Hey, guys! So, my first Riverdale story. I hope you all enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters.

"This is a bad idea," Elizabeth 'Betty' Cooper began for the umpteenth time as Kevin Keller dragged her down the well-lit, busy street. "What am I doing? Kev—I think I've made a big mistake, I need to go back to your place, I need to think this through, and I need to—I think maybe I need to call my parents," she was rambling, and Kevin was letting her do it, because everything she was saying, she had already said a hundred times over the past three days. "Yup, I'm going to call my parents, and I'm going to say I'm sorry, and it's going to be super shit for a couple of months, but hey—they're my parents and they love me, right? So they'll get over it. And I can get back into school and—"

"Betty!" Kevin finally cut her off and gripped her arm, stopping her from walking. She hadn't even realized that she had picked up the pace and started walking so fast she was almost about to break out in a job despite the five inch heels that Kevin had strapped her into. "Betty, first of all—breathe. Let's breathe, okay?" Kevin raised his eyebrows at her, his high-strung friend looking as though she had taken something orally with her wide eyed, panicked expression. "First of all, this is a great idea. And you know how I know that?"


"Because it was my idea," Kevin grinned as he got the tiniest of smiles from the blonde. "Second, you haven't made a mistake. This is one of the best and biggest decisions that you've ever made, because it's one that you made for you, not anyone else. And third, you're definitely not going to call your parents—or at least, you're not going to call them tonight. You've held out for three days now, and you can hold out a fourth." Betty sighed, rolling her eyes upward to the Los Angeles sky that was sprinkled with stars above her.

"Fine," she conceeded. "But can we just stay for an hour or so? I need to get a good nights sleep tonight so I can focus on what I'm doing next tomorrow."

"No," Kevin shook his head. "We're going to stay for hours, and I'm going to introduce you to Ronnie and her boy toy Archie and his boy Jughead, and we're going to get you drunk and maybe even get you laid—"

"Kevin!" Betty exclaimed, her cheeks flushing pink at the implication, but he just smirked.

"Come on," he encouraged, dropping his hand from where it was wrapped around her wrist to her hand, twining their fingers together. Betty had been practicing walking in the high heels that Kevin had given her so she was managing to walk without wobbling all over the place, and she was wearing a tight green dress that was far more revealing that anything else she had ever worn before. She was pretty sure all of these belonged to the 'Ronnie' that Kevin had just mentioned. There wasn't much of a line at the club, and Kevin covered both of their fee at the door. After flashing their ID's, they disappeared inside, Betty holding on tightly to Kevin's hand was they were enveloped initially with darkness.

She had never been in a nightclub before.

She was twenty-two and she had never been in a nightclub.

She had been drunk, but only on wine coolers and those girly pink drinks.

And as for getting laid—there had only been two men who had ever done that. The high school boyfriend who she now knew was the most boring person in the entire universe, who worked afternoons with her parents after school, who she dated for two years until she finished high school. And then the guy that she had gone out with for almost eighteen months in University—also boring, someone that her parents completely approved of, and who turned out to be far more interested in their Journalism TA than her. She wasn't too sure what the big drama around sex was, because every run in she ever had was boring, sometimes to the point where it was bordering on her falling asleep.

"Holy shit," Betty whistled as they emerged from the dark hallway and came out in the nightclub. From where they were standing, there were steps leading upward to a higher platform that circled around the top of the club where there were people dancing, girls wearing outfits that made Betty's dress look like something worn by a church-goer, drinks in their hands. On the left there were a couple of steps leading downward, opening up to the main floor of the club. There was a long bar that had blue LED lights running along it on onside, the middle looked like it was a mosh pit filled with people and then there were booths and high bartstools along the other wall. "Oh, god. No, nope," she started shaking her head and trying to step back. "No, this is—"

"Come on," Kevin laughed and pulled her forward. Betty was bumped from side to side as Kevin tugged her through the crowd. She was pretty sure that someone groped her ass through the tight dress, but she was too scared to turn around and look for the person who did it, so she just moved a little faster, pressing against Kevin. They made it to the bar and somehow Kevin managed to wiggle his way in. "Ronnie!" Kevin called out. "Hey, Ronnie!" A beautiful, dark haired girl who was finishing off a shot for someone turned around and gave Kevin a blinding smile.

"Kev!" Veronica Lodge cried out as she took the cash from the customer and slid it into the till before coming over to where they were standing, ignoring a couple of the patrons. "And this must be Betty," Veronica grinned at the timid blonde, who managed a smile in return. "I love the dress, girl—looks better on you than it ever did on me." Betty was surprised by the genuine smile on Veronica's face, given girls who looked like her weren't usually the kind that gave her a second look. "First two on the house! Archie and Juggie are over in the back booth!" Veronica spun around to mix up a couple of drinks, pushing them across the bar and giving them a wink before she was sashaying away again to serve her next customer.

"Uh, what is this?" Betty asked as she picked up the blue drink and sniffed at it tentatively.

