
Disclaimer: I don't own Sing

Chapter 1

It was a beautiful day over the Moon theatre as a kola named Buster Moon stared up at the beautfiul squid decorated building. He smiled as he made his way inside, excited over the thought of springing a new idea for a show onto his performers. Things were finally on the up and up, they had begun making more money than the theatre had ever done before.

Since the theatre had re-opened by the help of Nana Noodleman, they had held small shows to start things off, which brought in quite a bit of money. Buster felt is was time to try and pull off a bigger show so he asked the preformers to gather on the stage that morning.

Buster yawned as he entered his officer to gather his clipboreds he jumped slightly when Mrs. Crawly appeared "good morning Mister Moon, I made you some coffee." The old lizard called Mrs. Crawly said as she walked in the room.

"Ah morning Mrs. Crawly, thank you...Uhhhh, where is it?" Buster said as he looked in the cup only to find nothing there, he shook his head with a slight smile.

"Oooh I got a little thristy on the way up." Mrs. Crawly said sheepishly.

Sighing Buster sat the cup down and finally found the clipboard he was looking for "ah, there it is."

"Ohhhh the guys are all waiting on the stage for you Mister Moon." Mrs. Crawly said remembering why she came up.

Busters eyes widened and he nodded "good, I'll be right down." He grabbed his clipboard and started to make his way down to the stage he smiled as he watched them chatter amongst themselves. "Ah, good morning everyone. Thanks for coming."

"Morning, Mister Moon!" A few of them greeted.

"I suppose you're all wondering why I called you to come in so early?" Buster grinned as he gazed upon the group they nodded, "well I have a surprise for you, we are going to be holding another show!" Buster announced spreading his arms in the air.

The group gasped "another show?" Said Meena in excitement.

"Yes, and this is not going to be like all the smaller ones that we've done. Nooo, This one is going to bring in some serious money I have a good feeling, This is going to be a bigger show and this time!" Buster paused for dramatic effect, "you guys will be singing as duets!" Buster grinned as he watched their shocked faces.

"What?" Questioned Ash.

"Duets? no can do Moon. I sing alone!" Mike huffed as he folded his arms.

Buster sighed he knew Mike would be a problem, "aw come on Mike I just know that you and Meena would go great together with both of you're singing voices, at least give it a chance?"

Mike frowned but rolled his eyes "alright, only because I really like her voice... well It's you and me kid!" Mike said looking up at Meena who shrugged.

"We'll do great!" Meena smiled.

Buster sighed in relief and he made his way over to Johnny and Ash "Johnny you and Ash will be perfect together, I just know it. What do you think?" The two teenagers eyes widened as they glanced at one another Johnny smiled at Ash and Ash smiled back.

"I'm up for it." Johnny nodded.

Ash smiled again and nodded too, "guess we could give it a shot."

Buster grinned in delight, "great...Rosita, Gunter you are still together but I got another great routine for you."

"Yah, we're going to blow that routine out of theee water with awesome piggy power!" Gunter cheered.

Rosita chuckled as she high fived him "ok boss, we'll do our best."

Buster nodded "alright everybody thank you for agreeing with this, I know you'll be great. Now off to practice people." The group nodded and head for the rehearsal spaces, Mrs. Crawly had given them all a song sheet.

As Ash and Johnny entered their space Ash suddenly remembered that she'd left her guitar in the back, "Oh, Johnny I have to go get my guitar, I'll be right back. Why don't you maybe pick a song for us?" Ash suggested as she held the door.

Johnny nodded as he watched the porcupine run out "sure Ash." Johnny muttered as he looked over the songs, he sighed in relief that she hadn't noticed a blush that appeared on his cheeks. "Boy, singing with Ash, I wonder how this'll go?" He mumbled to himself. Johnny had paced the room for a little and realised that Ash was taking a while.

Growing with concern Johnny folded up the song list and put it in his pocket, and made his way round to the back of the rehearsal spaces. He frowned when he heard some arguing standing at the side of the wall he turned round to see Ash and another male porcupine "get away from me Lance, I told you we're through, why won't you listen?!" Ash growled as she tried to walk away. but she was pulled back by Lance which caused her to drop her guitar.

"Come on, Ash babe I miss ya and I know you miss me!" Lance exclaimed as he looked down on Ash.

"Come to think of it I don't, I've been doing great this past month without you, now go back to Becky!" Ash growled as she shoved herself away from him.

"I dumped Becky, she doesn't understand me as much as you did, plus she was getting my songs wrong!" Lance complained.

"That's not changing my mind Lance!" Ash yelled firmly as she glared at him Lance grabbed her once again.

Johnny growled and decided to the interrupt them, "is there a problem here?!"

Lance had let go of Ash when he laid eyes on the gorilla, "who are you?!" Lance questioned with a raised eye.

"The names Johnny and I'll have to show you out cause this space is for performers only and I don't recall you being one," Johnny said in a growl directed at Lance.

Lance looked at the size of Johnny as he walked towards him and towered over him, he scoffed "whatever, dude I'm outta here. This isn't the last you've seen of me Ash!" Lance called making his way out the back door.

Johnny turned back to Ash when Lance left, "are you okay?"

Ash smiled as she picked up her guitar Johnny noticed this and decided to help her out, but as they did their hands touched, both realised at the same as a feeling built up in their bodies. Both of their eyes widened as they gazed upon one another. A yell from Mike in the distance, had brought them both back to their senses, both looking away shyly.

"U-uhhh y-yeaaah I'm okay." Ash smiled shyly at Johnny and he smiled back.

"Shall...Uh...Shall we get back to rehearsing?" Johnny questioned rubbing his head.

Ash nodded, "yeah we probably should." she said and they both made their way back to the rehearsal space.