I was looking around on Netflix a few months ago and stumbled across Star Crossed. I am now obsessed. I can not believe they cancelled it after only one season! Then I found out what they were going to do with the second season and I was furious. How could Emery and Roman not end up together?! That was the whole point of the show. Star Crossed Lovers! So I decided to pick off where the story left off only with a twist. Hope you all enjoy! As always feel free to comment or pm me with any questions or ideas. XOXO- Sissy
The Suvek was not a bomb as the gang thought, instead a single to Atrian war ships. Everyone who passed out was fine. It was simply a reaction to the pulse sent from the suvek. However Zoe was killed as was Taylor and Drake's baby (Taylor's car accident). After the Trags went to the crate, the Atrian war ships headed towards Earth seeking to turn it into a replica of Atria. However the government is trying to stop them. Since Mardi Gras the Atrians have been re-locked in the sector and the Atrian seven are being watched closely. Atrians are being taken away for questioning of the war ships and some of them have never been seen again. On the human side The Red Hawks have reassembled and have turned people back towards hating the Atrians.
Taylor and Drake are devastated after loosing their baby. They have grown apart since the Atrian seven are locked in the sector once again. Emery on the other hand is still willing to fight for integration. But for more reasons then before.
2 months since finale:
Emery stood by her locker and looked around. Sophia should be at her locker at the end of the hall and Teri should be walking by on her way to class. But they're not. They are locked in the sector once again and not allowed out. Emery was loosing her mind. She had no way of getting in touch with Roman and her father was refusing to pass him notes. She remembered his exact words.
"Forget about the Atrian! He's nothing but a terrorist! Now go do your homework."
Emery slammed her locker shut and slumped into class. She took her seat behind Lukas. He looked at her and gave her a small smile.
"Come on Em, you need to cheer up."
Emery through him a look and he sighed. He dropped his voice.
"Roman wouldn't want you to be miserable."
"Roman would want to be here with me."
Lukas gave up. Just then Taylor walked in and the extent of the last couple of months trickled in with her like fog. She was no longer the it girl. Her usual blonde curls were always lifeless and stringy around her face. Her perfectly coordinated outfits were replaced with baggy sweatsuits and old sneakers. She barely spoke and when she did it was flat. Emery felt so bad for her but didn't know what to do to change things.
Sophia looked out the window in her room. She sighed all she could see was the wall that separated her from her friends outside the sector. She jumped when Roman knocked on her door. She looked at him and he spoke quietly.
"Lunch is here."
Sophia sighed and followed him into the main room. Maia, their mother was unpacking their box. She set their meals on plates and handed them over. Sophia sat down and then pounded her fist on the table causing Maia and Roman to look at her.
"I am sick of this! I want to go back to school! See our friends! Just because the Trags were planning an attack doesn't mean we're all bad! So why are they treating all of us like criminals!?"
Roman sighed. "I'm upset to but we need to keep our heads down. If they see that we aren't trying anything maybe they will let us out."
"When in five years? When all of our friends are gone including Emery?"
Roman went quiet. He missed Emery more then anything. He would give everything he had for just one glance of her. Maia spoke to her children calmly.
"We need to make the best of this terrible situation. We have eachother and we need to stay strong for the others."
They nodded and went back to their meal. Later Roman found Drake wandering on the roof.
"Fancy finding you up here."
Drake turned and offered him a puff of his divor. Roman accepted and sat down next to him. They looked out over Edendale. Roman broke the silence after a few minutes.
"I wonder what Emery is doing right now."
Drake spoke before taking a long drag. "She's probably at The Bug with Julia."
"Probably." He hesitated before asking the burning question that only Drake knew how to answer. "Do you think they think about us as much as we think about them?"
Drake's eyes glassed over. He blinked and then nodded.
"I do."
Emery slid a piece of steak around the edge of her plate absentmindedly. Ray Whitehill came downstairs dressed in his uniform. He noticed his daughter's still full plate.
"Em you need to finish your dinner."
She spoke never taking her eyes off of her plate. "I'm not really hungry."
