It wasn't too bad, he thought, hours and hours later, after that angelic doctor had installed what seemed to be his new arm and leg, and it had been uncomfortable, but just a bit.

Yeah, just a bit.

He felt weird while walking. He was out of tune, out of synchronization, but at least, he could walk. Lena had at first tried helping him, but he, and also Angela, had told her otherwise.

The doctor said that it'd be wise if they both let him get used to his own body, alone. And the Brit had pouted before agreeing reluctantly. Obviously, she was eager to help him, thing that he appreciated from the bottom of his heart.

Don't worry about it, He had tried comforting, to which she had smiled warmly before nodding and giving him some space for him to move freely around the room.

Angela had smiled at that exchange.

It wasn't until another couple of hours before he could actually walk without feeling awkward, and feel things with his left arm, that he decided that it was time to leave, stating that many people could make a better use of the bed he was occupying, and the doctor had beamed at that.

She seemed to be taking a like to him, just like Lena, and he hoped that it was true.

She was his saviour, after all. As well as the Brit who spend most of the time right next to him, talking to him, making him feel good with himself.

She even complimented, and flirted, but apparently, she wasn't used to that, and after every compliment, she would stutter, or blush, which only made it more special, and cuter, but he kept those thoughts for himself.

Currently they were walking home, with Angela staying behind. She told them that she would come in contact with them after she finished some other thing she had to do at the hospital.

He had wondered what could that be, and accidentally voiced his question.

"She's probably staying to help as many peeps as she can, love" Lena replied nonchalantly, but after a second, he sensed a sad sigh coming out of her mouth, to which he looked at her, confused, "It's just that, well, she spends a huge ton of time there, y'know? Always working, and working, and working- I mean, it's not like I don't appreciate it, but I don't want her getting troubled by the lack of sleep, or something like that, love" He nodded.

"I guess you're right, but if it wasn't for that particular obsession, I'd be pretty much dead, now wouldn't I?" Her eyes widened, and she opened her mouth to argue with him. To tell him that he was wrong, that she would've found the way, that she wouldn't have let him leave her like that, but nothing came out of her mouth.

He chuckled at the cute girl having a little war inside of her mind, and placed a hand on her head, ruffling her hair slightly, warmly, affectionately, letting her know how grateful he was.

He had to voice it, though.

"I should thank you" His hand, which before was ruffling her hair, travelled until he reached her shoulder, and while walking, he pulled her close, giving her a one arm hug, "I guess you really are a hero, you even saved my life"

His lips curled into a smile when she caught her breath, and in half a second, she was already snuggling in his embrace, fixing her position, trying to find which one would be the most comfortable for them both, and always careful not to hurt him with the device she always wore on her chest.

He wondered how much this girl would mean to him in the future, and chuckled.

She already meant a lot, just by saving his life.

And even before, he felt it, the connection she made with him, just like the way it happened the first day he met his best friend, and his mother, and everyone he ever fell in love with.

And staying like that, they both made their way home.

It was dark when his eyes opened, and it took him a minute to get used to the darkness that enveloped him.

He had heard her calling his name for the first time, but decide to listen to her calling him each time with more exasperation and less patience, just so he could enjoy the sound of her voice.

Of course, that wouldn't be enough for her.

He stood up, not bothering to turn on the lights. He had came up to learn his apartment by heart, so there was no need for light in it.

He turned around, walked and slowly reached for the window that leaded the a huge fall; or in this case, to the weird Brit that had occupied his mind in his slumber.

He peeked out of the window and instantly smiled at the sight.

She was there, looking at him with a frown, and a pout.

"You took so much time, bloody hell!" She tried sounding as if she was mad, but he knew otherwise.

Her sparkly eyes were telling him otherwise.

"Come down here! I wanna talk with you, and also, Angela is here! She said she wanted to check up on you, but she's too shy to even knock on yo-" A familiar hand suddenly appeared behind Lena, making the later one disappear into her own apartment when pulled by pure strength.

He concluded he was not going to see her unless he knocked on her door, just like she had requested before.

He stepped away from his window, and slowly made his way through the darkness until he reached the door. With a smile filled with the satisfaction of knowing that he could reach the door without any kind of light, he took the handle and opened, stepped away and closed it.

The elevator wasn't necessary, so he took the stairs instead. It didn't matter much, but it did help him get more practice with his new leg, thing that he appreciated.

He walked a bit more, taking it slow step by step, before reaching her floor.

Complains could already be heard from the other side of her door and he smiled, listening to some You did not have to tell him that and some apologies from a very beautiful Brit girl he had met days ago.

Leo knocked on the door, and internally chuckled, finding it amusing how the two girls had went silent after realising his presence.

"I'll get it, it's probs Leo any ways" Angela said, without listening to Lena's complaints about how she was the guest and she should be the one greeting him.

She greeted him with a tired smile, and he took in the fact that her eye bags seemed to be slightly worse now.

"How are you feeling, Leo?" She questioned before he could even greet back, and he smiled.

He wanted to demonstrate.

He moved around, lifting his new leg, moving around his new arm. All the cuts, and all the bruises already healed, they already became scars, and now he felt good.

He felt just fine.

Perhaps still a bit awkward, but nothing too serious.

