Hinata fidgeted with her fingers as she stood in front of Gaara's office door debating whether or not to knock. She had no idea when he finally returned last night, although she had been listening for him. Finally making up her mind, not wanting to disturb him, she turned to walk down to the kitchen to start on breakfast.
The door suddenly opened, revealing a well-groomed Gaara in his official Kazekage robes. It had been a while since Hinata had seen Gaara look so formal and it made her heart skip a beat. "Hinata, I was just about to find you."
She swallowed the lump that had made its way into her throat. "Y-You were? Is there something you needed?"
"Yes, please come sit down." He motioned towards the couch in his office and she dutifully obeyed, feeling a little out of place. She noticed the papers strewn across the floor and the dirty laundry. It was definitely Gaara's space, he had only been back one full day and it was already a mess.
"I apologize," he started when she was fully listening, "I was meant to talk to you about this last night, but I was unable to."

Nodding her head, Hinata leaned forward giving Gaara her full attention.
"Recently, there have been incidents all of Suna where women have been targeted." Her eyes widened, but she didn't show any other signs of shock.
"Naruto mentioned the same thing was happening in his region as well." Gaara definitely seemed surprised at this, but managed to conceal it with his stoic look almost straight away.
"It isn't safe in Suna anymore, definitely not for women. I will ask you to not go anywhere without a guarded escort."
Hinata nodded, she understood that this was not the time to prove how tough she was to her husband. She needed to set an example as well, if she wouldn't go anywhere without a guard, she hoped other women wouldn't either.
"I also need your assistance today at the public announcement." Now this surprised Hinata, she hadn't heard of a public announcement. Apparently whatever Gaara had been called away for last night had been fairly serious. "We will be telling the people of Suna of the dangers, I will need you by my side as my wife."

"So," she started quietly, "My job is to sit and look dignified?" She should have expected this, being in a political marriage. Of course she would have to stand by her husband, the Kazekage, although it felt superficial.
Gaara barely shook his head, but she saw it. "No, you will be there especially to answer questions. The villagers still don't trust me. You will be their safest option."
Her heart started beating faster at this. Not only because the thought of standing in front of all those villagers again was terrifying, but because Gaara seemed to trust her with such a task. "I-I do not really know what's going on though." She stammered out, feeling nervous and unprepared.

She thought her heart really would burst when Gaara leaned over and almost settled his hand on her arm, stopping just before actually touching her. "Kankuro will update you. I really need you in this, Hinata."
"O-Of course, I will help however I can." She said, feeling overwhelmed. Gaara seemed satisfied with this though and he stood up. Immediately she felt the loss, but shook the thought away. This is not the time to be thinking of these things, there were more important things at stake.
They both made their way down to the kitchen, where they proceeded to have a conversation with Temari, Shikamaru, Kankuro and Matsuri. None of them were shocked of course, Temari and Shikamaru already knew from their time in Konoha, and Kankuro had filled Matsuri in. But it was still a tense atmosphere, each worrying about what it could mean, what could happen.
Afterwards, Temari took Hinata to help her change into more appropriate clothes. It was essentially a white Kimono with red details to compliment Gaara's own formal wear. Temari put her hair up into a bun, holding it in place with a delicate red clip with the symbol of Sunagakure on it.
Temari wrapped her arms around Hinata, "You'll do great, don't worry. I'm sure you'll put them at ease like you do for all of us. You have a peaceful presence, Hinata, no matter what you say I'm sure they'll feel better just listening to you."
"I hope you are right, Temari." Hinata whispered, trying to find the courage within herself. Surely it was just like the meeting before about the orphanage. She could do this, she was stronger each and every day.


She looked nervous, but Gaara felt a sense of pride as he looked down at his small wife. She twiddled her thumbs, a nervous habit he supposed, but she kept her head up and answered every question with dignity. Even the hard ones. She truly was a perfect heiress.

"Lady Hinata, will this delay you begetting an heir to Lord Gaara?" One villager asked, practically shouting. Hinata's face turned red but she answered back.
"That is entirely unrelated. I will not be answering personal questions during this time."

She was so soft, but her voice was firm. He could feel her tremble slightly next to him, but she didn't let any of her anxiety show on her face.

"Lord Gaara," He was taken back by the sound of a different villager speaking. "What can we do to ensure our wives, daughters and mothers remain safe from this mo-." The man quickly shut his mouth, obviously in an attempt not to anger Gaara with his wording.
"Do not let them walk alone, keep them within your sights and report any suspicious activity. If you cannot be there with them to ensure their safety, come to the tower and arrange for a guard for them."
At this, everyone murmured around him in agreeance, most of them nodding their heads.
Of course, there had to be one.
"How are we sure that it isn't you who's doing this?" One man yelled, he had a long scar down the side of his face. He covered it with his brown shoulder length hair, but Gaara could still see it.
He'd seen the man's face before, but when the village was recovering from one of Gaara's own rampages. This man had been caught in it, Gaara remembered the smell of blood after the piece of rubble smashed into the man, teenager then.

"I have no proof it is not me." Gaara said calmly, hearing small gasps from the people in the audience, and a small one from the woman at his side. "However, I hope you can trust my word when I tell you that I have not had a hand in this." He stepped forward, noticing a few people who had questions stepped further back. Holding up his hands in what he hoped was a non-threatening gesture, he spoke softly. "I know I have not given you much reason to trust, but I hope that one day you can see who I have become. There is no amount of apologies that can change the past, so I can only try and change your opinion of me through my future. My first officer Kankuro will now take further questions."

Standing down, Gaara felt Hinata watching him as they made their way back to the tower. He didn't offer his company or conversation. Everything was whirling around his head, trying to coerce him back to the darkness, feeding his mind images of him committing crimes he thought for certain he didn't commit. Growing angry at his own vulnerability, he wordlessly escorted Hinata back to her quarters and before she could even turn around and speak, he was gone.

