Neither woman had been in this sort of scene in what felt like forever, but the second the dresses were on, it was like muscle memory as their proper upbringing came back to them. For Regina, her silver off-the-shoulder gown was a new look, compared to her dark ensembles of the past. Her makeup was light and her hair was pulled back into a soft low bun. Honestly, she looked like her old self - the girl she was before her marriage to the King. Emma, on the other hand, wore a brilliant red gown that showed quite a bit of shoulder. She had always wanted to wear bright colors, rather than her usual wardrobe of white, eggshell, and ivory. Or pink. Screw pink. Henry was the lucky one. He didn't have to wear corsets or pinchy shoes. He just had to wear a nice little outfit and he was carried everywhere.

The Swans hired a carriage to take them to the White Kingdom and every mile they travelled, Emma got more nervous. What if she forgot her manners and embarrassed herself in front of everyone? What if they still hated Regina? What if she had to stage a jailbreak? What if-

"Emma, dear, calm down." Regina said, putting her hand on Emma's knee. "You'll be fine."

"How do you always read my mind?" Emma questioned rhetorically. Regina smiled.

"Your face is an open book, Emma. Plus, we're true loves. I can feel your anxiety from here."

"Sorry," Emma said. "What if something goes wrong? What if-"

"What if they still think I'm evil?" Regina finished. Emma felt guilty for thinking it, but she nodded, ever truthful to her love.

"Well, they will see how happy you make me, and I will be so lost in your eyes, there will be no doubt that I have changed." Regina answered. Emma blushed and smiled. They shared a sweet kiss, mindful of the baby in Regina's lap. Henry squealed, wanting attention as well. The women laughed and turned their attention to playing with their son.

The journey was long, and Emma eventually fell asleep in a very uncomfortable-looking position, sleeping longer than Henry eventually did. The pair only awoke to the feel of the road smoothing out and the announcement of their arrival. Before Emma could fully wake up, Snow had Emma in a tight hug, happy to finally see her daughter again. At least, until Regina got out. The two women stared at each other in silence. Meanwhile, Emma greeted her brother with a hug.

Emma complimented how tall he'd grown and told him he needed a haircut. He scrunched his nose, just like he did as a toddler. He asked about Regina and Emma filled him in on the most important details. There would be time for talking later.

Silent communication went on between Regina and Snow. They both knew what they wanted to say to each other, but neither was able to voice them. Snow's gaze broke away and landed on Henry.

"Is this Henry? Can I hold him?" Regina looked hesitant, but a gentle squeeze of reassurance from Emma had her handing over little Henry.

Henry stared at the stranger, unsure of who she was. As he observed the strange lady, he got distracted by her necklace and tried to eat it.

"Henry, no." Regina said, separating baby from jewelry.

"It's okay." Snow said, completely enamored with the child. "Hi, Henry! I'm your grandma. Can you say grandma? Say grandma!" Snow prompted Henry.

"Abah." Henry babbled. Snow's eyes kit up.

"Did you hear that?!" She exclaimed excitedly. "He said it!" Snow gushed over Henry, trying to prompt more baby babble from him. Regina leaned in closer to Emma.

"Can I tell her that's his word for poopy?" Regina whispered.

"No!" Emma whispered back. "Let her have this moment!" Regina smirked.

"I'm going to tell her."

"You will not!"

"Tell me what?" Snow asked, having just heard a bit of the conversation.

"Nothing! Henry has had a long day and he should really get his sleep." Emma replied.

"You're right. He'll sleep in your old nursery. You can sleep in your old bedroom for your stay." Snow said, handing back Henry, who was eyeing her necklace once again. Henry's mothers put him to bed, as they did every night, then returned downstairs to join the celebration.

Regina's stomach clenched at the sight of all the guests staring at them. She was preparing for the moment someone would scream out, "It's the Evil Queen!" and lead a mob to burn her at the stake. She was getting ready to run back upstairs and take Henry and pull up the last bit of magic she had to poof her and her family home. If she could.

