ThunderClan Allegiance, 3/4/17 - 3/6/17
Leader - Darkstar - jet black tom with one blue eye and one amber eye
Deputy - Littlefalcon - small, black tom with a white chest, chin, underbelly, front paws and legs, with pale amber eyes.
Medicine Cat - Hailstone - light grey tom with darker grey splotches
Apprentice: Duskpaw
Windstorm - light grey tom with cream brown ears and amber eyes
Goldflame - bright gold she cat with white toes and tail tip, and dark amber eyes
Oakstorm - large, reddish brown, muscular tom with blue eyes
Apprentice: Berrypaw
Cloudwind - fluffy white tom with sapphire blue eyes, and very pale grey ears, former medicine cat
Lightstripe - bright ginger, almost golden tom, with white stripes along his back and down his tail, and yellow eyes with a golden tint.
Spottedberry - golden brown she cat with black splotches
Gingershine - ginger she cat
Apprentice: Raccoonpaw
Driftcloud - light brown tom with ice blue eyes
Apprentice: Snowpaw
Finchblaze - dark ginger tom with darker brown tabby striped and green eyes
Stormwhisker - dark blue tom with green eyes
Apprentice: Pinepaw
Lionfang - ginger tom with brown paws and amber eyes
Volefang - dark brown tabby tom
Rainstorm - dark grey tom with blue grey splotches and blue eyes
Squirreltail - brown tom with a bushy tail
Hawkfeather - dark brown tabby tom with a white underbelly, white paws and muzzle, ear tips and tail tip with darker brown almost black stripes, and icy blue eyes
Maplecloud - tortoiseshell she cat with fluffy fur, bright ginger and pitch black splotches, with black paws and golden eyes and a long scar on her right shoulder
Thistlefang - dark brown tabby tom with a white underbelly, neck, and paws and dark golden eyes
Sweetflower - long haired tortoiseshell and white she cat with green eyes
Graystream - grey tabby she cat with distinctive white stripes on her back and down her tail, and clear blue eyes.
Rosefoot - small, pinkish she cat with white, petal shaped patches and pale green eyes, blind.
Ashcloud - grey tom with a long tail
Foxflame - bright ginger tom with a white chest, paws and amber eyes
Thrushwing - cream brown she cat with green eyes.
Blazefrost - ginger tom with ice blue eyes
Sneezeclaw - dark brown tom
Dawnleaf - pale grey she cat
Timberclaw - blue grey and brown tom
Apprentice: Mistpaw
Pricklefrost - grey and white tom
Mousepatch - dark grey tom with black patches down his spine
Daisyleaf - cream colored tabby she cat with dark blue eyes, formerly ShadowClan
Apprentice: Featherpaw
Whitefur - white tom with black ear tips and tail tip and blue eyes
Apprentice: Petalpaw
Duskpaw - pale brown tabby tom with faint, darker tabby stripes and pale amber eyes, one white front paw and tail tip, medicine cat apprentice.
Pinepaw - red brown she cat with light brown paws and green eyes
Mistpaw - very pale grey she cat with white stripes and blue eyes
Berrypaw - cream colored tom with white toes and amber eyes
Featherpaw - long haired, light grey she cat with slightly darker tabby stripes and light blue eyes
Snowpaw - pure white she cat with pale, silver flecks, and deep blue eyes
Petalpaw - pale tortoiseshell she cat with black, dark ginger and brown patches and dark green eyes
Raccoonpaw - grey tom with a black ringed tail and amber eyes
Queens (she cats expecting or nursing kits)
Ivyheart - brown she cat with silver paws and amber eyes. Mother to Littlefalcon's kits. Acornkit, Morningkit, Fishkit and Nightkit.