In his study he sent an emergency message to the Hokage in the Leaf Village asking for an explanation of their circumstances that may aid in his own investigation. But for now he waited, staring out of his window as he smelled the faint scent of lillies. He relaxed and allowed himself to think of her, feeling less and less guilty each time he did. She made him feel things he'd never felt before and he was not sure how to deal with it. On one hand, he wanted to run away, forget all about her. On the other hand he knew there was no way he could do that again. Every time he tried, he couldn't stop thinking about her, couldn't stop wishing to see her. He smelled her sweet scent everywhere he went, she was both equally frustrating and a sense of relief to him. He knew now that is was best for him to stay by her, satisfy his urge to be near, otherwise it could prove disastrous. He knew that he would never really have her, not her heart. He was a monster, he had no right to be near her, but ever since they kissed he knew for certain there wasn't anything he wanted more than to have her next to him.

Reminding himself of their kiss made him feel all bothered again, he felt like his blood was on fire. He wondered if Hinata felt what he did, but then decided against it. If anything, the feeling in her blood was probably revulsion. Hinata was pure, there is no way she would feel the sinful feeling that he did.


Hinata felt absolutely sinful. She couldn't get her kiss with Gaara out of her head. She couldn't help but wonder about last night. If no one had interrupted them… Would they have kissed another time? Touching a finger to her lips, Hinata looked at herself in the large mirror in her room. "I wonder why he did it…" she said to herself quietly. She knew she was no beauty, as she had been told since she was young. There was no comparison between her and her mother, although they had similar features. Even just last time she saw her father he told how unappealing she was, saying that anyone could see her shame just looking at her.
And now…
Now she had the scar on her forehead. Her straight indigo fringe thankfully covered most of it, but she was always aware. She had figured she would get used to it in time, and perhaps she still would, but she knew deep inside that no one else would.

Smacking both cheeks lightly, she admonished herself. "There are women dying and all I can think about is my looks? I really should feel ashamed." Going back to undressing, she took the hair piece carefully out of her hair and laid it on her bedside table. She felt proud of herself for speaking in front of such a crowd. She wasn't sure what gave her the strength. Perhaps it was her training, or perhaps it was the tall red-headed man standing by her side.
She wished she could take all of his pain away, but she knew she wouldn't be able to change the villagers opinion of him straight away. They needed time… In time they will see him for who he truly is.
Although, she isn't entirely sure of who he really is herself, but seeing all of the different sides that he's shown her, he doesn't seem like the monster he portrays himself to still be. Indeed, she thought, if he was still a monster he wouldn't be trying so hard for the sake of the village..

He wouldn't be so gentle to his wife…

Ugh! "Stop thinking about it!" she said to herself yet again. But even that was useless. After untying her obi, she slipped off the pure white kimono and looked at herself. She wondered what Gaara would think if he saw her as she was. Her pale white slip covered her, but it was still indecent. She could still see the light underwear underneath, fitting to her outlined curves. She wasn't wearing any binding on the top, she could see her breasts fully underneath the shift.
She had no idea how he'd react. Would he think her beautiful? Would he be disgusted?
A week ago she had almost convinced herself that she could live without any sort of contact with her husband, but now… Now it was all she could think about. After that kiss, she felt like it opened a whole new door for them. Maybe… Just maybe… they could have a real marriage. They could be happy.

She just didn't know where she stood.

Last night she felt like she had reached a whole new layer, but before she could try and work it out they had been interrupted. After the announcement today, Gaara didn't even look at her. Hinata wondered for a second if he could read her mind and perhaps he was appalled by her, but she banished that thought immediately. Although mind reading isn't much of a stretch, if Gaara could read minds then perhaps he wouldn't have run away before.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts, thankfully, and she quickly tied a knot on her pale purple robe. Walking to the door, she reached for the knob but someone had already turned it and come in. Immediately Hinata was on alert, but it only lasted a second before she recognised the woman who had come in. "Temari! How are you?" she asked, pulling the robe a little tighter.
The blonde woman breezed past Hinata and laid down on her bed. "I'm having guy problems." She said with a sigh.
Hinata walked to the other side of the bed and sat down next to her friend. She didn't need to speak, as Temari had already opened her mouth. "Men! How on earth they think they rule the world when they are obviously incompetent, is beyond me!".
Nodding her head slightly in sympathy Hinata asked "Shikamaru?".

Temari sat up then, hugging her knees close to her chest. "Yeah… We are so good together but I don't even know if he wants me, you know?"
Again, Hinata nods her head. "I don't know, Temari. The way he looks at you, I-It looks like he wants you." Hinata felt her cheeks redden, but pushed through it for her friend.
"But that's just it!" Temari whined, "He wants me because we're good in bed together. I have no idea whether or not he actually wants to be with me… forever." Burying her face between her knees, Temari breathed deeply. Her voice came out muffled, but still strong. "He wants to go back to Konoha. I know it's his village and he's worried, but we never know when we'll see each other next. Sometimes it's weeks, sometimes it's months. But it's always me asking, never him."

Hinata didn't really understand, but she felt sympathy for Temari. It is difficult not knowing where you stand in relationships. Her own thoughts turned to Gaara and their position, but she shook them away to focus on her friend. She put her arm around Temari and held her. "T-that sounds really difficult. Maybe you should ask him straight out. You're always so amazing at being direct. J-just pretend that he's Kankuro and give him what's for!"
Hinata felt Temari's shoulders shake, first softly and then harder. Temari's laughter came through strongly. "Oh Hinata! You are good for my soul. That's exactly what I needed. Since when am I so shy to tell a man his business? Never!" Temari wrapped her arms around the small woman and hugged her. "I'm so glad to have a friend like you. I never feel comfortable enough talking about girl stuff with others, but you're the exception. I hope you know that if you ever need to talk about this stuff with me, I'm here as well." She nudged Hinata with her elbow slightly, and was pleased to see her cheeks warm up. "I knew something was up! You've got to tell me everything!" She exclaimed, having a complete change of character compared to a few minutes ago. Hinata felt her face flaming now, she found it hard to swallow. How could she talk about Gaara to his own sister?
Temari must have read her mind. "Oh come on, I'll just pretend that it's not my brother you're talking about! Unless.. it's not my brother you're talking about?" She said with a lift of her eyebrow.

