A.N.: Hello Party People!

How are you?

I'm sorry for taking forever with the updating. I didn't leave the fandom, I just had a lot to deal with these past weeks especially after the accident, but now I am back and I want the GMW fandom to keep going!

But thank you so much for all the patience on waiting for a new chapter! I really appreciate it!

Thank you so much for all the reviews and all the love you gave me! They were amazing!

Anyways I hope you enjoy the new chapter and let me know what you think in the comments below! :)

Since you guys all wanted a time jump, I am going to do one, but I'll put some flashbacks in what happened to the others in Texas while Josh was still in the hospital :)

BY THE WAY: I AM OBSESSED WITH RIVERDALE! I just finished watching the first season and I am dying. I can't wait for season 2 and I kind of can't decide who to ship :D

Gabrie xoxo


So instead of taking Shawn's hand she just hugged him while shedding a few tears, taking her mom in the hug, too and nodding. As they broke apart Shawn had a few tears in his eyes, too and then asked her, "Okay?"

Maya took a deep breath, but then nodded again and replied, "Okay."

A week And a half later

"Time to go home everyone!" Shawn exclaimed, coming through the door of Pappy Joe's house in the morning. The others were sitting at breakfast, chatting away until he came in. They all looked confused at him while Cory came up behind him, too but they still looked confused. Shawn looked behind him and sighed. "Josh, you are too slow for your great entrance." He stated and chuckled what made Maya shot up from her chair. Josh was released out of the hospital? They had said it would at least take another 3 days and now-

Before she could finish the thought though Josh came through the door in his crutches and with a big beanie on his head that covered his bandage on the head, but not the big one around his chest, grinning at the others, but at the same time feeling a bit guilty. They did have another week in Texas, but specifically Maya had suffered from the fact that he was in the hospital. She had spent most of the time there with him. Even though he told her to go enjoy their last days in Texas, since he already ruined enough.

Lucas had managed to get Riley out for a lot of the time which relieved Josh even though he knew that Cory wasn't happy about all the dates they had in the past weeks. Maya told Josh what they had all done together and how giddy Riley had been about all of it even though the brunette felt bad, too that she had left her best friend alone in the hospital.

After a good two minutes of staring Josh finally said, "Hey guys." His eyes were fixed on the blonde girl who was still standing though and he swallowed inside. They had talked a lot in the hospital. About everything but them. It had stayed with the one kiss after he had woken up and he didn't know what would come now that he was out of the hospital and they all had to go home, because of him. He felt really st-

He couldn't finish any of his thoughts, because Maya suddenly jumped on him, almost knocking both of them over and hugged him tight. "You told me yesterday you wouldn't come out until 3 more days." She told him in disbelief giving him a half hearted glare.

Josh gave her a smile as they broke apart and shrugged. "I wanted it to be a surprise. But your dads kind of destroyed it." He stated and looked at Cory and Shawn who both crossed their arms what made the others laugh while Josh grinned at them. He loved the two, but the whole thing with the entrance- He needed to get back at them.

"Her two dads are your only chance to be able to date her, young man." Cory emphasized the words and Josh gulped while Shawn and Cory now both laughed while Maya went bright red. "Seriously though, brotha. Watch out what you're saying." He now added more seriously and Josh slowly nodded while Maya was still red. Lucas and Riley chuckled at that, but after a judging look of Cory they immediately stopped and looked away.

Zay was the first one to stand up and say, "Well, I guess the vacation is over. The last week was nice though even though you were missing." He specifically looked at Maya who gave him an apologetic look. Zay has been there for her so much and she barely spent any time with him this week. There was just one evening where they were all sitting at the campfire two days after Josh woke up way after visitors hours...


At the campfire

Maya was sitting nervously at the campfire, fiddling with her thumbs (See what I did there?). She had just arrived back at the house after visiting Josh for a good 5 hours and had joined the others at the campfire. Riley had left two hours earlier than her to catch up with the others at the music club, but Maya always stayed until they would kick her out of the hospital to keep Josh company. Cory would always sleep over, but under the day he had to take care of his wife.

Zay was watching her, putting a friendly arm around her while Lucas, Riley, Smackle and Farkle where chatting away. Riley had asked her four times what's wrong and Maya hadn't said anything, because Riley knew. And the blonde wanted her best friend to have a good evening, but she never minded Zay, helping her out a bit.

"If you look like he died he won't get better sooner either." Zay joked, looking at the blonde which earned him a death glare and a punch in the shoulder. While rubbing his shoulder he sighed and added, "Ouch. You know that I am right, Maya. Josh said more than once that he wants you to enjoy this week and you suffering over his lungs that are terrible as always won't make it any better. You have to stay strong for the three of you. Josh, his lungs and you."

Maya sighed and looked down and then to her best friend who looked concerned back at her. If anyone could closely understand what she was going through it was Riley. It was her uncle after all.

"I don't know how to be strong right now. I just know that he has to get healthy soon." Maya stated determined and looked seriously at Zay who nodded at her.

