7. Extreme Dodgeball
Story Start: Camp Halfblood, End Of Summer Camp
It was the last day the three friends would see each other for a while. Grover, who had been finally, and in the Council of Cloven Elder's case, grudgingly granted his Searchers license was heading out to begin his search. He was fully combat rated, his woodland magic had progressed by leaps and bounds, and he was one of the top five trackers coming out of Percy's course. As much as Percy and Annabeth were going to miss him, the fact was that he was ready, and it was time to head out.
Percy and Grover clasped forearms in a warrior grip as Percy said "You take care out there Grover, and remember, if you run into anything you think you can't handle alone, feel free to call us." He then turned even more serious as he said "And don't hesitate to use the Emergency Exit if there's no time for us to get to you. It's better to have to take time to get back to where you had been with reinforcements than having you get hurt with no one around to help you."
Grover nodded, the thumb of his left hand idly brushing the blood activated summoning seal on the side of his pointer finger at the base that would summon him back to the Big House if he ever ran into trouble that he couldn't out run. The two strengthened their grips briefly before they released them with a nod. Annabeth the pulled Grover in for one last hug and gave her own last minute advice before pulling away to stand by Percy.
Grover gave the two of them one last nod before he tightened the straps of his backpack and pulled his pointed walking stick out of the ground next to him before he walked down the hill towards where a wild looking centaur was waiting. The Miami Dolphins jersey wearing literal party animal grinned at Grover and helped him onto his horse back before he turned southwards and blurred out of sight.
Staring in the direction their friend had left, Annabeth had a small frown on her face as she said "I hope he stays alright out there."
Percy nodded and said "He should be." He then smirked and continued "Honestly, I just wish I could see the face of the first monster he runs into that he feels deserves the attention of the Sarutobi Rifle he checked out."
That got a giggle from the Daughter of Athena before she reached over and gave Percy a hug and said "Take care of yourself Percy."
"You as well Annabeth." Percy said, tightening the hug for a moment before stepping back. The two traded nods to each other before Annabeth too went down the hill, walking towards where her father was leaning against a rental car loaned from the airport. The two hugged then talked for a moment before father and daughter got into the car and began heading down the road. Percy watched until they were out of sight before he turned his gaze towards New York City and began running back home.
Time Skip: One Week Later, Edge of Raoul Wallenberg Forest
Naruto frowned as he leaned against a tree at the edge of the clearing where he had parked his rental car, waiting. For what, he wasn't entirely sure but when he had woken up that morning there had been an envelope on his desk sealed in wax, the symbol of a trident pressed into said wax. The letter inside only had two things written on it, a set of GPS coordinates and a time frame an hour long. A glance down at his watch showed that he had been waiting for thirty eight minutes now but as far as Naruto could tell, there wasn't anything in the area but local wildlife. Or so he thought.
It was the birds falling silent that was his first clue. There had been bird calls every once in a while as he waited. One bird suddenly cutting off mid-call had Naruto perking up slightly and turning his gaze in the direction the interrupted bird call had come from. There was silence for half a minute then Naruto's ears began to pick up the sounds of something heavy moving along the forest ground. Fifteen seconds later, Naruto felt his eyebrows raise as he saw a young Cyclops strolling through the woods, seeming to have not a care in the world except for following a glowing hologram of a trident.
A few seconds after he had come into sight, the trident faded away and the cyclops blinked his single eye, almost seeming to come out of a trance. Taking a quick glance around, the Cyclops rapidly spotted him and a massive grin appeared on his face as he asked "Are you the friend I asked for?"
"Oh boy, Sally is going to freak out." Naruto muttered to himself with a rueful grin before he pushed off the tree and walked over to what was apparently his new charge. He was now very glad he had the foresight of renting a car to get here, he sure as hell didn't want to run back to the city with this big fella on his back after all!
Time Skip: End Of School Year
Percy's eyes flickered beneath his closed eye lids, caught in a dream. In it, Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and a fourth larger figure were standing in a massive shadow, the source standing in front of the low hung sun preventing any details from being seen except for the shimmering object held in its right hand. Strangely enough, the figure was standing on a beach while Percy and his friends were on the bow of the Kushina inside a bay. Sarutobi Rifles were in three of their hands with a much bigger weapon in the fourth's but they weren't firing them. Even stranger, there was an even more massive pit behind the figure they were facing, an evil chuckling sound coming from it. Just as Percy's finger tightened on the rifle's trigger, his eyes shot open and he quickly sat up in his bed looking around.
