I know this is another story but my sister convinced me to write this. And she read the first two chapters and liked it so I'm hoping you will enjoy this as much as she.

Given that, this is dedicated to her and I hope she's happy.

Disclaimer; I do not own Bleach, or Ouran High School Host Club. I only own the plot and OC's.

An annoying ringing went off, and Ichigo rolled over to turn it off. He rolled back and stared at the ceiling lost in thought. It had been three months since the fight with Yhwach and a lot had changed.

Ichigo and all his friends had grown and matured from when Ichigo had began his Shinigami duties. And since then, they've became closer as any friends can be.

During the three months of rest, Ichigo and his friends had caught up on all their school work that they had missed while fighting in the Soul Society. With the amount of time they had took off of school, the four friends had missed a lot of work. It took time to catch up and they did it.

As the three months went by, Orihime and Ichigo had gotten closer then most of their friends. And to Ichigo's surprise, he liked it. He had a crush on her since their last year of middle school. And he never thought that Orihime had liked him to, though many people did try and tell him. He just didn't believe someone so innocent and beautiful would like someone like him, a trouble maker. But here they are, getting closer and one step away to a relationship.

Ichigo still had duties outside his home and school life. He did continue being a substitute shinigami on days when the shinigami couldn't come to Karakura Town. It was a bit stressful at times, but his friends did help when they could.

The Soul Society was busy as well, so he couldn't stay in touch with his friends as much. But he didn't mind, he knew they were busy trying to get the Society in order as well what they were going to since there was no more Soul King. He wasn't sure what they had planned but he wished them good luck. They had captains to replace and buildings to rebuild.

But no matter what he did or think, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Maybe he needed a vacation from his little break. Whatever it was, he was going to figure it out one way or another.

As Ichigo continued to think, he hadn't noticed someone creeping up the stairs and opening his bedroom door. But right at the last second, Ichigo kicked his father before Isshin could get a hit. Isshin hit the floor and rolled in pain.

"Ow! I'm glad you're still on your toes after all these months," Isshin groaned from his spot on the floor. Ichigo sat up and glared at his dad as he stretched.

"How could I not? Every morning you come and try to attack me. You know, you're not really as stealthily as you think you are." That had hit Isshin's ego and he started to cry, complaining that his son doesn't love him and has no respect for his father.

Ichigo just rolled his eyes and got out of bed, he stepped over his dad and headed to the bathroom where he started getting ready for school. He came back to his room to find that Isshin was gone and a pamphlet was left on his desk. He picked it up and read through it.

It was advertising a school that was one of the best in Japan. It was a privet school for the rich, but if you had good grades and a model student you could get a scholarship that they only hand out once a year. The school was called Ouran Academy and it was only a train ride away.

Shaking his head, he threw it out and grabbed his backpack. There was no way he would be good enough to get into a school like that. Sure, if could get him into any university he wanted but he wasn't sure what he wanted to go for. He left his room and made his way downstairs.

"Good morning Niichan," Yuzu greeted him with a big smile.

"Morning." Smiling back, he sat down and ate breakfast with his family.

"So what's everyone doing today?" Isshin asked and they all gave him a look. "What?"

"It's Thursday Dad," Karin reminded him, "we have school."

"Oh yeah, that's right," he mumbled and she shook her head.

"I won't be home for supper," Ichigo told Yuzu. "So there's no need to make me a plate."

"I'll save you one anyways," Yuzu said. "It'll just be in the fridge waiting for you when you get home." Ichigo gave her a smile in thanks and they couldn't help but notice that he was smiling a lot more then he use to.

Yuzu and Karin assumed that it was because of Orihime, but Isshin figured it was because of what happened three months ago.

Once they were done eating breakfast, the three siblings left the house and started making their way to meet their friends.

"Morning," Ichigo greeted his texting friend as he reached him.

"Morning. Have you seen Keigo?" Mizurio asked. Just as he finished his sentence, they heard a faint yelling in the distance and knew who it was.

Ichigo stepped aside just as Keigo was about to tackle him into a hug but ended up crashing into a wall. He fell to the ground with a groan. "No fair! Why do you always have to treat me like I'm a side character?" Keigo whined.

"Because you are," Ichigo said as he looked down at his friend. "That and I don't like giving out hugs."

"You give hugs to Orihime," Keigo teased, and laughed as he watched the strawberry haired kid turn a nice shade of pink.

"That's because she gets the special treatment," Mizurio joined in.

"Shut up," Ichigo snapped and they laughed as they watched him stalk off. Mizurio helped Keigo off the ground and they followed after him.

They finally reached the school and met up with their other friends. They talked until it was time to go to class.

The morning went by as slowly as it does on a Thursday, and Ichigo couldn't help but think about the pamphlet he read this morning. And started thinking about the pros and cons about going to the school.

Pro; it'd be a fresh start and a new scenery.

Con; he'll have to move closer to the school and leave his friends and family behind.

Pro; no one will know who or what he is and won't judge him about his hair. (he doubts that though. Everyone judges his hair)

Con; its something different and could be a little intimidating. Give him a powerful hollow any day then changing schools.

Pro; it's only a few hours by train to Karkura Town.

Con; he won't have to deal with hollows...well he hopes.

Pro; the school could most likely help him keep his grades up. And it will help him get into a better college then Karakura High.

"Hey Ichigo," someone called out as they tapped his shoulder to get his attention.

