As promised from the poll, here's the story idea that landed first place.

Disclaimer : I do not own One Piece or RWBY.

Remnant's Eternal Pirate

Chapter 1

"So hungry..."

That was the voice that civilians had to bear with as they watched a young man drag his feet through town while holding his stomach. They could almost hear the loud growling from his stomach, yet they do nothing to help him with his need for food.

The boy was rather short compared to others with his unruly black hair, round black eyes with a scar under the left one, and a straw hat sitting on top of his head. The rest of his attire included an unbuttoned red long sleeve shirt with a yellow vest over it, black shorts with a crimson sash around the belt, and a pair of sandals.

His unbuttoned shirt revealed an X-shaped scar on his chest, which no one could see properly since he's hunched over from hunger.

His eyes bounced back and forth in a search for anything that looks like a restaurant. The raven haired boy doesn't have the strength to hunt for his food out in the wild while dealing with the black creatures called Grimm.

They didn't really pose much of a threat to him, but fighting them just wastes more energy. Energy that could've been used to hunt and eat.

His nose twitched as a delicious smell entered his nostrils. In a burst of adrenaline, he perked up and followed his nose until he spotted a building a moderate distance away. With his hunger taking over, he stretched his arms out to impossible lengths and grabbed onto the corner of a building on each side and took aim at the place where his instincts were screaming food.

Some of the bystanders freaked out with a scream as he pulled himself back a bit.

"Gomu Gomu no Rocket!"

He slingshots himself over to the target at breakneck speeds with a huge grin, not caring about the impending crash.

Inside the restaurant, four people sat in a row at the bar counter in front of the entrance. While they were here on business, one in particular was looking for a good drink. Two women sat on each end of the row with the two men in between them.

The woman on the left was easy to distinguish with her white cloak. She has a pale complexion, shoulder length black hair with red tips, and a unique silver color for her eyes. Her outfit includes a black blouse with a matching skirt, black leggings, and high heel boots. Resting on her hips were two short swords.

The blades were curved and there was a ring at the pommel of each sword.

The man next to her had short blonde hair with lilac eyes. He wears a brown leather vest over his tan shirt with one of the sleeves torn off in favor for a spaulder, a leather vambrace with a fingerless glove on his right hand, and a pair of cargo pants. His only accessory was the red bandanna on his left arm.

Next in line was a man with graying black spiky hair and red eyes with a little stubble. His attire consists of a red tattered cloak, gray dress shirt, black pants and shoes, a crooked cross shaped pendant, and a few rings on his right hand. On the back of his waist was a long sword with gears in the crossguard area.

The last person in line is a woman with the same hair and eye color as the previous person, but her hair reached past her waist. She wears a shallow cut black dress with a red girdle belt, matching gauntlets, several necklaces with beads, detached black leggings, and black leather boots. She's equipped with an odachi with a rotary chamber.

The black haired man received his drink from the bartender before taking a swig from it.

The bartender seemed normal with his black vest over his white buttoned shirt. He was bald on the head, but has a thick moustache while his eyes looked closed.

"Honestly, Qrow. We're on a mission and you get your fill of alcohol." the woman next to him sighed in exasperation. The drinker, now known as Qrow, finished downing his beverage with a content sigh.

"Come on, Raven. I can't help it if there's a bar section in this joint. Don't be a stick in the mud, sis." Qrow waved off.

The bartender stared between the two siblings as they bickered, finding it a little entertaining. At least until it evolves from throwing words to hurling fists.

"So what brings you four out here. If I had to guess, you're all huntsman sent here after receiving word of Grimm raiding this town." the bartender surmised, earning their attention.

The four stared at him with weary eyes, wondering what gave them away. They haven't said anything of the sort, yet this one already figured them out.

"A little too accurate to call a guess, don't you think." the blonde spoke up as he eyed the bald man. Their expressions soon showed confusion when the man chuckled at their suspicions.

"I've been here long enough to tell the difference between a person on a search..." he said as he spared a glance to him. "...and a person searching for refreshments." he finished, giving an accusing stare to Qrow.

The explanation disarmed the four of their suspicion, and he doesn't seem the least bit offended. His experience as a bartender gave off the wrong impression, and it came to no surprise with how they reacted.

"Right... we're actually huntsman in training on our third year. I'm Summer and the this is Taiyang. And those two are Qrow and Raven. We're team STRQ." the woman introduced her team.

"Anyway, we came to you since the chieftain is... no longer with us." Summer said in a solemn tone. From the report they were given, the last raid from the Grimm was repelled at the cost of their leader.