"O-of course I'm talking about Gaara! The-There's no one else." Hinata replied strongly, and then covered a gasp with her hand.
Giggling, Temari nudged her again playfully. "Come, just tell me about it. I want to help."
Hinata looked away shyly, playing with the rope that held on her robe. "Well… okay." She bit her lip. "When I met up with Gaara the other day we… we," She saw Temari's head nodding for her to continue, "We k-kissed." Hinata was so embarrassed, she hid her face with her hands, feeling the warmth radiating off of them.
When she realised Temari hadn't done anything, she slowly lifted her hands, finding her friend in a small state of shock. "I-I'm sorry. I knew I shouldn't tell anyone." Hinata said, feeling more and more uncomfortable with the silence.
Temari laid a hand on Hinata's arm. "No, don't apologize. I'm just amazed. Gaara kissed you?" Hinata nodded. "I'm so happy! Are you happy? I mean, were you okay with it?"
Hinata thought her face would never go back to it's pale whiteness ever again, but she answered honestly. "Y-yes. I can't stop thinking about it though.. And I don't know what it means. I-I'm so confused!" Hinata nodded, feeling better after telling someone what's been on her mind. "I thought… Last night as well. I thought he was going to kiss me. Or I was going to kiss him, again. But now he won't even look at me."
"Oh Hinata, you're the first." She looked up at Temari then. "Gaara has never been interested in anything of the sort before. To kiss you, that's definitely something. He's so unsure of himself in these areas as well, so you're probably not the only one confused. I'll offer you the same advice that you offered me, go talk to him." Temari hugged Hinata again. "Go knock some sense into my scaredy cat brother and I'll knock some sense into that lazy bastard of mine."
Both of the women giggled at that, clearing the room of any tension.

After Temari had left, presumably to 'knock some sense' into Shikamaru, Hinata decided to try once more. Surely, surely she had it in her to go see him again. She hadstood in front of all of those people this morning, surely she could simply ask him what the kiss meant.


It was dark when Gaara heard the soft knock at his door. He had pulled the curtains shut to keep in some warmth as the night approached, enveloping himself in darkness apart from a small lamp which illuminated his desk. Luckily the maids had cleaned it while he was gone, he could finally see where things were.

When he told the person at the door to enter, he didn't think it would be her. Although somehow every time he thought of her she ended up materialising. Her long hair cascaded down her shoulders, leading to a pale robe. In the soft light, he could almost believe she was a dream, but he swore he could feel the warmth of her soft body from where he sat. Standing, he slowly walked around his desk to face her. Everything was silent, warm. He breathed in her scent, felt his blood pump a little faster. He was going to wait for her, he really was. He was going to wait and see what she wanted, if she wanted to talk about anything specifically.
But he was a monster, he couldn't control himself. She licked her lips.
In a few long strides he'd covered the distance between the two of them. With his hand immediately going to the back of her neck, he tilted her face towards his. There was only second, enough to hear her small gasp, before his lips came crashing down on hers. It was as if he was dying of thirst and she was an oasis. He didn't stop kissing her as he ran his hand through her hair, fingering the strands. His other hand went lower, tracing down her until he found her lower back and pulled her against him, hip to hip. He wouldn't have stopped.
But in the short space that his lips left hers, she moaned his name.
And although it stirred his blood, it also brought him to reality.
This wasn't his dream, this was real, he was practically devouring Hinata in his study without even giving her a chance.
He stepped back, immediately feeling the loss of her body on his as they parted. "I'm sorry." He said breathlessly. He looked for any signs of revulsion, of hate. But no matter how where he looked, he couldn't find a trace.
He had never seen a more enchanting woman before in his life. She practically glowed in his room as she stood there with a dazed look on her face. Her normally lovely lips were wet and glistening, swollen from the ferocity of his kiss. He watched as she lifted her fingers to them, touching them as to make sure they were still there. His own lips were still tingling, he wondered how hers felt.
Running a hand through his hair he stepped further back. He couldn't trust himself right now. All of his dreaming, his thoughts about her, they had led to this.

Her soft voice broke his thought pattern and he looked back at her, "I-I can't think straight when you do that." The way she said it was so quiet it sent a small shiver down his spine.
"I can't either."

She smiled. Oh god did this woman have to do that. It was only a small smile, but it made her look so content, he wanted it to never leave. Although her face when he looked down at her after their kiss… Her eyes closed, mouth parted, cheeks flushed. Yes, he enjoyed that one too.
Shaking his head, he stepped back again. "Is there something you wanted?"
He supposed it wasn't too late to ask, she must have come here for a reason.
She took a step towards him, he stepped back again.
Pausing, she tilted her head, and then stepped towards him again. He stepped back twice.
The way he said her name was almost like a growl, but she didn't seem fazed, stepping towards him again.
He shook his head slightly. "Stay back." He said, stepping away from her. He was nearly at his desk, just another step and he can put his desk between the two of them, have a bit of safety.
He was just about to take that last step when she spoke.

It was his name on those lips of hers again. His name, his godforsaken name on the lips of an angel. The irony didn't allude him but he couldn't help but look at her.
"I don't know if I can stop myself." He told her truthfully. She didn't seem taken aback, she almost seemed to sigh at the thought. There were a few moments of heated silence. It was only a couple of seconds, but it was almost as if they were being stretched. Gaara held his breath for those few moments.

