Here is just a shout out to Tiernank for your lovely reveiw on the first day. thank you so much and hope you enjoy this chapter to, all of your wounderful reader.

Day 2: Devilish

Lucy couldn't believe this was happening to her guild. She had only been a member for a few months and now she was causing them so much trouble. She just couldn't even believe that her father would do this for her. The man that had ignored her for so long and now he wanted her back.

Now after months of her being gone he wanted her back at the house. The only reason she could think of as to why he even wanted her back was because he had found some old man to take her as a young wife to show off to society. Why couldn't the man just leave her alone to live a happy life?

Lucy made her way down to the lower level of the guild to see Cana on the floor with her card laid out in front of her. There was a serious look on her face as she tried to study them, but Lucy could tell that she wasn't getting the information that she wanted from them.

"Argh, come on, I'm not getting any kind of read on where Mystogan is" she yelled in frustration as she scattered the cards to the side in a fit of rage. Lucy felt sorry for the card mage as she said on the floor in defeat.

"Oh dear" Mirajane said as she turned to her. "You did your best" she said encouragingly.

"If Lucy is their real target then they're bound to attack" Cana said back. This told Lucy that the two hadn't seen her come down. "And I'm willing to bet its sooner than later" she said as she picked up a bottle nearest her.

"Right now we've just got too many wounded to put up much of a fight" she said with a sigh, raising the bottle and taking swig. What she said was a stab to Lucy's heart, remembering everyone that was injured above them. She notice Mirajane turn towards a communication lacrima in front of her.

"Master's seriously injured and we can't locate Mystogan" Mira said with her head down. "You're the only one we can turn too, help us Laxus" she pleaded with more than just her tone of voice and eyes. "We could really use you right about now, Fairy Tail is in terrible danger" she continued.

"Man, Makarov is pathetic" A voice laughed from the other end of the communication lacrima. "I don't see how this is remotely my problem" the voice went on saying. Lucy recognised the voice but couldn't really pin point it. Laxus, which was the s-class Dragon slayer of Fairy Tail, the Master's grandson.

"You're all big girl and guys deal with it yourselves" the man said spitefully. Mirajane didn't seem shocked by his words but Cana was pissed off by them.

"So you're not going to help us!" she yelled over to the lacrima, raising slightly from where she was seated on the floor.

"Course not, why would I?" Laxus replied as if it was the most obvious think in the world. "The senile old toad started this, why do I have to be the one to clean up his mess" Lucy cringed at that, knowing that the master was not to blame for this, that it was her that was solely to blame for it all.

"Please Laxus, Phantom Lord is trying to Kidnap Lucy" as if Mirajane could read thoughts she brought up the one thing that made Lucy feel even worse. The point that drove the knife deeper through her heart. She was their target, she was what they wanted. If only there was something she could do.

"Who?" Laxus asked from the other end of the communication lacrima, a hint of confusion in his voice. "Do I even know her?" he asked out load. Mira and Cana both were shocked at him not even knowing who Lucy was. It made Lucy think just how much he actually paid attention to the guild.

"Ohh, wait" he dragged out, remembering something. "Is it that the new girl?" he asked but didn't wait for an answer. "Tell you want, you can talk Blondie into being my woman I'll do whatever she wants" he said with a smirk and chuckle. Lucy stood shocked what a pig, but then this could work in their favour.

"You are such a pig!" Cana yelled at the man, slamming her hand on the table.

"Are you sure you want to be talking that way to the guy your begging to help ya" he threw back. Lucy wasn't really paying attention, she was too busy processing what he had said before. Could it really be that simple? Lucy started walking toward the communication lacrima. "Do me a favour-"

"No you do me a favour and listen" Lucy said seriously interrupting whatever he was about to say. She walked over and stood in front of the device with a hard look on her face. As she passed she saw the shocked looks Cana and Mira were giving her.

"Lucy…" Cana choked from behind her. Lucy didn't look back to her, she kept her eyes forward towards the blonde haired man projected in front of her.