Acornkit - brown she cat with light brown ears, paws, muzzle and blaze up her nose, with dark amber eyes
Morningkit - silver tabby tom with white front paws and grey eyes
Fishkit - deep, dark blue tom with clear blue eyes
Nightkit - small black she cat with a white stripe down her back and a short tail, with green eyes
Gorseheart - grey tabby with pale blue eyes
Flameclaw - huge, dark ginger tom
RiverClan Allegiance
Leader - Olivestar - brown tabby she cat
Deputy - Silversnow - a silver she cat with white stripes
Medicine cat - Sootdust - mottled grey she cat
Fawnstep - sandy brown she cat
Dewcloud - pale grey tom
Heavystorm - big, ginger and white tom
Applefoot - yellow she cat with bright ginger stripes
Apprentice: Bearpaw - dark brown tom
Larkflight - grey tom with a white sock
Willowfall - white she cat
Darkwater - handsome, black tom
Ferretleap - brown tom with white paws
Birchfang - mottled brown tom
Apprentice: Beechpaw- black tom with dark brown patches
Bouldertooth - large, pale grey tom
Berrystripe - creamy brown she cat with slightly darker stripes on her forelegs. Mother of Birchfang's kits, Minnowkit (sand brown she cat) and Carpkit (grey she cat with light grey stripes) one moon old
Mudfoot - dark brown tom
Nightfang - black tom
Daisypelt - light grey tabby she cat with green eyes, unable to move
ShadowClan Allegiance
Leader - Heatherstar - light brown tabby she cat
Deputy - Rabbitstep - pale grey tom with grey paws
Apprentice: Swiftpaw (long haired black tom)
Medicine cat - Kestrelwing
Marshfoot - brown and black tom
Longfoot - tall, grey tom
Ploverfoot - pale grey and white she cat
Apprentice: Mosspaw (brown and white she cat)
Flowerpetal - light grey she cat with darker stripes
Apprentice: Dewpaw (dark grey tom)
Quailheart - very light brown she cat
Frostpool - pure white she cat
Lichenfall - brown tabby tom
Apprentice: Poolpaw (brown she cat with white paws)
Patchflower - dark, tortoiseshell she cat with black spots
Apprentice: Owlpaw (light brown tom with green eyes)
Splashpelt - brown and white dappled she cat
Waspsting - yellow tom with black stripes
Harewhisker - small, light brown she cat
WindClan Allegiance
Leader - Creekstar - mottled grey tabby tom
Deputy - Brackenfall - white and brown striped tom
Medicine cat - Hazelheart - dark yellow she cat with white paws and chest
Grassclaw - dark grey tom
Sleetfrost - very, very light blue tom
Frogskip - dark brown tom, skinny
Hollyclaw - dark grey she cat
Talonfang - lanky, brown tom
Twistedfoot - black and white tom with a bent front paw
Lizardtail - mottled brown tom
Violetbloom - pretty, silver she cat with darker stripes and dark blue eyes
Hawkflight - dark ginger tom with light brown paws and muzzle
Larchleap - ginger tom
Duskcloud - black she cat. Mother of Softkit (fluffy pale grey she cat with white paws and tail tip) and Spiderkit (black tom with green eyes) four moons old
Falconwing - pretty light brown she cat. Mother of Cheetahkit (light brown she cat with dark brown and black patches), four moons old
Tribe of Rushing Water
Leader - Stoneteller - shaggy, brown she cat
Hail Falling from Clouds (Hail) - pale grey she cat
Heather Growing on Trees (Heather) - small, white she cat
Owl That Flies at Sunset (Owl) sandy brown tom
Lark that Sings at Dusk (Lark) russet brown tabby she cat
Water Lapping on the Shore (Water) blue grey tom
Blaze Scorching the Forest Path (Blaze) - orange tom
Daisy Growing in the Sunlight (Daisy) - bright yellow she cat
Frog Swimming through the Pond (Frog) - white tom with brown paws
Eagle that Swoops Overhead (Eagle) - dark brown tom
Moss Growing on a Boulder (Moss) - tortoiseshell and white she cat
Quail Calling in the Morning (Quail) - mottled brown she cat
Weasel Sneaking at Night (Weasel) - ginger tom with white chest and paws
Frost Creeping on Whiskers (Frost) - white tom with light grey paws
Wolf that Howls at Night (Wolf) solid grey tom with broad shoulders
Wind that Blows through Mountain (Wind) - large, muscular white tom with silver stripes
Leaping Hare in the Meadow (Leap) big, ginger she cat
Sunrise in the Morning Sky (Sunrise) thick set, long furred she cat
Pheasant with Strong Wings (Pheasant, Cave Guard) - brown tabby she cat with white paws. Expecting mother of Eagle's kits.
Bird that Flies in the Sky (Bird, Cave Guard) - white she cat with black ear tips, blue eyes and a scar on her right shoulder. Mother of Dove that Sings at Dawn (Dove),
Dove - small cream brown she cat with white underbelly, white paws and amber eyes
Prologue 3/4/17 - 3/5/17
Silver rings ripple in the water. A single white paw touches the clear, mirror-like pool and sends ripples through the reflection.
Stealthfire shuffles her paws nervously as she looks at the cats surrounding the ring of water. A pure white she cat she knows as Whitestar, a kind ShadowClan leader who lived when Seabreeze was an apprentice.
A very light brown she cat who was WindClan's deputy, Sandfoot. She was also Branchstar's mother who died in a border skirmish and had her son succeed her.
Stealthfire notices something off about this. "I remember someone…"
"Speak up. I can barely hear you!" Sandfoot growls.
Stealthfire tries not to flinch but her tail bushes out. "The last time this was done, there were four cats for four Clans. Why isn't a RiverClan cat helping us?"
"Ivystar and the RiverClan ancients probably believe this doesn't involve them." Sandfoot said mockingly.
"Either way, we must choose a cat." Whitestar said.
"Are we starting? Good. Then I choose this one-."
