14 years older omake: Valentines' Day at the Hokage Tower

The first - Izumo and Kotetsu

"I'm going to go in right now and give this to her!"

"Oh no you won't! I'm not letting you get an advantage over me! I'm going to give this to her now and you can move your sorry butt elsewhere!"

"What the heck! What kind of a teammate are you, stealing his girl from right under his nose!"

"The realistic kind. She's not even your girl. It's not like you would stand a chance anyway."

"Why you!"

"What's going on here?" a third voice interrupted.

The two arguing chunins froze, one with a raised fist and the other hand clenched around his teammate's shirt. "Rokudaime-sama!" they stuttered, eyes wide as they look up at the towering form of the former Hokage.

Kakashi eye-smiled at the frozen figures (*cough ex-minions cough*) in front of him. "It's not very appropriate for chunins to be fighting in the Hokage Tower, neh? Especially when they are supposed to be working."

Kotetsu and Izumo gulped and released each other to stand at attention. "Of course not, Rokudaime-sama, that was very unbefitting of us," Izumo apologised, trying hard not to flinch under the unyielding stare of his superior.

"So what were you arguing about?" Kakashi asked, a curious tilt in his voice.

"We were just hoping to give Hokage-sama - ow!" Kotetsu began, only to be cut off abruptly with a sharp jab of the elbow.

"What he's saying that we were just about to give Hokage-sama the paperwork she has to sign today, Rokudaime-sama," Izumo interjected quickly. "If there's nothing else, Rokudaime-sama, we'll head back to work." A short bow, and Izumo quickly dragged his best friend away from the silver-haired man.

"Izumo, Kotetsu," said man called out from behind, halting them in their steps.

"Yes, Rokudaime-sama?"

"Leave the flowers," he enunciated each word carefully, while still eye-smiling at them.

"But Kakashi-sama!" Kotetsu starts to protest, only to stop short at the dangerous glint in the grey eyes.

"Leave the flowers," he repeated, his command absolute and not to be defied.

Izumo sighed in resignation. "As you wish, Rokudaime-sama."


"Come in!" Naruto called from behind the oak doors. "Ah, Izumo, Kotetsu, is there something you need?"

"We're just here to deliver today's paperwork, Hokage-sama," Izumo said, a slight wavering in his voice.

"Again?" Naruto pouted. "Can't you just pretend that you haven't given them to me so I don't have to do it?" she asked, utilising her Puppy-dog-eyes jutsu to the best of her ability.

Izumo and Kotetsu visibly gulped as the air around them got heavier. "I-I'm afraid not," Izumo replied with a stutter. "If there isn't anything else, Hokage-sama, we have other things to do." Without waiting for a dismissal, both chunins high-tailed out of the office and dashed away from the scene, leaving behind a confused Hokage.

"You think he should have let off on the killing intent," Kotetsu grumbled irritably, once they were far away from the office.

Izumo didn't say anything, but Kotetsu knows he agrees anyway. 'That was some serious KI,' he shuddered.


The nineteenth - Team 8

"Look at all these flowers," Kiba whistled as they entered the Hokage Tower. The Towers seemed to have been transformed today, with the burst of colours that decorated the usually dull walls, and fresh floral scent lingering in the air, causing shinobi passing through the tower to adopt more uplifting steps unconsciously. Team Eight is no different, their stance already more relaxed as they make their way through the tower.

"Where do you think they all came from?" Hinata asked, eyeing a particularly beautiful bouquet of lilacs they passed by.

"I believe these flowers are from Naruto-san's admirers. Why you ask? Because the types of flowers here all correspond to the various rumours of Naruto-san's favourite flower. Thus it is logical to conclude that they were bought for Naruto-san," Shino replied, stoic as ever.

For a moment, nobody said anything, as his teammates stare at him in varying degrees of disbelief. "You keep track of rumours like that, Shino? I would have thought that you wouldn't pay attention to things like Naruto's favourite flowers of all things," snorted Kiba, while Hinata smiled in exasperation at the tactlessness her teammate.

In response, Shino just pushed up his sunglasses in a trademark action. "Why not? Information is important, especially information concerning our Hokage."

"Well, it's still some very specific information you're keeping note of, Shino-kun."

Team Eight looked up to find Kakashi stalking towards them, evidently having overheard their conversation. "Kakashi-sama." They gave a short bow in greeting.

Deciding not to correct them on their use of honorifics, Kakashi looked expectantly at the Aburame on the team, his single eye sharp and piercing.

Acknowledging the prompt, Shino replied, "It's always useful to have information on hand, Kakashi-sama. Why, you ask? Because you never know when you will need it."

"Pfft," Kiba cut in. "It's just a waste of time and effort anyway. Naruto doesn't even like any of those flowers those idiots have bought."

In a blink of an eye, Kakashi glided over to beside Kiba. "Oh, and how did you know this?" he asked in an ominous tone.

Gulping at the proximity and sheer danger waves emitting from the former Hokage, Kiba can't help but feel slightly uncomfortable. Mentally, he seethed that his seniors still hold an edge over him, despite him having made Jounin and ANBU for years. Choosing not to comment anything on that, he responded with "It's Naruto," as if that explained everything. When Kakashi didn't look like he was satisfied in any way by the response, he threw his hands up in the air and exclaimed, "Oh for goodness sake, she's like the most ungirly girl around, of course she won't like any of those flowers!"

Slightly appeased, Kakashi turned his attention to the other male of the team, though he gave no outward indication that the waves of ominousness if affected him at all. There was a tense silence as both of them stared down at each other, not speaking a word. And then it abruptly disappeared when Kakashi let his shoulders relax, and eye-smiled at the team. "Well, I shan't hold you up any longer. Best be on my way now," he said cheerily, make a move pass the team.