But then she opened her mouth again, and he shattered.

"Then don't stop." she whispered.


He was on her again. He wasted no time covering the distance that he had put between them. Thankfully she had kept walking forward, otherwise she would have had to wait a second longer for his lips to be on hers again.
She couldn't believe what was happening, she felt dizzy, elated.
Her entire body was on fire, throbbing with an intensity that almost felt like she was going to break with a single touch. But she didn't.

Kissing him back with the same ferocity, Hinata melted into Gaara's strong body. Her hands were on his chest, feeling the strong panes underneath the dark red top he wore. She felt his hands everywhere, although they moved between her back through her hair.
She'd never felt anything like this before. She never knew it could be like this. She felt no fear, instead it seemed like this was the safest place in the world for her. They fit so well together, like puzzle pieces coming together.
Lifting her head back she whimpered as he instinctively licked her uncovered throat. "So sweet" He murmured huskily. He kissed down to just underneath her collarbone as both of his hands came to her waist, trailing down to her hips where he held her.
Then he was kissing her mouth again. It was almost as if he couldn't get enough of her. She felt so powerful but so helpless.
Lifting up her own hands, she put them on his face, holding it as he kissed her deeper. Then they were in his soft hair, softly tugging, running through them. She couldn't think, couldn't breathe.
She felt him pull at the tie for her robe but she didn't resist. If anything this was exactly what her body was screaming for. Feeling his hands on her body with nothing but a thin shift between them and her skin was magical, his warmth spread through the material as if it wasn't even there.
Hinata needed to be closer to him. Feeling her way down to the bottom of his shirt she put her hands underneath and rested them on his stomach. She felt his muscles contract and he moaned into her mouth.
She couldn't believe she could do this to him.
She barely even noticed as he pushed the open robe off of her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor in a heap. She felt herself lifting off his own shirt between kissing him, throwing that to the floor as well.
Pushing the straps slowly off of her shoulders, the shift uncovered more skin than she had ever willingly shown anyone before. Gaara's mouth left hers and he looked at her. She felt the heat in his gaze, saw as his eyes followed her pale milky skin, noticed his throat move as he swallowed. His mouth softly kissed her shoulder, kissing downwards until he found her breast.
He paused for a second, possibly debating whether or not to touch it. But he gave in.

Hinata didn't even recognise the noises coming out of her as his warm mouth covered her nipple. He covered the other breast with his hand and she moaned deeply. She felt incredible, even better than she ever imagined. This was real, this was her and Gaara. Gaara came up to kiss her mouth again while his hands came up to massage her breasts, his warm fingers softly gliding over her nipples, making them stiffen. It was only for a moment that their faces pulled apart, gazing into each other's eyes as they breathed deeply.

Then there was a knock on the door.


"No.. No." Gaara's eyes closed as his whispered to the small woman he held in his arms. Both of them still breathed heavily. Hinata's lips were still parted, still wet. He could feel her hands on his bare stomach still, feel the rise and fall of her breasts against his chest.
"Go away!" He growled, feeling all at once frustrated. All he wanted to do was continue where they left off, he wanted to feel her soft skin beneath his hands, hear her moan out his name.
He may have killed them if it was anyone else at the door.
But it was the two people he vowed never to hurt again.
"Gaara! It's Temari and Kankuro!"
He felt Hinata stiffen in his arms and immediately regretted his decision not to kill his siblings, no matter how much they meant to him. She pulled away from him, quickly covering herself with her shift and picking up her robe. Her face which before was flushed, was pale and she looked like she felt sick.
He wanted to reach out to her, bring her back into his arms.
"It's an emergency, a woman has been attacked and she may have seen her assailant. This could be the guy we're looking for!" Temari yelled through the door.

For once, Gaara wished he wasn't the Kazekage. But he knew that he couldn't leave this matter alone, especially since it could affect Hinata.
"Wait for me at the tower gate, I'll meet you there." He told his siblings through the door, all while watching his wife try and straighten out her hair and clothes. He wished he knew what was going through her mind, but he didn't have the time to find out.

He picked his shirt off of the floor and covered himself. Reaching for his gourd of sand he secured it and looked at Hinata. "I have to go." He said, although he wished he could stay with her forever.
She wouldn't look him in the eyes. With her head bent forward, her hair covered her face like a curtain. "I know." She whispered.

Not knowing what else to say, he left her there and met his siblings by the gate as promised.
"You okay bro?" asked Kankuro first. He was watching Gaara's face a little too closely.
"No." Gaara replied truthfully. His heart was still beating and he swore he could still feel the heat of her on his skin. Her smell lingered around him and it reminded him of all he had just had in his arms.
His sister came closer to him then, also watching him with a look in her eye which was suspiciously more knowing than Kankuro's. "Is it something to do with Hinata?" She asked bluntly.

"Yes. I cannot speak of it." He said. His sister had a knowing look in her eyes but wisely chose not to speak of it further.
Shaking his thoughts of Hinata to the back of his mind, he concentrated on the matter at hand. "Give me the details."

Kankuro looked at Gaara while running through the streets, adapting quickly. "Her name is Akari, she's 19 and was working at the Maishi Resturaunt when she got attacked while taking out the rubbish. Medics aren't sure whether she will survive so it is imperative that we speak to her as soon as possible."
"Any other details?"
"That's all the information I have received before coming to you. I only hope we can gather more from her."
After nodding his head, the trio finished running towards the medical facility in silence.

Walking into the room, Gaara could almost smell the oncoming death. There were tubes connected to most of her body, with healers on both side and a medical contraption that assisted in her heart beating. Although he could see the amount of healing the medics had already done, there was a lot more damage and he could see it in her eyes that she knew herself she wouldn't make it.
He kept the questions short.
"Did you see your attacker?"
She nodded.
"Can you describe him?"
She opened her mouth and coughed, splatters of blood ran down her lips. "Red…Cloaks… Shuriken.." the small woman rasped out before being wracked by coughs again. Choking on her own blood, the medics tried to clear her airways but it was too late. By the time she was pronounced dead, the trio had gathered no more information from her.