"Percy?" Tyson, his Cyclops half brother, and the fourth figure in his dream asked from the reinforced bed on the other side of the room, concern in his eye as he also sat up from his resting position.
Percy frowned as he got his bearings and said "I just got a vision I think." Tyson made an inquisitive noise and he told the big guy about what he had seen.
Tyson had a frown on his face at the end and he asked "You think this is going to happen anytime soon?"
Percy opened his mouth to answer, but at that very moment, his communications seal let out a beeping tone signifying someone was trying to contact him. The brothers traded a wide eyed glance at the timing of that before Naruto snatched up the seal and pushed it into his left ear, turning it on and saying "Jackson here."
"Percy! I just made landfall in Florida and am making my way to the Centaur Trailer Park! Listen, I've FOUND it!" Grover's excited voice came in so loud Naruto actually winced a little at the volume, yanking the seal out of his ear. Even Tyson winced a little at the volume, his Cyclops hearing allowing him to hear it as if he was the one with the seal instead of his brother.
Wiggling his pinkie in his ear, he cautiously put the seal back in and said "Hang on Grover, found what exactly?" It couldn't have been Pan, that would have been a 'him' rather than an 'it' so Percy had absolutely NO idea what his friend was talking about.
"Only the biggest find of the century, if not the millennium!" Grover said, a euphoric laugh in his voice before he turned somber and said "But it's being guarded by someone that I don't have a chance of taking on, can you meet me at Camp Halfblood today?"
Percy frowned slightly and said "It's the last day of school today but I should be able to come over after. If not, then I could definitely make it tomorrow morning."
"Good, I'll see you then." Grover said before abruptly hanging up.
Naruto pulled the seal out of his ear again and looked at it quizzically before he turned his gaze onto Tyson and said "I have no idea what could have revved him up so much. I don't suppose you have any?" Tyson gave an expansive shrug, raising his hands at the same time and going "Unanuh." in the classic gesture of 'You got me.' Shaking his head with a sigh, Percy said "Well, whatever he found, we'll learn about it later. For now, since we're both awake we might as well get ready for school."
Tyson nodded and the two got out of bed to prepare for the day. Twenty minutes later Tyson was sitting at the kitchen table while Percy and Sally were putting the last touches on breakfast. Putting the last blue pancake onto a stack of others, Sally brought the whole tower to the table and said "So are you boys excited about finally getting out of school for the year?"
Tyson nodded eagerly and said "Oh yes, I can understand why you wanted me to go, but it's so boring!" The young cyclops pouted and continued "They don't even have a mechanics class where I could tinker."
Sally laughed and said "I'll see what I can do for the next school year Tyson." As Tyson nodded happily before going after the sausage plate, she turned to her son with a raised eyebrow and said "Of course, it would be nice if I just had to look for an extracurricular class for him rather than another school entirely for you two."
"Hey! I'll have you know Tyson and I have been perfectly well behaved this year." Said son said mock angrily, Tyson nodding a few times and humming his agreement.
Sally smiled and said "I know you have honey, but remember what's happened at all of the OTHER schools you've been to. Honestly, it's a miracle something hasn't already happened." She sighed wistfully and said "Murphy must have something truly spectacular in store for today if he's waited an entire school year to pull it off."
"It is a sad fact of my life that you can say that seriously." Percy said with a shake of his head while Tyson giggled and Sally smiled at him.
Breakfast went on in a similar vein as Sally's smile grew into a grin as she said "Speaking of school ending, now that it's time for you two to head off to Camp Halfblood soon I bet there will be a lot of not so model citizens giving a sigh of relief when they learn you've left for a while."
"Hey, if someone doesn't want broken bones then they shouldn't try to mug someone." Tyson said, grinning as he popped another sausage into his mouth.
"Or sell drugs." Percy said, gesturing with his fork that had a cut piece of pancake on it.
"Or try to destroy ATMs near us." Tyson continued with a grin.
Sally laughed and said "Alright you two, I get it." Shaking her head, she said "I still say you two have been reading too many Spiderman and Daredevil comics."
"Don't forget the Batman ones." Percy said, pointing his empty fork at Sally before spearing another piece of pancake.
