Yeah I don't own Hellsing and I don't have any money I'm still in high school so leave me alone and don't sue me I've got nothing accept this pack of Wrigley's gum but I'll fight for it to the bitter end so there oh and Enjoy the story *********************************

The young woman across from her smiled slightly but Integral could see the uncertainty in her face. Integral tried to ease the mood by smiling herself but she couldn't seem to fain a hypocrites guise on that day. It was painful for her to see this young girl who she knew would become the next heir of Hellsing. Painful because she looked so innocent and leading an organization like Hellsing would inevitably crush such innocence. Painful because although the girl held Hellsing blood in her veins it was not the blood of Integral's own father but rather her twisted uncle. Yet, the bitterest pill lay somewhere deep in Integrals own heart.

She would never have a child suitable to run Hellsing. She had hoped long ago to find someone she found agreeable and have a child but somehow she never had the heart for it. Her wounds never seemed to heal right no matter how strongly she licked them. Perhaps she might have been able to do it if she could have rid herself entirely of the memories but he was always there. After all he was more a part of Hellsing than she in many ways and though she distanced herself from him long ago she could not wrench his blood from her soul. He was always inside her pumping around in every heartbeat and breath. It was a heavy weight upon her pride as a Hellsing, much too heavy.

"So Jacquelyn your mother tells me you go to boarding school during most of the year. She said you're an excellent pupil."

"Um yes Ms. Hellsing. I mean Sir Hells-"

"You may call me cousin Integral." Despite the fact that Integral preferred her full title she felt an obligation to be less formal with her new protégé. She knew she would have to step lightly with such a delicate girl. If Jacquelyn was to be the next heir of Hellsing she would have to be informed slowly of her inheritance.

"Oh then you must can call me Jackie," she smiled.

Integral bit back a frown and resisted the urge to pull out a cigar. "Very well then I shall call you Jackie; however, I must ask you not to allow anyone else to call you by that name. The people of this house are to refer to you as Ms. Walsh Hellsing only."

"Um," the young girl blinked "I suppose I understand. Oh um I do enjoy school Ms. I mean cousin Integral. I'm hoping to attend Oxford in two years, that is I suppose if I can ever improve my Greek marks," she laughed. "I'm not very good with languages."

"Well I'm glad you enjoy school. It is important for you to receive the best education possible so it is well that you have set you sights on Oxford. A Hellsing should expect no less. I am glad that I have had the opportunity to find you Jackie. I hope that in time you will consider me more than simply blood family. I do not care to mince words so I will tell you now that it is my intention to make you my heir. Although myself and my uncle were not close it is obvious you have little connection to him yourself."

"My mother hated him she said he was not kind to my grandmother and treated her as though. as though she were a common whore."

"Yes," Integral sighed "my uncle was a cruel man. I confess I was not terribly saddened by his death."

"Cousin Integral, forgive me for being forward I know the Hellsing's have a vast fortune but what exactly is it that your organization does. Although I can't say I haven't indulged in the prospect of becoming quite wealthy ever since you sent for me; yet, somehow I'm more leery than I thought I would be. Perhaps running such an organization would not be in my best interests."

And then it happened. Integral finally genuinely smiled. Perhaps I'm not giving her enough credit. "The complexities of running an organization such as Hellsing will be explained to you in time Jackie. However, you shall always reserve the right to decline your inheritance and in the mean time I'll be more than happy to help your family with your education. Even if you decline your inheritance you are still a Hellsing and deserving of your heritage."

A cold gust of air seemed to send a shiver up Jacquelyn's spine. Sensing the usual disturbance Integral quickly lifted herself from her desk seat. "Well Jackie I hope you enjoy your brief respite at the Hellsing manor please forgive these old walls. Stone does little for keeping out the drafts.

"Thank you cousin Integral, you're too generous." She smiled and turned noticing the door open.

"Walter please escort Ms. Walsh Hellsing to her room."

"Yes, Sir," he replied in his usual tone. However, these days Walter had been showing his age. It was been thirteen years since the helicopter crash and Walter's step had never been the same since.

The subtle shift in temperature was now plunging and she could feel him materialize at her back. "Alucard I won't tolerate this behavior you are not to intimidate this girl do you understand."

"Hmm," he brazenly reached his hand out grabbing her by the ribs and pulling her toward him. "This is who you would have be the next leader of Hellsing that wisp of a girl," he said in her ear.

"Alucard I refuse to struggle with you and only succeed in baiting you on. Remove you hands this instant. I will not be told who I leave the Hellsing organization to."

He let go of her and stepped back. He laughed jocularly. "As you say my Master but I still wonder why you don't have the heir your pride demands of you. You are only 36 after all. It is not to late to have a child."

Her heart seemed to pang in her chest. He was far to good at twisting the knife. "Why do you bother Alucard you know damn well why I shall never have a proper heir to Hellsing."

He smiled evilly. "There is no one to prevent you from taking a human lover. Is there Integral."

He seemed to accent the syllables of her name as though each one were a gun shot across the room. "Get out," she yelled, but when she turned to face him he was already gone and for the first time in years she found herself huddled on the floor. She wanted to weep but her pride would not let her besides she knew he was still watching. It seemed so impossibly unfair that despite all the years she had spent trying to forget he could still rip her being in two. Hadn't she suffered enough for her passions. She had to live with the shame of it. Every day she longed to undue the past yet still she longed to feel his hands upon her again. It didn't matter her duty as Hellsing would always come first.

My Pride in my heritage must be the guiding force in all my actions, she thought to herself. Yes, Master the true heritage of Hellsing calls out always to its members, a cruel voice laughed in Integrals mind and she felt no comfort in its words.

************************************** Review if you want me to pump out chapters like a mad man and if you don't want any more than don't flame me just don't review ok