Kurenai Yuhi, the Genjutsu Mistress of Konoha no Sato rested her body on a large tree trunk as she watched her two remaining students train. They now resisted in Tazuna's backyard, it was quite large and even had a small little pond. It has been one month since she and Naruto were found in the middle of Wave, she recovered fairly quickly. Only taking a maximum of 4 days. Naruto on the other hand was still out, resting upstairs in the guest bedroom. His temperature has gone up, it was now out of the danger zone and and they were just waiting for his wounds to fully heal. Tazuna as well was making excellent progress on building his bridge. Knowing there were shinobi guarding the construction of the bridge boosted morale, and productivity skyrocketed. But for Kurenai, it was only lowering.
She let a uneasy sigh escape her ruby lips. The fight she witnessed, with Naruto and Zabuza was something she would have never thought possible. He did what she couldn't, he protected her. He protected her team, he managed to beat a shinobi that was her equal in rank. She would be lying if she said she wasn't feeling inferior, or even sore at the idea of Naruto doing what she couldn't. And how he fought, he reminded her a lot of Kakashi, along with a weird aura of mysteriousness. Doesn't really speak too much, and a lot stronger than he looks. And he also covers a good portion of his face…
She shook her head, even if there was a lot of similarities. There personalities and life's were just drastically different. Naruto was the son of a Kage, even if he didn't act like one. He has siblings, which strangely she hears more about them, then Naruto himself. She let out soft thinking sound as she moved her hand into the soft grass below her. Letting the blades of grass dance softly in between her fingers.
"Hey Kurenai-sensei you okay? Sure you're not in any pain?" the voice snapped Kurenai out of her moment of tranquillity. Her eyes traveled upwards, she saw Izumi looking down at her. Her white eyes glazing over with concern for her sensei. Kurenai gave a smile. She looked passed her and noticed Satoru was nowhere to he seen. "Yes Izumi I'm doing great, no pain at all" all she said and Izumi let out a sigh of relief "By the way where is Satoru?"
Izumi rubbed the back of her head. Her hand breaking the knots in her hair. "He went back to check on Naruto." she said a smile sneaking through "After our spar he seemed very concerned about him. I'm not sure he trusts Tazuna very much." she laughed making Kurenai giggle. "I can tell. I didn't know he and Naruto were such great friends." Izumi nodded, she took a seat right next Kurenai. "Yeah they have been friends for as long as I can remember. Since the beginning of the academy."
Kurenai raised an eyebrow, now that she didn't know. "Really? I should have known, you three had great chemistry since the beginning of our team."
Izumi nodded, she stretched out her legs letting out a content sign "Well yeah, because of Naruto's life he wasn't one to judge others. He never really talked much, I didn't get him to fully open up until a year in the academy."
"Naruto's life? What do you mean?"
Izumi felt her body tense, she gave a sideways look over to Kurenai. "I really shouldn't say...It's not my life after all." she averted her eyes and looked over to a small pound a few feet away. A small green lily pad floating atop, vacant of any life. "He's been through a lot, more than any 13 year old should. I'm actually surprised he opened up as much as he has to you." She spoke, shifting her gaze back over to Kurenai, a small smile forming on her lips. Kurenai smiled back warm heartedly, just the tad bit of information showed that all 3 Genin were starting to trust her. Kurenai looked upwards, her eyes focusing on the window to Naruto's room. "I know I shouldn't ask this Izumi, but when Naruto was fighting Zabuza. His eyes, they were-"
"I'm sorry Kurenai-sensei, but Naruto himself will tell you about that when he's ready."
Kurenai frowned, she knew that was going to be the answer she received. But it still irked her greatly, curiosity was slowly eating at her. But she would respect Izumi and Satoru for opening up to her, she went ruin this bond of trust with her first Genin team. And regarding Naruto, she would have to talk to him. She won't force him into anything, she would try her best to earn his trust. She owed him that at the very least, and even more.
