Sorry about the impromptu hiatus! It's been a crazy few weeks for me. This chapter has some angst but I aimed for it to be a bit more fun! Hope ya'll enjoy :)


Please meet me outside - Jesse

Rachel was skeptical about receiving a text from Jesse. He was back with Vocal Adrenaline and they'd already trashed their choir room and put on this huge performance of Another One Bites the Dust to try and intimidate them. It had worked. The entire Glee Club had been in a funk all week due to him and his V.A goons. She just hoped he was going to apologize for all of the shit he had pulled. He knew Shelby was her mom and failed to tell her, he tried to interfere in her relationship with Puck, he no doubt took all of the information he learned back to the enemy... it was the least he could do.

She held her head high and walked out to the parking lot. He was standing a few yards away and didn't make any effort to meet her. She knew it was a trap immediately. When she hesitated, they surrounded her. Eggs. They egged her... not the Glee Club... no, just her. It was a personal attack. She felt each one hit her and cringed. They had frozen the eggs so that the insides were thicker. It hurt as each hit her and she was afraid she may actually bruise. It seemed to last ages before Jesse walked up to her and mumbled something about having loved her. His egg was the worst. He had to hit her a bit harder to break it on her forehead and then the insides dripped down nearly into her eyes. It was so mean and hateful...

'What the fuck?!' Puck yelled when she came walking in. He was out of his seat faster than ever before and immediately stripped his shirt to start wiping the egg off of her face. 'Who the fuck did this to you?'

'J-Jesse...' She cried, allowing him to pull her against his chest despite the transfer of the goo. Puck turned his head to look at the group behind him.

'I'm going to fucking kill him. Someone come get Rachel and take her to get cleaned up... guys, we're about to go all Thunderdome on their asses.'

'No you will not, Puck.' Mr. Schue said walking in the door. 'Oh my God, what happened?'

'He fucking egged my fiance.'

'Th-they did... they ambushed me in the parking lot.' Rachel added, refusing to let go of Puck.

'Why would they do that?'

'I don't know... maybe it's because I didn't like Jesse like he liked me... or because we're better than them... or because their coach is my birth mother!' Rachel spat bitterly.

'Oh, Rach...' Santana jumped up from her seat and ran to her friend. 'Why didn't you tell us?'

'She wasn't ready.' Puck snarled, feeling far more territorial over Rachel than he ever had before. He turned back to Rachel and noticed that she was grimacing a little bit. 'Are you hurt?'

'A little...' She whispered and pulled her arm out from between them, wiping it with her shirt and revealing the beginnings of a big bruise. Puck saw red. He was already angry that someone would hurt her emotionally... but to hurt her physically... that was too much for his self control. He pulled her in for a seering kiss, both ignoring the egg that managed to get between their lips and then pushed her into Santana's arms. Before Rachel or Mr. Schue could stop him, he was out the door with Finn hot on his heels.

Finn caught up to him at his truck and jumped in, not knowing or caring what the plan was. He just knew that Puck would need him. Neither spoke until they neared Akron.

'Dude, what's the plan?'

'I don't know where any of those fuckers live so our only option is to fuck up those Range Rovers we saw.' Puck growled.

'Those are fucking expensive... what are we going to do to them?' Finn asked nervously. He was down for some revenge but he also remembered Burt giving a customer a $10,000 repair bill on one after the owner hit a deer. They were going to get caught and Finn knew neither could afford having to pay that back. He watched as Puck seemed to think for a minute and then his shoulders fell.

'I guess we'll just slash the tires.' Puck sighed. For once he was being at least a little rational. He was trying to make a life for him and Rachel, he didn't need one that started with a huge debt.

'Cool.' Finn replied. He knew that worst case scenario was Burt could cover the tires and then he pay Burt back directly.

The boys got to work immediately. They each had their pocket knives and made quick work of the tires. Unfortunately, the security guard had been put on notice of potential retribution for the choir room and called the police when the boys arrived. Before they knew it, both were being shoved against the cop cars and handcuffed. This was not good. Puck realized that being sent to jail right now could cost him everything.

'Please... don't do this...' He begged the officer as he shoved him into the backseat.

'You should have thought about that before you trespassed on government property and vandalized vehicles.' The old cop shot back. Puck could feel the tears building in his eyes. What if he gets expelled from school? What if he gets probation or jail time? Would the Berrys still let him marry Rachel or would he lose her too? Why would she want to stay with a dumbass with a bad temper? All of these thoughts ran through his mind on the short drive to the police station. They took a long time to book him and by the time he was thrown into the holding cell, Finn was already making his one phone call.