"Oh yes, can't forget those, now can we?" Sally asked with rolled eyes causing Tyson to giggle again while absently patting the collapsed form of the grapple gun he had made that made it look like your typical pager clipped to his belt which had a batman symbol sticker under the screen. True, he had the same seal set Naruto had made for his students, but there was just something about using the grapple gun to swing around New York City at night that gave the Cyclops such a thrill.
Talk continued on during the remainder of breakfast but soon it was time for the two boys to head out to school and Sally gave both a hug before they slung their bookbags over their shoulders and left the apartment, quickly running to the subway station to catch the Number Two train which they would take for three stops before walking a block to the school Sally had enrolled Percy and Tyson at, Meriwether College Prep.
The school was a rather unusual one, being a 'progressive' institution. This meant the students sat on beanbag chairs instead of at desks, they didn't get grades, and the teachers wore jeans and rock concert t-shirts to work. Honestly, that kind of set up was perfectly fine with Percy and Tyson, it meant they could study whatever caught their interest if the teacher was going over something boring. Though there was the rather unfortunate fact that while the teachers at Meriwether always looked on the bright side of things, the kids they were teaching weren't always the brightest of the bunch. This was demonstrated quite nicely for the English final exam, which was their first class of the day.
The whole middle school had read the book Lord of the Flies, where all the kids on an airplane during World War II got marooned on an island and go completely psycho. So for the final exam, the teachers sent everyone into the break yard to spend an hour with no adult supervision to see what would happen. Which turned out that the seventh and eighth graders started a massive wedgie contest, there were two pebble fights, and a game of full-tackle basketball. The school bully, Matt Sloan, led most of those activities.
Sloan wasn't big or strong, but he acted like he was. He had eyes like a pit bull, and shaggy black hair, and he always dressed in expensive but sloppy clothes, like he wanted everybody to see how little he cared about his family's money. One of his front teeth was chipped from the time he'd taken his daddy's Porsche for a joyride and ironically run into a PLEASE SLOW DOWN FOR CHILDREN sign. Incidentally enough, his right arm had been in a sling for a week during the first month of school after he made the mistake of trying to pick on Percy and Tyson by the subway entrance and they had dislocated said arm. Apparently he had forgotten that, or simply hadn't learned his lesson because he tried to give Tyson a wedgie. Key word being tried.
As soon as he got in range, Sloan tried to reach for the back of Tyson's pants only for the big guy to swing around and grab the reaching hand with his much larger hand and lifted Sloan up so that his feet were an inch or two off of the ground. The look of fear replacing Sloan's usual arrogant look was so great that Percy actually took a polaroid camera out of his bookbag and snapped a shot. Tyson gave Sloan a quick shake as he said "Leave me alone little gnat." And with that, he flicked Sloan roughly fifteen feet into the dumpster that was against the wall of the school, the lid falling down on top of him, too much cheering from the rest of the students. Though it should be noted it wasn't for dealing with the bully, they just thought it had been awesome.
Shaking his head with a chuckle, Percy slapped his half brother's shoulder and said "Well done Tyson," He wiped a fake tear from his eye as he continued "you've come so far since we met."
Suddenly a bit bashful, Tyson rubbed the back of his head with a chuckle and said "Thanks Percy." He then cocked his head as he saw Sloan's goons pulling Sloan out and said "Hey Percy, doesn't it seem like there are more of those guys then usual?"
Percy did a quick count and nodded as he said "Yeah, there are. Little late for transfers, and no one seems to have noticed." Glancing sideways at his half brother, he asked "What do they smell like?"
Tyson took a deep sniff before he hissed out "Monsters."
Percy sighed and said "Well, Mom was right about Murphy pulling out a big one."
"Do we take them out now?" Tyson asked, looking down at Percy with an inquisitive look in his eye, hand brushing his grapple gun as he asked.
Percy considered it before he shook his head and said "For now, no. I'd rather try to not cause a scene if we can, but keep an eye on them. They make one wrong move and they're dust."
Tyson nodded his agreement, moving his hand away from his belt, and the two of them moved over to the basketball court to shoot hoops for the last ten minutes of the period though they did keep watch on the six infiltrators.
When first period ended, the English teacher, Mr. de Milo, came outside to inspect the carnage. He pronounced that they'd understood Lord of the Flies perfectly, they all passed his course, and they should never, never grow up to be violent people. Matt Sloan nodded earnestly at his words but Tyson and Percy merely rolled their eyes as they followed the rest of the students into the building.