"Do I have your attention, Laxus" she asked coldly, staring right at him. He didn't seem the least be afraid of Lucy as she looked down at him, if anything he seemed amused by her.

"Yeah Blondie, I'm listening" he said with a lecherous smirk.

"You want to make a devilish deal, that's fine, but do it direct, I don't do getting talked into thing I don't want to do" she said coldly. "I find it very hard to believe that a man like you needs to blackmail someone into being your woman, but here that fact stands" she started off with, his smirk disappearing.

"But fine, I'll play the game, as pathetic as it is" she said with a shrug before placing both hand on the table. If she had been wearing her normal top it might have given him a better show, but from the angle he would still be able to see the size of her bust.

"Watch that mouth of yours princess, if you're not careful I won't be playing at all" he almost growled out. His smirk was by this point completely gone, now replaced with an angry frown, not liking being played down, in anyway.

"If you do that then, we are no worse off than we are now" Lucy said shrugged, making sure to make it a big shrug so that her bust bounced a bit with the movement. Laxus gave her a hard look but his eyes had followed the bounce like Lucy thought he would.

"I'm listening debutant, make your pitch" he said harshly. Lucy fought the urge to smirk. She knew just how to play this right into her hands. This was for her guild and she would do anything for that. It just took some feminine manipulation.

Shame he didn't know that she had no idea what to do when he got her. That will probably annoy him enough that he doesn't even bother and moves on to a much easier experienced woman to keep him entertained.

"It's simple, a bit devilish but then, I'm pretty sure you know that because you came up with the basic concept" Lucy teased, growing more confident knowing that he won't want to her when he finds out she's inexperienced, by which time he would have dealt with the guild's problem.

"You said you'd do anything I ask you if I was your woman? Well if you come here and help the guild and we win against them with the surrounding destruction to a minimum I'll be your woman and I'll do my best to do as you say" she stated with a smirk. She needed the deal to sound convincing to work.

"You help defeat Phantom Lord, I become yours, however, if you don't bother to come here, then you leave me and all the other girls in guild the hell alone because your just not man enough for us" she said coolly. Her words seemed to spark something in his eyes.

"Lucy no!" Mira and Cana shouted at the same time. Lucy just waved them to be quiet.

"I'll even sweeten it for you" Lucy said. Knowing that the man just need one more push to work into her plan. "You come and are able to destroy the cannon before it can next fire then, I will have your full name tattooed once on me where ever you want it" she said seriously.

"How about my first and last name and my initials in another place" Laxus negotiated, smirk spread on his face. Lucy looked a little reluctant.

"Fine, but you're paying for the tattoos to be done" Lucy said.

"I like this deal, its making you a bit of Devilish Vixen in my eyes" and somehow the lecherous smirk was back on his face.

"Well that the deal I have you, either take it or leave it" Lucy said with all the confidence that her father's tutors had drilled in to her.

"Oh, you're on, Blondie, but I need your word" he challenged causing Lucy to sigh.

"Very well I, Lucy Heartfilia, give my word as a celestial mage to follow the terms of our agreement if you, decide to help your guild or not" Lucy promised. She felt the chains that burnt around both her upper arms as she finished her statement. She didn't make a noise at the pain but she did wince a bit.

"Good, see you soon princess, get ready to be mine" and with that said the communication lacrima went dark. Lucy let out another sigh, rubbing her upper arms to sooth the pain out a bit. As she turned she saw the looks that her two female guild mates were giving her.

"What?" Lucy asked confused. "It's not like he's not drop me in a matter of days" she stated. "I'm inexperienced and he'll get bored which is when I will be free and go right back to my life" she explained. However, Cana and Mirajane were shaking their heads.

"And that is the problem, out of all the types of girls, Laxus likes them fresh and 'rip for the picking' as he so elegantly puts it" Cana says going to sit in front of her cards.

"Your all the more attractive as a prize because of your lack of experience, what's worse is that the only time he gives up a prize like that is when she decides it's over, something you can't do because of your promise" Mirajane explained with a sigh.