Kurenai watched Izumi walk away, her frown deepening with each step. She knew as their sensei, as Team 12's superior she could order them to tell her, and Hokage-Sama what they were hiding. If what Naruto has is indeed a bloodline, no doubt the village leader would want to know about it. And she never seen, or heard of the bloodline limit that he contains. Any shinobi, especially newly appointed Genin would flaunt about having a new bloodline.
But Naruto wasn't just any other shinobi.
He was the eldest son to the Yondaime Hokage, the sole leader of Konoha no Sato. News about the Hokage's son having a bloodline that neither of his parents contained would be thrown around the village like wildfire, then traveling to neighboring towns, village's, then the whole Elemental Nations. But she never heard anything about it, she didn't know, even after four and a half months of working every day with him, getting to know him slowly. She had no idea.
"Ah Kurenai-San, Izumi-San informed me you would be out here."
Kurenai snapped her head to the side, the sudden voice breaking her out of her own musings. The voice echoed in her head and realization struck her. Her shock quickly turned into a small smile. She put her open hands onto the soft beads of grass, pushing herself upwards standing up straight.
"Drake-san, a pleasure to meet you again."
Kurenai extended her arm, the now identified Drake smiled warmly meeting her arm halfway for a friendly handshake. His long white coat was perfectly clean, like he bought it not even 5 minutes ago. A small bag of medical tools was slung over his shoulder, his free hand holding it from slipping. Kurenai smiled back "I didn't know you were stopping by. If I knew I would have made myself more presentable." she said with a small laugh passing her lips. Frankly she was right, she was wearing a blue sweater that Tsunami had lent her, and a spare of her shinobi pants she brought with her. Her black hair was more messy than usual since she didn't bother to comb it. Of course, her ninja pouch was securely strapped to her waist along with a few hidden kunai she keeps on her person. Drake nearly laughed off her statement.
"Your still in the healing process. I wouldn't be surprised if you were already training. You shinobi seem to heal much faster then us civilians." Kurenai nodded at that, their constant chakra flow did keep their bodies over the regular human in very aspect. From strength, speed, and even longevity. Unfortunately most shinobi don't get to experience life after there mid 30's due to dying on missions or war.
"Come again to check on Naruto?"
Drake nodded, running a hand through his bangs. "Hai. He's doing much better and the small amount of internal bleeding has subsided. His temperature has lowered significantly. I would say he would wake up in no less than a week." he said confidently. His voice was smooth, coming out rhythmic, never skipping a beat. Kurenai felt a small smile tug at her lips. She let out a sigh of relief, "That's wonderful news. I really appreciate all the trouble you have gone through for us shinobi. Especially Naruto." she spoke, bowing deeply showing her gratitude. Drake merley waved off her compliment. A large blush adorning his cheeks "No the pleasures all mine. You shinobi have given all of us hope that we can be free once again."
"Well if you'll excuse me I'm going to go check on my student. Thank you again."
She gave a small smile and tracked past the doctor. Drake returned the smile, his blush long forgotten. He watched Kurenai walk to the door, his smile fading. Nowhere to be seen "Kurenai-san, do you have an idea when Tazuna-san will be completed building the bridge?'
Kurenai stopped her pace and rose an eyebrow at the random question. She turned her head slightly only to see Drakes serious expression. It wasn't an odd question by any means. Especially given the current circumstances, but the way he spoke was so daunting. Almost leering. She narrowed her eyes, "Tazuna-san mentioned it would completed by tomorrow afternoon. If everything goes according to schedule."
Drake smirked, his expression going dark. He turned his head away, looking away from the raven beauty. "How wonderful."
That's when she felt it, a sudden chakra spike. Small enough that if she wasn't right next to it, she would have missed it entirely. Her eyes went wide, a sudden kunai flew from underneath her sweater arm and propelled itself over to Drake. Sadly, her timing was to slow and Drake was already gone. A small pile of leaves were the only thing that was left.
