"10," A high pitched voice said. A beautiful girl with dark skin and two black french braids dashed through a field of moaning people. Her braids trailed behind her. She dodged each person that was standing in her way, careful not to hurt them any further than they already were hurt. A pale boy with straight, bright red hair ran behind her, though he struggled to keep up with the girl. He kept whispering "Sorry!" to everyone he accidently stepped on or bothered while he ran.

They kept running.

"9," the voice continued eerily.

The girl turned her head back to the boy, who was still running. The girl had an annoyed expression on her face as she gestured for him to keep up with her. The boy suddenly refrained from saying "Sorry!" to the people who were in his way and ran towards her, hoping he didn't injure anyone else. The girl kept running, then looked back to make sure the boy wasn't too far behind her. She couldn't afford to lose him..

The pair continued running.

"8!" the voice called.

All of a sudden, the girl stopped running and skidded to a to stop in front of a child the only child in the entire field. The boy kept running, knowing that he couldn't stop. The girl grabbed the barely conscious child in her arms and started sprinting through the field, panting, but she kept going. She was determined to make it.

They kept running.

"7," The Voice yelled, the voice clear as crystal.

The boy finally caught up to the girl. They kept running.

"6,"it called. Time was running out.

Their eyes locked for a moment and the pair's hands intertwined. They gave each other a slight nod.

They kept running.

"5,"They were losing time. There was no time to lose.

The girl ran with a sudden new motive, filling her body with adrenaline and some sort of refreshing energy that boosted her confidence. The boy trailed behind, still holding the girl's hand, trying desperately to stay with the girl The child's hand fell slack and cold in the girl's arm.

Even with the concerning distraction, the two kept running.

"4,"The girl gritted her teeth and continued to move, going faster and faster, as the boy tried his hardest to keep up with her. She wanted to stop, to take a break, to ask if the boy was okay, but there was absolutely no time. Their lives were on the line, and there was no turning back. They had to do this.

They kept running. Nothing could stop them, no matter what.

"3," the lilting voice called out, clearly without stress or worry.

Tears filled the boy's eyes as he thought, "What if we don't survive? The deathly pale child who was currently resting in the girl's arm felt extremely heavy, but she refused to drop her. It was too big of a risk.

They kept running, sprinting faster and faster, until the boy thought that he might collapse in agony. Every bone in his body was practically aching, begging, pleading him to stop, to lie on the soft grass and rest. Sweat poured down the girl's forehead as she mumbled, "We're almost there."

"2, " the invisible voice called. The voice had a slight metallic ring to it, as if it was a chiming bell.

They were so close, yet so far, but they kept going.

"1," The voice giggled mischievously."Time's almost up!" The voice said in delight, oblivious to the pain the voice had caused the pair.

The girl looked at the boy.

"I love you, Drew!" She said frantically, knowing that she might not make it.

"I love you too, Rain!" The boy said to the girl, tears pouring down his face as he realized what Rain was doing. She was saying goodbye.

The girl and boy stepped into the middle of the field. The transparent voice screamed and the two froze in fear, clutching each other's hands.

They had stopped running and were now waiting in horror, knowing what was going to happen next.

"0! 0! 0! TIME'S UP!" the voice yelled in anger and frustration. An extremely high-pitched, horrible noise filled the air.

Drew and Rain collapsed in the middle of the field. The child in Rain's arm sprawled onto the ground. A purple mist exploded from what seemed to be the child's chest, covering a small part of the field, exactly where Rain, Drew, and the small child lay, helpless. The child's eyes flickered open like butterfly wings. Her eyes were the same color of the mist above them. Rain and Drew had no idea that it were vanishing.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! NOOOOOOOO!" The mysterious voice screamed. The little girl's eyes fluttered shut just as quickly as they had opened.