'Santana is on her way. What is your bail set at?'

'$5000' Puck answered solemnly, his face in his hands. He heard Finn curse before he went on to tell Santana. A few minutes later Finn took a seat next him. 'I'm so fucked, dude.'

'Don't worry, I'm sure it'll all work out.' Finn comforted.

Three hours later they heard the door slam open and a string of spanish curse words. Finn jumped up off the bench and rushed to the bars. He watched as Santana let the police officer at the counter have it. After she handed them the cash she ran to the bars and started kissing him.

Puck pulled his feet up on the bench and laid his head on his knees. He had an awful pain in his gut and his mind wouldn't stop racing. He had hoped that Rachel would be the one to walk through that door. The fact that she wasn't there sent him into a spiral. He was convinced that her dads would no longer want him with Rachel and everything would be over. He would lose the girl he'd fallen madly in love with and woudl be on the first bus to reform school. The door opened again but he couldn't bring himself to look up. He was afraid that he'd just be disappointed again.

'Noah...' Rachel's small voice called out. He jumped off the bench so fast he almost ran head first into the bars. Rachel gasped when she saw how red and sad his eyes were. His hands were shaking as he reached through the bars and cupped her face.

'I'm so sorry...' He choked.

'Oh Noah... it's okay.' She reached in and cupped his face, pulling him close so that they could lean their foreheads against one another. 'We're going to get you out of here.'

'D-did I ruin everything?' He whispered nervously.

'No, honey. My daddies understand everything.'

'They do?'

'Yes.' She smiled. 'They're right there.' She pointed at the counter. He hadn't even looked past her. Sure enough, Leroy, Hiram, and Deborah were at the counter talking with the police officer.

'They're not mad?'

'Oh, they're mad... at Jesse, Shelby, and Vocal Adrenaline. But that wasn't what you were asking... no, 're not mad at you.' Her words immediately calmed him. His relief was palpable.

'You two are free to go.' The officer said, ignoring the girls and unlocking the cell. The boys practically ran out and wrapped their girls in their arms. Puck never wanted to let her go. He felt like he had come too close recently to losing her. He gently lifted up her chin and ran his finger over the knot and bruise at her hairline.

'Are you okay?' He asked sweetly, placing a gentle kiss on it.

'Yes, Noah, I'm fine.' she replied, hugging him tightly. She also realized how close they had come to being separated and it had scared the shit out of her. Her hands wouldn't stop shaking when Santana called her and told her the boys had been arrested; but their parents had been very understanding and told her that they would not fault him this time. She assumed the egg shaped bruises that covered her were enough to validate his reaction. 'My dads pounded down Shelby's door and explained what happened. That's why we were later showing up. She's not going to press charges or even mention the incident to Figgins. Her only stipulation is that you guys pay for the tires.'

'Are you serious?'

'Yes! You're off the hook' She smiled. He picked her up and spun her around. 'Let's go home.'

'Please...' He smiled, setting her down and grabbing her hand. They headed over to their parents and he cursed the tears that came back. 'I...' Before he could finish, all three adults wrapped him in a hug. They could see the fear and worry in his eyes and wanted to squash it. It was the most affection Puck had ever received.

'We know, Noah. Thank you for trying to take care of our little girl in your delinquent little way.' Hiram teased, rubbing Puck's head.

'I'll always protect her... but maybe I'll avoid destruction of property.' Puck chuckled sadly.


'Yo, open up!' Santana yelled through the door to Puck and Rachel's little house. They'd just gotten back from dinner at the main house and set out to put in as many work applications as possible. Rachel huffed, put on Puck's hoodie to hide her lack of a bra and opened the door. She expected to see Finn with the Latina but was surprised to see the entire Glee Club waiting to be let in. 'We come baring good news, amiga.'

'Uhm, come on in.' She moved aside and let them all fill the small space. Puck grimaced as the line of people entered.

'The hell?'

'Hello to you too, Puckerman.' Kurt teased, taking a seat on the table and pushing Puck's laptop towards the wall.

'Seriously, what's up?'

'We have a present for you!' Brittany said excitedly, sitting on top of Rachel's lap. 'Santana worked her magic... she's like a fairy... like Puck!'

'S'cuse me?' Puck choked and glared at everyone as they laughed at him.

'You're a fairy like in that book we read in English. That was his name, Puck!' She chirped.

'Puck in A Midsummer's Night Dream.' Kurt clarified.

'I ain't no fairy.' He grumbled and the others just rolled their eyes.

'Aaaanyway, Auntie Snix saved the day.' Santana interupted, handing Puck a large envelope. He lifted the unsealed flap and gasped.