"Dammit!" she cursed.
Quickly, she made her way upstairs and into the quest bedroom, ignoring the surprised yelp from Tsunami and the freighted scream of Inari. She swung the guest bedroom door open revealing Naruto, lying peacefully on his bed and Izumi. Making the later jump from the sudden entrance. The Genin put her hand up to her heart "Geeze Kurenai-sensei, don't scare me like...that..." Her voice trailed off as she saw how frantic her sensei look.
"Kurenai-sensei what's-"
"Mystic Palm Jutsu!"
Kurenai's hands started to glow a soft green, the small amount of chakra now pouring into her hands. Ignoring Izumi's previous statement as she moved both hands over Naruto's head. Izumi wasn't fairing much better. "Kurenai-sensei what's happening?"
"That damned doctor isn't who he says he is. I'm sure he had been working for Gato."
Gato, the person that every person in Wave Country have come to fear. By killing anyone who crosses him, or gets in the way of expanding his growth. He's a businessman, hoping to take over Wave and stop the bridge from getting completed. Hoping to stop the economic growth of village and take it for himself. Tazuna, after Kurenai was all healed, explain the real mission details and rank. It explained the whole secrecy and why Zabuza Momochi had intervened on their peaceful trek. The more rational side of her wanted to leave, the mission was far to dangerous for a new Genin squad. Its rank going from a simple C, to a dangerous A rank mission even for the the most experienced team of Elite Chunin. But after witnessing first hand what Naruto was capable of, and watching Izumi and Satoru train everyday as hard as they can.
She had faith in her squad, no matter how irrational it may seem.
Kurenai moved her glowing hands down to Naruto's chest, her brow furrowed in concentration. Ignoring the sweat leaking down her face.
"Kurenai-sensei what's wrong with Naruto!?"
"He isn't healing properly, something is slowing his heart rate down. His chakra reserves are all over the place…"
Her left hand rested at his stomach, her right on his heart. That's when she felt it, a small spark tingled her hand. Kurenai's eyes went wide, shock hitting her very core. "N-no way." Izumi came up to Kurenai, her eyes transfixed on the flowing palms over Naruto. "What's wrong sensei? What's happening?"
"That damned doctor! Naruto's blood flow is weakened, he's not getting enough oxygen through his veins and his bones are incredibly weak. His body isn't even fighting the side effects!"
Izumi felt her gut clench, her eyes becoming glossy "How is that possible?"
Kurenai furrowed her brow in concentration. The Mystic Palm jutsu taking more out of her than she original planned. She wasn't proficient in the art of medical ninjutsu. While did take classes on it during her years at the academy, she never pursued it for her love of gen and nin jutsu.
"I feel it." Kurenai muttered, both hands now resting just below his heart. "It's the rare Kytomic flower. It blooms in Demon country and when injected in someone will slow your blood rate, lower your temperature, and even weaken your bones."
"Is he going to be okay?"
Kurenai was quite, concentrating on locating exactly where it was injected within the blonde. Izumi's heart started to quicken as her eyes shifted between sensei and student.
"Izumi can you make a ball of water?"
Surprised by the sudden question Izumi quickly nodded. After a few tense moments and hand seals she brought her two hands together. She pulled apart and a long thick streak of water connected from each of her hands. Kurenai asked her to move it to Naruto's left arm. Without skipping a beat Kurenai grabbed a kunai and sliced an incision right under Naruto's armpit, Izumi was startled at first but kept her composure long enough for Kurenai to slip her left hand through the cut. She didn't go very deep, just about an inch or two inside the cut, as a fresh stream of blood started to leak down Naruto's body.
Kurenai acted quickly as she started forming hand seals with her free hand. Izumi watched in concern as her sensei's body went still. She almost lost concentration if it wasn't for Kurenai who with a very sloppy movement released her hand from within Naruto's body. Izumi widened her eyes as she saw a thick stream of purple liquid in the shape of a ball come from Naruto. Kurenai moved her still green and shaky hand over to Izumi's ball of water before dropping it in.