People are growing restless without the presence of a leader, and that can bring Grimm. Their job is to alleviate the Grimm threat until someone fills in that role. If worse comes to worst, they could evacuate the citizens to minimize losses.

Since they can't turn to the chieftain for clues on a Grimm's whereabouts, the next best thing was someone that hears a lot of rumors.


The loud shout startled everyone in the building. The four huntsman shot off of their seats and looked around for where the voice came from.

'Then there are the people who are simply famished.' the old man mused with a smile behind his moustache. If the bartender was a betting man, he would take a gamble on someone charging through the door with no control over themselves.

So he stepped aside, far away from the area in front of the entrance.

As soon as he did, an unidentified object smashed through the doors. Taiyang had his back turned from it as it happened, taking a strike to the small of his back.

Qrow's eyes bugged out as his gaping teammate came closer to him, not able to dodge in time. The two flew to the bar counter and crashed through the wall leading them outside. All of the customers present were stupefied by what transpired.

"Qrow! Taiyang!" Summer called out in worry. Raven kept her eyes on the newcomer laying on the ground with her hand on her odachi. She backed up when the boy sprung back on his feet.

"Food place! I finally found a food place!" he cheered with a megawatt smile before darting over to one of the tables. Qrow and Taiyang crawled out of the man-made hole they left with grumpy expressions.

All eyes were on the troublesome boy chanting 'Food' with impatience. The bartender made his way over to the backdoor, but was stopped by his own workers.

"You can't seriously be thinking of feeding that no-good kid, are you boss?" one of them questioned incredulously. Team STRQ looked at him with wide eyes in surprise of his position. Now that the thought about his age, it shouldn't be a surprise to think that he's in charge.

"That's what a restaurant is for, is it not? It's our duty to stave off another's hunger." the boss retorted, causing them to flinch and give him a wide berth for him to enter the kitchen. To anyone else, it looks like he is respected by his peers.

The boy stopped his childish chanting and shot a glance at the old man, being reminded of someone with those same morals. A hand slammed on the table to get his attention.

"Excuse me! Shouldn't you worry about how to fix that!?" Raven glared at him, jerking a thumb over to the hole. The last thing they need is some troublemaker bringing more grief to the town.

He stared at the spot for a few seconds with a blank expression.

"There sure are a lot of weird food places. All of the ones I went to had a hole like that one." he stated, earning facefaults for his stupidity.

"You're the one that's been making them!" they shouted in unison.

"I did?" he asked with a raised brow.

Any further shouting was cut short as the double doors opened up to reveal many plates of food, much to his joy.

"Awesome! That was really fast!" he praised before digging into the feast. Summer sweatdropped at the lack of table manners he's showing as he used his hands to stuff his face full of food. Some of it was being devoured whole.

'He sure has an appetite.' she thought. She tilted herself to see that his stomach has not even bulged after everything he ate so far. All she could see was a well defined six-pack along with the gruesome scar. Realizing where she was staring, Summer stood straight back up sweating bullets.

She only hoped that no one noticed her prolonged stare, not wanting to seem creepy.

"You do have money on you, right?" Taiyang brought up, only to get a head shake in response.

"And I suppose you're going to dine 'n dash to not pay." Raven guessed, her hand still on her sword. The glutton swallowed whatever food was still in his mouth, which happened to be the rest of it.

"Yup!" he told her. They stared on in disbelief of his honesty. Although, he did get a laugh for it.

"Hehehe. I'm glad you didn't even try to lie. Not a lot of honest folk these days." the boss said, now on the receiving end of the disbelieving stares.

He does realize that he's being robbed of food, right?

"You're awfully mellow about this." Qrow commented.

Thinking that she has to take matters into her own hands, Raven drew her sword to reveal a red blade and held it pointing at the youngster's face. She had enough of him being given free reign with no one taking action.

"Looks like I have to deal with you myself." she stated with cold eyes. The boy's content face fell into a small frown, unfazed by the threatening blade. The owner lets out a soft sigh, earning quirked brows from Qrow and Taiyang.

He has done nothing to defend his restaurant from the glutton, and he's just going to let this one go.

"Raven! We have a mission to complete." Summer reminded. It was just some food the old man willingly served, and the guy was starving. If Grimm attacked the town when they don't have a leader, there won't be a restaurant.

"It's fine..." the boy assured as he got out of his seat. "She drew her weapon, which means she's willing to stake her life in this." he said in a neutral tone before cracking his neck.

