That's What I Call Crazy (Haleb FanFiction)

This is my first story with Haleb as the main ship obviously but however a lot of other characters will take place in the first chapter but also along the storyline as well. I really hope you like it and if you have any question, just ask me :)

Hanna Marin was one of the most popular girls on campus. She was the head of the cheerleader team and she could pretty much have any guy she wanted. Of course her life wasn't perfect but it was the closest you can probably get to perfect.

However Hanna herself wasn't in a relationship. She wouldn't go as far as that she wouldn't be interested in any of the guy who has asked her out since she was going to college but it just wasn't the right time. Furthermore who knew whether they really wanted to be in a relationship with her or were just looking for a fling. She might liked to flirt but all in all she wants love when the time was mature.

"Hey Han, are you ready for the big game tonight?" Aria Montgomery, her best friend, questioned.

"Of course." Hanna grinned.

Tonight was the huge homecoming game and Hanna's team were practicing for weeks yet to lay down the best performance they could possible do.

"Did you choose a hairstyle already? I'm curious to know about how I should do my hair since those messy waves aren't as easy to tame." Aria laughed while doing one of those legendary hair flips of hers. Her brown, long and wavey hair flyed left over her shoulder and landed as perfect as it could on her back.

If there was one thing you could say about Aria Montgomery, than it was her almost flawless demeanor. It seemed like everything Aria does, turned out great. Whether it was her grades or her hair. Everyone knows a bad hair day right? Well, Aria didn't. At least that was what Hanna was always sure of.

Anyway Hanna couldn't imagine herself a better best friend than Aria. It didn't matter what time it was, she could always call her and even a simple S.O.S made Aria jumping out of bed in the middle of the night and taking less than 5 minutes to be in Hanna's bedroom. Of course, that'd be the same with Hanna.

Fortunately things were changed now. Since three months Hanna and Aria were visiting college and while Hanna was studying fashion design, Aria was more likely into photography. Even though they barely had any subjects together unless of the duty classes like english or maths, all in all it felt like they were seeing each other more often. They were sharing an apartment together.

"Umm, I thought about twisting our front baby hairs along our scalp until the middle of our head?" Hanna suggested since she didn't really think about a hairstyle yet.

College just prepossessed her with every part of her body and next to that she was filing on their tonights performance.

As much as Hanna enjoyed to be the head of the team, it nevertheless was a lot of work. By the time the rest of the team would celebrate their defeat, Hanna would re-bold their performance to see if there was anything they could do better by the next time.

"Uh, I like that," Aria approved "I think about to straighten my hair tonight. What about you Han?" She added.

"I don't know. I thought about doing them more curly as they already are."

"That'd look great. Do you wanna borrow my curling iron for that? You know, they one I got for christmas last year?"

"Sure." Hanna smiled.

"The game was so great. We killed it!" Aria called out while making her way with Hanna to their meeting point where their friends were already waiting.

"I really liked when Sean and David criss-crossed themselves while doing the double flic-flacs'. We should definitely yield it into our next performance. It's good" Hanna refelcted out loud.

"You're right." Aria agreed.

"But I'm still looking for our secret weapon. If we wanna beat the Sharks next time, we'll need something really extraodinary," Hanna continued „I'll just keep on looking." She added.

"I'm sure you'll find some, Captain." Aria smiled before linking arms with Hanna while they were entering Luke's diner.

Luke's diner was the most popular eating place on campus so you always had to make sure to get there as early as possible to get a good table still.

Both of the girls looked around through the full room to find their friends when a tall, skinny brunette stretched her hand and waved.

"Han, Aria. We are here!"

It was Spencer. She was definitely the smartest out of the group and pretty much won one award after the other. It didn't matter if it was an essay or a field hockey match. Spencer Hastings even won an award for waking up.

She and her boyfriend, Toby, sat arm in arm at one of the tables with the rest of the group.

Hanna and Aria made their way down there through all of the sweaty football player bodies who they were about to cheer on minutes ago.

When they arrived at the table, Hanna couldn't help herself but just let her body fell on one of the chairs. Every part of her body hurt but however it was a good feeling. A feeling of victory, a feeling of giving everything tonight.

Next to her were sitting Emily. She was kind of the nondescript of the group but if something unfair was taking place, Emily would be the first who campaigned for her friends.

