Author note: New to this site, trying it out. Let me know what you think. I don't own Gilmore Girls that belongs to the amazing creators we adore for bringing them into our lives. Characters might be a little AU, but they're still who we have come to love with a twist of course.


"Luv" he says answering the phone. I don't know why I called him. I sat there staring blankly at the screen, that last picture of the last night we spent together. He's not the one that I should be calling but I need someone. I need someone that won't force their opinions on me.

"Hey Finn" I say still unsure if this was the best thing to do. Regretting it when I hear the nosy background. Of course, he's out on the town. Loving life. Chasing redheads across the globe. I'm envious of that. His carefree outlook on life.

"Hold on," he says and I bite my lower lip. He can't see it but I think he knows. He hears something in my tone, in the words I spoke. He knows that I need someone too. I don't know where he is but I could easily pick up Colin and Robert's voices. My heart beats faster thinking of the man I should be speaking with might be there too. "Luv, you okay" he questions immediately when it's substantially quieter.

"No" I admit shaking my head like he was standing before me and could see me. I'm looking down at the ultrasound that Paris just did. We're 9 weeks along. Baby Huntzberger has a heartbeat. I'm feeling so alone. So, stuck in this state of awe and confusion. My life is completely still. I don't know where to go, which way is up or what is the best cause of action right now. Paris's words echoing in my head, Are you 100% sure that it's Huntzberger's? What were you thinking Gilmore, he's almost married? There is no doubt in my mind that it's Logan's. The man that I allowed once again to walk out of my life. Once last night, that is all it should have been.

"Where are you luv? Do you need rescuing? You know the boys and I are always up for rescuing damsels in distress" he chuckles. I let out a whimper cry. They are always saving me. He is always rescuing me. He said I never needed it 9 weeks ago, but right now, it's all I can think of. I need to be rescued. I need help.

"I feel like I'm drowning Finn. I feel like I'm falling and there is no ground to catch me. The darkness is too much to bare. It's eating me alive" I say closing my eyes. Tears falling freely as I can't stop them. I'm all alone in this. I made a mess of my life and now…now I have this little innocent baby growing inside me of the man that I can't have. That I lost once again.

"Rory what happened? Luv, you haven't…I haven't heard you like this since after Richard" he questions more firmly. More like the inner Finn that I have known for years. The one that people rarely see. He's the one that saved me then, from the drunken hole I was falling into after grandpa passed away. He's the one that found me in the dive bar on the outskirts of Boston. He's the one that carried my drunken ass to the hotel to sleep off the bender I went on. Finn didn't leave my side for two days. Always asking if I wanted Logan. If he should call him but I all did was more drinking. The third day, Logan came on his own. Found out about grandpa and took the first flight to me.

"I'm pregnant and the father is on the other side of the ocean probably prepping for his wedding as we speak" I cry out. Thankful that Paris is allowing me some alone time in her office. The office is closed for the rest of the day. She's in court with Doyle about custody. The line is quiet. He's shocked. I know Finn, he's probably standing there looking straight ahead stunned.

"New Hampshire luv?" he wonders finally speaking after what feels like years.

"Yea…why did I let him go? Why couldn't I just tell him the truth? I asked him if he was really going to marry her and all he said was that was the dynastic plan, FINN! Why am I so selfish? Why couldn't I just say yes years ago, why can't I be honest with the one man that I love and haven't been the same without since Yale. That's 10 bloody years" I cry harder. I'm falling apart. Shaking in distress.

"Where are you?" he demands.

"Paris's office, NYC" I state.

"I'm coming to get you Luv, you can't be alone right now. Don't argue. Just me" he states hanging up. Finn…he has always been there for me. I meant it 9 weeks ago, that he would be the one that I would miss the most. He was the only one that reached out after the proposal blew up to see if I was okay. He kept in touch over the years, always making sure to call or send some silly gift for my birthday and Christmas. I did that same. No tag just in case but we were always there for one another. He would vent about his father and family obligations. The girls that would never be is Rosemary. Rosemary who hasn't realized that he adores her. He listened when I would complain about the campaign, Washington DC, the freelance thing. Always just a phone call away.

I head downstairs after finally calming down. My eyes puffy from crying. I feel so weak and ache in heartache. As I'm punching in the codes to the front door, I see him. Finn already waiting next to his car. He pushes off the car with his arms open as I close the doors behind me. I immediately go to him. He engulfs me and I cry into his chest. Somewhere along this twisted life we live, he became my best male friend. Never more, always a shoulder.

"We'll figure this out luv, you're not alone. Never alone" he promises kisses my hair as he hugs me.