Everyone except the owner was taken aback by his change in mood. The woman looked like serious business with that sword, yet he doesn't bat an eye.

"I like this kid." Qrow whispered to Tai, earning an eye roll. If you had the guts to confront his twin sister without fear, you immediately piqued the drunk's interest.

"He's the one that plowed the two of us through the wall." Taiyang deadpanned.

"Tai, we've been flung into a forest of Grimm by our own headmaster. Becoming one with the wall just came as a surprise." Qrow reasoned, not at all mad about the crash. The owner of the restaurant was stuck in his own thoughts as he stared at the boy.

'They don't know him like me. They don't see the experience in his eyes. Monkey D. Luffy... even if you don't remember me, it's good to see you again after all these years.' the old man thought, completely fine with him not recognizing the old man.

He's not necessarily his best friend or anything. He met the boy when he was still an active huntsman in his younger years. He was in a bit of a bind until Luffy bailed him out, saving his life. After that, they hung out for several more missions where he got to learn a bit more about the boy before going their separate ways.

Even though it was odd to see that the boy hasn't aged through the years, he left it be for the sake of privacy. That and the answer he would get may be too much to take in.

"I have a proposition to make. As a way for you to pay for the damages, both on the building and the amount of food." the retired huntsman spoke up, breaking down the tense atmosphere. Everyone turned in rapt attention of how he's going to resolve this.

"Why don't you help these four with their mission? They're going to be staying here for a while and eliminate any nearby Grimm until the next chieftain is worthy. The previous one has an heir, but he's currently filled with self-doubt at the moment." the old man proposed. Unless the heir grows some backbone, he can't take up the mantle. If he were to right now, the citizens would start to lose hope in the town's safety.

The entire room went quiet as they took a few seconds to understand what he said.

"What!" Everyone except Luffy exclaimed in shock, especially team STRQ. They were going to have some random stranger tag along for the ride?

Not on their life.

"I-I'm sorry, sir. But we should be able to handle this on our own." Summer declined, but he wasn't having any of it.

"The Grimm probably have noticed the current state of the town. They'll no doubt gather their forces and invade. It won't hurt to have one extra person with you. Besides, I can tell that he's strong." he argued a point, earning quirked brows from the huntsman.

He sure has a lot of insight on Grimm behavior for a bartender. Their vehemence against bringing him along wavered slightly, though they wondered why the wise man had such faith in the boy.

"Even so, he'll just get in the way." Raven rebuked, pointing to where the boy was. She blinked twice at the outline of his presence before spotting him on his way to the ruined doorway.

"Yosh. If this gets me out of paying, then I'll do it." Luffy said, mostly to himself. Whether they liked it or not, the straw hat boy was going to join them of his own volition and he's not going to budge.

"Sis, just let it go. He might actually be a good fighter." Qrow reasoned as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

Recalling the tense moment before, the boy looked sure of himself when he was willing to fight his sister. The bartender also has a good eye for people judging from how he figured out their intentions with a look.

He's willing to give his accurate insight a chance.

"He's a carefree child! People like that die young!" the serious woman hissed.

"So we'll watch his back." Qrow countered, earning a growl from his sister. She doesn't understand why he's so gung ho on the idea.

While arguments were waged, Taiyang decided to get a rundown of the boy's capabilities.

"I see you're a brawler like me." he noticed, trying to spark a friendly conversation. The boy was dead set on hunting Grimm with them, so it would be great to get along with their new comrade.

"You bet!" the straw hat kid cheered with a grin, emphasizing himself as a fist fighter by slamming his fist against his palm. Summer lets out a sigh of acceptance before joining the two.

"You don't know Xiao Long it's been since I've seen another brawler." Taiyang punned, earning a series of groans. Luffy tilted his head in confusion since he doesn't know his full name while Raven had a ghost of a smile.

"Oh right... the name's Taiyang Xiao Long. I was just making a pun out of it." he explained sheepishly, forgetting that he has yet to introduce himself. Realization dawned on Luffy's face before he finally laughed at the pun.

"What's your name?" Summer asked politely.

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy, the Pirate King." he declared. The people around him had saucer plates for eyes in wonder of either the title or his odd name.

"Great, we're dealing with a delusional kid." Raven muttered in annoyance. There weren't even any pirates to begin with, much less a king amongst them.

"Well... it's nice to meet you, Monkey. I'm Summer." Summer introduced herself after snapping out of her stupor. Luffy turned to her with a pout, making her wonder if she said something wrong.