Exiting the room in respect, Gaara motioned to his brother. "Send out this information to Konoha and any other allying villages that are experiencing the same thing. See if anyone saw the incident, post a reward for anyone who has any more information. Temari, go back to the Tower and stay with Hinata, I need you to ensure she stays safe. I will talk to other patrols, put everyone on alert and patrol the area myself."
Gaara supposed the best thing about having the authority is that no one ever dawdled when obeying him. Lives could possibly be in danger and there was no time to wait and answer questions. There was no time, either, to see his wife and reassure himself of her safety, but he pushed it out of his mind again, focusing on getting to the patrols as quickly as possible.


"So, I'm on house arrest again?" Hinata asked quietly, picking imaginary fluff off of her pajama slacks that she had changed into after Gaara left. Anything to not be reminded of what had happened.
Temari handed Hinata the large mug of chamomile tea and sat next to her. "Only until Gaara returns. I think he's worried about your safety and if me staying with you, in this room, for as long as it takes, reassures him enough to focus on his tasks, I'd stay in here forever."
The thought of Gaara worrying about her made her chest feel warm, surely that means something?

"Did you want to talk about it?" Asked Temari, considerably less playful than the tone she had earlier.
"Talk about what?" Hinata asked, avoiding Temari's eyes at all costs. She felt like a fool. She knew there were important things happening, she shouldn't be worrying about her relationship with Gaara when there were women in danger, dying. How could she, an ex-heiress, the wife of a Kazekage, be focused on something to miniscule in comparison when something so important was happening? She knew better. Should know better.
"I know something happened with you and my brother earlier. He seemed bothered, you seem distant. If you don't want to talk about it, I won't open my mouth on the subject again, but I'm always willing to listen." Temari emphasized with direct nods and then focused on her own drink.
The silence seemed to stretch. Hinata could tell that Temari was uncomfortable, the air seemed thick with un-told secrets.
It must have been twenty or so minutes before Hinata spoke, long finished with their drinks they still clutched the mugs in hand, seemingly as a lifeline.
"I think my father was right." Hinata whispered. She almost hadn't spoken, and half wished that she hadn't. She didn't want to say the words again and thankfully, Temari had been listening.

Facing her, Temari put her mug down on the coffee table next to them. "I never thought I'd hear those words from your mouth after everything, and it honestly makes me feel ill hearing them. I can't imagine anything your "Father" was right about." The words were said softly, matching the tense atmosphere, but with enough behind them that Hinata knew the force of what Temari said.

Choosing her words carefully, Hinata continued avoiding Temari's eyes as she spoke, focusing instead on the mug she still dutifully kept between her hands. "All my life I had been told that I was useful for nothing more than a breeder, to marry well and produce heirs, to provide the Hyuuga with more land, connections." Temari thankfully kept silent as Hinata spoke. "When it happened," referring to the incident that had taken nearly everything from her, "my father told me that I should have just let it. He said that I had obviously showed interest, that the man must have known I wanted it. He said that my face was ugly from impure thoughts, which seeped out of my pores, I was corrupted." Breathing as deep as she could, Hinata still struggled to get the air fully into her lungs, her chest tight. "And I think, maybe, that he was right."

The silence that followed was taut, as tight as the chest which still struggled to move within Hinata, it seemed to echo.

"Surely you don't believe that?" Temari said incredulously. "You are one of the most pure people I know!"
"But I'm not!" Hinata raised her voice and looked directly into Temari's eyes, who was taken aback by the force of Hinata's words. "All I want to do is to touch him! Everytime he gets near it's like my body moves on its own! I can't stop thinking about it, even though someone has died, even though there are other things at stake, I can't stop thinking about it like a whore!" With the force of her last words, Hinata's hands clenched the mug tightly and effectively shattered it. The blood dripped from her palms and although she saw Temari gasp and panic, calling out to the guards to find a healer while getting on her knees and inspecting the wounds, gently taking the bigger shards out of her hands, Hinata couldn't hear anything except the blood rushing through her veins, the sound of her heartbeat. Part of her wanted to break down and cry, part of her wanted to reassure Temari she was okay, another part wanted to apologise.
What she didn't realise, in her confusion, was that she was partly doing all three. Sitting there quietly as Temari fussed, with tears running down her face she whispered "Don't worry, I'm sorry. Don't worry, I'm sorry."

After the medic came and bandaged her hands, everything was quiet. Hinata was taken to bed where she expected Temari to leave her. But the blonde haired woman climbed into bed next to her and held her in her arms.
She knew that she should apologize, tell Temari to leave and get some proper rest. But the comfort was a lifeline, and she was thankful for it.


