
Chapter 4

Johnny made his way to Ash's apartment after his chat with Mr Moon though his nerves kicked right in as he near the apartment itself. He froze for a moment but shook himself "no I'm going to do this, or I'll never do it." He mumbled as he stared at Ash's door. He took a deep breath as he knocked on the door and waited for the porcupine to answer, he could feel himself sweating as he rubbed his forehead.

"Oh, hey there Johnny this is a surprise. You wanna come in?" Ash asked with a smiled as she watched the nervous gorilla.

"Hey Ash...Uh...Oh no It's ok, I'm actually just stopping by to ask something and I know it's late and I'm sorry about that, and we don't have to go right now I mean we can go tomorrow or the weekend or any time really and that's if you want too." Johnny started he now realised he was fumbling about with his words but he couldn't stop himself.

Ash raised her eyes in confusion Johnny paused his eyes wide when he saw this, he chuckled nervously "hehe, sorry I let my mouth run on there, didn't I?" He said rubbing his head he could feel himself getting hotter.

Ash chuckled slightly bring her paw up to her mouth she smiled though "you kinda did, It's ok Johnny you can ask me anything. You don't have to nervous."

Johnny smiled and let out a breath after breathing in and out, "Heh...Ok...Ash...I...I was...Wondering...If you'd like to go...On...A...D-date...With me?" Johnny closed his eyes and waited for her reply, he slowly opened them and almost wanted to run when he saw how wide Ash's eyes were she seemed like she'd frozen. He sighed in defeat and disappointment knowing that look all too well as he'd seen it the same expressions on girls he asked out before.

"I...I'm...S-Sorry...Ash...I'll...I'll go." Johnny sighed turning away and walking down the couple of stairs.

Ash shook herself out of her frozen state and quickly reached out and caught his leather jacket, "Johnny wait, hold on!"

Johnny turned back to the porcupine, "yeah?"

"I'm sorry Johnny I didn't mean to go blank there. I guess I was just a little shocked. And I would." Ash explained a faint blush appearing on her face.

Johnny's eyes widened "you would really?"

Ash smiled "yeah."

Johnny sighed in relief "great how about we go out after rehearsals tomorrow?"

Ash nodded "that's cool with me, you wanna come in for a little bit?" Ash asked gesturing for him to come inside.

Johnny shook his head "oh, no it's ok I actually need to head home, but I'll see you tomorrow." Johnny smiled with a grin.

"Ok, see ya tomorrow Johnny, good night." Ash waved as he started walking off.

"Good night Ash!" He called he waited till she shut the door and done a celebration cheer by shooting his fist up in the air, "yes!" He grinned sheepishly when he realised that some animals were watching him from across the street.


Meanwhile in an abandoned warehouse on the docks the mean bears and Lance were discussing their plans, the bears loomed over Lance as he paced about and they leaned against a table that was in the middle of the warehouse It was pretty dark and there was only a couple of lights. "Ok let's go over the plan once again." Lance said as he stopped to face the bears.

"We no plan, there's no need to go over it again!" The boss bear growled.

"Look I just wanna make sure you guys have got it!" Lance replied.

"Look we wait till the girl finishes rehearsals and we nab her as she's coming out then you magically see her and pretend you're rescuing her and we'll ket her see that. We then bring her here and you beat us up and then you make up and blah blah..Your together again...Have I missed anything?!" The Russian bear growled out looking annoyed.

Lance sighed not wanting to push his luck with changing the plan again "that sounds about right oh and if the gorilla gives you any trouble beat him up."

The bear raised his eye "gorilla, you've never mentioned this gorilla, who is he?"

Lance scoffed and waved his arm, "oh I think...His...Names...Jason...Johnny...I don't know. But who cares!"

The bear in the yellow gasped suddenly when he remembered something, "wait a minute boss that gorilla...I'm pretty sure that's Big daddy's son!"

The boss's eyes widened "big daddy!" The bear gasped and he glared at the porcupine "listen spikes, we're not going to mess with big daddy's son!"

Lance scoffed and laughed a bit "you guys are scared of a teenage gorilla? Your twice his size, beside isn't his dad in jail? I'm pretty sure I sure I saw his picture on the newspaper."

The bears glanced at one another and shrugged "that is true." said the one on the right.

"Well, then are we now settled with the plan?" Lance asked with his eyes raised and his paws on his hips.

The boss bear grunted "very well, we are settled with plan. When should we begin?"

Lance grinned and rubbed his paws together, "I'd say after their rehearsals tomorrow," Lance chuckled.