"Monkey is my family name. Luffy is my first name." he corrected her. Summer rubbed her head sheepishly at the mix up.

"So you live under the tradition of your last name going first." Qrow mused, earning a nod from Luffy. Raven was standing around, tapping her arms in impatience. The four saw her sharp expression and thought it would be a good time to leave for their hunt.

"Oh right. Have you heard anything as far as where the Grimm are concentrated?" Summer asked the bartender, almost forgetting why they came here in the first place. The old man tapped his chin in thought as he tried to recall any recent news.

"Some of the guards have mentioned seeing a good number of them hiding out in the east, probably using the foliage to conceal themselves. Chances are the Grimm are farther in." he answered. She acknowledges with a nod before ushering her team and Luffy out the doorway, or what's left of it. The employees watched them leave before addressing the current problems.

"Sir... what are we going to do about this?" one of them asked, hoping that the old man doesn't overexert himself by doing the fixing on his own. His question went ignored, however.

"Something like this is an easy fix." he assured them as he rolled in a pile of wooden planks with a small bit of metal in front of the damage. Before his workers could argue, he clapped his hands and made a slight glow between them. When he placed the glowing hand on the planks, a bright light blinded them before revealing a new doorway complete with doorknobs and hinges.

"That takes care of one of them." the boss dusted his hands off, ignoring the shocked stares of those around him.

"EHH!" they exclaimed, their eyes bugging out at what they just witnessed. The old man only chuckled at their dumbfounded expressions.

He was like that too when Luffy first showed his stretchy body.

The group of five scoured through the forest for any signs of Grimm. A part of them wished to just find a nest right away without having to follow a single beast back to its pack.

Not really for convenience, but more for the sake of Luffy. The more they see the unassuming boy wander with a huge grin, the less they believe that he's a strong fighter.

Just what was the old man thinking? What were they thinking in accepting his help?

"Take this seriously, Luffy!" Raven seethed, her patience wearing thin at his antics.

"Huh? I'm always serious." Luffy retorted with a pout.

"You sure don't show it." Qrow commented with a sweatdrop.

Summer's face lit up as she forgot to ask him something of importance. Something that any fighter against Grimm should have.

"Do you at least have an Aura?" she asked in concern. If he was going to fight alongside them, then he should have a shield to protect his body from harm. A little less to worry about compared to escorting someone with none.

"Nope!" Luffy answered simply. Team STRQ stopped in their tracks, paling at the thought of getting him killed in their first skirmish of the day.

"W-why didn't you say something sooner!?" Summer shouted before placing a hand on him. "I'm going to unlock it for you before you end up hurt."

Luffy's expression softened at the umpteenth person that tried to unlock his Aura. Everyone failed to, hard as they try.

Summer began to mutter the incantation that she learned in the academy before she attempted to unlock his Aura... only for it to end in failure.

'What? Why can't I unlock it!?' she thought, bewildered by such a thing. She knows she hasn't messed up anywhere, yet it still didn't work when she tried again.

The red tipped girl panted in exhaustion after a few tries. Her friends quirked a brow at her state while Luffy had a resigned look on his face.

"Luffy... what's wrong with your Aura?" she wondered between breaths.

"I can't ever have an Aura. That's all." Luffy gave a vague explanation, knowing the reason why.

"Stop kidding around. There's no such thing as an Aura that can't be unlocked." Raven said with an incredulous stare.

"No there isn't, yet something has his Aura chained up and sealed away. No matter how hard I try, those chains won't break." Summer explained in detail, which only confused the three more.

Rustling in the branches broke their train of thought before they looked around for the source. Luffy's eyes widened before wrapping his arms around Summer and leaping out of the way of a Beowolf that tried to pounce on them.

"That was close." Luffy said with Summer still pressed against his bare chest. She shook herself off of him, embarrassed with the close contact.

"T-thanks. Looks like the Grimm saved us the trouble." she pointed out the obvious. More Grimm entered the scene soon after, surrounding the five.

Summer and Qrow drew their blades while the two brawlers got into a fighting stance, ready to take on the horde. Raven stood ready to use Iaido on the first one that approaches her.

Much to their shock, Luffy charged at one of the Beowolves.

"Hey kid! Don't just rush in there without an Aura." Qrow chided, but his words went ignored. Clicking his teeth in annoyance, he rushed to the reckless boy's aid.

Only for his jaw to drop at the futile notion when Luffy nailed a Grimm in the chest. The Beowolf was sent flying from the force until its head splintered a tree, breaking its neck.

