I don't own Star wars Rebels (going to cry in the corner) I don't.
Thank you Mickey!
Chapter 4 (Ghost crew)
Ezra woke up early in the morning to the sound of a Loth-wolf howling for the final time before the sun began to rise on the desert planet. He looked around at the room, realizing that his guardian Kanan was nowhere to be seen.
"Kanan...?" Ezra cried out to the empty room, worry filtering into his voice. "Kanan?!" he called out again, beginning to frantically search the apartment for his guardian. He eventually came to an abrupt stop outside the door to the primary bedroom where he could "feel" Kanan's presence. The child hesitantly opened the door and walked to the bed where he was relieved to find his guardian sleeping. Ezra's delight was cut short, however, as soon as he saw Kanan's face contort into an expression of fear.
"No, no! Please no!" Kanan pleaded in his sleep. The pleas gradually started to become louder and more desperate as the man began tossing and turning violently.
Ezra slowly approached the older man, reaching out to shake Kanan's shoulder in an attempt to wake the man from his nightmare.
"Wake up, Kanan! Wake up! Please, Kanan!" Ezra tried as he attempted to shake the older man awake. However, Kanan's thrashing only got worse.
"No, Master! No!" Kanan cried. Suddenly, Ezra had an idea. Still shaking the adult's shoulder, Ezra looked down at Kanan.
"Kanan! Wake up! Please, we are not where you think! We are at home and there is no Master here! Kanan, please wake up!" the boy said as tears filled his eyes. He could feel his Guardian's pain and Ezra didn't like it at all. "Please!"
"Master!" Kanan shouted a final time as he woke up from his nightmare, instinctively grabbing onto the thing that was leaning over him as he began to calm his breathing. He always hated reliving that day (if no one gets this I will cry). As he finally calmed, Kanan realized that the "something" he had grabbed onto was actually a someone: Ezra.
The boy looked back at Kanan, his electric blue eyes filled with tears and clouded with worry and fear. Kanan grimaced in guilt at making the youngling worry.
"K-Kanan, are you okay now?" Ezra asked, hiccupping slightly as he wiped the tears from his face. Instead of answer the boy's question, Kanan pulled him into a tight hug. By the time the hug was released, it was seven in the morning and both charge and guardian had calmed down significantly.
"Are you okay now, Kanan?" Ezra questioned, still worried for the Jedi. Kanan smiled.
"I'll be fine, kid. Now why don't we have some breakfast? I'm starving!" Kanan grinned broadly, causing Ezra to giggle at his antics.
Kanan and Ezra were sitting at the living room table eating a breakfast consisting of various types of fruits. As Ezra ate his breakfast with vigour, Kanan was staring off into space, wondering what had brought upon the nightmare, partially wondering if it had something to do with his encounter with Hera. Thinking of which, she'd be expecting an answer soon, and he still had no idea what to do. After a period of failing to deduce what caused the nightmare, Kanan gave up and his focus was turned solely to the problem with Hera and her offer. Hera was right about Ezra and his ability to look after him, but what Hera was asking him to do was impossible... he couldn't. Facing the Empire?... he just couldn't. Gorse was enough Rebellion for one lifetime. Besides, he had owed it to Okadiah, and even Skully in a way.
"Kanan... Kanan?" the annoyed young voice broke through Kanan's conciseness. The Jedi looked at the youngling sitting at the table, Holocron in hand, desperately attempting to open it, his face a visage of frustration. Kanan smiled.
"Yeah, Kid?" Kanan leaned back, having a pretty good idea what the kid was going to ask.
"It's impossible, Kanan! How do you open it?!" yelled a frustrated Ezra, this time attempting to pull the Holocron apart and growling at the object like a loth cub. Kanan just laughed at the his predicament. How long the boy had been working on opening the Holocron, Kanan had no idea.
"Kid, how about you try to open it later? I've gotta get to work and you're coming with me," Kanan grinned, getting up from the table and ruffling Ezra's hair on the way.
"Can I take the Hol… Hola-aclo…"
"-Holocron," interrupted Kanan, quietly laughing.
" –Okay, the Holocron, why can't I take it with me?" Ezra asked, curious as to why he couldn't take the Holocron to the docks. Kanan completely blacked out. He had forgot that Ezra didn't know why he couldn't take the Holocron outside. He knew he would have to tell the boy he was a Jedi eventually, but he had been planning to do it after the Ezra opened the Holocron.