'How the fuck did you get this?'

'Nothing illegal, promise.' She chuckled.

'What is it, Noah?' Rachel asked, unable to get up because of the blonde still perched on top of her.

'It's a shit load of cash.' He answered in awe.

'So here's what happened. Finn told me that you guys have to pay $3000 for Vocal Adrenaline's tires. I don't want my BF to be seen working some crap-tastic job to get money quick so I stayed up all night last night thinking of ways to get it that wouldn't involve him flipping burgers.' She grimaced. 'At about two o'clock in the morning I got bored and decided to watch some porn. When I pulled up my home screen, I noticed a document at the bottom. It was the bill that Rachel made for Q. I printed it out and took it to Mr. Fabray this morning. He wasn't too happy about it but when I mentioned Rachel's parents being lawyers he changed his tune. He doubled the amount on the bill for his gratitude.'

'He doubled it?!' Rachel shrieked. She had listed out just the items that they bought especially for Quinn plus the medical bills they'd paid and it had totaled just over seven grand. It hadn't included anything like food but Rachel wasn't out to be malicious.

'Fifteen grand in cash.' Santana grinned. 'Finn has a few hundred to throw in to the tire fund as well and if you'll let him, he'll pay the rest of his half when he earns enough at Burt's shop.'

'He doesn't need to pay shit. I roped him into it.' Puck countered.

'Exactly, this is more than enough money.' Rachel smiled. 'Thank you so much!'

'No, Finn will pay half. He had a choice and he chose to help you destroy those tires. This money is owed to you guys for what you did for Q and should be given to your dads or used for your wedding.'

'Actually, Burt leant me the money.' Finn grinned and pulled out a wad of cash, tossing it to Puck. 'He'll let me work it off with him.'

'Seriously dude, you don't have to do this.' Puck countered, getting ready to throw it back.

'I do. I got like six of those cars. I totally deserve to pay half.'

'Thanks dude.' Puck grinned and shoved the money in the envelope. 'And thank you Santana. This was really awesome of you.'

'No big. I just didn't want my friend and boyfriend reeking of mediocrity.' She grinned. 'Now, it's early and you no longer have to slave away putting in applications. I say it's a great time for a little Glee party!' She cheered and everyone else joined her. Puck raised his eyebrows at Rachel and she just smiled and shrugged.

'In honor of the funk we've been feelin'... I say we get super funky.' Mercedes grinned.

'I have a karaoke machine that will connect with my phone.' Rachel added with a wicked smile. 'How bout a throwdown in Funkytown?!' With that everyone cheered again and she practically threw Britt off her lap so she could set up.

'I call first dibs!' Puck yelled out over the noise of the room. 'I just need a couple of minutes.' He grinned and jumped up, heading over to their rack of clothes and taking a pile into the bathroom. Everyone was distracted by the commotion and excitement of the little contest they were setting up. However, they all fell silent the minute Puck walked back out of the bathroom. He had on his wig from hairography that he'd sprayed with Rachel's body glitter, a very low cut sequined shirt of Rachel's, and had drawn on a really gross mustache. 'Let's get freaky.' He winked and grabbed Rachel's phone to pick his song. The minute the music started they realized what he was singing and his outfit made sense. They all burst into laughter. He pushed Rachel so that she was sitting in a chair and focused all of his attention on her. He'd never seen her blush so hard. 'I'm Rick James, bitch!' He did his best Dave Chappel impression and then let himself get carried away with the song.

She's a very kinky girl,

The kind you don't take home to mother

She will never let your spirits down,

Once you get her off the street.

She likes the boys in the band,

She says that I'm her all time favorite

When I make my move to her room,

It's the right time, she's never hard to please.

That girl is pretty wild now

The girl's a super freak

The kind of girl you read about

In the new wave magazines.

That girl is pretty kinky

The girl's a super freak

I'd really like to taste her

Every time we meet.

She's all right, she's all right

That girl's all right with me yeah.

She's a super freak, super freak,

She's super freaky, super freak, super freak.

She's a very special girl,

From her head down to her toenails

Yet she'll wait for me at backstage with her girlfriends,

In a limousine.

Three's not a crowd to her, she said

"Room 714, I'll be waiting."

When I get there she's got incense, wine and candles

It's such a freaky scene.

That girl is pretty wild now

The girl's a super freak

The kind of girl you read about

In the new wave magazines.

That girl is pretty kinky

The girl's a super freak

I'd really like to taste her

Every time we meet.

She's all right, she's all right

That girl's all right with me yeah.

She's a super freak, super freak,

She's super freaky, super freak, super freak.