"Okay... his scrawny arms pack a hefty wallop." Taiyang pointed out in awe, not expecting that kind of strength. When he first learned of his brawler status, he assumed a large part of it was Aura manipulation. But that was before hearing that he has no Aura.

Luffy didn't stop there as he marched through the black beasts, delivering punches left and right. A shiver entered their spine when all they could hear was the cracking of the Grimms' bones for every hit.

The men were broken out of their stupor when Raven performed a quick draw to bisect another Beowolf.

"If you have time to gawk, then use it to kill these Grimm." she berated them. The two sighed at the bossy lady before getting to work by either cutting the beasts down, or knocking their heads in.

Meanwhile, Summer weaved through the small fries, dismembering each of them with so much as a few strikes. She trips one before bringing up her blade to impale its skull on the way down.

Before it could evaporate, she moved the corpse to block a hit from its own comrade. Chains of Aura sprouted from her wrist and connected to the ring on the sword not buried into anything.

She threw it past the the Beowolf before the blade separated from the hilt and turned to the side, changing into a sickle. Pulling back on the chain, the ring acted as a trigger for the gun jutting out from the hilt. The sickle returned at high speed as it decapitated the Grimm on the way back.

She did the same transformation to her other sword before she twirled around to form a merciless typhoon of sickles. Her body danced with acrobatic finesse to keep up the momentum until no Grimm were in her sight. She slowed to a stopped and retracted the sickles with her chains when she finished eviscerating the Grimm.

Luffy watched the entire show in childish wonder of her movements.

"That was so awesome!" he exclaimed with starry eyes. Summer couldn't help but look bashful at the praise. She wasn't expecting any praise after doing the same maneuvers so often in the earlier years of the academy. It was still welcome all the same.

"Heh. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you wanted to show off to impress him." Qrow pointed out as he joined them, cutting any creature nearby without looking at them. Summer stiffened at the statement before giving him a sharp look.

"Like you're one to talk." she shot back, earning an amused grin. Amidst the cheering Luffy was doing, the two noticed an Ursa close in behind the boy.

"Luffy!" they shouted in panic as they watched the Ursa swing its paw at him. Taiyang heard their shouts and rushed to their aid while Raven clicked her teeth in irritation.

They're here to kill Grimm, not babysit some kid who lets his guard down in the middle of a fight.

Luffy never stopped grinning as he lowered his body, anticipating the angle of the attack. The thick arm whizzed over him, not even so much as graze him. The Ursa flailed its arms about in anger of the evasive boy, but he's effortlessly dodging them by mere inches with his eyes closed.

The three were amazed with his movements. None of it was wasted and he looked as though he knew when and how it's going to attack. Even Raven spared a glance once she cleared out her end.

'How is he doing that?' they wondered in unison. Luffy finally faced the Ursa as it brought down its arm, but the boy caught it by the wrist with his impressive strength.

"Too slow." he muttered before throwing his fist back far beyond normal limits, shocking the entire team. They thought he said that he doesn't have an Aura, yet he's showing a power that defies all logic. Even if it could be a Semblance, there was never such an ability that altered your body.

"Gomu Gomu no Pistol"

His fist retracted back and slammed into the Ursa's gut, sending it flying out of view. Considering how his normal punches killed the Grimm, it was safe for them to assume that the Ursa died too.

The leftover Beowolves backed away from them to regroup, mostly staring at the rubber boy. They never ran into a human like this before and now they don't know how to respond. The four humans were in the same boat.

"Y-your arm... how did... but you said..." Summer pointed at him, unable to form sentences in her flabbergasted state. Her friends stared at him like gaping fish as they failed to grasp what happened. Luffy just laughed at their reactions, finding it very funny.

"Hahaha! I may not have Aura like you guys, but I ate a Devil Fruit that turned me into a rubberman." Luffy explained before stretching his cheeks with his hands. They visibly flinched at the demonstration, still very freaked out that a person with no Aura can do that. One thing stuck out in his statement.

What the hell is a Devil Fruit!? More importantly, how does one get powers from a fruit?

Low growls brought their attention back to the situation at hand. The wolf Grimms' aggression was focused on the stretchy human, intent on killing him first. Luffy grinned at the dark creatures as he cracked his knuckles in anticipation.

"I'll take care of the others." Luffy declared with no room for argument. Summer was about to protest, but Taiyang held a hand out to stop her.