"I'll explain later, Ezra, but right now I have to get to work," Kanan explained, determined to keep the subject from rising again. Ezra just shrugged and went to go get dressed. Kanan sighed. He already had a problem with Hera, he didn't need anything else to worry about.
"Alright Kid! Come on, we're going to be late!" Kanan yelled back to the bedroom as he strapped his blaster and saber at his side. Ezra came running down the stairs with a small bag on his back. And with the boys hand firmly in his grasp they left the house to the docks.
Kanan and Ezra arrived at the docks just in time to see Hera beating up Kanans co-worker, Vendi Torning. The poor guy was getting a beating that would probably stop him from procreating. Ever.
"You kriffing son of a Bantha! If you ever come near my ship again, I'll gut from navel to nose!" the woman hollered, pure rage in her threat. "Got it?" She then crouched down, kneeing him in the crown jewels.
"You're crazy, Twi'lek!" Vendi yelled, cursing his attacker as he doubled over in pain.
"What's going on here?" Kanan rose his voice slightly and took up a position standing between Vindi and Hera while Ezra hid behind his back.
"Hera, what happened ?" Kanan asked, trying to get her to relent from beating the man to a bloody pulp. Vendi took the opportunity to scramble to his feet and take off in the opposite direction. The green-skinned, Twi'lek woman looked at Kanan, and then to Ezra, his blue eye shining. Her eyes softened at the sight and she knelt down to talk to the boy.
"Are you okay, hun? No need to be afraid, I'm sorry if I frightened you," Hera cooed with a bright smile. She felt a little guilty for acting so harshly in front of the kid. Kanan likewise looked down at Ezra hiding behind his legs and was shocked to see the youngling grinning like a Cheesier cat.
"It's okay Miss Hera! I wasn't afraid! It was just really cool to watch, ya' know?! It was so cool how you kicked his butt! You're awesome!" Ezra spoke with excitement. Kanan and Hera just stared at the boy, both surprised that the kid had found the fight enjoyable. Ezra looked up at the shocked Human and Twi'lek and just burst out laughing. Both adults stared sheepishly at one another, slightly worried.
"So... Hera? What happened? What did Vendi do to piss you off so much?" Kanan asked. He knew that, in all honesty, Vendi probably deserved it, but he still was curious.
The Twi'lek woman grimaced in response. "That pesky piece of bantha fodder was snooping around my ship. When I found him, he was in the cockpit playing around with the Ghosts controls," Hera explained, looking positively livid. Kanan smiled at her story. She surely was one of the most passionate pilots he had ever met.
'No!' He thought to himself, 'get away now before you do something stupid!'
Trying to end the conversation quickly, he turned to her once again. "Well, I'm really sorry about what ever Vendi did to your ship, but Ezra and I better get going. We've got a lot work to do". Kanan roughly grabbed his charge's hand and spun on his heels to leave.
Ezra looked at Kanan like he was crazy. They couldn't leave Hera alone yet! Plus, didn't they promise to help her with her cargo?
"Kanan! We can't leave miss Hera alone! What if that mean guy comes back? And we have to help her with her cargo!" the young Ezra pleaded, tugging on the older man's arm as he did so. He was genuinely surprised that Kanan was willing to walk away from the situation. Ezra my not have know Kanan for long, but he knew that Kanan didn't let up so easily. Kanan just looked down at Ezra, annoyance flashing in his eyes. He wanted to get away from Hera and he was not wasting any more time.
"Ezra, Hera can take care of herself. And we will help with her cargo later, but right now we're going," Kanan chided, pulling Ezra away from Hera.
"Kanan, wait!" he heard Hera calling from behind them, "I need to ask you someth-"
"I'm sorry, you crazy Twi'lek but you aren't going anywhere," a fourth voice cut in. The trio froze on the spot. Vendi approached the three humanoids, a blaster aimed straight at Hera. Behind the man stood a group of burly sleemos, every one a different species. All had their blasters trained on the pilot, smirks on their faces.
