So glad you guys enjoyed my last chapter. Wasn't planning on writing this one but it just kind of came up and is the partner to "He didn't know why". Anyways enjoy!

She was sweet, polished, a ray of sunshine in a dark world, pure, innocent and without blemish, at least that's what everyone told her. Perfect Betty, flawless Betty, naïve Betty... It was constantly on her mind, the weight of having to be utterly perfect, on task and focused. It was the reason why her mom made her take adderall, why she always commented on her milkshake sweet tooth, why she didn't approve of her being on the River vixens, and why she explicitly was against Betty dating Jughead. "Girls like you don't date boys like him." Is what she believed were the exact words her mother used.

The anger she felt towards her mother was heightened when she saw the sheer look of rejection on Jughead's face, that look of resignation like he knew that Betty was eventually going to come to her senses and realize her mother was right. A resentment grew in the gentle blonde that she had never felt before, when her mother warned her against Archie she rolled her eyes and knew that she was dancing with fire. Then when Veronica came along, again Betty could see why her mother vehemently fought against her friendship, but Betty was a forgiving person and she could tell genuine friendships from fake ones so Archie and Veronica albeit a little untrustworthy were still some of her nearest and dearest friends. But Jughead, Jughead was a completely different case, he never once took Betty's feelings for granted, he never once left her out of the loop or made her feel like she didn't matter, and more than that he connected with her as well. He opened up to her and Archie about stuff that he had never told anyone, and to have the loyalty and compassion that he does for people, while also the vulnerability of an actual friend was not something lost on Betty.

Because unlike Veronica or Archie, Jughead was not her lifelong next door neighbor nor someone that helped her battle the day to day missile strikes of being a girl in high school. There was no reason for Jughead to be friends with Betty, she was everything he wasn't, clumsy, gullible, anxious, and for lack of a better word bright. His cool demeanor, that apathetic stance that challenged the world was laid down around Betty, and she didn't take that for granted, it made her very protective of their friendship, of their unique bond that allowed them to rest in peaceful silences and enjoy the world around them. He never expected anything from her and to Betty that meant the world, no need to be the perfect girl with Archie, or always poised and ready with a comeback on her tongue like Veronica, and of course she loved the aspect of wanting to be challenged but sometimes she just wanted to be Betty. After her mother let the comment out, Betty quickly asked Jughead to Pop's for a milkshake and burger. Her burning heart only getting stronger when she noticed he was just a little more slouchy than usual, he put on a brave face and even seemed to be more intentional about what he was doing, or saying around her.

It was on the way back when she spoke of a memory between her and Polly that she noticed he was staring at her like he would never see her again, as if he had to memorize every inch of her face. Her breath caught in her throat and she stopped walking to face towards him.

"Stop it" It came out as a whisper, rushed and quiet. The boy's eyes cleared somewhat as he looked at her confusedly, "Stop what?" Her heart hurt for just a moment before she pushed on. "Stop looking at me like that, like this is the last time you'll ever see me." He seemed to catch on to what she was playing at. "Betty, I-" at that moment she grabbed his face and looked straight into his eyes with more conviction than she had ever felt before. "My mother does not dictate my life." His face was heavy in her hands; eyes full of unspoken sadness "Maybe she's right, maybe I'm not good enough for you." At the last word he looked away as best he could, ashamed of actually speaking the words out loud. Betty searched his face for a few seconds her eyes open in incredulity, when she was silent for long enough Jughead looked back at her out of curiosity, hoping to catch a glimpse of what she was thinking. Her eyes focused on his and she glared at him, if she wasn't holding his face in a vice grip he would have shrank back.

"Do you trust me juggy?" His eyes popped open

"You know I do Betts, with my life." Her glare softened and she looked earnestly into his eyes. "Do I make bad decisions?" This time confusion was written all over his face, was she seeking solace for all the bad thoughts she had about herself, that she wasn't capable of smart decisions? "Of course not Betts, you're one of the most sane people I know." Fondness washed over the blonde's face as she looked into his eyes, her pretty bow like mouth quirking up into a small smirk.

"Well I've chosen you Juggy, so trust me."

A moment of silence enveloped the couple as young boy looked at her seriously, then very gingerly he reached for her waist, his fingers carefully caressing the hem of her shirt as he slowly wrapped his arms around her torso squeezing her to his chest. Warmth was spread from the very core of the quiet teen to his girlfriend as he hugged her tightly, his nose buried in her hair. "Thank you Betty." Tears pricked Betty's eyes as they stayed in their embrace for a few moments longer, relishing the feel of each other in their arms. Once separated she quickly swiped the tears off her cheeks and rubbed her fingers onto her jeans, now Jughead being the ever observing person that he was did not miss this, and gave her a questioning glance, Betty chuckled and spoke "Happy tears". A blush and smile grew on Jughead's face, overwhelming warmth came over him, this time it was him reaching for her face and drawing her in closer and closer until their lips touched gently. Once he sealed the kiss he traveled up to her forehead and placed a sweet kiss there as well, appreciating the soft skin of the girl who fought for him. Both teens continued the walk to the Cooper's house, and when they got to her door she kissed his cheek and promised to see him at school the next day. Betty Cooper was only sure of three things in her life, Archie Andrews was her best friend, her mother was insane and she was in love with Jughead Jones.