Gaara was exhausted when he arrived back at the tower after a full night of searching with no results. He had hoped that they would find something. That more information would come, but he knew he shouldn't have been too hopeful for something to happen so quickly. Finding Kankuro in his study he immediately thought it was for Kazekage business, but something in Kankuros face stopped him from asking.
"Sit down." Kankuro said to him with his arms crossed, leaning against Gaara's own desk.
Confused, but willing, he dutifully took a seat facing his older brother.
"Now I need you to remain calm as I tell you this." Kankuro uncrossed his arms and held up his hands in a defensive gesture. Gaara's entire body tensed, but he remained stoic and motionless in his seat. "Hinata received medical treatment last night," Kankuro started but stopped halfway through, using all of his power to hold Gaara down into his seat as the younger man looked half-crazed. "Sit down!" he shouted, hopefully getting into the hearing of his brother. Gaara growled at him, but went back into the chair, knowing he would struggle to control himself if he did go against Kankuro.
"She's fine but I need you to listen to me before you go tearing into her quarters."
When he was as sure as he could be that Gaara would stay seated, he continued. "Apparently she and Temari were talking when Hinata became upset and crushed a glass mug into her hands. Thankfully she missed any arteries and there was a medic close by, so she didn't lose too much blood." Kankuro paused as he watched his usually stoic brothers' face frown, a big sign that he was distressed by the news. "But she seemed to struggle mentally, Temari said there were some previous memories brought up and it put her into some sort of trance. The medic gave her some sleeping medication and she seems alright this morning."
"But?" Gaara finally spoke, his voice thick.
"Temari said she needs to speak to you before you see Hinata." Is the last thing Kankuro said.
Gaara nodded as he tried to control his feelings, pushing them down deeply. He couldn't let himself be ruled by emotion as he usually was when it came to Hinata, he might end up hurting her himself.
Kankuro left, passing through the door as Temari appeared. Her hair was dishevelled and her clothes rumpled, but what was more distressing was her face. She appeared scared… of him.

Kankuro had barely closed the door behind her when she knelt on the ground in front of him. "I'm so sorry." She said quietly.
Getting out of the chair, Gaara knelt beside her and rested a hand on her shoulder. Years ago this wouldn't have been possible, but it was almost becoming habit to touch his siblings, he was getting more and more comfortable with the contact. When Temari flinched underneath his hand he struggled not to recoil, but he still didn't move. "Raise your head, I will not hurt you." He said, almost equally as quiet. His sisters normally vibrant face had tear marks. "I need you to tell me if Hinata is okay." The worry that came out in his normally mechanic voice was knew to him, but he contained it a second later.
"Sh-She's okay." She said. Gaara took her hand and led her to the chair that he had occupied a minute beforehand. Breathing deeply, Temari straightened her shoulders. "She's frightened, Gaara… She thinks that.."
Before she even finished the words Gaara's head went through a million different thoughts, the main being the state that he had left her in the night before. He had practically ravaged her.
"Her father has made her believe that she's impure."
This wasn't what Gaara was expecting, especially the mention of Hinata's father. "How so?"
Temari told him about her conversation with Hinata, telling him what his small wife was thinking. By the end, he had to control his rage. "I should have killed him." He said as he stood. "I should have killed them all for even thinking that in her presence."
"Gaara," his sister said quietly, looking at him. "She thinks that she attracts people because of her impurity. She thinks she's a-a whore because she's attracted to you."
How he contained himself, he didn't know. All he wanted was to destroy something, itch away the confusion in his blood but how could he? It wouldn't make a difference. He should have stayed away from her. Because he let himself give into his desire he made her feel this way. He was angry at himself, at his lack of control. And yet, he was happy. Hinata was also feeling the same sort of attraction that he was. It wasn't just him pushing his desires onto her. She wasn't scared of him she was scared of what she was feeling.
And that was something that he was beginning to understand in himself.

"Where is she?" He asked his sister in a manner he hoped was gentler than the feeling of warring emotions inside of him.
"What will you do? Gaara, I can't let you see her if you're angry." She stood, and he was proud of the way that she stood up to him for the safety of his wife. She knew from previous experience that it was wrong to challenge him, and that he could easily overpower her, but she still stood in front of him with a strong, straight back.
Again, reaching out and gently touching Temari on the shoulder. "I won't hurt her. I cannot say I'm not upset, but it isn't her fault. She will not feel my distress."
This seemed to calm his sister as she slumped back down into the chair. "She's in my quarters, I didn't want you rushing in there and distressing her."

As Gaara walked along the long corridors, he was appreciative of his siblings. After everything he put them through and what they continue to do for him and now his wife… He wished he could repay them somehow. Settle the debt he had accrued through his wayward ways.
Coming to the door where he knew Hinata lay behind, Gaara took a deep breath and ensured his facial features were their usual stoic selves before gently knocking.
"Come in." Her small voice called beyond the wood. It was soft, strained even. Pushing open the door he once again thought about how lovely his wife was, but also how fragile. Sitting upon the great big bed, it seemed to swallow her small frame. She didn't look at him as he came in, or even as he came to stand in front of her.
Her head was bent, hiding her face with her hair as she did the night before. He inwardly cursed himself and his responsibilities for taking him away from her.
"You are well?" He asked, unsure of how else to start.
She did not reply to him, but instead gave a small nod as she continued to look at the floor.
Gaara sat down on the bed next to her, feeling uncomfortable. She seemed to shrink even smaller next to his larger self.
"Hinata," he called her name gently, "will you talk with me?"
Again, no reply. He reached his hand to touch her cheek and guide her face so it was aligned with his. The sight made him catch his breath, her face was pale and it was clear she had been crying. She still wouldn't look him in the eye. He looked down at her hands that were wrapped in white bandages. "You are hurt, I would like you to talk to me."
Gaara had never learned how to be gentle. Everything about him was rough, if he wanted something he took it. But with Hinata, things were different. He wanted to be softer, gentler. He wanted her to be… Comfortable around him. He wanted her to want to be around him.

Her voice was quiet and shaky as it came through. It made his chest ache with more unfamiliar feelings, and the words she uttered made him feel like he was struggling to breathe. "I don't think I can stay here."
She shook her head softly, the soft strands of hair moving with her. "I can't trust myself."
Breathing in again, he tried not to startle her with any outbursts. He knew now was not the time to be outspoken. He waited, and again just as the silence seemed to stretch for an eternity she started talking again.
"I-I am not p-pure enough to be a good wife to you," Her hands started shaking, "I thought I could be, but then everything changed and I… I can't control my urges. I am everything they said I was."
Gaara couldn't help himself, getting down directly in front of her, he gently touched her hands, forcing her eyes towards him.

