a/n: WIP - just a short little drabble that I will be updating. Not entirely happy with how this turned out, but I had a spare ten minutes on hand in between studying.

They're both studying in her room, with him on the window-seat and her on the bed.

The pastel of her room contrasts sharply with his attire, Betty thinks. And she likes it.
She likes him.

Jughead is her one selfish desire. He is the one she doesn't have to be perfect around, the one she can tell anything to. He is her confiadant, her partner-in-crime, and her happily ever after, all in one. Even when they were little, Jughead always tried to protect her in a way that Archie didn't. She didn't notice it because Archie's gestures were always so big, they they drowned out his more subtle, smarter gestures.

But now? She's making up for lost time.

If Archie was the sun, Jughead was the moon and the stars.

And now comes the age of night.

(Oh, how she loves the darkness because of how brightly he shines)

Her eyes flick down to the path of floor where they first kissed. She wanted to frame it, to cordon it off and charge people money to see it. Because, by God, Jughead was a piece of the finest art there was. He deserved entire museums, entire galaxies devoted to him. And where he had kissed her, was a rare meteorlogical event - a shooting star, burning so bright she's dazed.

She smiles, lost in her own thoughts.

Jughead notices this, notices where she's looking, and it sends his heart afflutter in ways that he would never tell a single soul.

a/n: reviews are much appreciated x