Temptations sing, oh, super freak,

Super freak, the girl's a super freak, oh.

She's a very kinky girl,

The kind you don't take home to mother

She will never let your spirits down,

Once you get her off the street.

'Oh my God! I can never unsee that!' Kurt screeched as soon as the song was over.

'My eyes!' Mercedes cried dramatically.

'It was kind of hot.' Tina grinned.

'You all are just jealous that Rachel gets all of this.' Puck winked obnoxiously.

'I'm repulsed and impressed.' Rachel giggled, trying desperately to avoid the kiss he was trying to give her. 'Ewwww... go away!'

'Alright, I'm going next!' Finn announced. 'Rachel, can I raid your closet?'

'Yes, Finn... just not the top drawer of my dresser.'

'That's where all our sex toys are.' Puck added, flopping down on the bed so that his head was on Mike's stomach. The Asian boy tried to push him away but he wouldn't budge.

'N-Noah!' She shrieked, completely scandalized. 'It is not! We don't have those.' Her intense blush revealed she was lying out of her teeth. Santana jumped up and ran for the dresser, opening it up and digging around until she could uncover something she could tease them with.

'My, my, my... what do we have hear?' Santana asked with a wicked grin. 'Looks like she's a very kinky girl.' She sang and held up a pair of pink, fuzzy handcuffs. The group looked torn between horror and amusement.

'Those are not mine!' Rachel defended. 'They belong to that freak!' She pointed at Puck and glared at him.

'S'true.' He shrugged and grinned. 'She just picked the color.'

'So she ties you up?' Finn asked in shock.

'Only when I'm a bad boy.' Puck countered, eyes sparkling with mischief. 'The vibrator is all hers though.'

'Noah!' Rachel scolded, crossing her arms in frustration.

'Girls think about sex just as much as guys do.' He mimicked her speech from Celibacy Club in the highest voice he could. 'It's natural, babe.'

'Okay, enough!' Kurt interupted. 'Finn, go change or whatever you're going to do... we need to change the subject before I'm permanently scarred.'

'You want to talk about scarred? Just ask what I walked into the night we went to Akron...' Finn shuddered.

'That's enough.' Rachel snapped. 'Finn, just get ready so that you can beat my ex-fiance at this karaoke battle.'

'Ouch!' Artie laughed. 'That's at least two break-ups so far, Puck.'

'Two? No way dude. She breaks up with me at least once a day. It's kind of her thing.'

'Only because your thing is to be a total asshole.' She hissed and punched his thigh.

'You looooove me.' He smiled lazily and watched her face soften.

'Ugh, I don't know why.' She spun around and fell onto the bed beside him. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her against his chest.

'It's the stache.' He teased, kissing her nose.

'Most definitely not.' She reached over and wiped it off as best she could with her thumb and spit. He cringed but let her.

'You guys disgust me.' Tina sighed and kicked at Puck's head. He just reached back and untied her shoe before she could pull away. Artie grinned at the interaction. If you had told him a year ago that he'd be singing karoke at Noah Puckerman's house and watching him fight playfully with Tina Cohen-Chang in a sequined top that belonged to Rachel Berry, he would have rolled himself right off a cliff. Yet, here he was enjoying every second of it. It was a strange world he was living in but he wouldn't trade it for anything.

'Alright, are you guys ready for this?!' Finn yelled excitedly as he walked out of the bathroom in a pair of Rachel's oversized sunglasses, his shirt unbuttoned down his chest, and a gold chain around his neck from Rachel's costume jewelry box. They all cheered for him as he strutted towards the microphone.

