Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto/ Beta'd by the amazing Pyrog9991 :D I hope you enjoy

Five and a half months flew by. Itachi had made major improvements in training by sacrificing more and more of his sleep. He staved the dreams off by learning the secrets to medicine and medical ninjutsu at night and by day he threw himself into training to be a sage as well as any new techniques Amaterasu would so graciously give him. These past five and a half months have been worse than all those years on the run, he could no longer distract himself with taking care of Sasuke or finding ways to protect his village. Today was the day that had marked a year in which he had been with Amaterasu, as such, when he reached the dining room, she had a set up something special.

"Itachi it has been a year since you've come under my tutelage and I've taught you as much as you could learn. I even brought in another god to teach you." Amaterasu began solemnly, "The time for you to repay me for all of this work has now come, Itachi; you must win the ninja games for me." Hearing this, Itachi remembered what she had first told him when he was revived, 'I almost forgot I'm not just her student... I am a tool for her path to being the overlord of gods.'

Itachi had no emotion after this realization. He had been a tool all his life and as such had no problem helping a person who had done so much for him. The same could be said for Okuninushi. Itachi would help his teachers in anyway he could, whether it meant becoming a tool or otherwise; however, that does not mean he would blindly follow them and go against his own morals. Seriously Itachi stated, "You mustn't worry Amaterasu-sama, to repay you for this life of mine and all that you've taught me, I am willing to be the tool to your glory."

Amaterasu frowned at his frame of thought, "Itachi you should not think of yourself so lowly as you just did, before you are a tool you are my protege as well as Okuninushi's. You mustn't forget that. Now," Amaterasu broke from her little lecture and gestured to a servant to bring her something, "this is my gift to you so that you have a higher chance of surviving in the games. It is a spacial ring inscribed with a tiny storage seal. It can hold anything within a 1000 meter by 1000 meter area, so it is quite large, you will be able to store what you wish at will and will also be able to take it out with nothing more than a thought." She handed him the ring, it was a silver ouroboros with rubies as eyes. Itachi put it on his right ring finger where the vermilion ring of the Akatsuki used to reside.

"Now that we have had that settled, I think it is time we go to bid goodbye to Okuninushi and head to the palace." They left the dining room and headed to Okuninushi's quarters. Amaterasu bothered not with knocking as it was her own home and opened the door to find Okuninushi hunched over his table with medicine of some sort. Sitting up he kept his back to them and he held out a bottle of blue pills, "Itachi these are for you they are called Vermilion Pills. You should only use these when you truly are on the verge of death, they have the power to heal all wounds instantaneously and restore your chakra but you will be left immobile for close to ten minutes. There are only three because of the rare materials that are required to make them. I only hope you will never have to use them." Itachi gratefully took the pills bowing lowly in thanks, "Go before I try to stop you and win Itachi." Okuninushi turned to give him a smile that didn't quite reach the eyes that were clouded from unshed tears.

Itachi smiled at his teacher and bowed, "I shall win this tournament for both you and Amaterasu-sama." Itachi left the room leaving both of his teachers alone.

"Since when were you such a softy Bakanushi-sama?" Amaterasu gave him a teasing smile. "Who do you think you're calling a softy?! I'm pretty sure you would out right cry if he were to die." He retorted.

"I'm not so attached that I would grieve over him. Although he is my first student he will not be the last." She responded with finality. "I am surprised you were allowed to say that but at the same time I can also say 'Amaterasu will cry if Itachi dies.' Does that mean the truth of what you just said is something that you are trying to force upon yourself?" He refused to drop the subject testing her words with the truth of a gods words... after all gods tell no lie. Amaterasu glared at Okuninushi before meeting up with Itachi to go to the 'Arena'.Arena'.