The next exam was science. Mrs. Tesla told the students that they had to mix chemicals until they succeeded in making something explode. The pair of students who made an explosion first would both get a twenty five dollar gift card for Game Stop. Tyson and Percy had traded tooth filled grins at that and ten seconds after Mrs. Tesla started her stop watch the big guy bellowed out "Hit the deck!" Luckily all of the students did as told because the vial Percy tossed into the air promptly detonated, the shockwave rattling the windows. Mrs. Tesla popped up clapping enthusiastically as she congratulated them for being the first ones to ever ace her exam in under thirty seconds.
Social Studies was next, one of only two subjects that could be considered anything close to normal in the nut house masquerading as a school, math being the other. During the exam, as he was drawing Latitude and longitude maps, Percy absentmindedly opened his notebook and stared at the photo inside which showed Annabeth on vacation in Washington D.C. The now a teen was wearing jeans and a denim jacket over her orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt, blond hair pulled back in a bandanna. In the photo she was standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial with her arms crossed, looking extremely pleased with herself, like she'd personally designed the place. Like it had ever since Annabeth had emailed him the picture during spring break, the sight had Percy smirking while rolling his eyes.
Percy's amusement ended rather abruptly as he slammed the notebook closed with one hand and slammed his other down in a fist on Sloan's reaching hand. Sloan yelped as he brought it back and gripped it with his other hand. The only reason why it wasn't broken was because Percy had held back. Still, wanting to not get in trouble didn't stop Percy from grabbing Sloan's shirt and pulling him close so he could get the full effect of Percy's glare as he snarled out "Leave my stuff alone Sloan, or I'll put both of your arms in slings this time, capiche?"
Sloan finally seemed to get the point as he hastily nodded and Percy shoved him away. Sloan tried to play the whole thing off once out of Percy's grip, but even his normal tagalongs were giving the demigod wary looks. The hidden monsters though merely sneered at Percy before turning away.
Next up was PE and the crowd of kids rushed for the gym, excited for the free-for-all dodgeball game the coach had promised. In the changing room though Percy once more gave the gym uniform a disgusted look. He thought he had good cause to be disgusted though since it was sky blue shorts and tie-dyed t-shirts. Fortunately, they did most of the athletic stuff inside, so they didn't have to jog through Tribeca looking like a bunch of boot camp hippie children.
When the kids got into the gym, Coach Nunley was sitting at his little desk reading Sports Illustrated. The guy was about a million years old, with bifocals and no teeth with a greasy wave of gray hair finishing the ensemble. The guy also never seemed to move from his desk during class and only the fact that he sometimes had a new issue of Sports Illustrated showed that he left it at all.
Sloan elected himself as team captain than took all of the jocks for his side of course, not that that would normally help him. Tyson and Percy were always on the opposite side and always the last ones standing. Normally though Sloan didn't have six monsters on his side who after Sloan blew the whistle to start apparently decided that they were done hiding what they were. Where there had been six punk eighth graders now stood eight foot tall giants with wild eyes, pointy teeth, and hairy arms tattooed with snakes and hula women and Valentine hearts.
"What the- you're not from Detroit!" Sloan said, confusing Percy and Tyson for a moment before they dropped that thought as Sloan was backhanded hard enough to slam into the wall next to the door. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person really. Incidentally, the doors on either end of the gymnasium slammed shut on their own, a loud clicking sound showing that they would not be opening any time soon. At the sight of the bully being thrown so far, all of the other kids panicked and tried to get away, banging at the doors when they didn't open.
As what Percy recognized as Laistrygonians began conjuring massive wiffle balls of bronze filled with fire Tyson glanced down at him and asked "Now can we kick their asses?"
Naruto sighed and said "And I was so close to finishing a school year without being expelled." Unsealing Riptide and uncapping the magic sword, Naruto grinned and said "Tear 'em apart!"
"Ha! What do you two think you can do against the six of us Perseus Jackson?!" The lead monster shouted tossing his flaming ball at Tyson who merely firmed up his stance. For all that the ball came in around a hundred miles per hour, it bounced off of Tyson's chest like it was a scrunched up paper wad.
