I do not own dragon ball or monster musume
"Kamehameha" Speech
'Kamehameha' Inner thoughts or narration
*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* "Mn… GH… where's that damn alarm clock… "Said Erito groggily as he started to wave his arm around trying to deactivate the alarm clock
'Hm when did the alarm clock become so squishy' thought Erito as he looked up to see his hand not grabbing the alarm clock but instead he was grabbing one of centorea's breasts
"Good morning master" said centorea who looked unfazed by being grabbed in her boobs but she did have a noticeable blush on her face
"Holy fuck!" Exclaimed Erito as he flailed back into a wall away from centorea
"Tis almost time for breakfast, so please do come downstairs…" and with that said she left downstairs where the others were
"Wh?! What the hell?! Why was she even here it's not like her to come into my room without me knowing especially in the morning I wonder why though?"
"…And so I've come here to live here with all of you, I'm rachnera arachnera nice to meet you!" said rachnera with a small smile on her face
"Nice to meet you too!" Exclaimed papi happily
"It's a pleasure" said mero
One thing that rachnera learned while she moved in is that miia is very defensive when it comes to kimihito so she took advantage of that
"I ran into some trouble and had nowhere to go, so Ms. Smith introduced me to this place isn't that right… Honey"
"Honey?! Hold on don't you think you're being a little too friendly with my darling"
Oh? Well then maybe I should start calling him darling too?"
"RACHNERA!" Miia tried to attack rachnera but she ultimately failed as rachnera quickly tied her up with her threads
"Relax would you I'm not going after someone that weak and pathetic anyways"
"Hey I'm right here you know?!" Exclaimed kimihito
"Hey at least you don't have the rapist going after you so consider yourself lucky" muttered Erito which relived kimihito a little bit
Meanwhile miia was still tied up expecting some of the girls to help her but… papi and suu were playing on a hammock that rachnera made with her threads, mero didn't seem to mind her at all but for some reason she confused rachnera for a crab, centorea was calmly drinking some of Erito's tea
"Just so you know I have no objection to rachnera joining us here, I didn't feel anything wrong when meroune joined us either, and anyways, I don't have the nerve to try and meddle in those sort of things"
'Well, I guess is time for a bathroom brake' Erito was about to leave when he felt centorea behind him, he then started to move towards the bathroom only for centorea to walk close to him, close enough for him to get squished into the wall by her
"Um… Cerea it's hard to move with you literally putting me up against the wall!"
"P-please excuse my insolence! Please ride me! Go ahead!" said centorea as she gestured toward her back
"I'm not going to ride you! What the hell is going on you're being awfully forward and you've also been following me around a lot"
"What are you saying?! You are my master! It is my duty to follow you about, is it not?! So please, allow me to be by your side!" Exclaimed Centorea
"But I'm going to the bathroom"
"P-pardon my ignorance!" said a very flustered Centorea
Erito quickly got in the bathroom so he wouldn't have any more complications 'damn why the hell is she like this it's starting to get really annoying…'
(With miia and centorea)
"…Are you really okay with this?" asked miia
"But I really don't like her"
"And why is that?"
"Ms. Smith said that the big fuss yesterday was "nothing" but I'm sure she's lying! She's got to be that runaway Arachne, right?!
"If thou take offense to runaways, thou must realize that papi is a habitual runaway"
"Well yeah, but…But she's definitely plotting something evil! And she looks dangerous to boot!'
"MIIA! One should never judge a book by its cover, no matter who it may be 'tis an embarrassing thing to do! We extraspecies women should know that!"
"Well… yeah I know…" a few seconds of silence until…
"HEEEENOFOcoOBCIBUOIBOSCVcLNDNX?!" A muffled scream for help came from inside the bathroom in rough translation it means "HELP! HELP! I'M GOING TO BE RAPED! I'M TOO YOUNG TO LOOSE MY VIRGINITY!"
"MASTER?!" Exclaimed centorea who kicked the door open with great force, when the smoke cleared up she saw Erito tied up on the toilet bdsm style with rachnera on top of him ready to rape him
"*Ahem* sorry, sorry! Honey here just came into the bathroom so suddenly! I was surprised, so I accidentally tied him up…"
"THAT"S BULLSHIT! Look I don't like the guy but I know for a fact you were waiting for Erito to come in so you could…" Miia was interrupted by centorea extending her arm towards her signaling her to stop talking
"Understood. Please be careful so this doesn't happen again"
"I know, I know! Wow this door is tiny!" said rachnera as she left the door
"Centorea! You know she did it on purpose, so why did you say that…?!"
"We don't have any proof. Making assumptions is the same foolishness as judging someone by their outward appearance" said centorea as she started to untie Erito from rachnera's threads
"…If you're not making any assumptions, then why are you so close to him?"