He nodded and sat down across from her to tie his boots. Ray wasn't oblivious to his daughter's recent behavior but he had his orders not to associate with the Atrians except to punish or take them for questioning. He glanced at her before sighing.
"Emery I know you're confused and think that we're the bad guys but these war ships are real. I've seen them and to tell you the truth they terrify me."
Emery looked up. "But Roman, Drake, Sophia and Teri had nothing to do with that. They are good people."
"I believe you. But I have my orders."
He stood and kissed her forehead. She spoke quickly.
"Can you at least give Roman a message?"
He looked at her. "If he gets caught with a note..."
"Not a note."
She dug in her purse and handed him a star made out of yarn. He cocked his brow but took it.
"I'll make sure that he gets it."
Drake settled in Roman and Sophia's pod and ate dinner with their family. Maia glanced at him.
"So are you guys looking forward to starting back at school?"
Sophia rolled her eyes. "It's sector school it doesn't count."
"Well you'll still be receiving an education."
Drake replied. "Not a great one."
Maia stopped trying. When a knock came on the door Sophia stood and went to answer. She opened it and her jaw fell open.
"Sergeant Whitehill."
Ray hesitated and spoke louder then normal. "Pod inspection."
Sophia's face dropped and she let him inside but to all of their surprise the second Sophia shut the door he dropped his voice and spoke to Maia.
"Your name is on the list of people to be questioned tomorrow."
Roman and Drake had identical looks of surprise. Maia didn't seem to know how to react. She settled for speaking quietly.
"Why are you telling me this?"
He sighed. "Because I took one parent away from your children and they don't deserve to loose another. I have signed up to be in the room with you. I promise that I will keep you safe."
Maia let that sink in. She eventually nodded. Ray turned to leave when he remembered the promise he made to his daughter. He grabbed the star out of his pocket and handed I to Roman.
"I promised Em I'd make sure you got that." He looked at Sophia and Drake. "I believe Emery when she says that you are good people."
They nodded and Sophia let him out. Roman turned the star over in his hand with a huge grin on his face. He hung it up next to the original one.
Julia sat down next to Emery and scrolling in their textbook. She rolled her eyes.
"I seriously don't get why we are still learning about flatworms."
Emery cracked a small smile. "They want us to go crazy."
"Well it's working."
She pulled her hair up into a ponytail and yawned. Emery joked with her.
"Someone is sleepy."
"I was up late with Eric." She rolled her eyes when Emery ooed. "I was tutoring him. His trig test is tomorrow and he needs some extra help. But we ended up falling asleep on my bed. My mom walked in and freaked out. Now Eric isn't allowed in my room."
Emery laughed quietly. "Nice."
Julia looked at her friend closely. "You seem happier."
Emery looked around then dropped her voice. "My dad saw Roman. He gave him the star I made. He says Roman, Sophia and Drake are okay."
Julia nodded. "I'm glad Em. What about Teri though?"
"She's been locked away for questioning. My dad hasn't seen her in weeks."
"Do you think she is still in the sector?"
"I don't know. All my dad told me was that she was taken from her pod and that the guards turned it upside down looking for anything to connect Teri to the warships."
Julia nodded. They were quiet for a while until Julia's eyes gleamed.
"What if we looked for her?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean we break into the sector and search her pod ourselves."
"Umm issue, security is tighter then ever."
"We can take your dad's badge."
"That won't be enough. They do body scans now."
"Well there has to be a hold or a secret entrance somewhere."
"Yeah but what if we don't find it and we get caught trying to break in?"
"We can say we're looking for your dad."
Emery hesitated before nodding. "Okay we'll go tonight."
"Can we make it tomorrow? Trust me Eric really does need the help."
The next morning Emery snuck her dad's map of the sector out of hiss bag and tucked it into her jacket pocket. She then snuck his id badge. It was his night off. She walked downstairs and saw her parents putting their coats on. She smiled at her mom.
"You two look nice. Where are you going?"
Michelle Whitehill smiled. "Charity dinner. My company is hosting it so I got an invitation."
Ray looked at his daughter. "Where are you going?"
"Julia and I were going to meet at The Bug."
He nodded. "Okay we'll be home around midnight I expect."
"Okay I love you."
"Love you too."