Well. Welcome I guess. So this is an AshxLatias fanfiction. I have not found many good Altoshipping stories so I decided to help with the lack of decent stories.

I know my story may go up and down and generally be all over the place, but I hoe it will still be at least half decent. I will try to update every 2 or 3 weeks but I offer no promises. I write whenever I get the chance. My chapters will all hopefully be about this length. So a few things to say though

1. If you don't like the ship, you don't have to read this.

2. Flames are not appreciated unless they are from Charizard torching an adversary.

3. Constructive criticism will be greatly appreciated.

4. If you want an OC to be added, send them to me by Private message so I can give credit.

5. There will be certain scenes that are not appropriate for all audiances. These scenes will be warned about in the previous chapter and at the beginning of the chapter its in.

6. There will be blood and gore as well as adult language.

7. Most of all, if you are still here, enjoy.


NEVER GIVE UP UNTIL THE VERY END- Ashura Satoshi Ketchum- Pallet Town Boy Wonder


It was a cloudless night with a full moon shining on a small campsite just off of the beach of Lily of the Valley island. There were 3 sleeping bags that could be seen, a brown, a pink and a blue.

Currently the young girl with blue hair and the young man with tanned skin were sleeping soundly as the Kricketune and Kricketot were chirping. The young boy, who is almost a man, with jet black messy hair was still awake just staring up at the sky while his mind was racing with a multitude of thoughts.

He had come so close to winning the Sinnoh league but he lost in the SemiFinals. He had done the seemingly impossible though. He took out his opponents Darkrai and his Latios.

Seeing said Latios brought to him a sad memory from the 2nd year of his journey. He had been visiting Alto Mare, The City of Water, a couple weeks prior to the Johto League. He had witnessed a young Eon Duo while there. He had befriended them rather quickly after he had protected the Latias, whom was disguised as a young girl, from a couple of Team Rocket Agents.

A couple of days later Latios and the Soul Dew had been captured and both of their energies drained. With the Soul Dew no longer in the spring a massive wave threatened Alto Mare but after being saved by Ash from entrapment, Latios alongside his sister Latias stopped the wave. The sad thing was that Latios had to give up his life to become a new Soul Dew as the old one had been rendered useless.

He was so into his thoughts that he didn't realise that the sun had now come up over the horizon, highlighting the sky in pinks and reds, orange and yellows. It was a magnificent sight to behold if one took notice but his mind was elsewhere, "I wonder how Latias is doing?" he said out loud. The tanned young man, having been up making breakfast heard and was surprised by the fact that the boy was awake.

"I didn't realize you were awake Ash." he said but got no response other than a massive yawn.

The boy, now identified as Ash simply stood and went to take a seat at the picnic table.

'something is troubling him. Though it could be his loss in the league.'

"Something bothering you Ash? You aren't acting yourself this morning?"

"Nothing's wrong. Just thinking about things. That's all."

"What about? You aren't the type to think about things."

There was no reply for about a minute before Ash said, "Latias. Is she alright without her brother and Bianca. I had heard that she started he journey a bit before the Hoenn League."

"I'm sure she's fine. But how does breakfast sound to you?"

"Not hungry right now Brock. I'm gonna go for a walk."

It was then that Brock noticed the bags under his friends eyes. "You didn't sleep well last night did you?"

"I didn't." Ash replied, getting up from his seat and walking into the trees to clear his mind a little.

While Brock was watching his friend walk away, he heard, "What's up with him? He never leaves like that."

Brock turned towards the blue haired girl and said, "I dont know Dawn. He wouldn't tell me what exactly but he did say he was thinking about an old friend."

"Really. Ash can think?" Dawn said barely restraining her laughter.

"I've seen him think about things but he didn't sleep at all last night." Brock said with concern etched into his face.

In a small clearing in the woods

Ash was sitting on a rock that rose up out of the ground about a foot with his eyes closed and a soft blue glow surrounding his body. He also had a Lucario next to him. It was a jackal like

Pokemon that was known to have the capability of using and manipulating aura.

The two just sat there meditating but Ash had been reaching out with his aura to find a specific aura signature. He knew that it would be quite far but it didn't really matter as he had a massive amount of power in his aura.

After looking for another 20 minutes he found it and established a link and sent, (Latias. Its Ash)

(Ash! How did you connect to me?)

(I am an Aura Guardian. So how are you?)

(Good though where are you? I'll come to you.)

(It would take a few days to get here. I'm in Sinnoh.)

(Stop joking around. The connection cant be this strong over that distance.)

(I am not joking. After all, I am Arceus' Chosen One.)

(Really?! Now I'm even more in love with you.) Latias accidentally blurted out through the connection.

(I feel like I'm gonna mess, Wait! WHAT?!)