"I see, I see" Leo smiled and she moved to the side, letting him in.

The apartment, for obvious reasons, was just like his own. The light switches exactly in the same place as his own, the kitchen, the bathroom doors, and the windows. It felt the same, but at the same time, it differed a lot.

There were posters about people wearing weird outfits everywhere, and frames, and there were what he supposed was fanarts. There was a pilot uniform hanging on the wall, like a trophy, as if she didn't fly anymore.

He smiled inwardly. Of course everything was glued or just hanging around with tape, since they didn't let you change even the colours of the apartment.

"You like it, love? I bet it's the same as your own home" He heard the voice that woke him up again, right besides him as he walked around the place, getting familiar with it.

"Not really, I've only got this many posters, but you seriously stepped a bit further" He heard her giggle, and he smirked, "I like it, it smells like home" He sniffed, "And biscuits" Lena giggled again.

"Aye, we were just having some" She ran towards the kitchen, and instantly came back with a grin and a plate filled with biscuits and cookies, "Would you like some?" He smiled and used his left arm to pick one up, crushing it, making Lena giggle, "No worries, try again, love" He instantly loved the way she called him love, and tried again, this time at a slower pace.

He managed to bring it to his mouth, and munch on it.

"It taste delicious" He said, and somewhere inside, she squirmed, but outside, she only smiled.

She won't tell him it's her first time baking cookies.

"That's great, love" She said, with a little bit too much enthusiasm while voicing her thoughts, "Remind me to make more some time in the future, I'll be happy to oblige"

Mercy wondered if she had ever seen Lena so...Not Tracer.

It makes sense, though. Obviously, since she did reach for her all the way from Switzerland to here, and did errands for her, and stood besides the boy for most of the time since she got to meet him.

Lena only did that for special friends, but never had she ever treated anyone with less than a hundred percent energy, and bubbliness.

She was different. Good different, but still different.

"So, Leo" The new guy she met, who was initially speaking with Lena, instantly turned around without hesitating, and she giggled, reminding her of the soldiers back at the base.

Well, according to Lena, he is a pilot, so there's not much different in-between.

"I'll later show you how to exactly clean up and take care of your prosthetic arm and leg, both should be basically easy, though I would recommend some help for the arm, since, well…" She didn't have to point out that he wouldn't have an arm to do so, he already knew that.

He smiled when Lena raised her hand, volunteering herself without even waiting for him to ask.

"It'll be just pressing the right combination onto the buttons right here-" She stopped to point out where the buttons on his arm, and his leg where, and then smiled at him, realising how close they were to each other, "Then the safes, and the nanobots will separate and you will be able to remove your arm, or leg, for that matter" He nodded, "The combination, I'll later tell you which one is" She winked at him.

Lena giggled at the way Angela made herself an excuse to see Leo again.

She'd do the same, really.

"Now I must let you to rest!, It must have been a rough start for you" He shivered when she placed her cold hands around his own calloused one.

"It's fine, I've rested enough if I am being honest with you, Angela" She sighed let go of his hand, "Actually, what I'd really like would be…" He looked at Lena's eyes with a glint of mischievousness and excitement.

Eventually, it reached her brain.

"Jogging!" He chuckled loudly as she jumped in front of him, "You wanna go jogging!" She eagerly grinned at him, but instantly changed her face, and mood, "Wait, is it right for him to jog?" She asked as she turned to see the blonde doctor fading away, yawning slightly as she stared at Leo's clothes.

Or lack of them.

He has been probably asleep before Lena started yelling at him through the window, and now she felt bad. The guy barely had on a white tank top and some shaggy pants on, and whilst she was not complaining at the sight, she felt slightly bad.

I mean, even if he's hot, the weather isn't.

And he really wasn't that sort of hot, the definition long since had lost it's meaning, after spending half her life surrounded by super soldiers, all hot, all beautiful, and the all mighty Jack Morrison being on top of her problems, every day, every time.

Like, the guy was hot, but she could barely notice that over all the annoyance and problems he emanated from within his soul

And her robot companion, once secret crush but now just a great friend.

But she won't talk about that.

And then there was this soldier, this pilot, Leo, who had nothing to do with nothing of the outside world, or, well, her world, filled with war, dead, and honour of those once lost in there.

This guy only showed how prideful can someone look on shaggy pants and a slim, slim, tight tank top. How could someone look at her bobbly friend, Tracer, perhaps the most famous hero in the whole squad, without nothing else than a tired, honest smile.

A honest smile after losing both a leg and an arm, was something that moved her heart in ways she didn't really feel before.

Just once, but...that didn't count.

"Angela?" Lena's voice kicked her out of her thoughts roughly.

"S-Sorry, yes?" She asked, without controlling the way her accent was getting the best of her.

"Can Leo go jogging with me?" She begged as she made her best puppy face.

Leo also had some pleading eyes.

Ah, how to say not to that.

"Yeah, go, I'll wait, and make something better for us to eat"

She could only hear the way Lena cheered before they both disappeared.

She felt warm, for once in a while.

Is that how Lena felt around Leo?

Because she could get use to that.

I'm sorry for takin' so long.


Thank you for all the reviews!

PD. Sorry for the "Dan and Leo" mistake