"Kakashi-san," Hinata called out, stopping him in his tracks. "You won't happen to know why all these flowers are out here rather than in Naruto-chan's office, would you?" she asked with a knowing and disapproving glint in her eyes, despite the innocent tone of her question.

Kakashi eye-smiled and gave a shrug, completely ignoring the veiled accusation. "Mah, maybe they all got cold feet at the last minute and left all the flowers behind. I wouldn't know. Well, ja ne!" He disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Crazy jounins," Kiba muttered under his breath, as they continued to head to their destination.

Beside him, Hinata shook her head at the sheer ridiculousness of it all, and the childishness displayed by their former Hokage.

Shino walks on with his team.


The thirty-seventh - Sasuke

Obsidian coal eyes glared at the single silver-grey eye, testosterone thick in the air. "Kakashi, move," Sasuke gritted through his teeth.

Unfazed, Kakashi gave a smile that doesn't reach his eyes. "I'm afraid not, Sasuke-chan. Naruto is simply too busy today to see anybody. You'll have to wait for another day when she is less busy."

Sasuke growled, both at the honorifics and at Kakashi's meddling. Taking a short breath to calm himself down, he said in a monotone, "The dobe is always busy. I'm sure she can take some time out to have lunch with her teammates." When Kakashi made no move to let him pass, he added, "even the Hokage need to eat," eyes flashing red for just a a moment, challenging the other man to say otherwise.

Kakashi narrowed his eyes at the implied threat from his former student, mentally cursing Obito and the stubbornness that runs in the family. "You don't have to worry about Naruto's lunch," he said, crossing his arms across his chest. "I would never let Naruto go hungry even with the amount of work she has to go through."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow at that, less questioning but more mocking, and Kakashi resisted the urge to punch the look off the Uchiha's face.

A shout of outrage came from behind the oak doors, startling the two males from their glaring contest, and Sasuke took the opportunity to burst through the doors as gracefully as an Uchiha would, before Kakashi had the chance to block him again.

"Dobe, what's wrong?" he asked, looking at the blond whose head was on the table, her hands cupped around like a protective barrier.

"Teme!" she wailed. "Save me!"

"Naruto!" Kakashi admonished, breaking the evil-eye he had been giving Sasuke. "You know you have to finish all of these paperwork by today!"

"But there'e so much to dooo! I'll never be able to finish them!" she wailed dramatically, a look of absolute desperation on her face.

"We can always go out for lunch if you want a break. And a spar too, if you want," Sasuke said, earning him a wide-eyed look of adoration from Naruto and an evil-glare from Kakashi that promised many many nasty things.

"Awesome, teme! Let's go now!" Naruto cheered while bouncing towards the door, completely oblivious to the male tension in the room.

Behind her, Sasuke directed a self-satisfied smirk at Kakashi, before heading out after Naruto. That is, until Naruto stopped at the door, and turned back to the silver-haired man.

"Neh, Kakashi-sensei, you want to join us too? It's been a long time since we had a team lunch, dattebayo! We can even call Sakura along!"

It was Kakashi's turn to direct a self-satisfied smirk at Sasuke now, once Naruto had her back turned on them again, while Sasuke gritted his teeth in annoyance. 'How oblivious can the dobe get?'


Kakashi 48 - Sasuke 0


The last - Kakashi, after the ramen date

"Neh sensei, what's with all the flowers around the Hokage Tower today actually?"

"Oh those? Those are just flowers I've acquired for you today, Naruto-chan."

"Really?" Her eye sparkled. "They were really really beautiful! Thank you Kakashi-sensei!"

"You're welcome, Naruto-chan."

Story notes:

(1) In case anyone missed the point of the story, Kakashi went around scaring Naruto's admirers that dared to venture into the Hokage Tower, while piling Naruto up in paperwork so that she has no choice but to stay in the office.

(2) Honorifics are an important element in this story, which I used to illustrate ranking and/or familiarity. Yet the same person would use a different honorific to address another, depending on what they wanted to convey across.

Author notes:

Surprise? I've had this idea to post a bonus shortly after posting the original one-shot, because you guys were so awesome and it makes me so happy that so many have followed and/or favourited the story (: I hope you enjoyed this, Kakashi in this story really cracked me up. I hoped I picked the right characters to feature for Kakashi to torture/interrogate, but it was kind of fun trying to write all the different characters too. Shino, in particular was a little hard, so I hope that his speech patterns are Shino-like (He's also my personal favourite part of the story, followed closely by Sasuke). I also tried to tailor the eternal Chunins to their slightly differing personality, so I hope that came through as well. This turned out to be longer than the original one-shot, but I find them to be of goldilocks length to convey what I wanted to convey.

That should be all I have for 14 years older - I'm content and satisfied to leave it as it is. Let me know what you think! Till next time.

(Update: I've been asked to write more fem!NaruKaka by a reviewer (htsukino23, you're a guest so I can't really PM you). For my readers, if you haven't checked out my other stories yet, there are two more fem!NaruKaka oneshots that I've written, called Dressed like a girl and Blind date. As for future plans, my next Naruto story will be a fem!NaruIta story, which I hope to start posting next month. I do have a plot bunny for a fem!NaruKaka story, but so far no developments yet, though I do want to write something for it, rather than have it slip away. But that won't be soon. I think. Also, a reminder to follow me as an author if you would like to receive updates for my stories (: I feel so happy when people like what I write!)