It was a beautiful arena that occupied the entire island which wasn't that big in of itself. The island was about 200 meters in diameter with the arena being 190 meters in diameter. The arena was not a full circle but instead a semicircle with the front as open as can be. The walls and the seats were all made from white marble, the circular floor was also made of marble with intricate designs weaving its way around, and in the very center of the entire thing was a small stand for the MC. The island although small had small waterfalls on its side falling down to the clouds below before disappearing altogether.

"Come with me Itachi we shall be going to the participant's area to sign in." Amaterasu led Itachi to a side of the stands where a minor god stood with pen and paper. "Amaterasu-sama it's a pleasure to meet you. Is this your representative for the event? What is his name?"

"His name is Itachi Uchiha, and he is the figurehead in my place for the event. May I question where we shall be staying as we wait for the other participants?" The god started to search through his papers rapidly before responding, "Oh yes the current king has made the decision to separate the God and representative for this event. The representative shall head down below to the waiting rooms while the god shall sit atop with the current king." The god motioned for Itachi to follow him as the wall opened and revealed a brightly lit stairway. Amaterasu left shortly after the door closed and went to sit next to a throne made of gold with a seat and back of red velvet.

As Amaterasu sat down to the right of throne a light and cordial voice called to her, "Greetings elder sister. How have you been these last hundred years?" Looking up she saw a man with long white hair tied in a high ponytail, he was around six feet tall (1.82 m) and wore a white ceremonial kimono with cyan accents. Amaterasu looked straight into his clear blue eyes before responding, "I have been well Tsukuyomi, might I ask whom your representative is?"

"I'm afraid you may not dear sister; however, I will tell you that my representative is the exact counter to your representative." Tsukuyomi smiled a little before sitting to her right, "Do you know when Susanoo and the others are coming?"

"I'm afraid not little brother, lets change the subject for now... How is it going with Xi Wangmu?" Amaterasu smirked as her brother began blushing madly, "Ah you grew up so fast one moment you were a baby and now you're a grown god who's in love. Ahhh how the time flies." Glaring at his sister he childishly retorted, "It's not as if you don't have your own crush on the 'oh so lovely' Okunin-" before he finished Amaterasu hit his arm ending his 'nonsense'.

One by one gods from all over the world began to flood in including the ever illusive King, Zeus. All of the gods, whether they were in the sky, benches, or heirs kneeled before him. "Stand." He commanded. His word was absolute, in the heavens rank was everything and he was of the highest one, the King.

Underground was a hallway full of black doors to different room the walls were painted white and the ceiling black. The hanging lights radiated an orange glow upon the white walls. Itachi was led to the right where he assumed was right under the arena and to the first room on his left. The room small and had few things including a desk and two chairs, mirrors, some plants, and complimentary weapons scrolls. Itachi was left to think by himself until the event began and so he decided to rest.

Outside another girl was being led to her waiting room when she suddenly stopped in front of a room, "This chakra signature..." the minor god turned around at her mumbles, "What was that Izumi-sama?" Izumi turned to the minor god with a smile, "It was nothing please continue."

'So you're here too Itachi... Lets hope we don't meet on the battlefield.' She sighed at the thought of how bittersweet it was, to meet again was such a joyous thing but considering their circumstances it tore her heart apart.

"Which training field are we going to today Itachi?" A girl asked, "Hmmm how about the seventh? We haven't used that one in awhile."

"The seventh it is! First one there gets a handicap!" With that the girl disappeared with a gust of leaves in her place not even a second later Itachi disappeared in a puff a smoke. "Aha I made it first! Let's see what shall I limit you to this time?" She had a cheeky smile on her face, "Ow!" Itachi flicked her forehead with a small smile on his face, "Don't be so cheeky - or I'll win next time."

Sticking her tongue out she smiled at him,"Then this time... You can't use Substitution!" Itachi nodded at the terms and so began their spar. Izumi only had to get a single hit on Itachi as per usual of course this was never an easy task with his taijutsu attack she used was dodged while all of her ninjutsu were countered with the opposite element. In the end she was on the grass panting while Itachi calmly sat next to her. "This isn't fair Itachi! How are you so strong?" She was panting tiredly as she talked but slowly her breath began to even out, "Itachi do you wanna get dango?"