"That is ridiculous. You are nothing like they have made you believe yourself to be." She continued shaking her head at his words. "I cannot control myself either, but it doesn't feel wrong. When I am with you it feels… comfortable, warm. I experience things I haven't experienced before." Hinata was staring at him intently now. He felt uneasy but continued on, anything to help her see herself differently. "When we are together, when we are… intimate. I feel a sense of calmness, even within the urgency."
He reached up one hand and stroked the side of her face gently. "There is no way something this natural, this pleasant feeling, could ever be impure. And if it is," he continued, knowing that she was listening intently, "then I don't need purity from you. I can't let you leave now."

At this, Hinata started to cry. But instead of pulling away from him, she placed each of her bandaged hands on the side of his face and pulled her forehead down onto his.
Gaara didn't know where the words had come from, being a man of very few. But he could almost feel the relief sink into his wife's small body and knew that wherever they did come from, he was glad for them.


Breathing in and out deeply, Hinata felt the worry leaving her with a calm sense of relief. Of course, her mindset was so that she still felt inadequate, but hearing the words that Gaara was saying made her feel better.
Such a strong pull of attraction for both of them… Surely that meant something more than just what her father had told her. And Gaara, he had come to her aid so naturally, speaking more openly than he ever had before, it made her feel warm.
Pulling back, Hinata took one of Gaara's hands and being mindful of her own injuries, directed him to sit on the bed with her.
"I-I don't know what to say…" she began, feeling embarrassed after everything that she had done. "I-I'm so sorry. I caused a scene, I shouldn't have done that."
"No, you shouldn't have."
Hinata was taken aback by those words but nodded her head nonetheless, he was the Kazekage, her husband and Gaara after all. He knew best.
"Come to me next time." He said, his voice deep and unwavering. It sent shivers down her spine again, and gave her a sense of hope. Maybe this could really work after all.
She remembered what Temari had told her, how this was all new to Gaara as well. But then, remembering her blonde haired friend, she was shocked.
"Temari!" she exclaimed, standing suddenly. "I must have scared her! Oh no, oh no Gaara what have I done, I must apologize!" walking straight towards the door, she was surprised when a strong arm came around her waist, dragging her backwards.
"…G-Gaara?" she said quietly, questioning his actions. Then his other arm came around, enclosing her in his warmth.
His voice was so close to her ears that she was thankful he couldn't see her face, as it was turning bright red. It was one thing to have a passionate encounter at night, with only the glow of a single light around the darkness. But it was another being close in the daytime, where Hinata hadn't gathered her courage.
"Temari can wait. She will be fine. I need to rest, so I don't fall asleep." Hinata knew that Gaara didn't like sleeping, in case his demon took over his form. "Come lay with me. You feel pleasurable in my arms." To this, she couldn't even object, just let him gently direct her to the large bed where they laid together. He laid facing the ceiling as she rested on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart, smelling the gentle scent of sandalwood. Feeling safer than she ever had before.
Hinata didn't know how long they were laying together, but she must have fallen asleep, as when she awoke it was night, and Gaara was gone. She didn't know how he had gotten from under her without waking her up, she must have been in a deep sleep.
Remembering what they had done made her cheeks flame. More so than their intimacy the night before, this was something else. This wasn't just mindless passion, but it was something that was altogether different.


Listening to the soft breathing of the woman beside him, Gaara felt an overwhelming amount of peace. After everything tonight, it was almost heaven to be in this position. He looked down. Hinata's head rested against his shoulder, her arm and leg draped across him. She looked so delicate, so fragile. More and more he was starting to understand that she has a strong will, a determination to improve and strengthen herself. A lot stronger than she gave herself credit for, overtaken by the fragility of her self-worth, so damaged by a father who never saw the raw goodness in her. He could relate, after all, his own father had made a monster of him. The difference between the two of them being that Hinata was inherently good, and pure, whereas Gaara himself was what his father had painted him as.
Shaking his head gently, he looked again at the sleeping faerie by his side, feeling her curves against him fitting almost perfectly. He didn't understand, how did this happen? A little while ago he was hiding away in his little cottage, shielding himself, and the world from him. But Hinata had practically landed into his life, and he couldn't imagine a life without her. He knew he didn't deserve her, how could he? He was nothing pure, nothing good. Taking numerous lives without care, turning into the monster his father had always wanted him to be. She? She was a goddess. A nymph. A pure spirit that has brought nothing more than happiness into his life and the lives of the people around her.
He remembered the first time he had seen her, talked to her. She had been resting in his library chair in the cottage, her blue hair spayed across her arms. The amount of growth she has experienced in such a short time amazed him, she was more confident. At the start, he didn't think she would ever be close to him in this way, it was beyond his comprehension that she was actually here with him, in his arms. That she felt… Attracted to him, not scared. She had thought herself impure but in reality, he was the impure one. Just feeling her curves against his body made him feel an overwhelming sense of desire, but he tampered it down. Now was not the time for either of them. She looked so peaceful he wouldn't dare disrupt it for his own selfish desires.

He detached her from his arms when the light started seeping through the window, reluctant to leave while knowing he had a duty to his people. Stroking her cheek softly, and gaining a soft, sleepy smile, not unlike the very one he wished he could see forever, he left. Feeling a confusing lightness in his chest despite the dramatic going-ons, he would start his day with the thought of the angelic woman that never seemed to leave his mind.