"Wh-what a foolish thing to suggest…I'm always this close to him"
"Holy shit I thought I was actually gonna lose my virginity…" muttered Erito as he started to catch his breath
(Later that day)
'Why did I have to be kidnapped by rachnee, it wouldn't be a problem except she knows my fucking weakness now I have to stay on high alert whenever I'm around her… I guess I should finish up cleaning so I can get something to eat' thought Erito who was currently cleaning the living room… but he wasn't aware that a certain Arachne was waiting for him to fall into her trap…
"Okay just a liiitle bit more aaannnd… Oh shit!" Erito tripped on one of rachnera's threads, he was heading straight for rachnera who decided to show up out of nowhere, but he simply put his arms in front of him stopping him from hitting the floor he then jumped and did a front flip landing perfectly like nothing happened…ls what would've happened if centorea didn't kick rachnera in the back of the head and immediately pulled Erito into her chest
"…Are you alright master?"
'The hell was that all about… godammit I dealt with people like freeza, cell, buu, demigra, motherfucking beerus the god of destruction!, I trained my body to my absolute limit, I even unlocked my full potential with the old kai before I decided to retire…but this, this is ridiculous I can't even handle one girl, the only one that I can actually be around with is suu and the only trouble she gets into is eating the clothes I make for her… and rape the other girls *Cough* *Cough* but she's the least annoying one to be around with, the second one would be mero but she goes all types of weird if you even whisper the word tragedy near her …'
"…Hey honey could you add this to the wash? It got so dirty yesterday…!" Erito turned around to see rachnera with her crop top off (I'm assuming that's what her top clothes are)
*Internal screaming from Erito*
"Then wear this" said Centorea as she quickly and efficiently put her large buttoned shirt on Rachnera
"Master please turn away! I'll go get changed!" Said Centorea as she sprinted out of the room while covering her bosoms
*Even more internal screaming for Erito*
(Night time)
'*Sigh* Today must be the most tiring day ever and that's saying something considering how long I can fight… Cerea was literally all over me and rachnee was trying to molest me… Hm I wonder what trunks and chronoa are doing last I've heard they were building a new city called conton city after demigra basically destroyed toki-toki city…Well whatever, right now I just want to sleep..' thought Erito as he jumped on his bed but stopped himself as he floated in the air looking at his bed that was now covered in webs
"Rachnera I know you're above me, would you care to explain why there's a bunch of your webs in my bed!" Erito said out loud in frustration as he turned to the ceiling seeing the Arachne above him but he received no answer as rachnera simply pounced on him blocking his door with her webs
"What are you doing?!" Exclaimed Erito
"I wouldn't move if I were you" said Rachnera as she gently grabbed his tail
"Ha that won't work I've been training my tail to not be a weakness anymore!" Said Erito with lots of bravado but in reality it was a bluff it was true that he has been training his tail but the only thing he learned how to do was control his great ape transformation whenever the full moon came up he achieved this by briefly looking at the moon and when his saiyan urges were about to burst he quickly blindfolded himself suppressing the urge to transform he did this repeatedly until he could freely look at the full mon without transforming… but that's it, no matter what he does, his tail would always be his weakness...
"Oh is that so? Well then let's test it out shall we?"
'Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit she called my bluff!' thought Erito who was panicking on the inside… but before rachnera could pull his tail Centorea came to the rescue by slashing the door into tiny pieces and grabbing him by the back of his shirt
"WOAH! *Thud* H-hey cerea where the hell are we going!"
"Anywhere but there! Thou cannot stay with her! If she is to sink her teeth into you master, then we should… 'Keep going on like this…!' insert Centorea's delusional life she think she would have as a wife
"…All these stares"
"What about them?" Asked Erito who was genuinely confused unlike universe seven where the legendary hero son goku lives there have been anthropomorphic animals living alongside humans for several decades I mean for kami's sake the king of the world Is a blue Cairn Terrier and because of that universe seven's earth is pretty damn progressive more than Erito's universe will ever be, and his time in the time patrol being "the hero of time" forbade him from ever visiting his universe so he had no idea what was going on in his universe, but he did have fun with the other time patrollers like the majin, the namekians, the arcosians, his fellow saiyans, and even humans, another thing that annoyed him was that the humans were pathetically weak except for the ones in the time patrol he will have to fix that in the future (but we'll get to that in a future chapter)
"…The curious stares all extraspecies people find pointed at them… Most of them are innocent. But there are also stares of those who consider us to be different creatures… Those pointed stares… Pierce right through you…!"
'I don't think that's what they're thinking when they're staring at you!"
'Those stares are the kinds of things us extraspecies people have to live with every day except for your race the namekians and the arcosians… And yet… And yet I judged Rachnera by her appearance…"
"Wow, wow don't you think you're taking this a little too far, I mean you were actually right about rachnee"
"No matter the good it brought, I cannot forgive myself for directing such a piercing gaze upon her...! I came as a representative of the proud and respected centaur race… And yet I failed to represent them"
'Oh Kami at least she isn't as prideful as vegeta' Erito thought as centorea finally stopped galloping through the streets 'finally she stopped… phew and nothing else went wrong' something's gonna go wrong in 3..2..1..
