Betty really think she needs to redo her bedroom.
Especially after being inside Veronica's—with her luxurious sleigh bed piled with violet and gold pillows, her huge, decorative armoire and chest-of-drawers, and everything veneered in a glow of honey walnut.
The walls flawlessly painted in crisp, clean edges of gold towards the ceiling, a crystal-sparkling, brightly lit chandelier high above their heads, and the rest of the walls a hue resembling a chestnut-brown. Betty even feels a little nervous about stepping on the antiqued, expensive rug below her white tennis shoes.
She keeps her hands in her lap, squirming occasionally as Veronica combs her fingers through her yellow-blonde hair, gathering and twisting it into a high ponytail, adding a baby blue ribbon.
"Don't you think it's a little weird?" Betty asks, scraping her bare fingernails against her powder-white leggings. The inside of her mouth feels too-dry and swollen. "A double date?"
Veronica reappears in front of her, dusting off her black, fitted jacket. For a moment, Betty's amazed by her bold, dark eyeliner and the mauve, sweetheart bustier top. Veronica is… Veronica. She doesn't understand how to not to outshine others with her sophisticated tastes, not even for a visit to Pop's Chock-lit Shoppe.
(And Betty has a resounding zero complaints about it. By some miracle, she convinced Veronica to pull on a pair of dark, low-rise jeans, but Veronica refused to compromise on her signature pearls.)
"Why?" Veronica replies to the other girl's earlier question, brows lifting. She climbs back on her mattress, fiddling and straightening Betty's candyfloss-pink scarf, examining her girlfriend's matching camisole underneath the baby blue, button-up sweater. "People do it all of the time, B."
"But it's… it's with Archie," Betty insists with a troubled expression, eyes narrowing. "My best friend who I was madly in love with, and he's bringing his best friend who he's madly in love with…"
Veronica's matte-red lips perk up.
"And I'm nobody's best friend. How do you think I feel?"
Betty gasps a little and grabs Veronica's hand when the other, still smiling girl leans away. "You're not my best friend, Ronnie?" she murmurs, Betty's thumb unconsciously running over Veronica's bare knuckles. As irresistibly sweet as the sentiment is, Veronica tsks, rolling her eyes briefly.
"Oh god… Betty, don't. Don't do Archie's puppy eyes."
They both giggle loudly as Betty playfully exaggerates a 'hurt' look, shifting closer to Veronica, fluttering her eyelashes and pouting. She melts against the sensation of Veronica's impulsive, soft kiss, opening her mouth slightly. Veronica's tongue slowly licks a path against her bottom lip, and Betty breathes out a moan.
Leaning out, Veronica gazes over Betty's mouth smeared in red, red.
"This is becoming a habit," she whispers, grinning almost wickedly, eyeing her girlfriend. This time, Veronica leaves a one last featherweight kiss to the corner of Betty's mouth, listening to a whining, needy complaint from Betty before getting a tissue to wipe off her own ruined lipstick. Betty complies, accepting a fresh one.
She wants nothing more than to let Veronica do it all over again.
Ruin the picture-perfect image Betty has been forced to stage her whole life. To be left with Veronica-sized bruises and marks, to walk into the Cooper household proudly with that infamous, beautiful shade of lipstick covering Betty's chin and her face. Her parents would disown her in an instant, but they've already lost her.
They've never had her in the first place.
"Hey," Veronica speaks up, smoothing the crinkle on Betty's forehead. "Betty, you alright?""
"Mmhm. Sorry."
"Nothing to be sorry about," Veronica gently reminds her, applying a fresh coat of her lipstick in record time and taking Betty's hands into hers. She leads them out, heading for the corridor.
Polly waves from an opened doorway, near the kitchen, carefully cradling one of the twins. Her hair—a sunshine yellow just like Betty's—damp and limply loose against her bath-robed shoulders.
"Oh my goooosh," Veronica coos, peering over the pistachio-green swaddling blanket to the tiny, sleepy face within it. "Was my mom fussing over him? I thought I heard her out here before work."
"Hermione loves them," Polly says, beaming. "I can't thank you enough for the help."
Betty watches in silent amusement as the infant yawns noiselessly, brushing her fingertips against the thin, downy hairs on his skull. He's gonna be coppery-red just like Jason.
"You two heading out?"
"I'll bring you back some of the deep-fried cheesecake," Betty announces, kissing her sister's cheek when Polly does the same. Veronica makes a faint gagging sound at the mention of of deep-fried.
Usually, Polly would have a couple of harsh words to anyone deliberately teasing her—but since Betty admitted to dating Veronica and gushed on and on about her, Polly has been nothing but friendly and accepting about them dating. Betty kept her secret. Her older sister promised to do the same for her.
(Coming out to Veronica's mother had been uneventful—Hermione Lodge has known about her daughter being bisexual since Veronica had been in her tweens. Which truthfully made things easier.)