Vendi cackled menacingly before continuing. "You have a lot of secrets on that ship Twi'lek, secrets that I bet the Empire would be thrilled to know". Hera glared at the man, raising her hands in surrender. Her Rebel secret was blown and she knew it.
Kanan looked at Vendi, his eyes reflecting resolve and anger. His hand was subconsciously hovering over his blaster, ready to take action at any moment.
Ezra's grip was hard on the older Jedi's leg. Kanan could feel fear radiating from the youngling through the Force. Kanan's anger spiked and he stood protectively in front of Ezra.
"So, Lady, how about we make a deal?" Vendi suggested as Hera glared at him. "You can give us all your credits and we can get of this Karabasting planet with your ship, and in return we keep your little secret from the Empire?"
Kanan looked toward Hera and noticed, with surprise, that she seemed to be considering the bastard's offer. So before she had the opportunity to speak, Kanan interjected.
"There's no way in Hell that Hera will be giving you her ship, so why don't you just give it up, Torning," Kanan stated firmly as he moved Hera behind him and grabbed onto Ezra with a tight grip.
"This is not your fight, Jarrus, so just go back to 'work'" Vendi smirked.
Hera sighed. "He's right, Kanan. It's not your fight".
Kanan looked at Hera. Her face was downcast and a feeling of hopelessness emanated from the Twi'lek through the Force. The Jedi then looked to Ezra. The boy's eyes were scared, but determined- the youngling was trying to hide his fear.
Kanan thought back to the pervious night. Heras offer, Ezra's childlike wonder. He imagined the three of them together; fighting for a future without the Empire. A place where he could belong and use the skills he was taught to make a difference.
Kanan looked toward his co-worker- no, enemy- and, with a conviction that he had never expressed before except with Ezra, said:
"This is my Fight because I am part of Hera's crew, and no one threatens my captain".
The conviction behind Kanan's decision had Hera smiling, Ezra happy, and Vendi seething, but before anyone of them could react, Kanan pulled his blaster from its sheath and fired it right at Vendi. Within a hyper second, the man was on the ground, clutching his hand in pain.
As Kanan pulled back his blaster he yelled toward Hera. "Hera, I think we should get going before they retaliate!"
"That's one thing I can agree on Jarrus!" Hera exclaimed, and in a flurry of movement, the trio was running towards the Ghost, Vendi's gang hot on their trail.
As the trio were about 2 meters from the Ghost, one of Vendi's men came running out of the docking station towards them, his blaster aimed at Ezra. Hera quickly too notice and pushed the young boy out of the way just as he pulled the trigger, being hit square in the shoulder in the process.
"Miss Hera!" the boy looked up, horrified as he scrambled to his feet and ran towards the Twi'lek.
Kanan turned around to see his charge kneeling in front his new captain. He turned towards the shooter and raised his blaster and shot the man down.
"Kanan!" he yelled as the older man ran toward them, "We have to help Hera!"
Kanan silently knelt down at the Twi'lek's side and began to help her to her feet. Hera began to protest.
"Kanan, you can't carry me and escape that gang. Just take Ezra and get out of here," Hera pleaded as the trio started walking. Kanan just looked at the Twi'lek and shook his head. Ezra walked beside the two adults; his eyes were cautious and one of the boy's hands were on a small energy slingshot tied at his wrist.
"That's not an option, Hera," Kanan shook his head fiercely, slowly but surely attempting to get them out of harm's way.
"Just keep going forwards!" she insisted. "I'll be right behind-"
"IF YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOU, YOU WILL NOT FINISH THAT SENTENCE!" Kanan snapped, temporarily paralyzing his two companions. Sweating, he regained his composure and urged the others forwards before continuing. "-And anyways, who would pilot the Ghost? Certainly not me! Please, no one can pilot that ship like you!"
He flashed that famous, charming smile he'd throw at her all the time when they first met. Hera just rolled her eyes, but smiled slightly at the memory.
Finally, Ezra decided to chime in. "Don't worry Miss Hera! Trust Kanan, he will get us out of here! He's awesome!" the young boy shouted with excitement as he ran to the hatch door of the Ghost.
Hera smirked, looking at Kanan. "Oh, I trust him all right, just not with my ship!" Even if she had just offered the Jedi an escape on her ship, that in no way meant the rouge was flying it. Kanan just sarcastically pouted while looking upon a giggling Ezra.
