Silence. This is what hung in the air of the Bounty and the cell that Zane was sitting in. Two different kinds of silence. The silence of loss and sorrow and the other the silence of being alone. It haunted both like ghosts, reminding them all of an absence of something besides sound. Zane shifted a little, the rattle of chains painfully breaking the silence. The soft pattering of footfalls alerted him that someone was coming. He could guess who was coming down the cavern.

"Happy to see me?" Morro smiled.

Zane knew he should have been screaming, yelling, kicking, doing anything to escape or make it difficult for his captors.

"Zane, don't listen to him, we'll get out here, " he heard Jay whispered behind him.

He knew he should have turned and looked, he knew it wasn't really Jay. But he lifted his head turning hopefully to the sound. He saw Jay, but not really Jay, only an image of him, the rest controlled by an imposter. His reaction earned him harsh laughter, the ghosts finding it hilarious.

"Aren't you so happy that we are going to be together for the rest of eternity?" Morro taunted, floating around him.

"I mean, you and I are so similar," Morro said.

"We are nothing alike," Zane hissed softly.

"Oh, but we are. We're both evil on the inside." Morro replied.

"I am not evil," Zane said.

"I don't know, it seems pretty evil to almost kill your friends. Your family." Morro said.

Zane said nothing, eyes falling back down to the floor.

"Don't look so sad. We're going to rule the world soon. I think you would find it more enjoyable to join me instead of constantly fighting me." Morro said.

"By my calculations, If you think I will ever join you than you are a fool." Zane bitterly replied.

"Oh well." Morro shrugged, "Anyway, we always have Jay to fix you up if you get a little...battle damaged."

"Soul Archer," Soul Archer scowled.

"Ya whatever." Morro dismissed, "Now here, you either take off your gi and put on this green shirt or I'll do it myself."

Zane huffed, watching as one of the guards took that as a yes and moved around his back, pulling out a key. A click resounded and they chains started to loosen. Morro thrust the shirt towards him, and Zane hesitantly took it.

A second passed. Zane threw the shirt into Jay's face and rebounded off of him. Turn on his heels, he bolted, darting the twists and the turns of the cavern. Footsteps and the scream of an arrow resounded from behind him. He ducked throwing a rock at the arrow, which hit it, the arrows sickly green glow spreading all over it.

"P.I.X.A.L., calcula-" Zane cut off remembering that she was still at the Bounty.

With a sharp turn, that made many rocks scrape against his feet with a grinding screech, he changed directions, heading into a different tunnel. He had no idea where he was, or where was the exit. All he knew was that there were 4 angry ghosts on his tail that were going to get him if he didn't do something quick.

A faint green glow from the floor indicated that a ghost was going to pop up shortly. He swerved, turning down a different tunnel.

"Move faster idiots!" He heard Morro growl behind him. Too close behind him.

He glanced behind him to find Morro's transparent green arm reaching out towards him, a satisfied smirk on Morro's face... And then it was flying up above him. He was falling down. Either way, the farther away he was from Morro, the better.

A sharp impact right between his lower shoulder and neck. His view flickered once before turning to black.

"Do not worry, my pupils, we will get your brothers back." Sensei Will told a silent table.

A sigh was all the response that he received.

"We did lose the war-"

"Ya, ya. We lost only the battle. But we lost more than that. We are 3/5 a team how is there fifths a team going to function!?" Kai huffed, frustrated and angry that he had to sit the whole fight stuck to the wall with 5 feet of ice encasing him.

"He's right," Cole added.

"My students, I know it is hard to lose your brother. But you can move forward. You have to move forward. To save your brothers, to save Ninjago." Sensei Wu rallied.

A moment passed, all of the boys looking each other in the eyes.

"Yes, Sensei," they replied.

"Now," Sensei Wu said, "Get some sleep, it's been a long day."

The 3 boys filed out of the kitchen, heading into their rooms.

"I call shower first!" Lloyd said, bolting down the hallway.

"Hey!" Kai said, shaking his head with a slight smile on his face.

When they had finally come into the room, they could hear the faint hissing of water coming from the closed bathroom door.

"So," Cole said, sitting on his bed, "What did I miss. I knew I should have stayed there. I shouldn't have left."

"Shoulds, shouldn't. There was a lot of should and shouldn'ts that happened." Kai said, flopping down into his bed. He bounced twice, before turning onto his stomach, staring at Cole.

"I mean, this might be the lowest point we've been at. We are missing two members. We hardly functioned missing one." Cole said.

"But we've been here before, and we've all made it out, we can do it again," Kai said.

"But now Morro's able to get the Realm crystal. He's got all the components, everything he needs." Cole sighed, "I feel like this is mission impossible."

"I know," Kai said.

"So what did I miss," Cole asked, wanting to know the events of the battle.