Alongside of Emily were sitting Alison and her brother, Jason. Alison was really close to Emily but Hanna wasn't sure how close they really were. She'd be really happy for them if it was more than friends. It wasn't like they were into girls, official at least but since Hanna met them, she always felt like there'd be something between them.

To come to Ali's brother, he wasn't actually a part of their group but sometimes Ali brought him along with her. Hanna didn't really know what to think about him to be honest. He didn't talk much and also had some kind of a creepy touch but overall he was really good-looking. Even though he was so handsome, he was still single. Hanna thought that he had a thing for Aria but she was happy with Noel, Noel Kahn.

Noel was the captain of the football team and a really nice guy. He was really good to Aria and kind of a gentleman. Hanna couldn't explain how happy she was for her best friend to have such a loyal boyfriend.

"So what are your plans for the weekend guys?" Noel questioned "I thought we could take a trip to the beach. The lovely weather lady on channel 5 reported that it will be a sunny weekend and we all could get a last sun kiss." He looked around the group while his arm rested on Aria's shoulder.

"We're in." Spencer informed while checking Toby whether he'd say something different but he just nodded.

"Well, Em and I originally planned on studying for next week's oral exam but I think we both can use some sun kissing, right Em?" Alison explained while giving Em a sweet smile.

Emily just nodded.

"What about you Han?" Aria questioned.

"I don't know. I need to finish that sketch until Monday and the only thing I've done yet is the outline," Hanna sighed „Besides I need to continue looking for a killer stunt to defeat the Sharks." She added.

"C'mon Han. You can totally do that on Sunday. It's probably the last time we will see the sun until next year.", Spencer tried to convince Hanna.

"Alright, I'll think about it but for now I need a drink." Hanna grinned before she got up and made her way toward the counter to order herself a coke.

With the coke in her hand, Hanna turned around to get back to her friends while someone accidentally walked into her so her whole drink got over her top. Hanna cried out with shock before looking up into hazelnut brown eyes.

"I'm sorry, my bad." The tall, skinny guy reached out his hand to clean her top with his napkin. Indeed Hanna was red like a tomato and through her embarrassment, she hit his hand.

"I can do it myself, thanks." Hanna responded snippy while making her way back to her friends.

The guy, who's name was Caleb Rivers, looked after the blonde beauty and couldn't resist a hurried look on her arse. Also a little smirk formed on his mouth because sassy girls were kinda his thing.

"Han, what did happen?", Emily asked already near by ripping into someone for attacking Hanna.

"Nothing, everything's fine. Some boy accidentally spilled my coke all over my shirt."

"Do you wanna go home change?" Aria questioned before adding "I can go with you in case you don't wanna go alone."

"No, really. It's fine guys." Hanna smiled. "Let's just celebrate the victory of the game tonight. It's almost dry anyway."

"Raise your glasses up to our win tonight." Noel smirked and was the first one raising his glass.

Hanna laughed while watching the rest of the group raising her glasses. Through that little disaster she hadn't have something to drink but that was fine. She just didn't want to cross the room again, she'd just wait until they come home. Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder so she turned around.

"What do you want again? I told you everything's fine." Hanna accidentally burst out a little to harsh probably.

Caleb just smirked and placed down a new glass of coke in front of her.

"Retract your claws princess. I just wanted to make it up to you because of the little accident which happen to be my fault."

Hanna couldn't help herself but her face was immediately blushing in a good, red color but she wouldn't be Hanna Marin if she didn't dub it.

"Thank you but that wasn't neccessary. Anything else?" She questioned cool.

"No, nothing else," Caleb smirked "But one thing."

Hanna couldn't resist but rolled her eyes. "That'd happen to be?"

"Your phone number."

"Dream on."

Hanna turned around and grabbed some fries who were placed down right in the middle of the table. She ignored the shared looks of her friends who were visible confused. Caleb instead had to laugh raspy before disappearing into the crowd of students.

I really hope you enjoyed the first chapter and I'm really sorry if there are any mistakes. Like I said before english isn't my mother tongue but I was giving my best to avoid as many mistakes as possible.

However I'd love if you could leave a review so I know what you think about the story so far and of course I'm open to any suggestions :)