Ichigo looked up to see Orihime smiling at him, he returned it.

"It's lunch isn't it?" Orihime nodded and Ichigo packed up his things and together they left the classroom.

"What's on your mind? You looked far away."

Ichigo shook his head and earned a sharp look from Orihime. "Let's talk after work? This is something I don't want our friends to know yet."

Orihime could see that whatever it was, it was important. So she nodded and began talking about her dream last night.

"I was a robot?" Ichigo asked laughing. Orihime nodded seriously.

"You weren't the only one. Taksuki, Chad and even Uryu all turned into robots."

"What about you?"

"I had to fight you and defend the earth!" she claimed and struck a superhero pose.

"Did you win?" Orihime shook her head sadly. "You woke up before the dream ended, huh?" Orihime nodded.

Bringing an arm her shoulder, Ichigo gave her a side hug. "Well I'm sure you'll defeat us in the next dream."

Orihime blushed still not use to the affection Ichigo gave her. It was still new to her and she wouldn't doubt it being new to him as well. But it was nice, finally having your crush feel the same way as you.

They continued talking as they made it up the stairs to the roof where everyone was already eating.

"It's about time you finally joined us," Uryu said as he pushed up his glasses, "Keigo was beginning to think you would ditch us."

"Was not," Keigo whined.

"Right." Ichigo and Orihime sat down and began eating . Throughout lunch, they talked about what friends normally do. They goofed off tired to see who could make Orihime and Ichigo blush the most, and other stuff.

Lunch was finally over and the made their way back to class. This time as classes went on, it went by fast and soon the bell rang.

The students packed up their homework and left the class hoping to get home and get started on their homework.

Ichigo stood outside the class as he waited for Orihime to finish talking to their teacher. Since they had gotten close, Ichigo would go out of his way and walk her to either home or her work. And they had gotten so use to it that they just kept walking home together.

"Are you working today?" Ichigo asked once they started walking.

Orihime shook her head. "I have today off. How long will you be working?"

"Depends if Ikumi has anything for me," Ichigo said in thought. "I'll come by after work so we can talk."

"It's not anything to do with the Soul Society does it?" Orihime asked, he shook his head. "Us?" Her voice was soft and Ichigo almost missed what she said.

He didn't give her an answer but that was all she needed. Her lip started tremble as she tried to not cry.

Ichigo noticed and stopped walking and turned her so she was looking at him. "Hey," he said softly, "look at me."

Orihime was reluctant to but she did. "It's nothing as bad as breaking this off I promise. I still want us to keep this relationship going. And we'll have a lot to talk about but we'll work it out."


"Promise." Ichigo kissed her forehead and they continued walking to her apartment.

"I'll see you soon okay?" he said once they reached it. Orihime nodded and reached up and kissed his cheek before unlocking her door and walked in.

Once he got to work, Ikumi put him straight to work. Most of his shift was just doing odd jobs like mowing lawns, painting fences stuff like that.

It kept his mind busy but he still had his mind on Ouran and how that light reflect on his relationship with Orihime. Ikumi must have noticed because when he came back from finding a little girls cat, she told him he was down for the day.

Grabbing his backpack, he left work and went straight to Orihime's.

He didn't get a chance to knock when the door was thrown open and Taksuki stalked out. "You better not break her heart Ichigo," she warned her friend, "otherwise you'll have to deal with me."

Ichigo nodded and watched as she walked around him and left the two alone. Ichigo poked his head threw the door and Orihime waved him in.

Once seated on the couch, he told her about Ouran Academy and how he was thinking about transferring.

"But that means you'll have to move closer," Orihime stated once he was done talking.

"I know. I haven't made a decision yet but I feel like I need a bit of a change."

"Would that mean saying goodbye to me and your friends for good?" The thought made her sad but if Ichigo needed space, she would support him.

"No," he said shaking his head. He couldn't image what life would be like without his friends. "Since it's only a few hours away, I was thinking I could come home on the weekends. We can still have our relationship, Orihime. It might be a long distance but we both need to make that work."

Orihime thought about it and nodded. "Okay. I know what you mean about a little change. And you never do something without cause, I'll support you. And when you can't come home, I'll come and visit you."

Ichigo smiled and was thankful for how supporting Orihime was. He wondered how he had gotten so lucky.

So for the next few weeks, and with the help of his friends and family, Ichigo worked hard to earn the scholarship.

He found a two bedroom apartment near the school and with any luck, he would move in soon.

The following Friday of the test Ichigo had to take, he had gotten a letter stating that he would start at Ouran the following Monday.

And to celebrate, Yuzu hosted a goodbye/good luck party for Ichigo. All this friends where there and they had fun.

That Saturday, he packed his belongings and his dad and sisters helped him pack and move everything to his new apartment.

They family of four stood in Ichigo's new apartment once everything was unpacked and settled in.

"Well it looks like this is goodbye," Isshin sniffled trying not to cry.

"He's not dying Dad," Karin said annoyed. Their dad could be such a drama queen.

"Besides, we can come visit anytime we'd like," Yuzu said, holding in her tears as well.

Sometimes it feels like him and Karin were the only normal ones in the family. They hugged goodbye, and the three of them left Ichigo to live his life.

Ichigo stood in the middle of his apartment and smiled to himself. This change felt nice and he couldn't wait until school on Monday.