"Let's continue this conversation when we're on the ship, when we aren't being chased by a ruthless gang prepared to call the Empire!" the Jedi shouted as the trio climbed onto the Ghost. They closed the hatch door and ran to the cockpit. Hera positioned herself in the pilot's seat with Kanan and Ezra holding onto the spin.
"Hold on boys!" the captain called, letting thrill take over for a moment. "Chopper, I need a co-pilot, stat!" Suddenly Ezra yelped as an astromech bumped into his legs, beeping gibberish. "Well then go fix the hyperdrive!" Hera shouted back as the ship lift off the ground and prepared to enter lightspeed.
The three paused to catch their breath as the comforting view of the upper atmosphere took over the windshield.
"So is it me, or does it seem like Vendi's gang gave up the chase?" Kanan asked, breaking the silence. Before Hera could answer, however, the shields of the Ghost took a hit and the cockpit began to light up.
"Karabast…" Hera muttered. "Chopper! I need the hyperdrive now!" She was answered by a grumpy beeping sound over the ship's intercom.
"Looks like that piece of bantha fodder called the Empire. Kanan, can you shoot?" the tired pilot asked, fiddling with the controls.
"Of course I can, I am a bounty hunter," Kanan said sarcastically, earning an eye roll from the Twi'lek.
"I just need a gunner, that's all. Keep the TIES off our backs until Chopper gets the Hyperdrive fixed".
Kanan nodded and ran toward the gunners position, leaving Ezra in the cockpit with Hera. The Ghost flew directly out of orbit with 4 TIES directly behind.
"Chopper!" a frustrated Hera yelled, dodging the blaster fire while Kanan attempted to blast the TIES.
Ezra suddenly had an idea and ran out of the cockpit to find the droid that had ran into him.
Ezra arrived in the heart of the ship looking for the astromech. When he spotted Chopper fiddling with hyperdrive, he nervously walked over and patted the droid on its dome.
"H-hi droid. I can help! I've seen a hyperdrive before," Ezra stuttered, waiting for some type of response from the orange droid.
Chopper took notice of him, and with grumbling compliance, allowed him to help.
"Chopper! Get the Hyperdrive on line now!" Hera called over the intercom, desperating lacing her tone. Chopper just grumbled and wheeled out of the room, leaving Ezra with the Hyperdrive.
Ezra looked down at the ship's heart and found that the connection to the Hyperdrive and the Ghost's shields were switched. It was a amazing the shields were even still working. Ezra disconnected the two systems, causing the ship to temporarily go offline. But as quickly as it had died, Ezra reconnected the systems and smiled with self-pride.
Hera was running out of maneuvers. Two TIES had been shot down by Kanan, but the other two were proving to be unbearably persistent.
"Chopper! get the Hyperdrive online now!" she yelled through the intercom. But instead of seeing change, she was greeted by Chopper entering the cockpit, grumbling.
"Chopper, you're supposed to be fixing the Hyperdrive! What are you doing up here? Get back to the engine room now!"
Chopper just rolled up to her and started talking in droid speak, but before she could answer, Kanan's voice sounded over the com.
"Hera! We need to get out of here now! The shields can't take anymore of this!"
The Twi'lek groaned. "I'll get us out of here, Kanan! Just hang on!" But as she said that, the ship went completely off line. Hera began to panic, but before it could take root, the cockpit lit up again. Hera looked around in wonder as she noticed that the Hyperdrive was up and running again. Accepting the miracle for a moment, the pilot entered Hyperspace, leaving the remaining TIE fighters in the dust.
She slouched back into her chair for a moment before demanding an explanation from Chopper. The astromech warbled grumpily, leaving the Twi'lek shocked.
"Ezra fixed the Hyperdrive?! How?!" she gasped, her mouth agape.
Chopper grumbled and Hera glared at her droid companion.
"What do you mean you don't know how?!"
But before she could get an answer, Kanan entered the cockpit.
Ezra gazed at the colors of hyperspace with a smile of childlike wonder. He imagined all the times he would see these colors on this ship. What he didn't know was that this small crew of four would soon expand, one day becoming the very hope of the Rebellion.
I am so sorry ! This took so long I had some serious writers block ya know.
Rebel out
Thanks again Mickey !