"It'll be good—promise," Kevin told her. "Ronnie knows what she's mixing." Betty still wasn't sure, but she took a sip and was surprised by how good it tasted—sweet, but not so sweet it was like syrup. "Come on, let's go join Archie and Jughead."

"Jughead?" Betty finally caught up with the name that Kevin had been saying and she frowned. "That's an...Interesting nickname." Kevin shrugged.

"Sounds like he's had it for years," he replied. "I've only known them since I came out here for college, but that's the only thing I've ever heard Archie or Ronnie call him—I don't even know his real name!" Kevin lead the way around the outside of the throng of dancing people, and Betty managed not to spill her drink as they dodged around drunk and dancing people and to the booths on the other side. There were a couple of high tables with barstools, and Kevin did a double-take with a gorgeous looking blonde man, and then they made it to the actual booths. "End table, here we go." There were two men in the booth, both with their backs to Kevin and Betty as they approached. "Archie! Jughead!" Kevin greeted them as he moved to take a seat in the opposite side of the booth.

"Hey, Kev," the red haired man gave him a wide smile and the man on the edge of the booth, wearing a leather jacket and a slouchy black beanie just raised an eyebrow, before looking back down at his phone.

"So this is my friend, Betty," Kevin waved his fingers at Betty, who was still lingering out of their view, nervous about sitting down. Kevin widened his eyes pointedly and patted the leather of the booth next to him. Betty took in a deep breath through her nose and walked over to sit down.

"Hi, Betty," the red haired man smiled wide at her as she sat down and she smiled politely back aat him. He was handsome, in a very cliched kind of way, with his pale skin and prominant cheek bones and straight white teeth. "I'm Archie. You just moved into town, right?"

"Yeah, a couple of days ago," Betty nodded, automatically sipping from her drink just as a way of distracting her from the fact that she seemed to be the centre of attention at the table. At least, for two of the males, because the dark haired man—must be the one called Jughead—was still staring at his phone, tapping his fingers across the screen. Archie Andrews opened his mouth as though he was about to say something else when a gorgeous red headed woman appeared at their table, her lips painted bright red and an almost lethal glint in her eye.

"Cheryl," Archie nodded at the woman.

"Ah, the friendly neighbourhood viper," Kevin smiled charmingly up at the red haired girl who pointedly ignored Kevin and directed her next words to Archie.

"Let's dance," Cheryl Blossom continued, no question in her voice. Archie didn't seem to mind, throwing back the rest of whatever it was in his glass and nodding at Jughead. The other man looked up at Cheryl with completely disinterest in his eyes before getting out of the booth so that Archie was able to get out. The two red heads disappeared into the throng of people, leaving just the three at the table.

"Drink up," Kevin encouraged Betty with a nudge of his eyebrows. "We're here to have fun and let loose, remember?" Betty cast a side look at her best friend before sucking in a deep breath and swallowing down over half of the blue drink, cringing as she tasted the alcohol. Kevin cheered and grinned, waving his hand, flagging down a waitress.

"Wait, no, I wasn't going to have more than one!" Betty protested as Kevin began to place the next order. Jughead looked up at her, through his dark eyelashes, and there was something in his eyes that made her stomach twist in a way that it hadn't before. She pressed her lips together and dropped her eyes to the table top, not protesting a second time as Kevin placed an order for her. A second drink was put down on the table in front of her, this one an orange colour, and she picked it up as soon as she finished her first drink.

After about twenty minutes, the blonde boy that they had passed earlier came by their table, making eyes at Kevin pointedly. Kevin murmured for Betty to get out of the booth, and she did, a little wobbly on her legs as Kevin told her that she would be safe here with Jughead. He also added that if she did decide to go out and find someone to have fun with, to make sure she had her phone on her so that he could use their Find a Friend app to track her. Betty knew that she wasn't going to leave this booth with anyone other than the people Kevin had told her were safe, but she just nodded so that he would leave with the pretty blonde boy.

Veronica came over to try and coax Jughead to dance, but he barely looked up from his phone. Archie also came over, Cheryl wrapped around his arm, and told the pair of them that he was leaving. It seemed so easy, the way they were just leaving together, the way Kevin had simply made eye contact with a guy, and the pair of them were now wrapped around each other on the dance floor, tongue down one anothers throat.

"You want to get out of here?" Came a question from the other side of the table. Betty was so surprised that she almost choked on her last mouthful of her drink. She blinked at Jughead, who had put his phone away and was now looking across at her expectantly. It was the first time she had seen his face properly, and he was gorgeous—better looking than Archie with his Homecoming King looks.

"Uh," Betty blinked over at him and he arched an eyebrow at her.

"Well?" He asked. Betty looked onto the dance floor, where Kevin and the blonde looked as though they were about one step away from pulling each others clothes off, and remembered his comment to loosen up and have fun. She looked back at Jughead, someone that Kevin clearly trusted, and took in a shaky breath.


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