Her magic had gone near dormant since she had woken up. Whether it was from lack of practice, or had something to do with the sleeping curse, she didn't know. But if they were in trouble, her magic might be unreliable.

A man stepped forward and Regina tensed up. Here it comes...

"Regina Swan?" The man questioned.

"Yes?" Regina answered.

"That horse you sold me runs like a dream! Fastest thing I've ever seen!" He laughed a booming laugh. Regina visibly relaxed. Horses she could handle.

"Oh, yes. Don Juan, am I correct? Yes, he came from a good line." Regina said.

Emma watched Regina as she talked about horses to the other guests. She loved the way Regina's eyes lit up at the mention of the subject. Regina was so passionate about her horses. She didn't even notice her mother had joined her.

"I've never seen her like this. Not even before she married my father." Snow commented.

"Our first year together, she was terrified of everyone. She refused to even leave the cottage. It wasn't until I became sick for a week that she finally was able to work through her fear." Emma replied.

"You were sick?" Snow asked, frightened.

"Obviously it wasn't serious, but I was stuck in bed for a week and couldn't work. Regina took good care of me and went out to get what I needed." She had been so proud of Regina when she had come home with groceries for dinner. She had been shaking like a leaf, but she had been to the village and back unscathed. There had been no mobs, no screaming, no assassination attempts. Even after Emma got better, Regina would go out to the village and help a stable hand until they could afford to build their barn and start breeding their own horses.

"Emma, are you happy?" Snow asked, snapping Emma out of her thoughts. Emma looked back to Regina. Her smile was so genuine and bright, it filled Emma's heart with love for the woman.

"Yes, I am." Emma smiled.

"Regina?" Leo said, getting her attention. Regina turned her attention to the young prince. He had the same eyes as Emma, though his hair was dark like Snow's. He looked like a smaller David with darker hair. "I hope you can excuse my name. I swear I'm nothing like my namesake, and I hope we can be friends." Regina smiled.

"I would like that, Your Highness." Regina said.

"Will you sit next to me at dinner?" Leo asked.

"I would be honored." Regina answered.

Dinner was pleasant. There was hardly an awkward moment and the conversation flowed freely. After, there was music and dancing until the prince's bedtime, when everyone retired to their respective rooms. Emma and Regina retired for the night in Emma's old room. They laid together in the white canopy bed, tangled together as they did in their smaller bed back home. Henry had been moved to their room, as Regina couldn't stand being so far from her baby boy, even for a night.

Emma ran her fingers through Regina's hair, soothing the woman closer to sleep. Regina nuzzled her face into Emma's chest.

"I love you so much, Emma." Regina whispered.

"I love you, too." Emma replied.

"You know, I talked with your mother earlier..." Regina started. Some time after dinner, Snow had asked to speak with Regina alone. They went to a nearby room and talked of things. Everything they needed to say was said. Apologies were made and tears were shed. Then Snow surprised Regina by giving her something.

"What was it?" Emma asked. Regina smiled, but stayed silent. The mystery of it haunted Emma until the next day.

They walked together to the lake that surrounded the castle on three sides. The skies were clear and the air was warm. All-in-all, it was the perfect day. Emma dipped her toes into the water, while Regina and Henry sat on a blanket on the shore. When Emma's back was turned, Regina gave Henry a small box and told him to give it to his ma. Now that his vocabulary was refining, Henry had called Emma "Ma" and Regina "Mama." Henry toddled over on wobbly legs to his other mother.

"Ah!" Henry said, asking to be held. Emma scooped him up and noticed the box.

"What is this?" Emma took the box and opened it. Inside was a ring. Emma's jaw dropped. "What-" Emma looked up and saw Regina smiling. "Is this what I think it is?" Regina nodded. She stood up and joined Emma.

"Emma Swan, will you marry me?"

"Of course." The two women kissed. Henry seemed to feel left out, as he pushed his parents apart and pressed his overly-moist lips on Emma's cheek. The two women laughed at their son's antics and stared into each other's eyes. This was certainly their happy ending.

A.N.: And now I'm done! I hope you all enjoyed and thank you to all who favorited, followed, and reviewed this story!