she realized it was him.
Jerk, she mumbled silently and sat down next to him.
"So...umm…" She cleared her throat. It had been fifteen minutes and she was certain she could have parted the awkwardness with her finger as if it were warmed gooey butter. "Yatty-s-"
He cocked his head at her with a scowl, eyes boring into hers. She could've sworn Kofuku called him Yatty...but then again that was Kofuku.
"Who names their kid Yatty?"
"Well, who names their kid Yato?" She shot back.
"What can I say? My father's a moron."
He turned back to his book, glaring at the page as though he could intimidate the words into being learnt.
Rude, brash, no respect for his elders, hair too messy to be styled and a typical delinquent fashion sense. The guy exuded the troubled teen vibe. If anything who wore brown boots with black track pants! Hiyori kicked out her legs awkwardly. She considered not talking but she was raised to be polite. Unlike a certain male in a tracksuit
"Mine is-"
"Ikki Hiyori." He cut her off "Yeah I know."
"You do?"
"You're friends with Veena. Yeah I know." He mumbled absently, she leaned forward and gazed at his face. His eyes flickered to her face so fast she wouldn't have caught it had they not been so bright.
"You know Veena-senpai?" His cheeks flushed a bit and she chewed her lip, a frown on her face. Something Tsugu and Aiha from the Humanities section had told her triggered in her memory. Something about the graceful blonde senior and Yato being in a love-hate relationship. Honestly she couldn't see it, but then again, she could. It slipped out before she could stop herself.
"Are you two dating?"
Yato choked on air, his head snapped back so fast his neck cracked audibly, horrified eyes fixed themselves on her, his jaw hanging open, he looks like a fish, Hiyori thought absurdly.
An attractive fish.
"What the fu-" he sputtered, suddenly far more animated than he'd ever been in front of her. "Do I look like someone who'd date that Psycho Stripper?"
Brown eyes blinked once, twice, nervousness settling in her gut all over again. This guy was very rude. Veena-senpai had been nothing but cordial with Hiyori. So what if she was unbelievably attractive. Then again he was being particularly defensive.
He snapped in disbelief and she pursed her lips.
"Shit! I'm not dating her." Yato huffed angrily.
"That skank's got her claws buried deep in Kazuma already anyway." Hiyori considered his words carefully. She knew about Kazuma-senpai. He was the guy she usually saw hanging around with Yato.
Scratch that, he's the only guy who she ever saw with Yato.
"Are you jealous?"
He seemed bewildered again, Hiyori noticed that seemed to be his stock expression, aside from the gloomy depressed hundred yard stare.
"Are you jealous of Veena-senpai?"
"... Eh?"
Also thick as hell. She bristled uncomfortably.
"I mean are you...gay?"
"O-okay..." He said after a beat, giving the word one syllable too many. "Listen Crazy Lady, I have a big test the day-after-tomorrow, okay?" He said slowly, his voice lilting as if he were talking to a four year old. "If I don't get a good grade on that I'm screwed. I won't get into that college I want to go to. So I really need to study now."
He eyed her warily for a few seconds and turned back to his book. So he wasn't planning on ditching studies...that was a good sign.
Barely a moment passed before she spoke up again.
"Do you want any help?"
He let out a sigh.
"No I'm good."
"How long before your friend comes looking for you?"
"Maybe two hours."
She felt her stomach drop. Two more hours with this guy would be nothing but hell. And he said maybe! Maybe!
"Hey Yato?"
"So you weren't gonna jump?" Her voice sounded horrifyingly hopeful to her own ears. "Like...not even a little."
"I'm not suicidal."
"Okay." She deflated, a frown tugged at the corner of her lips and she looked out at the sun setting behind the tall buildings that lined the horizon.
Her gaze fell back to the boy; his tall, lanky frame slouched over his book, legs crossed under him. One elbow propped on his knee with the hand fisted under his chin, thumb pressed against his lips in concentration while the other held the book by its spine. Hiyori could never hold a book open by the spine, she tried several times but she never could.
She wondered if he noticed her staring, though in her defense there wasn't much else she could do. So she continued to study him.
Yato was fairly attractive, she noted. His features were definitely above average -somewhat feminine even - nothing like her beloved Tomoe-sama.
His high cheekbones, pointed chin and curved sharp nose weren't manly and neither were those eyes. They were hooded but large and so blue they looked even bigger. His eyes were what made him look striking, every other feature was subdued to compliment the glaring quality of his eyes, balancing it out into making him look oddly attractive. His dark hair created a striking contrast with them, much of it pulled back into a tiny ponytail. She felt envy curl in her gut when she realized it was probably softer than hers despite not needing nearly as many products as she did just to look human each morning.