"Take care of my little sister!" Polly calls out, as Betty heads towards the front door.
"You got it!" Veronica shouts back cheerfully, nudging Betty's hip as the other girl flushes and chokes down a laugh. Polly seems preoccupied with calming her infant son as he wails a little, disturbed from sleeping.
Today is going to be ridiculous, isn't it?
First kisses are never what you expect them to be.
(He and Betty had only been little kids, and Archie disliked the bubblegum-tasting chapstick on her lips.)
Jughead has never been someone he expects to do anything conventionally. Their first date gets canceled, but the next one involves a fishing boat and a sack of Pop's grilled sauce-burgers. Jughead kisses him, out in the middle of the water, fingertips raking softly against Archie's cheeks before holding onto his neck.
There's no particular taste on Jughead's lips, but his mouth is warm and accepting, pressed up against him. Archie tries to open up another kiss, suddenly clutching Jughead's shoulders and nearly teeters the boat.
He goes home with a full belly, and a phantom laugh drifting on Archie's kiss-raw, smiling mouth.
November finally ends, and there's still no snowfall. Most days are bright and sunny, especially in Archie's life. He doesn't need the artificial, orange glow of the lantern inside Jughead's tree-house.
Their old Batman and wrestling action figures have been tossed out, years ago. Comic books dusty and littered across the floor, hidden underneath raggy blankets and worn, colorless pillows. Archie doesn't mind the floor, or the weight of his best friend settled on top of him. It's just his humble opinion, but Jughead looks so good with a rosy, faraway expression, but staring right into Archie's eyes.
His black, plaid shirt is partly unbuttoned, revealing a little of Jughead's chest and a dusting of hairy curlicues. Archie hooks a finger against the opening, groaning for a moment when his hand gets smacked.
"You'll live," Jughead says dryly, but his mouth twitching up. "Are we going or are we staying, Arch?"
A now grinning Archie goes on his elbows to sit up, brushing noses, exhaling against Jughead's lips. "You're really letting me make the decision?" he murmurs, their foreheads inclining.
Jughead scoffs, leaning out and pushing Archie's face sideways with his palm, earning a chuckle.
"Yeah, no. We would never leave at this rate."
They promised Betty and Veronica to meet up with them before it gets too late in the evening, and according to Archie's sports watch, they're gonna be running late. He waits until Jughead is standing and heading for the ladder, before reaching for his dark red henley, yanking it on and straightening up.
"Hey, Jug… um…" Archie glances over to him, teeth dragging over his bottom lip. Jughead pauses mid-step, frowning. Catches of golden sunlight illuminate around his dark hair, and for a moment, it's all surreal.
How did they get here — Jughead and him, maybe not boyfriends, but Archie wouldn't mind that. His counselor advises him to be cautious about forming new relationships, especially if they're romantic — but nothing feels wrong. Jughead would never use him, or manipulate him. This is safe to him.
"Thanks for talking with me about… and wanting to…"
Jughead's arms cross together, resting on the edge of the wooden platform. "Asexuality isn't a dirty word. You can use it, you know." The other boy points out this out, and Archie's face burns in embarrassment. "Just because I'm asexual doesn't mean we can't… do this, Archie. I've got no problem being with you."
After a reassuring look, he braves a nod. Jughead's smile widens.
"Except the killing me in video games. I'm sorry, but you gotta be stopped."
"Good luck with that," Archie replies smugly, climbing down the tree-house's ladder as well.
There's nowhere to park during a weekend at Pop's, so walking is the better option.
Once the four of them meet on the edge of the lot, Betty and Jughead greet each other with a soft, mutual echo of "hi" and glance away bashfully. The fingers to Betty's right hand grasping Veronica's wrist.
"Hey," Archie murmurs, giving a smiling Betty a one-armed hug, and then doing the same for Veronica, dolled up in her black pumps and two glossy barrettes in her loose hair. "Got here as soon as we could."
"Hey yourself, Archiekins," Veronica says, looking him over intrigued. "What took you both so long?"
Jughead interrupts before the other boy can open his mouth. "Lost track of time," he announces, staring at Veronica with mild amusement. "I'm sure you kept Betty entertained with the latest Riverdale gossip."
"You think so lowly of me, Jughead," Veronica replies, touching her collar gently as if pretending to be shocked. She then hooks her arm into Betty's and pulls her girlfriend close, heading towards the neon-lights. Jughead follows on Veronica's right, giving them reasonable space between each other, one of Archie's arms draping over his neck. "Besides, the height of what you call gossip around here is Archie's dad and my mother being seen together on a date—and all things considered, I'm so over gossip right now."
As far as everyone knows, she's taking her dear sweet time warming up to the idea. It helps when Veronica and Archie discussed the subject—the finalized divorces in their separate families, and then the slowly blossoming relationship of Archie's father and her mother and how it affects them as the outsiders.