Getting up, she had just finished cleaning up the room when she heard a knock on the door. Her heart skipped a beat, imagining Gaara standing on the other side. But she shook her head. Gaara would be working at this time, patrolling the village. Plus, she told herself, how was she going to face him? Would it be different?
She shook her head again and chastised herself, walking to the door to open it.
On the other side wasn't her husband, but his sister. Temari looked almost nervous as she stood in Hinata's doorway. Hinata's heart gave in and she wrapped her arms around the woman. "Oh Temari! I'm so sorry, please forgive me." She felt awful now that she hadn't come and seen her earlier, but she wouldn't have given up her time with Gaara for anything.
"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you." Temari shook her head and looked so apologetic it made Hinata want to cry again.
"No, no! You weren't at fault at all. I shouldn't have done any of that. I am so thankful to have you, and I don't know how it would have been if you weren't there."
After spending more time holding each other, Temari broke apart and reached for Hinata's hands. "How are they?"
Hinata squeezed Temari's hands with her own. "They are fine, they looked a lot worse than they were. They don't even pain me. Thank you for your quick interference. I do not know what came over me, I suppose there is a deeper pain inside of me I haven't dealt with."

Temari shook her head, beginning to show signs of her usual excited demeanour. "I don't know exactly all of the details but I can tell you this now, those people you lived with weren't your family. Family doesn't do that to each other. Our family is dysfunctional and we have had some tough times, but there has always been a deep love, despite any hidden monsters. And now, this is your family, you only need to be concerned about how we see you, and you are loved here."

There were times to blink away tears, and there were times to let them flow freely, this was neither. Taking the offered tissue from her newly found sister, Hinata wiped her tears and smiled, feeling the overflowing love that she too felt for this family.

After washing and doing what she needed to feel refreshed and regain her strength, Hinata joined Temari in the kitchen downstairs and allowed the blonde woman to make her a tea. "Temari, I'd like to know any new details you may have gotten last night."

Bringing the tea for both of them to the table, Temari opened her mouth to begin telling Hinata of the events, "There was a young woman, she did not end up making it, but she was able to give us a few details of the man that may have done this to her."

"Do not tell her anymore." Ordered a deep voice from the doorway. Gaara stood looking fresh despite Hinata knowing he hadn't slept. He had his arms crossed and he was watching her with the same eyes she felt herself watching him with. Feeling a blush rising up her neck, she swore she could almost see his eyes grow a little darker. She mentally shook the thoughts from her head. "I need to know, Gaara. I may be able to assist."

"You do not need to worry, I will protect you."
Temari choked slightly on her tea with the soft words spoken by her brother, never hearing such gentle words of safety.

Hinata, however, was not being swayed. "That isn't what I'm afraid of. I know you will protect me, and I am capable of defending myself. I want to know so I can help. I am your w-wife and I have a r-right."
The last words were spoken with less confidence than the previous ones, but Hinata kept her head high and determinedly looked Gaara in the eyes as she spoke it. He must have been convinced by her determination, as he gave a small nod of his head to Temari, who continued speaking.

"So this woman mentioned that the men wore red cloaks with shuriken, or so we think. It was difficult to make out what she was trying to say fully. We have already distributed the information between allies and are waiting for confirmation and possibly any other information they may have about the suspects. After getting one communication back from the Hidden Leaf, we can determine that there is more than one person committing the crimes, as there were attacks around the same time last night."

"Akashi." Hinata whispered, almost to herself. Gaara uncrossed his arms and looked at her more closely. "It means the Red Death, a group of people who focus on brutal violence, always leaving behind a red corpse. I should have noticed it sooner, it's exactly the same except that their coats weren't red, the shuriken were."

It was cold, colder than it should have been for the season they were in. The land was covered in a thick mist, not allowing the sun to penetrate the village. It was difficult to see where to step, cautious against accidentally bumping into any other villagers. Not that she would have to worry, every time the mist cleared slightly, she noticed they were the only ones seemingly in the quiet town. There was a strong breeze, she fought against it as she kept tight grip of her dress, not allowing it to misshape in any way. If there was any disruption to this meeting, then her father would not be kind. "This is important, Hinata. Do not mess this up. This is not only important for the clan, but for you, remember that." Nodding to confirm with her father that she understood the importance of the meeting about to take place, Hinata was thrown a little off balance by a gust of wind, causing her to trip on the edge of her dress. "You are a disgrace. I hope this meeting will get you off of my hands." Her father said bitterly. She picked herself up with as much grace as she could manage, careful to keep her dress as pristine as possible.
Feeling like cattle being led to slaughter, she followed her father dutifully. Through the mist, Hiashi spotted the group up ahead. They were a small group, three or four of them, all wearing black cloaks with large red shuriken on the back, with the emblem of two small red shuriken on the front. He seemed to be familiar with them, calling one Kuroyasha and talking with him for a small amount of time before moving on. Their faces were hidden, but the smell of them could not be masked so easily. Metallic, thick with the scent of blood. But Hinata could not let that distract her, she was moving towards the person who would end up hurting her the most. She brought up the group to her mother later on, to which her mother gave her a stricken, sickly look and told her the bare minimum. "You must never, never associate with that group and if you find yourself around them, run."

"And you're sure?" Gaara asked, his deep voice bringing her out of her trance and back to reality. Feeling automatically reassured by his presence, Hinata allowed herself to breathe. She had forgotten that she will eventually have to tell Gaara about her experience, and it brought up new anxieties. But nonetheless, she put the thought out of her mind and focused on the two siblings before her, leaning closer in case they missed anything as she was speaking. "You believe that it is this group, this 'Akashi?'" Temari added, listening on to every word, watching Hinata's face for any sign of her being unsure.
"I definitely believe it is the Akashi. I'm unsure if that helps in your search but that is what I remember." She said quietly. The previous thoughts had left a hollow feeling in her stomach, which she was trying to ignore.
"Thankyou Hinata, I will relay this information immediately, hopefully other villages may have heard of them to assist in our search." Said Temari, halfway out of the doorway, leaving just Gaara and Hinata in the kitchen alone. "This could be very beneficial," Gaara said, standing from where he had sat at the table as she told her story, "Thankyou."

Nodding, Hinata watched as Gaara went towards the door and then turned towards her before he left through it. "Tonight, if I am able to, I would like to have dinner with you."