As six jaws proceeded to drop, Tyson smirked and pulled what the monsters thought was a pager out of his shorts' pocket. The device unfolded like a Transformer changing forms into its weapon form and Tyson grinned as he shot it at the leader, the tip springing open into a claw which latched around the leader's throat. Giving a shout of "GET OVER HERE!" Tyson yanked hard on the grapple line jerking the leader through the air towards him. The Cyclops chambered his left arm the slammed it into the cannibal's chest, the sound of multiple bones snapping ringing out even as he was thrown back through the air, the grapple hook tearing loose from his throat before he slammed into and then through the bleachers and landed halfway through the gymnasium's wall where he noticeably did not get back up. In fact, he was already turning to dust, Tyson's punch having made his own ribs puncture his heart and lungs.
There was silence from the other five monsters as they stared in dismay before one of them shook himself and pointed at the two fighters and shouted "Get 'em!" The other four roared their agreement only to fall silent again as the speaker's head fell to the ground, Naruto suddenly behind him. As the corpse hit the ground, the reincarnated shinobi grinned and said "I don't think you boys understand the situation here. We're not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with US!"
For the first time, fear appeared in the Laistrygonians' eyes and they all took a step backwards. That fear turned into outright terror though as Tyson activated a storage seal on the inside of his right elbow and a homemade rotary cannon appeared in his hands. Grinning, Tyson shouted "COWARD KILLING TIME!" and opened up, walking up one of the cannibals and down a second, both falling to the ground bleeding ichor even as they turned to dust.
The fifth one to die pretty much exploded as Naruto used his hydrokinetic powers to launch all of the monster's blood out of it's body at once and he grinned as he said "And then there was one."
The last one was actually pissing itself at this point, but before it could do anything, Riptide came shrieking in as Naruto swung the wind coated blade through his legs at the knees. The monster let out a tortured yell as he fell to the ground, trying to use his arms to push up only to get shoved to the ground again as Naruto stepped on his chest. Putting the tip of his sword against the side of the cannibal's neck, he said "Alright buddy, start talking. Your leader clearly knew who I was so who sent you?"
"I ain't telling you nothing!" The monster literally spat, though his projectile missed his target when Naruto leaned his head to the side.
Said shinobi gave a theatrical sigh before he said "Tyson?"
In response, Tyson stomped on the Laistrygonian's right hand really hard, causing the sound of bones snapping to be heard and for the monster to let out a loud roar of pain.
"That was the wrong answer, I suggest you give me a right answer before you run out of bones to break." Naruto said coldly.
The monster snarled and said "Do your worst, I won't talk."
"Wrong answer." Tyson said and broke his wrist earning another yell. But before they could continue their questioning, a beeping sound came from Percy's shorts. Tyson and Percy traded a 'now?' look between each other even as Naruto pulled out the seal and stuck it in his ear as he said "Grover, now's really not the best time."
Instead of the Satyr's voice though, it was his female friend's as she hurriedly said "Percy, it's Annabeth, the Camp's under attack!"
Percy and Tyson both stiffened at her words, their eyes narrowing as their victim began chuckling at Annabeth's words. In response, Percy kicked the Monster's head to the side with the leg that had been on its chest knocking it out even as he said "We're on our way."
"We? That's not important, look, do you know how to summon the Chariot of the Damned? It's the only way to get here quick enough." Annabeth said and Percy made a negative sound even as he stuck the knocked out monster into a stasis seal. The two brothers quickly made their way out of the hole in the wall the first Laistrygonian left as Annabeth began rapidly explaining leaving a bunch of terrified students who just 'saw' Percy and Tyson have a two on six gang war with a bunch of punks from Detroit, Matt Sloan in particular left a gibbering mess. He actually pissed himself when Percy leaned back in and put his finger over his lips in the classic sign of telling the students to keep their mouths shut. And of course, Coach Nunley hadn't even looked up from his magazine once during all of this.
Percy would have been amused by that if he didn't have more important things to deal with, mainly leaving this battleground and getting to the next. It looked like Grover and he were going to have that meeting today after all.
Author's Notes: Update Schedule and Poll on Profile
I'm quite pleased with myself, I got this written out within twelve hours, and it's double the length of To Be A Master's last chapter! Moving on, I realize that Tyson is just a biiit OOC but keep in mind that instead of living by himself in a refrigerator box and going to school in this story he's actually living with Percy who in turn is a reincarnated shinobi. (Hence the use of Naruto rather than Percy at times) That kind of exposure made him leave his childlike mentality and go straight into teenager mode.
The fight wasn't quite how I pictured it, but Tyson pulled the Heavy Weapons Guy from Team Fortress Two on me and threw away the last page of the script so I figured, eh, why not?