"I'm actually curious about how he handles himself in a fight now. Just let him." the brawler said. Looking at the twin siblings, they were also curious about how he fights with no Aura. Summer lets out a defeated sigh before they got out of the way for the Grimms' target, switching from fighters to spectators. They'll still jump in if he bit off more than he could chew, but for now they really wanna see how much he could handle.

When the team was in the clear, Luffy rushed at a small cluster of Beowolves with his fists cocked back.

"Gomu Gomu no Gatling"

Both fists shot forward in rapid succession. To the untrained eye, it looked like the appendages multiplied when it's actually just punches being thrown at a really fast pace. Numerous hits connected on varying parts of the Grimm, from their skulls to their abdomens. Many of them perished during the onslaught.

Chuckling at his handiwork, a Boarbatusk joined the fray along with a King Taijitu. The Boarbatusk curled up before rolling towards him. Luffy hopped over it and then pivoted his body to avoid the snake Grimm that took advantage of his airborne state.

Luffy shot his arms out in a spiral and grabbed the boar Grimm by the tusks and then lifted it off the ground. The arms untwisted themselves to make the Grimm spin rapidly through the air.

"Gomu Gomu no Tsuchi (Mallet)"

The raven haired boy swung his spinning 'mallet' and slammed it against the King Taijitu's head. Both died from the impact and crashed into the ground, cratering it.

The second head of the snake came into view and lunged at him from behind. He stretched his arm out to grab a tree to reel himself to, dodging the attack. Swinging himself around, Luffy threw himself back at the attacker and caught it by the underside of its neck. He starts to twist his torso vertically before he clasped his feet around the neck.

"Gomu Gomu no Bow Gun"

His body untwists itself with great speed until the snapback sent the second head skyward, the corpse dissolving on the way down.

"I win!" he cheered, signaling team STRQ to come out.

They were simply impressed with how easy he made them out to be, especially fighting the Grimm alone. He doesn't even look exhausted from what they could tell, and his strength is nothing to mock at if he can one-shot Grimm.

The old man was right all along, as suspicious as he might be. Luffy is incredibly strong for a young man.

"Well look at you kid. You made kicking ass look like a chore." Qrow complimented as he patted Luffy on the back, earning a goofy grin. Some part of him said that what Luffy showed was only the tip of the iceberg.

He turns to Raven with a look that tells her to say something that needs to be said. She understood what he wants from her, but was still annoyed about admitting it verbally.

Luffy quirked a brow at Raven as she contemplates on her words, only to start off with a sigh.

"I'm sorry for belittling you. I didn't even give you a chance like the others. I thought you were so naïve that you didn't belong in a battlefield." Raven said.

The strong live and the weak die... that was something she would always agree with. Luffy gave off the vibe that he was too weak to fight Grimm. No Aura, no weapons, not even his attitude.

But that short skirmish proved to her that those things are not what made someone strong.

"We should apologize too. After all, we also thought little about your experience." Summer chimed in. They thought the same way as Raven, just not as harshly as her.

"Shishishi, don't worry about it." Luffy waved it off with a smile. Summer gave a small smile in return.

"We should probably move to another sector before we turn in for the night." Taiyang suggested, looking around to find no Grimm. He would guess that Luffy's display got them to regroup, which might make their next encounter more dicey if they're smart enough.

"I agree. But once we head back into town, you're going to tell us everything about your rubber body." Raven demanded to the boy. Luffy could only shrug in acceptance.

Guess they weren't satisfied with just the Devil Fruit part.

"Oh, you naughty girl. At least get to know him before learning about his body." Qrow teased. Luffy had no idea what he was getting at, but the rest were burning bright red at the joke.


"You know what I meant!" Raven growled out with a raised fist. Qrow rubbed the lump on his head as he snickered.

The five left to fight more Grimm for the safety of the town. What team STRQ don't realize is that they have made a friend of immense power. Power that can shake Remnant to its core.

End of Chapter

A bit of a slow start, but things will come to light as it goes. I decided to start it quite a ways back before canon starts. There wouldn't be much to write otherwise, what with Luffy being very OP at this point.

In any case, I think anyone can figure out why Luffy is forsakened to have Aura.

The old bartender/retired huntsman was just a short term OC to help introduce Luffy without revealing so much at once, but his semblance is a reference.

Pairing ideas are all over the place at the moment, so I'm open for suggestions. Just no harems please.

I'll start alternating between this story and "Rebirth of the Strawhat" by each chapter posted.

Please leave reviews for feedback.