"Well lookee here! Daaaaamn those are some fine titties! Is this one of them centaurs? But your bottom half's a horse fuck, that's disgusting as hell!" Said the prick from chapter 1 and since no one cares about his name you can just call him whatever stupid name you can think of
"This assholes again and he brought friends this time…" Erito mumbled to himself
"She's more like a cow with those knockers!" Said generic thug #1
"Hey, why don't you let us tie those titties down?" Said generic thug #2 who was laughing like a hyena, a very stupid hyena
'And I keep getting reminded of humanities failures'
"Look you wannabe thug's if you don't fuck off I'll personally make sure that all of you get crippled for life!" Erito released some of his killing intent but the thugs didn't back down even if some of them were already pissing their pants, the thugs grabbed pipes and decide to just attack both Centorea and Erito, of course Erito was ready to humiliate them but before they could reach him the leader of the idiots got tied up by you guessed it… rachnera
"Hey mind if I join you guys?" Said rachnera with the voice of a crazy person this of course made every one of the thugs run away in horror while shouting things like "It's a monster!" "It's going to kill us!" and all that jazz
"H-hey don't come any closer! Do you know what'll happen to you if you put one finger on me?!" said the leader of the idiots
"Do I look like the type that gives a fuck!?" Exclaimed Rachnera as she basically jump scared the guy resulting in him getting knocked the fuck out
"Hmph well that takes care of him… jeez what're you doing? Were you really gonna let them attack you like that?"
"N-no, but the extraspecies laws say…"
It's fine as long as nobody finds out. And there's no way these guys would tell on you. Besides they're the ones who picked the fight"
"*Cough*a-anyways, allow me to thank you rachnera. Thanks to thee my master and I…" Centorea got cut off before she could finish by rachnera
"I mean… I'm the only one who's allowed to take my honey hostage" said Rachnera as she quickly tied up Erito bdsm style
"Well why don't we find a place to stay for the night, honey?" This immediately go her a kick behind her head
"Hey! That was not funny" said rachnera who started to massage her bruise
"I…I am grateful for thy actions and I apologize for being judgmental, but… I hate you! Don't touch my master! Master belongs to me! He is not your plaything!"
'Well that came out of nowhere' thought Erito who was getting smothered by centorea's big boobs
(Insert Rachnera's laugh)
"So you finally said what you really feel! You're way too serious you know" said rachnera who struggled to not laugh even harder
"…Huh?" was the word that came out of centorea's mouth
"I really hate it when people put on a mask to keep up appearances. You kept saying you had nothing against me even though you it was very obvious you hated me… With my body it'd be easy for me to take a human out so of course you would be wary of me how is that "judgmental"? You're free to like or hate whoever you want. You don't like me? Well isn't that normal? Don't be a hypocrite and pretend to be my friend, if you hate me then hate me"
"Alright let's go home. I've spun so much thread, I'm getting hungry"
"Then I'll see what I can make when we get home"
'Goodness… I couldn't think of anything to say back to her, it is true that I do not like her, but… Heh perhaps I can rely on her' with this all said and done centorea joined rachnera and Erito as they started to walk back home
"But Rachnera… How can I repay you? I simply must" Well, centorea screwed herself over
Hm? Well… I've got an idea…"
(Later at kimihito's house)
"Rachnee, what're you doing?!" Exclaimed Kimihito as he saw Rachnera tie up centorea in a very *ahem* "compromising" position
"I really, really wanted to try tying you up, centorea!"
'Endure it I have no one but myself to blame. This is the punishment that shall correct the wrongs of my heart… And yet…'
Alright, next, let's try tying your arms behind your back!"
'I really do hate her…!'
AN: Ah finally I'm done with this chapter (kind of I mean I was gonna put two chapters in one like I always do but the procrastination got to me so I was like fuck it and decided to write one chapter instead, btw I'm going to focus more on this fanfic since this is the most positively reviewed fanfic that surprisingly doesn't have hate in it like the other one that I recently made which is a cross over between dragon ball and Highschool DxD, actually I'm bored enough as it is heck I might even create a new crossover dragon ball and miss kobayashi's dragon maid what do you guys think, if you think I should do it then tell me some ideas who knows I might actually use them) A-anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter (Half a chapter) and stay tuned for the next chapter of everyday life with a saiyan and monster girls presented by he-tap! (Sorry I couldn't help it)... Oh and i'm still waiting for someone to draw suu in piccolo's clothes seriously man there's a lot of talented artists out there if you have deviant art and you're reading this right now f***ing make a drawing right now and PM me when it's done