A/N: So in my tumblr travels, I came across some fun Hogwarts-themed oneshot prompts. Once upon a time I had really wanted to write a Rizzles fic set in the Harry Potter universe, but I've long since lost the drive/energy to do it. These prompts are short and sweet, though, and I'm having a lot of fun with them so I thought I'd share :) enjoy the silliness!

Prompt: we're in between classes, and we both hear a fourth year calling a first year a mudblood, and neither of us are having any of that prejudiced bullshit. unfortunately, my impulse was to hex them, and yours was to punch them in the face, and my jelly-legs curse hit you instead, i'm really sorry, and we both are probably getting detention now, but hey, plus side, you're kind of cute

Jane had woken up in the hospital wing twice before, once after an aggressive Quidditch match and once after missing an ambitious jump onto a moving staircase. In neither instance could she recall someone waiting for her as pretty as the girl sitting by her bed, apology etched all over her expression.

Too winded to think of something suave, Jane's opener was, "Do I know you?"

"We haven't formally met, no. I'm Maura Isles - fourth year Hufflepuff."

"Jane Rizzoli, Gryffindor. Fourth year. Um…what are you doing by my bedside, or do I have a fan club that I don't know about?"

Maura looked uncomfortable enough already, and Jane noted that teasing her further probably wouldn't be a good idea. "I'm afraid I'm the reason you're in here."

"Excuse me?"

"I was having a bad day and I was on my way to class and heard a boy calling someone a - a mud…you know. And normally violence is never, ever my initial response to anything, but as I said I was already testy and without even stopping to think what I was doing, I shot a curse at him. But," she allowed herself a nervous chuckle, "you got there first."

"I guess I still have some learnin' left to do, because at this point, it's still faster for my fist to make a point than to think of a spell and get my wand."

Maura laughed again. "Right, well, um… the problem is you were SO fast that my spell couldn't reach him in time, and it got you instead because you hit him to the floor."

"Ohhh…" It was all coming back to her now and she couldn't help laughing. "So you hear a bully and your first instinct is to use the jelly legs jinx?"

"I've never attacked someone before," seemed like a strange thing to say while smiling, but she couldn't help returning the most beautiful grin she'd ever seen. "And I'd just been reading about it, so it was fresh on my mind."

"I see. Well you must be mighty powerful to have conjured a jinx like that strong enough to knock me out."

"Oh, a jelly-legs jinx couldn't knock someone out," Maura said. "I was trying to remember the counter-curse but you were…trying to walk it off, I assume?"

"Yeah that was dumb, wasn't it? I'm sure the Weasley twins will get mileage out of that one for a while."


"Never mind. You were saying?"

"Right, well, you had just made it to the corner of the hallway, but Peeves was coming around the other side carrying a shield he'd stolen from one of the Knights by the Great Hall. I don't know what he was planning on doing with it, but I believe it was an accident that you two bumped into each other and he smacked you so hard in the head you lost consciousness."

Jane was laughing again. "Oh, man! I'm just sorry I didn't see that, it sounds hilarious."

"Well, maybe sometime I can arrange to be hit in the face with a large piece of medieval weaponry, and you could watch."

Jane clicked her tongue. "I dunno, that might be a shame. It's a nice face."

Maura blushed, trying and failing to fight off a smile. "Um, thank you.

Yours is too - your face. It's nice."

Surely there must have been a good flirtatious way to respond to that, but Jane's headache was preventing her from coming up with one. Something else had come to mind, and though it was a little somber, she said, "Thanks for not just standing by when that kid used that word, by the way. I'm sure we'll both have detention but he'll get off Scot-free. I hate that."

"It is unjust."

"You a muggle-born?"

"I actually don't know. I was adopted by purebloods, and they've never disclosed my blood status to me. They did, however, raise me with a certain amount of principle, and taught me never to let prejudice go unaddressed."

"Well you addressed it today all right," Jane chuckled.

"What about you?"

"Well, I like to see justice done, too - but I'm half and half myself. Muggle father, squib mother. She was hoping I could go to the academy in Salem because it's so close to home, but they only accept purebloods. I'm still not sure how I got on the radar for this place, but I like it. Hey you're not a local either, are you? Or is my head injury so bad it's preventing me from detecting an accent?"

"Your accent detection is fine," Maura assured her. "I was mostly raised in France. My father wanted me to go to Beauxbatons, but mother's an alum of Hogwarts and felt very strongly about my coming here."

"Was she a Hufflepuff too?"

"Oh gosh, no," Maura laughed. "Ravenclaw. She was disappointed I didn't end up there myself, but I've come to terms with my house."

"I don't think Hufflepuffs get a fair shake," Jane said, sitting up a bit more. "Clearly you're skilled, or your curse wouldn't have led me to the hospital wing. And in my opinion, Hufflepuff's got all the cutest girls." She was glad to see Maura looked pleased by this assessment; shy but flattered. "Have you got any plans this Saturday?"

The moment was ruined when out of the corner of her eye, Jane thought she saw an overgrown bat swoop into the hospital wing. The reality was worse: it was her potions master, whose student she had attacked. "I cannot speak for Miss Isles but you, Miss Rizzoli, will be spending your Saturday cleaning out the student stores in my classroom without magic."

"Sir, yes sir."

He gave her a withering glare for her cheek, and was just turning away to leave when Maura got to her feet. "Sir? Is that student from your house being punished for the epithet he used?"

"Sticks and stones, Miss Isles. Furthermore it is not your business to know."

"Well then sir, you should be putting me in detention as well. I tried to curse your student but Jane literally beat me to the punch and I hit her instead."

Snape fought off a smirk. "Far be it from me to deny retribution to a student who admits a grave error. Dear me, it's been some time since a Hufflepuff has caused any trouble that I can recall. I shall have to speak with your head of house about a suitable way for you to spend your detention on Sunday."

"What'd you turn yourself in for?" Jane asked after Snape left, dumbfounded.

Maura sat back down, blushing and averting her gaze. "I suppose it was naive to think he'd put me in Saturday detention with you."

Jane grinned. "You know we could just do something together on Saturday night, right?"

"Well of course I'm realizing that now," Maura laughed. "What can I say? I got distracted. Gryffindor has cute girls too."


Maura was too pleased by the reciprocity of eagerness to be embarrassed. Still: "Mm-hm. Yeah, when I see that Angelina Johnson on the field-"

"Shut up!"