"S-sensei what was that."
Kurenai wiped the sweat forming on her brow before re-entering her hand into the open slit in Naruto. Ignoring her students question she closed her eyes in concentration as she tried her best to remove all the poison from within Naruto. She just hopes she wasn't to late.
This went on for several more hours, Kurenai was started to feel the exhaust start to weigh down on her as she removed the last bit of poison from the blondes body. She felt her knees give out as she fell to the floor, sweat flying off her body as Izumi quickly splashed the ball with all the poison into a large bowl. Naruto had already stopped bleeding and was not lying peacefully in his bed. His natural tan skin was starting to resurface as his paleness slowly subsided.
Izumi went over and helped Kurenai her to her feet, she was thankful that Satoru was our watching over Tazuna at the moment, he would have most likely had a small panic attack over what was happening with Naruto. "Not like I acted any better," she quickly added before turning over and looking at Kurenai. "Sensei are you okay?"
Kurenai gave a weak nod as she sat down at the edge of the bed. She hasn't had a mission this intense in a very long time, and that was her first time using medical ninjutsu on an actual mission. Hey eyes glanced over to her resting student, her eyes tracing his body as he was starting to look more and more healthy by the minute. Her hand came up and massaged a particular sore spot on her scalp.
"Yes Izumi I'm okay, just chakra exhaustion is all."
Izumi gave a hesitant nod as her eyes shifted over to the ball of poison on the dresser. After her anxiety started to come down she finally registered that as the poison that 'doctor' had injected Naruto with. Izumi felt her hands clenched tightly into fists, she had no idea that Naruto was in danger, she thought he was going to be okay because of that damn doctor.
Kurenai looked over at Izumi and rested her hand on her students shoulder. Izumi locked eyes with Kurenai, the later giving a pleasant smile. Kurenai could tell that Izumi was starting to belittle herself, hell, she was like that to when she was younger. And it probably stung more that Naruto basically took down a jounin in combat while Satoru and Izumi both ran from battle. Kurenai would be lying if she said that her ego wasn't stung by getting saved by a student, a mere genin, a genin she was meant to train. But they were young, had potential to become even better shinobis.
"Izumi you did great, without you hear we wouldn't have been able to save Naruto. You did more than you think."
Izumi managed a small smile as she gave a reassuring nod to her sensei. She looked back to her teammate, "So we really did save him, huh?" She spoke, her voice coming out no lower than a whisper.
Kurenai nodded. "Yeah, all the poison has been removed successfully. I checked over his vitals and there all almost back to normal, his temperature should be more or else back to normal now, granted maybe now a little on the higher side."
Izumi nodded at Kurenai's explanation. "Hey sensei, I have a favor to ask you?"
Kurenai raised an eyebrow at Izumi, without saying anything she gave a curt nod. "Can we not mention this to Satoru? He's always been very uptight when it comes to anything regarding Naruto, no doubt this would send him into a mini frenzy."
Kurenai smiled softly and patted Izumi on the shoulder, she admired how close her team seemed to be, they were inseparable. She wished she was like this with her team back in the day.
"Of course, Izumi."
"How interesting."
The giant Kyuubi no Kitsune thought as he watched through Naruto's body to the outside world. That ebony headed jounin gave her all to save the life of this pathetic ningen. The Kyuubi was quite surprised as he watched the events unfold before his eyes. He didn't understand why these humans try to hard to save each other, when the ending is always gonna end the same. Kyuubi looked over at his blonde jailor, his slitted eyes watching as Naruto calmly sat with his back against the front of his cage. His body was beginning to heal, he would no doubt soon leave this bland mindscape and return to the real world.
"I need you to show me what you're made of, Namikaze Naruto."