Itachi stood up almost immediately while holding out his hand for her, "You lost so you're treating us both right -?"

A knock on the door awoke Itachi, it was the minor god from before and led Itachi to a small pod. He stood there waiting inn darkness when the roof suddenly opened and the floor upon which he stood began to rise. The sudden light from the sun blinded him for a moment.

A girl with sky blue hair tied on the left side of her head with white rose headed to the center of the arena where there was a stage, "Welcome one and all! I am Qing Niao otherwise known as the great Xi Wangmu's messenger bird! I shall be hosting the Ninja Games this time and I hope you shall all enjoy!" Her voice echoed as she turned her blue miko outfit to face the crowd, "This period is for the Gods of the east to rule, let me introduce the King candidates: The Jade King, Orihime, Amaterasu-no-Mikoto, Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto, Susanoo-no-Mikoto, Izanami-no-Mikoto, Izanagi-no-Mikoto, Bishamonten, Ebisu, Daikoku, Binbokusai, Tenjin, Shin Nong, Habaek, Shinigami, Bi Ryeom, Busang, Mizuhanome, Takemikazuchi, and Kagutsuchi." Qing Niao stopped to take a breath after the long list of names.

"I shall now introduce their representatives respectively: Nagato Uzumaki, Hashirama Senju, Itachi Uchiha, Izumi Uchiha, Shisui Uchiha, Obito Uchiha, Minato Namikaze, Kushina Uzumaki, Kakuzu, Sasori, Yahiko, Izuna Uchiha, Madara Uchiha, Kisame, Tobirama Senju, Konan, Neji Hyuuga, Zetsu, Jiraya, and Deidara." As she called off the names they rose to the arena behind her. A large screen seemingly made of water also appeared and showed images the candidates next to their own representatives.

Each representative looked around assessing each other showing mixed reactions of confusion and shock. In Itachi's case his whole world stopped when he realized the two people who knew him best were alive again and promptly realizing he would have to fight them his heart sank at the thought of having to kill her again what was her name? Yes Izumi dear dear Izumi ah how he forgot her and how sad it was he would have to kill her again.

"Seeing as you've all seen each other now I will have to ask you to gather in groups of four before I announce the details about the game you shall all be playing." The representatives stood stock still before the first person moved. It was Madara he had rushed to Izuna's side giving him a bone crushing hug Tobirama and Hashirama soon joined them forming one group. Kushina leapt into Minato's arms with a smiling Jiraya watching over them, Neji awkwardly joined their group as he had no other place to join. Deidara casually walked to his old partners and joined them while Zetsu quietly stood with them. While Konan, Yahiko, and Nagato joyfully talked to each other Kakuzu joined forming yet another group. This left Itachi, Izumi, Shisui, and Kisame to form the final group.

"It seems that you've all joined groups then it is time to tell you of the game. Usually we would hold a tournament style game where each representative would fight each other and at the end all participants would be allowed to come back to life; however, this year out King Zeus-sama has decided to change that. This time you shall not fight each other with meaningless strength but with wit and integrity! You shall be sent to the Ninja world in which you all came from; however, you shall be on the other side of the world in which you were born. It is called Asia and has three countries: Korea, China, and Japan. The game is that the first group to conquer all three countries will be allowed to stay alive after the entire competition is complete with the sad side effect of all other teams perishing. Once the team that takes over Asia is decided they will then move on to the usual tournament style fighting."

The arena stilled and not a sound was made. The candidates were clearly shaken up upon the thought that their representatives- their disciples might very well die for good. Though a year is a short time for any god they rarely interact with other beings, loneliness was their truest and most consistent friend. The olive branched they extended to those ephemeral beings was already nothing short of amazing. Although time had stilled in their hearts and bodies the world moved on.