"What's worse, your deal is like a challenge of his strength, something he'll feel he had to prove you wrong about" Cana said in a flat tone as she placed cards on the table. "And by the looks of these cards it's not looking good for you" she said looking up at the two woman.

Lucy was about to say something when the door leading to the basement was forcedly opened. It was with such forced that it came flying off its hinges down to the other side of the room, barley missing the alcohol barrels that lined the wall.

"Hey, you got to see this! Laxus is taking out the cannon and destroying the whole guild robot thingy" was yelled down to them. Lucy looked up in shock to see it was the young boy, Romeo yelling don to them. The kid had a look of pure amazement but the 3 woman had the colour drain from their faces.

The 3 ran up the stairs and out the remains of the broken guild to watch the scene playing out in front of them. It was clear to see lone lightning shooting though different parts of the guild robot. Lucy knew that he probably had the benefiting factor of surprise which was aiding in him doing quick work.

Lucy was watching in both amazement and worry. She noticed movement so turned to see the crowd part as the thunder legion walked towards her, Mirajane and Cana. They walked until they were only feet away from the 3 women.

They didn't seem to be taking any notice of their leaders fight. In fact they seemed to be acting as if what was happening in the port was an everyday thing, nothing for them to be worried about. Evergreen the brown haired woman in green seemed to be looking at her nails.

The weird tongue guy, Bickslow, the Seith Mage was saying something to the flying wooden totem that were flying around him while they chuckled at what he said. The last was the Rune Mage, Freed that was looking directly at her, looking her up and down with a disapproving look.

"That is what you're going to wear to greet Laxus when he's victorious?" he said disapprovingly. Lucy looked down at what she was wearing. She knew it was a bit tattered and grubby, but wasn't that expected by what she had gone though. She rose her head to give Freed a hard glare.

"Evergreen, can you do anything with this" the green haired man asked his team mate, talking about Lucy as if she was an inanimate object.

"What would be the point, in an hour or few whatever she's wearing will be ruined" she said off handedly. "Let him have his first fill of her and then I will see what I can do about her wardrobe" she said not even looking in Lucy's direction once.

"Could always cut the clothes a bit so she's showing more skin" Bickslow said with a lecherous smirk that was worse than Laxus's earlier.

"More Skin, more skin" the flying totems repeated.

"That is not helpful Bickslow, not at all" Freed said turning to his other team mate. Lucy was getting mad at the man in front of her complete lack of communication with her directly, instead favouring talking about her, in front of her face. Just when she was going to say something, a hand touched her shoulder.

"We told you Lucy, Laxus will do so just to prove you wrong" Mirajane said as she pointed her finger back towards the robot. Much to Lucy's horror Laxus had jumped from the top of the robot and was heading towards them, dragging something behind him.

"The fact he'll win you as well is just a bonus to him" Cana said before going to look for something to drink, what would happen next would not be pretty. It took seconds for Laxus to land in front of the whole of the guild and throw the phantom Lord's master on the group in front of his feet.

"Now, where is my prize hiding" he called out to the crowd. Most of the members that had been celebrating at the win that Laxus had given them so quickly were now looking at each other confused. Lucy wanted to hide away somewhere but knew it was impossible.

At just the sound of his voice saying prize the chain marks on her upper arms were starting to flare up. Not to mention that she was standing only a few feet away from the thunder legion, giving her a meaningful look. A look that told her that if she didn't tell him where she was then they certainly would.

"I'm here" Lucy called out. Not loudly but loud enough for him and the rest of the guild to hear her. The crowd looked back at Lucy and parted slightly to see what was going to happen next. Lucy ignored their looks, instead focusing right ahead.

Ahead to where Laxus Dreyar was standing with a prideful, smug look of victory plastered on his face. When he spotted me he rose his finger and gestured Lucy to go to him. It was humiliating but Lucy knew it was better to get it over with.