Ow, she's a brick house

She's mighty-mighty, just lettin' it all hang out

She's a brick house

That lady's stacked and that's a fact

Ain't holding nothing back

Ow, she's a brick house

Well put-together, everybody knows

This is how the story goes

She knows she got everything

That a woman needs to get a man, yeah, yeah

How can she lose with the stuff she use

Thirty-six, twenty-four, thirty-six oh what a winning hand

'Cause she's a brick house

She's mighty-mighty, just lettin' it all hang out

She's a brick house

Ow, that lady stacked and that's a fact

Ain't holding nothing back

Ow, she's a brick house

Yeah, she's the one, the only one, built like an amazon

The clothes she wears, her sexy ways

Make an old man wish for younger days, yeah, yeah

She knows she's built and knows how to please

Sure enough to knock a strong man to his knees

'Cause she's a brick house

Yeah, she's mighty mighty, just lettin' it all hang out

She's a brick house

The lady's stacked and that's a fact

Ain't holding nothing back

Shake it down, shake it down now

Shake it down, shake it down now

Shake it down, shake it down now

Shake it down, shake it down now

Shake it down, shake it down now

Shake it down, shake it down now

Shake it down, shake it down now

Shake it down, shake it down now

Brick house

Yeah, she's mighty mighty, just lettin' it all hang out

She's a brick house

Yeah, she's the one, the only one, built like an amazon, yeah

Shake it down, shake it down, shake it down now

Shake it down, shake it down, shake it down now

Shake it down, shake it down, shake it down now

Shake it down, shake it down, shake it, shake it

Shake it down, shake it down, shake it down now

Shake it down, shake it down, shake it down now

Shake it down, shake it down, shake it down now

Shake it down, shake it down, shake it

Ow, a brick house

'Apparently you guys need to see how this is done, ladies... grab outfits and let's crowd the bathroom.' Kurt ordered and they all followed. By the time they were all done, they were in a obnoxious outfits that barely even fit the funk look they were aiming for but made all of the boys laugh uncontrollably. He had them all gather around him as he put his song on. When the boys recognized it, they jumped up to dance and join in.

Hey do it now yeah hey

Yeah, there was a funky singer

Playin' in a rock and roll band

And never had no problems yeah

Burnin' down one night stands

And everything around me, yeah

Got to stop to feelin' so low

And I decided quickly, yes I did

To disco down and check out the show

Yeah they was

Dancin' and singin' and movin' to the groovin'

And just when it hit me somebody turned around and shouted

Play that funky music white boy

Play that funky music right

Play that funky music white boy

Lay down that boogie and play that funky music till you die

Till you die, oh till you die

I tried to understand this

I thought that they were out of their minds

How could I be so foolish (How could I)

To not see I was the one behind

So still I kept on fighting

Well, loosing every step of the way

I said, I must go back there (I got to go back)

And check to see if things still the same

Yeah they was dancin' and singin' and movin' to the groovin'

And just when it hit me somebody turned around and shouted

Play that funky music white boy

Play that funky music right

Play that funky music white boy

Lay down the boogie and play that funky music till you die

Till you die, ya

Till you die

Now first it wasn't easy

Changin' Rock and Roll and minds and things were getting shaky

I thought I'd have to leave it behind

But now its so much better (it's so much better)

I'm funking out in every way

But I'll never lose that feelin' (no I won't)

Of how I learned my lesson that day

When they were dancin' and singin' and movin' to the groovin'

And just when it hit me somebody turned around and shouted


Play that funky music white boy

Play that funky music right

Play that funky music white boy

Lay down the boogie and play that funky music till you die

Till you die

Oh' till you die

They shouted play that funky music

(Play that funky music)

Play that funky music

(You Gotta keep on playin' funky music)

Play that funky music

(Play that funky music)

Play that funky music

(Come and take you higher, ya)

Play that funky music white boy

Play that funky music right, ya

Play that funky music white boy

Play that funky music right

Play that funky music white boy

Play that funky music right

As the song ended they fell to the ground in a sweaty heap, exhausted and amused by their impromtu, funky, dance moment. They had just managed to finish laughing at themselves when clapping from the doorway caught them off guard. They all turned around with wide eyes and spotted Hiram and Leroy standing there with their phones out. It was clear that whole performance had been recorded.

'Imagine my amusement when I heard songs from my childhood blaring from my pool house and I stumble upon a bunch of ridiculously dressed teenagers singing and dancing to Play That Funky Music like they were in Studio 54.' Hiram grinned, loving the embarrassment on their faces. 'It's eleven, I'm pretty sure most of you are probably expected home.'

'Oh no! I'm going to be grounded for life.' Mike groaned and tried to strip out of the boa and sunglasses someone had managed to dress him in during the dance.

'Me too!' Mercedes jumped up and shimmied out of the sequined jacket she'd been wearing.

'Sorry to leave a mess!' Matt added, throwing off Puck's sports jacket and Rachel's afro wig.

'It's cool, we'll get it.' Rachel smiled and waved her goodbyes to everyone as they ran out. 'That was so much fun.' She sighed.

'It was.' Puck chuckled. 'We should sing a funk number to freak out Vocal Adrenaline. There's no way they could pull it off.'

'You. Are. A. Genius!' Rachel stated emphatically. 'It would scare the hell out of them!'

'Can you imagine Artie singing Uptown Funk with us all dressed up like the video? We could all back him up.'

'Yes, yes, yes! We'll suggest it to the group tomorrow.'

'See, I may be a freak... or an asshole... but I'm smart too.' He countered cheekily.

'Yes you are.' She grinned.