"Well," Kai started, "After freed you, we all attacked him. It was weird, I could hear some of Ghoultar's thoughts in my head. It felt like they were my thoughts, but they weren't, I knew they weren't. It's such and odd feeling, being possessed. It's like... the same feeling when you break your arm and you can't move a couple of your fingers no matter how hard you try. It's kinda like that, only your fingers are moving."

Cole flipped over on his back, looking up at the bunk bed above him.

"But after Lloyd threw a stalagmite at him, which Jay pushed him into, we had him pinned down and cornered. They, the ghosts, totally thought that they had him, but Zane summoned his energy dragon and used it to fight. Did you know that they can do that?"

"No, I never thought about that," Cole answered, astonished.

"It probably requires a lot of mental control." Kai said, "It didn't look easy. By the things got power to it. It was kicking our butts, knocking us around and they couldn't get back on their feet."

"I can't wait to try that!" Cole exclaimed, "They sound so awesome."

"But..." Kai started.

"But what?" Cole prodded, lifting his head up to look at Kai.

"I think... Jay killed Zane's dragon." Kai whispered.

"What?!" Cole exclaimed.

"Ya, Soul Archer managed to get one good shot in," Kai said.

"Oh. Maybe it not gone, though?" Cole suggested.

"The look on their faces were the same, Zane and the dragon's, horror and pain. Zane could feel it. He was clutching his neck like Jay had embedded it in his throat." Kai said, "And I did nothing. I couldn't do anything. It was all my fault."

"I'm done!" Lloyd sang, his hair damp and fresh clothes on, a roll of steam following him as he walked out of the bathroom.

He waltzed into the room, whistling. He looked at the solem faces of his brothers.

"Wow, some pretty dark thoughts. I think you should take a shower, relieve some stress, clear your mind." Lloyd suggested.

"Fine," Kai grumbled, "You can finish telling Cole the rest of what happened."

"Oh." Lloyd said, "You were talking about that."

"I could finish it if you don't want to." Kai offered.

"No thanks," Lloyd smiled, "You go on ahead."

"Ok," Kai said, walking into the bathroom.

"So, you were talking about the fight," Lloyd said.

"Yep." Cole sighed.

"Not one of the best fights I've ever had." Lloyd mused.

"Kai just got to the part where Jay killed Zane's dragon," Cole said.

Lloyd winced, a reminder of the scene playing in his head.

"Ya, it sounded really bad," Cole said sympathetically.

"Before or after?" Lloyd asked.

"Uh, after I think," Cole said.

"So, after Jay killed Zane's dragon, he snapped," Lloyd said.

"He just snapped?" Cole echoed.

"Ya. Soul Archer not only hurt him but his element of ice itself. The dragon and Zane and his element of ice are practically one in the same. Zane's eyes lit up bright white, looking a lot like when we had our full potentials. Only just his eyes glowed. Pain switched to anger to just... blank." Lloyd said.

"That was the snowstorm." Cole said, "I knew that had to do with him."

"Yep. He practically froze Kai to the wall." Lloyd said.

"What?!" Cole said.

"I don't think he knew what he was doing." Lloyd said, "Even after we thought the ghosts were long gone, he still didn't let up. He almost killed Jay."

Cole remained silent, not having much to say but having so much on his mind.

"Jay or Soul Archer, I don't know who was doing the the talking, he talked Zane out of it." Lloyd said, "And then...Jay took him, well, not Jay, Soul Archer."

"Maybe he knew all along. That's why he almost killed Jay, he still saw his enemy, clear as day." Cole said.

"I only noticed once I heard him call 'See ya later suckers!' I didn't know. I was trying to unfreeze Kai. And then he was gone. He stole down one of the tunnels. I tried to chase him, but he was already to far gone." Lloyd sighed, painfully remembering the moment.

"And then you came. You know the rest of the story." Lloyd finished glumly.

"You know, it feels better to talk about it," Cole said.

"Ya," Lloyd said, "It doesn't replace the guilty feeling I still have."

"Do you think it is my fault?" Cole asked.

"Of course not!" Lloyd exclaimed.

"I don't think it's yours either," Cole said, proving his point, "So why should it be just your fault?"

The room was silent for a minute and they could just make out Kai's soft singing.

Even with the solemn mood in the room, Cole and Lloyd couldn't help laughing. Kai had always insisted that they were hearing things and that he definitely did not sing in the shower.

Soon Kai opened the door dress in a red T-shirt and gray pants.

"No deepstone gi?" Lloyd asked.

"What's the use?" Kai said, "It's already got a hole in it."

"We could ask Misako or Sensei Wu to sow it up for us," Cole suggested.

"That sounded like a great idea!" Lloyd said, sliding the gi over his head.

Kai accepted the gi and passed a red shirt to him.

"No green? It's my favorite color." Lloyd said.

"I'm tired of green, wearing another color for a change. You look like a cucumber all the time," Kai laughed, turning out of the room with a smirk.