"I know." He replied, hugging her. "And he will. If he's doing it for anyone he'll do it for you."

Flashback end

He was there for her and she tried to appreciate it, but at the same time spend as much time with Josh as possible. But now he was back with them, looking terrible with the broken foot and all the bandages but he was back. Maya didn't want to stay. She wanted to go home and take care of him and also spend time with her friends at the Matthews apartment and at Topanga again. But first of all Josh. She needed him again.

"You're right, Zay." Topanga suddenly said, coming inside with Katy. "Vacation is over. We need to go and see my doctor soon, because of the babies and Josh needs a lot of rest. I'm sorry, but guys it's time to pack up your things. We rented vans for tonight. We're driving home."

The teenagers looked at each other, but slowly nodded, standing up. Even though Texas had seemed like a great idea in the first place, after all what had happened they were beyond happy that they would drive home now.

Later that evening in the van

Maya and Josh were sitting in the van at the back, while Lucas and Riley were sitting in front of them. On the drivers seat was Cory and besides him Topanga of course. Since Shawn knew that he shouldn't seperate Josh and Maya he just quickly said who would be in which van and Cory didn't even complain. The Hunter man was still worried about his daughter, but right now all he could do was wait and see what would happen.

But to Maya and Josh's luck they could sit in the back together now, with Cory and Topanga not really being able to see them. Even though they were just holding hands and enjoying each other's company. Josh had problems to breath anyway still and the car drive of over a day even though Cory promised that they would spend a night at the hotel and would stop every two hours for Josh to get some fresh air was still kind of hard for him.

So Maya just settled down on putting her head on his shoulder, smiling a bit. She was still worried, but happy that he'd be okay. They could go home and that was everything that mattered right now.

Josh on the other hand looked at the girl smiling, going with one hand through her hair while knowing that they were putting themselves at risk with this, but she had declined it every time he told her that she'd really be better off with Zay. He could give her everything a boyfriend could really give her and Josh was suffering. He didn't want her to suffer with him. But he wanted her.

Maya looked questioning at him as he sighed a bit too loudly and he tried to give her a geniu smile. Before she could ask him what was wrong though he quickly told her, "Tell me something about you. Something I don't know." He did know a bit about her, but not all and he wanted to know more. "I can't talk much, so it's your time to tell a story. I want to know more about you. Tell me something crazy I don't know."

The blonde looked a bit taken back at him while he nodded at her and raised both eyebrows. He really did want to know more and he hoped that she would tell him a secret. Lucas and Riley were already sleeping in each other's arms in front of them anyway and Cory and Topanga were engaged in a conversation of their own.

Josh let out a small cough and Maya's hand immediately went to his chest, but he quickly shook his head. "I'm fine." He quickly said and he really was. There was just something stuck in his throat. "You have to get used to me, coughing ferret." He added jokingly and she rolled her eyes, but leaned back into him while keeping her hand on his chest what made him feel warm and giddy inside. Only she had that effect on him, but he didn't mind at all. Instead he put his hand over hers and said, "So, what about that secret you wanted to tell me?"

The blonde girl rolled her eyes, but then took a deep breath, half looking up to him and then stated, "Okay. You want to know my secret?" He nodded and she took another deep breath and then added, "I know that I have the perfect family now. Well, not perfect but as good as it can get even though we're not Matthews and all that, but-"

Maya swallowed and Josh looked concerned at her, squeezing her hand. "What?" He asked softly, caressing her hand with his thumb, trying to calm her down which did work a tiny little bit.

Maya took a deep breath again and then stated, "I don't regret that Shawn adopted me, but shortly before we went to Texas my biological father wrote me and asked me, if I wanted to come to the baby baptism of his second daughter- He also has an oldest son- My half brother and my two half sisters- He wrote me that my siblings want to meet me and that he would like to really apologize and-"

"You want to go?" Josh asked understandingly, looking at the girl in front of him with a soft look. She looked back, getting lost in his eyes for a minute, but then looking at the seat in front of her. But then she nodded.

"I don't know, if I can forgive him. He's not my father anymore, but I want to meet my half siblings from the man who was half of the reason I was born, before I meet my little sister or little brother." She explained and Josh nodded understandingly while squeezing her hand again. But there was one more question burning in her mind. "Will you come with me? It's in two weeks and the doctors said you just need to stay completely home for another week. We could call a cab and-"

Josh quickly cut her off, putting two fingers on her lips and saying, "Maya, of course I'll come with you. We'll go through this together, okay?"

Maya swallowed, but then slowly nodded, smiling at him as he put his fingers away from her lips, but got closer. Before he could get too close though Cory cried from the front, "Josh, your next stop."

A.N.: Yes, Matthews have the tendency to interrupt everything.

Anyways what do you think of the chapter? :)

Let me know in the comments below! :)

Can we reach the 160-165 reviews with this? :)

Gabrie xoxo