Why am I blushing? Do I like her like that? Ash thought to himself.

Meanwhile, Latias was berating herself for her big mouth. She was sure that she just ruined her friendship with her first, and possibly last, love interest.

(I'm sorry if I ruined our-) Latias started before Ash said (No. You didn't ruin anything. In fact, I think I feel the same way about you. Though I have never been good with recognizing stuff about romance and the like.)

(Really? So you aren't upset or freaked out?)

(Well a little because it was so sudden but otherwise no. I am actually looking forward to seeing where this new revelation takes us.)

(Great! Oh I'm so happy! When are you going to visit?)

(Well I have to get a ferry to Slateport. Then another one to Olivine. From there I can have Staraptor fly me over to Alto Mare. So about two weeks unless I get Charizard from Charicific Valley then I could fly on him to Olivine. And that would take travel time down to just a few days.)

(Get Charizard and get here. As soon as possible. Pleeeeaaaassssse) Latias begged, wanting to see her beloved right away.

(Will do. And I might have found a way to communicate with your brother. I'll tell you when I get there.)

(Really wish I could bring him back though instead of just talking with him.) Latias said as Ash noticed her mood drop.

(I might have a remedy for that as well.)

(I hope so. I miss him so much.)

(Alright. I gotta go. My friends are looking for me and I haven't told them about me being a Guardian.)

(Why not?)

(I don't know myself it just doesn't feel right to tell them. Anyway, I- I love you.)

(Oh My love. You have my heart in yours as well.) Latias said causing both of them to break out in laughter at the playful midevil tone.

Ash finally calmed down an said (okay I really gotta go. Good day my Lady.)

With that he cut the connection, came out of his meditation, and instantly caught sight his two friends walking along a path in the forest not far from him.

He quickly leapt off the rock into the trees, Lucario following suit.

They went a good distance and stopped as Ash returned Lucario.

He then began to move along at a slow jog in the direction he had just come.

10 minutes later he had met up with Brock and Dawn, who had not badgered him of why he was thinking for so long, back at camp where he had instantly demolished the large amount of food that was made for when he had come back.

The 3 of them then set off to the Pokemon Center and arrive about half hour later.

"I gotta call Liza to get Charizard. I think I'm going to fly to Olivine. Then have Staraptor take me to Alto Mare." Ash said before going over to the video phones and putting in the number of the sole caretaker of the Charicific Valley.

A few rings later and Liza's face came up on the screen.

"Ash. How are you?" She asked

"Good. Though I was wondering if you could send Charizard over in his pokeball."

"Why in his pokeball? You usually have him fly to you."

"I am planning to take him flying from Lily of the Valley island to Olivine City. And as it is quite a distance, I don't want him to tire out."

"Alright then. I'll go get him. Be right back." Liza said before she disappeared from the screen. A few minutes later, she returned and said, "He is right here. Sending him now."

"Thanks" Ash said as a white light shone at the pokeball transfer machine for a few moments revealing a standard pokeball that held his oldest fire type and quite possibly most powerful Pokemon he owned.

"I got him. Thanks for sending him."

"No problem Ash. In fact he was itching to go with you."

"Really. Well take care. I gotta go."

"Will do Handsome."

"You do realize that I am off the market?" Ash said.

"No I didn't. Who is it? Misty? May?"

"No, no, and not telling."

"Why? And should I come over and beat it out of you?"

Ash scoffed, "Good luck trying."

"Oh yeah. Why is that?" Liza retorted.

"I have been training with my Lucario." Ash said calmly.

"Lucario? Isn't that the Pokemon that looks like a jackal? Fighting and Steel type. Capability of manipulation of Aura?" Liza questioned.

"That's the one."

"So what do you mean training?" she asked.

"Sorry gotta go. We'll spar if you can find me." Ash said cutting the call as he felt his friends approach him.

"Hey Ash. What took so long? Normally you get Charizard and run outside." Brock asked.

"Sorry. Liza was telling me that Charizard is one of the strongest in the Valley." Ash replied.

Dawn then started talking a mile a minute, wanting to see such a powerful Pokemon.

"Dawn calm down. You will have a chance to see him." Ash said.

Ash then walked out to a training field and released Charizard from the confines of his pokeball.

What took form was a massive nearly 12 foot lizard with large orange wings that were teal on the I side. It had a long neck that came to a head that was dragon-like with two horns protruding from the top, a long snout that had a couple of razor sharp white teeth showing at the tip. Its eyes were a deep yet firey blue and gave off a sense of knowledge and experience. It also had a long tail with a bright orange flame that occasionally flickered to a bright powerful blue. With arms as long as 2 meters, an as wide as a car, it had 3 large sharp claws on each of its hands. Its stomach was slightly lighter than the rest of its body.