Seriously! This guy looked like he just rolled out of bed and she liked it. For lack of a better word, Yato was the quintessential pretty boy.
The red glow of the setting sun seemed to make him look prettier still and Hiyori shuffled awkwardly yet again. She pulled her legs up to her chest and rubbed at the bare skin between her capris and the boots.
She resisted the urge to fidget. Her stomach rolled pleasantly when a breeze blew whatever perfume or aftershave he used her way. Her face grew warm again and she giggled. Nervous.
"Hey Ya-"
She heard him let out his breath in a loud whoosh. Before she could blink he'd slapped his hand on her lips, her vision was filled with dark hair and porcelain skin. Long, dark lashes brushed against the bridge of her nose. His fingers were icy against her heated skin. She sat frozen. Her heart hammered in her chest, and she realized she had stopped breathing.
When he opened his eyes, without moving an inch she forgot to breathe all over again. Electric blue eyes glared at her past the dark hair falling in his face, somehow even brighter against his red tinted cheeks. He looked straight into her own. Plain brown- Hiyori thought sullenly.
His smooth voice wrapped itself around her when he finally, finally, spoke. Cutting through the tense atmosphere like a hot knife through butter. She shivered.
"Be quite."
His words were barely above a whisper, almost a request however the intensity in his gaze made it clear it was anything but. She nodded numbly. His hand still pressed to her mouth he smirked before pulling away.
"There's a good girl!"
"Now breathe."
Chuckling he turned back to his book, a smug smile still lingering on his lips. She watched his eyes flit across the words silently. His hand, the one he'd pressed to her mouth was back in a fist against his chin, thumb pressed to his lower lip.
It took just a second but Hiyori could have sworn it happened in slow motion. His lips parted under his thumb, a flash of teeth and the tip of his tongue peeked past barely brushing against the digit. She squeaked as her stomach flipped and her ears burned red.
Fortunately for her, he chose to ignore her sudden (but no longer surprising) outburst and turned the page to the next topic.
The tension had already been high but now she was very aware of his smell (Hiyori swore she'd find that deodorant or aftershave or whatever the hell it was!) as it wound itself around her. She took in a shaky breath and glanced back at him.
He kissed her.
Well technically he had kissed his own hand but he'd done it anyway. Just because she was bothering him.
Who the hell even does that?
She felt her lips stretch, peeling back over her teeth, her frown morphed into a grimace then to an uncharacteristic grin. She eyed Yato from her peripheral; he pointedly ignored her and bit down on his thumb in concentration. Her stomach flipped happily.
So he thought he had silenced her?
She leaned back and stretched her legs out in front of her. Rolling her shoulders she extended her arms over her head, locking her fingers and her back popped.
"Ya'know…" She began and smirked when his eyes snapped back to her
Two could play the same game.
"...Intimacy issues do happen to be one of the symptoms of depression."
"Hiyori Ikki…" He growled, (how did he make it sound so dirty Hiyori would never know) brows furrowed, a crooked grin split his face, making him look somewhat deranged.
"I'm gonna fucking push you off." His gaze flickered between her eyes and mouth and she tried desperately to school her expression, her innocent smile cracked into a smirk for just a second but the spark in his eyes made it clear that he caught it.
"Yes." She replied, her voice sickeningly sweet, just like her smile. "In fact you seem to be displaying homicidal tendencies to-" he cut her off again. His hands gripping her face, he pushed her back, his tongue slipped past her teeth before the kiss even began.
Hiyori felt her breath rush out in a gasp as teeth clicked together painfully. His fingers caught in her hair, sharply jerking her head back till it bumped into the wall. She hissed into his mouth and retaliated by tugging at his hair, which she found was in fact unbelievably soft.
He broke the kiss and she dragged in a shaky breath, trying to fill her burning lungs. His book slipped off his lap when he moved. Fluidly swinging one leg over her, effectively trapping her under him. His teeth scraped against her jaw and she closed her eyes to gather her thoughts.
"...which, as I was saying-" her voice came out in a breathless gasp when his thumb pressed down on the pulse pounding in her neck. "-is also a sign of depression."
He growled against her throat, his wet lips moved, hot breath fanning against her skin.
"Say one more word and I swear…"He trailed off but the warning was clear. His knee pressed against her inner thigh and he bit down on her neck.
"Oh but you see." The brunette giggled past a moan, egging him on, "denial is a part of it too."
Ikki Hiyori never lost. And if this blue eyed boy thought she would go down easy? Well...guess this day wasn't such a waste after all.
"You're gonna eat your words, Hiyori."
She tangled her fingers in his hair, nails digging in his scalp as she pulled him away from her neck to claim his mouth for herself.
"Bring it on!"
This...was supposed to be innocent! What am I even doing?