She started to walk foreword, her head high. She got half way through the crowd when someone grabbed her arm. She turned to see that it was the wounded Erza that had wrapped her hand around her wrist to stop her.

"Lucy, what is going on?" she commanded in her deep, authoritative voice.

"Yeah Luce" Natsu called rushing with Happy to her side. "What's he talking about a prize?" he asked with a really puzzled look on his face.

"What's Laxus even doing here? Wasn't he meant to be on a job?" Gray said as he came to her other side.

"Guys I need to go to him" she said quietly. The longer she delayed the stranger the flare in her upper arms were, reminding her of her promise, the promise that was too humiliating to say in front of her friends.

"Why?" Natsu demanded to know. Lucy's bravery wavered, not strong enough to explain it to her team mate.

"Lucy made a promise to Laxus" Mira said coming to her side and putting her hand of Ezra's that was holding Lucy in place. "A promise that if he helped take down Phantom Lord, they he would have her" Kira explained before turning to look directly at Erza.

"She promised on her celestial mage magic" as she said the words the re-quip mage understood what the transformation wizard was saying and let go of her friend immediately. Once she was released, Lucy carried on forward. She didn't stop until she was only a foot away from the much larger man.

"Please touch my arm, the promise marks are burning in memory of my promise to you" Lucy stated quietly not meeting his eyes. Laxus looked down at the blonde woman before him. Remembering how she had stood up to him earlier. He leaned down not stopping until he was only centimetres away.

Lucy could feel his breath on the top of her head. She slowly rose her head so that he could look at her as he leaned over her and stared straight into her doe brown eyes. She had a bit of a worried, pained look in her eyes. All she need was for him to touch her arm so her magic knew she was with him.

"I win" was all he said as he picked Lucy up and threw her over his should like she was nothing. Lucy dint bother to scream, only let out a quiet groan when her stomach impacted on his brad shoulder. Lucy smacked his shoulder once she got her bearings back

"You know I would have walked anywhere you wanted to- ow!" Lucy squealed the last part when Laxus adjusted his hold and slapped her bum "what was that for" Lucy exclaimed, though she stopped moving because she wasn't sure why he had done it and didn't want to risk him doing it again.

"Don't hit me again Blondie, I ant into shit like that so don't even think about it" Laxus said simply. Lucy could almost imagine the lecherous smirk he had on his face when he said that to her. She rolled her eyes.

"The point still stands I could have walked to where you wanted us to go" she replied back.

"Where's the fun in that?" Laxus asked, she could hear the humour dropping from his words.

"Hey! Where are you taking Luce?!" Lucy heard Natsu called from behind them. She couldn't bear to look at her friends while she was in this position luckily it seemed the thunder legion was keeping her friends from doing anything stupid. Lucy gave a sigh.

"I'm taking her to get her first tattoos" Laxus called back to them with a chuckle. "In fact I think I earnt an extra tattoo been as I managed to destroy the cannon and take out the whole guild by myself" Laxus said with a grin. Lucy's face drained of its colour.

"What did you have in mind? And where are the others one going anyway?" Lucy asked nervously licking her dry lips.

"You're going to have my name tattooed on to your lower back with the 'X' in 'Laxus' as two crossing over lightning bolts while the tail of the 'Y' in 'Dreyar' is a dragon tail" he started to explain with a smirk on his face as he imagined it.

"Never know might get the girl to draw a dragon head in their somewhere as well" he chuckled darkly. "Then you're getting my Initials tattooed behind your ear while lastly I'm thinking of getting today's date tattooed on your somewhere" he laughed.

Was thinking maybe your ass but then decided against it, no one would see it but me if it was there, that part of you is staying covered, it's all mine now and I don't like to share" he said and gave her bum a light swat as if to enforce the point.

"Dear Spirit king what have I started" Lucy said as she groaned. Laxus just smirked.

"This is what happened when you, my Devilish Vixen make a devilish deal with the devil dragon himself, now you have to pay the price of it" he declared.

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