As the silence increases, thickens, Betty's smile grimaces. "Well… this is nice and awkward," she mumbles.
"So what's it like being asexual?"
Veronica's direct question throws the rest of them off, except Jughead who gazes right at her, lips beginning to quirk up. "Pretty great. I reproduce by budding," he says, not holding back on his sarcasm.
Not remotely phased, Veronica laughs for a moment, shooting a furtive, knowing glance at Archie.
"That sounds like a wild Saturday night—I'm bisexual, so I apparently like threesomes or being labeled a gigantic slut." There's, of course, not an ounce of truth in any stereotyping, but the way Veronica says it with the obvious sugar-coated contempt, Archie and Betty pale and hold their breath.
Jughead mocks a thoughtful expression. "Well, I'd invite you to the next session with me and Archie, but see: there's this belief that asexuals are born celibate and we will go up in flames if we see any naked bodies in person…"
By now, the other two of their group catch onto the heavy-handed joke and relax, despite the monotones and straight faces.
"I'm attracted to pans!" Betty chimes in. Her enthusiasm fades as all pairs of eyes land on her. "Like… cooking pans…?" she adds lamely, Betty's cheeks flushing with mortification. Archie stares in wordless confusion while Jughead frowns thoughtfully, also quiet.
"Oh my god, I love you so much," Veronica says in mounting, gleeful astonishment, pecking Betty's rosy-hot cheek. "How about you, Archie Andrews? Got anything to mention to the rest of us?"
Archie stammers out nonsense, pulling away from Jughead who glances with narrowed eyes between them. "It's alright. He doesn't need a label," Jughead concludes, allowing the other boy to sigh out, probably in relief.
"Fair enough," Veronica agrees, sending them a genuinely pleasant look.
It's four milkshakes sitting on their booth-table; two double-thick chocolates for Archie and Veronica, a strawberry whipped for Betty, and a confetti-blast cake batter for Jughead.
"Tastes like pure teeth-rotting sugar," he comments idly, downing half of it already.
Laughter erupts noisily from their table, but it mingles with the overall activity of the diner.
"Remember when we all first came here together?" Archie speaks up after they calm down, eyes bright with memories as he fiddles with his untouched napkin. "It feels like it's been… forever ago…"
Veronica raises an eyebrow, delicately taking a sip from her milkshake's straw.
"Excuse me—you and your boyfriend over here invited yourselves into my not-date with Betty." She watches in disapproval as Archie and Jughead sneak each other meaningful glances, and then avert eye contact. "Wow, okay. Relax? It's just a word that starts with the letter B. You're dating—why not own it?"
Betty touches Veronica's forearm, guiding back her attention. "Ronnie, I'm the one who invited them over to our table that night," she insists, a tiny, happy smile on Betty's features.
"It's true," Jughead says, chuckling when Veronica wrinkles her nose at him.
"Well… isn't this adorable…"
A person's shadow descends over them. Betty's hands go rigidly into her lap and gather together, and Archie straightens up, no longer sprawling out and leaning in towards Jughead's body heat.
Veronica gazes up, unblinking, smiling tight-lipped.
"Sorry, Cheryl. Five's a crowd."
The other girl tosses her long, coppery-red hair over her shoulder, lifting her chin. "I wouldn't dream of barging in on your little date." Cheryl rolls her eyes at the various degrees of startled expressions. "Oh, please. You're all so obvious… it's almost pathetic how obvious, if you ask me."
Jughead snorts. "You gonna blab to your minions on Twitter then, princess?"
Cheryl looks like she's about to chew him out, and may have, but Josie emerges from around the corner, slipping a bare arm possessively around Cheryl's waist. "Ready to go, babe?"
"Of course," Cheryl answers, beaming at a grinning, eager Josie and slipping her own arm around Josie's waist and squeezing. She then aims the rest of them a neutral look. "As if I have time to worry about what you all are doing with your regrettable lives." Before heading out, Cheryl spins around and trills out, back to smiling, "Tell Polly I'm stopping by to see my precious darling niece and nephew after Sunday brunch!"
Betty nods, placing her hands on the table, smiling back.
"No problem."
As soon as the entrance's bell clangs, Archie flops back against his seat, running his hands over his face. "Guess that's a no on outing us to the entire town," Jughead mutters, doing the same.
"We'll be fine," Veronica says reassuringly, meeting Betty's eyes.
We will.
They hold onto that, for a long time, and without a speck of disappointment.
Riverdale isn't mine. THIS IS IT! Last chapter y'all! I knew this wasn't gonna be a long project (I'm 4-5 weeks behind on things I need to do for the very new future) and I just wanted to indulge in fluff teenage cuteness. It's been fun taking this journey with everyone. :) Please leave some thoughts for this finale if you liked it!
Shoutouts to: Save Me The Last Dance and BeckdamforLife for reviewing! You're both lovely!