Just then, the silver and white RiverClan leader appears and sits down, breathing heavily.
"Sorry, I just got the messenger's report."
"... If we can continue?"
Sandfoot touches the pool with her paw. A small image appears in the water, Whitestar looks at the former WindClan deputy.
"But this one is barely six moons old."
"And he's almost becoming an apprentice. I pick him."
Seeing Sandfoot wasn't changing her mind, Whitestar sighs and looks at the pond.
"Alright." She touches the water, and she sees a cat who makes her smile.
"Loyal, driven… He will be the representative for ShadowClan."
Ivystar looks into the pool and touches it. She also smiles at the appearing image.
"I choose this one as a representative as well."
Stealthfire stares into the water and bites her lip.
"Come on, we don't have all starlight!" Sandfoot snaps
Ivystar glares at Sandfoot. "Be patient, Sandfoot. Remember her condition…"
Sandfoot lashed her tail. "If Firestar had been here instead of this stupid Twoleg it wouldn't take this long!"
Stealthfire glares at Sandfoot with sheer anger.
"I am not stupid and you know it! Besides, we're dead, so aren't wasting anything - but if you want to pick out a ThunderClan cat be my guest!"
Sandfoot narrows her eyes in shock and looks at her paws out of shame.
"Besides, there's so many potential candidates in my Clan… What if I choose the wrong cat and send them to their deaths?"
"Follow your instincts and pick who you believe deserves it." Whitestar told her.
Stealthfire nods, but she looks through the water and grows anxious about her choice.
I don't want to see anyone die. But Firestar said it's now or never, and we can't let it be never.
She taps her paw on the surface, and an image appears on the rippling water. Stealthfire slowly forms a smile.
"Have you found your candidate?" Sandfoot asks impatiently.
"Better. I've found two."
Sandfoot blinks and looks at Whitestar. "Two? Can she do this?"
"... It's not exactly against the rules."
"Besides, their kin. Familial bonds are strong as a Clan, too." Stealthfire said.
Sandfoot can see she wasn't going to win this argument, she rolls her eyes and nods.
Whitestar smiles at all three she cats.
"Then it's settled. Four of these cats will go to the mountains."
The medicine cats surround the glistening, clear water of Moonpool. Hailstone stands in front of Duskpaw.
"Are you ready?" Hailstone asks his apprentice. Duskpaw nods eagerly.
Hailstone stands up tall and speaks loud and clear,
"I, Hailstone, medicine cat of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help he will serve for many moons."
"Duskpaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan, and protect all cats equally, at the cost of your life?"
"I do."
"Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your name as a medicine cat."
Hailstone remains silent for a few heartbeats, and looks down on Duskpaw.
"Duskpaw, from this moment you will be known as Duskshade. StarClan honors your enthusiasm and dedication, and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of ThunderClan."
"Duskshade! Duskshade! Duskshade!"
Duskshade licks Hailstone's shoulder and backs away.
"Now, we can share tongues with StarClan."
Duskshade lies down near the ring of the water and falls into a deep sleep.
The pale brown tabby opens his eyes and sees StarClan's forest. He pads through the trees and sees a big rock, and a slender, golden she cat with white paws and white back legs.
"Congratulations on getting your medicine cat name."
Duskshade watches her leap from the rock. "Do I know you?"
"I'm Stealthfire."
Duskshade's eyes grew wide. "The Stealthiest of Cats! I-I'm honored to meet you, ma'am!"
Stealthfire chuckles. "You can drop the formalities. We don't have much to linger, so I need to tell you something, and it's for your ears only."
Stealthfire's voice suddenly becomes ominously wispy.
"Snow of the rose and night of the falcon, spider woven in web of lies, a restless owl and a towering beech. All must go to the mountain and face the ancient enemy of cats or risk the fall of the Clans forever."
The view surrounding Duskshade becomes black. His ears prick to the high pitched noise from far away. Two yellow eyes and glistening teeth appear before the creature lunges at Duskshade with a deep throated growl.
"Duskshade! Duskshade, wake up!"
The pale brown tabby's eyes flutter open and look at Hailstone. His foreleg shook from the rawness of his dream.
"Hey, are you okay?" Hailstone asks him.
"Snow of the rose and night of the falcon, spider woven in web of lies, a restless owl and towering beech. All must go to the mountain and fight the ancient enemy of cats or risk the fall of the Clans forever."
Stealthfire's words were still ringing in his head. He was sure that she has given him a prophecy. And what was that creature in the shadows? That growl was completely unnatural as far as Duskshade knows.
Could it have been a Soulless? I thought the Paws of Nature killed them all.
Duskshade took a deep breath and shook his worries away.
"Yes. I'm fine."
Just for the record: Sparrowkit and Rabbitkit's names are changed to Beechpaw for Sparrow and Owlpaw for Rabbit to avoid confusion.