Warning: I do not own Wings of Fire, obviously. Starflight has a British accent in this story.
Boredom was the only thing going through Starflights mind right now. He was sitting on a rock in the library, his bandages covering his face. No one seemed to be in there as he knew of, just silence. Covering his eyes, he decided to take advantage of it. Starflight took out a piece of wood and looked at his talons.
Working on this for weeks he knew what to do. He finally decided to build it: his own knife. After being revealed that there is only one Nightwing who can read minds, almost dying, getting knocked out, even Starflight could tell that the universe was against him at that point. It was a dark wood, with a big "S" on one side and "F" written on the other, along with a handle wrapped in vines.
He had began to sharpen the knife, cutting out pieces of the edge to make like a shark's tooth, but then he heard footsteps. Immediately shoving it in the stone crevice under his desk as Sunny walked in, Starflight sheepishly smiled and looked where he could he could hear her.
"Starflight! It's so good to see you!" She yelled as he got up and hugged him.
"You saw me yesterday." He replied, confused.
He had gotten over his crush on Sunny several years ago when Starflight met Fatespeaker, however after their big fight they broke up, leaving Starflight alone. Too be honest, all of them except Clay and Glory had been alone. Tsunami had been cheated on by Riptide, who claimed it was an "accident", and Sunny never really thought of anyone.
"Here, we found something in a scavenger ruin."
To satiate his boredom of working in the library day and night, he had picked up another hobby. If the others found something interesting they would bring it to him and he would look (or feel) at it and give them his theories. She tossed it onto him, whatever it was hitting him square in the face. Sunny apologized, Starflight forgave her. He looked around item, inspecting it.
The item in question was a circular 3-dimensional object in gold, and had a tiny flipswitch on the side. Inside the face of it was a blue circle with gold accented lines around the whole thing. It was a fob-watch. Starflight felt it and rushed to a Pyrrhian clock and felt it.
"It's a clock of some kind, that's for sure." He replied to Sunny.
"Thank you!" She began to grab for it, but Starflight yanked it out of her grasp.
"Can I keep this? I feel like I could really use this." He said to her looking at her with a serious face. She looked at him reluctantly.
"Thank you." Starflight watched as Sunny left the library. He placed it with his knife and began reading a scroll.
With his plan under way, all he needed was a good time to tell the others.
And a good lunch.
After eating a piece of meat or two, Starflight went to talk to Clay, who was eating meat and fruit in the back room, alone. Starflight sat down in front of Clay and looked at him, not speaking. Clay continued to eat but spoke between bites.
"So, you're still going, have you told the other three?"
"No, not yet." He replied.
"You need too."
"I am tonight." Starflight said.
"Good, do you have everything?"
"Yes, the knife is finally finished, too."
Later that day, Starflight arranged for Tsunami, Sunny, Glory, and clay to meet him outside the jade mountain at night. Patiently waiting he looked at the front of the mountain admiring it's design. He was going to miss this place. Hopefully he'd return alive to see it again. He had a leather bag with his knife, the fob-watch, and several other things he collected from his stash.
Glory was the first to arrive, Hugging him and saying it's nice to see him again. She had been ruling the kingdom great, rarely were there murders, and in general everyone was getting along.
Tsunami had showed up shortly after, giving him a noogie and then hugging him as well. Sunny and Clay came in to his left.
Clay crossed his arms, wondering how Starflight was going to pull this off without them freaking out. The three tended to be very protective of Starflight, especially Tsunami. Starflight found that ironic, seeing how she such a big bitch she was when they were younger. It was five more minutes of everyone talking to each other and catching up before Tsunami asked the question.
"So...why are we here, Star?" She asked.
Starflight stiffened up for a moment before looking at everyone, and began speaking.
"There actually is a reason I brought you all here."
"What is it?" Glory asked.
Starflight looked her in the eye and said those two words.
"I'm leaving."
Several minutes passed. Sunny was speechless, Tsunami as well. Glory, however, was the first to say anything.
"When?" She asked, nonchalant in her voice. Starflight answered her shortly after.
"Tomorrow" He said. At that moment Tsunami had gained the ability to speak again.
"Glory, you can't be supporting him on this!" Tsunami yelled.
Glory shrugged at her.
She looked at Clay, who looked back.
"I knew the whole time." He said.
"This is crazy! You are not going!" Tsunami got up and ran to Starflight, who also got up.
"Yes I am." Starflight said sternly. "I already have everything packed! This is a chance to prove myself! You always said I was weak!" He felt his anger throughout the years at her pour out of him.
"Starflight, I am just looking out for you, when did I ever call you weak? I have never hurt you." She DARE she even think that. He felt his anger throughout the years at her finally pour out of him.
"Excuse me? You really don't remember or are you playing dumb for the audience. How 'bout this, let's take a trip down memory lane." He turned around and showed his back. "This is when you decided to whip me with your tail, for reasons I still don't understand" His back was covered in subtle, but still noticeable scars like claws diagonally. "But let's not forget the biggest thing you did." He looked at her and took off his blindfold. His once dark green eyes that were now a milky-white made her almost sick to her stomach. "This is your fault. You are the reason I am blind."
Tsunami began to tear up. She had never seen him so mad before.
"I-I'm t-the re-reason?" She asked, her voice cracking and cutting out at certain points. Starflight nodded.
"I'm a Nightwing, darling. I could have easily escaped that fire. But then I had an epiphany: Why even fight? There's no reason. Fatespeaker is gone, Sunny rejected me, and then there's you." He got in her face , his voice now in a stage whisper.
"Y'see I didn't think I would be blind when I fell into that fire, I thought... I was going to die, and then I wouldn't have to see you or live in this pathetic life. Throughout our entire lives, You have gone out of your way to make my life a living hell. The only reason I haven't killed myself by now is because..." He paused. "Well look at that,"
"There is no reason."
"I hate you, and I wish I wasn't born here." Were his final words before he walked off. Tsunami just stood there before finally breaking down. She fell unto her knees and began crying.
"I'm sorry...I-I'm so sor-sorry."
Sunny grabbed his arm and pulled him back. He looked at her with a fire of rage and hatred, and She instantly let go, falling back onto Clay, who helped her up. Starflight just walked into Jade mountain, and closed the door.
Starflight left early. His belongings were neatly on his desk the next morning along with a note for Glory, Sunny, Clay, And Tsunami
Glory: "It hurts, but I'm okay. I'm used to it. -Unknown."
Clay: "I want to fall asleep until I feel better. - Unknown."
Sunny: "It's sad when someone you know becomes someone you knew. - Unknown."
Tsunami's letter was last. Hesitant to open it, she quickly turned it over and read.
"I don't hate you, I just lost respect for you a long time ago. - Starflight."
Well, that's it. The first chapter of The Scientist, and I hope you all enjoyed! The next chapter will deal with it being 4 years later and Starflight returning. Be careful, that fob-watch has a lot more to it than telling time. See you all next Chapter.
- Galaxyishigh