After about 5 minutes of it just standing there, it gave a massive deafening roar that shook the ground, causing Brock and Dawn to lose their balance and fall. The roar then created a small shock wave, that once again knocked Ash's companions to the ground.

Once Brock found his balance again, he asked in a shaky tone of voice, "Is that the same Charizard that you caught back in Kanto?"

"One in the same." Ash said before turning to Charizard, "Let me see what you got."

Charizard promptly shot a massive Flamethrower at Ash, who reluctantly activated his aura and formed a light blue shield in front of him. The flames hit the shield and Ash grunted as the shield was barely holding. He added more energy to it before locking onto the flames and using their specific aura to redirect them back at Charizard.

Charizard was hit with his own flamethrower but shrugged it off easily as he ended s attack.

As the smoke from the attack cleared, the fire lizard saw his trainer within a light blue shield, causing some confusion as he never saw another Pokemon and he was sure that Ash couldn't pull of what he was seeing. After all, he was not even a Pokemon. He then took notice of Ash's eyes, which were glowing in a shade of blue matching the color of the shield.

A few moments later, the shield dropped and a blue sphere flew at him, which he smashed with a Dragon Claw before he was hit by another from behind. He took off to get a better vantage point.

He scanned the area with his sharp and well trained senses. Before he could see anything he was hit again by yet another orb of energy. It was 5 minutes and 30-50 blasts that hit later when he noticed Ash was missing. He was about to shoot off to look for him when his trainer appeared from thin air and slammed an aura sphere into his face, causing him to roar in pain.

Ash dropped to the ground, landing gracefully on one foot. He looked up, "Looks like someone else can join the training. Come on down buddy." He called up to his friend.

Charizard promptly lowered himself to the ground and looked at Ash expectantly with his arms crossed.

Ash sighed as he left only his aura sight on. He went up to his fire type and said, "I'll explain later. The others are coming to. The heat from your flames knocked them out.

Charizard nodded and used Roost to heal the minor bruises he gained from the small one-sided spar.

"Well that is one hot flamethrower. I don't want to get caught in his Blast Burn." Brock said.

Dawn could only nod and scream repeatedly about her hair being ruined by the heat.

Once Dawn calmed down, She, Ash, and Brock had gone to the docks for the group to go their separate ways, Ash flying on Charizard, Dawn and Brock sailing to Canalave City.

"Well. I'll see you guys back in Kanto." Ash said as he jumped on Charizard, landing smoothly at the base of his neck.

Brock said, "It was fun travelling with you through the years, but now I have a Scholarship of Pokemon Medicine for KJMU." (Kanto/Johto Medical University)

Ash looked at Dawn and chuckled lightly. Dawn went into a panic as she asked what was wrong, everything from her hair being messy to, ironically, her slightly revealing mini skirt being too long.

Ash having had another secret conversation with Latias, blushed at the of a mini skirt being any shorter.

"Nothing's wrong. Its just that with you being so uppity with how you look, I just have to wonder if it's safe to leave you alone." Ash said.

He received a harsh glare before Dawn retorted, "Well, I could always come with you. Spend some..."

Ash cut her off, "No. I am going to be meeting a special someone. And it is personal."

Brock gasped lightly, "Does Ash have a girlfriend? Is it May? Misty?"

Ash shook his head to the guesses. Ash subtly connected to Latias and said, "Nope and nope. Though I do have a very beautiful girlfriend."

As Ash had connected to Latias, she had heard what he said and blushed heavily, her normally white cheeks almost matching the deep red of her feathers.

"Who is it then?" Brock inquired.

"A little riddle for you Brock. You know her from a garden. Though in form of a Maiden. Brother she has lost. But an eternal love she has gained." Ash said, the words coming randomly but fitting nicely.

Once again Latias had blushed though not as heavily, as her heart aches a little at the mention of her brother.

Brock was puzzled. Ash had never been good with making riddles so it would have to be pretty obvious. This time though, he couldnt figure it out.

He was brought out of his thoughts as the ships horn was blown, signalling that it was about to leave port.

Dawn and Brock said their goodbyes and raced to board before, making it just in time.

Ash laughed a little because normally it was him running late. He then leaned up and spoke to Charizard, "Let go boy. Olivine here we come."

Charizard beat his wings once, launching immediately to a hight of 500 meters within seconds.

Ash said, "Stay for a moment buddy" before pulling out his pokegear and pulled up the map to see which direction he needed to go.

He soon found he needed to go southwest as there was a small chain of island that they could stop at for lunch and then due sout and they should arrive at Olivine by evening.

"Okay, turn 95° right and fly on."

A slight growl emanated from Charizard's throat as he followed the directions and took off over the open ocean.

3 hours into the flight Charizard had begun gesturing about how Ash had taken him on back at Lily of the Valley island.

"First I will say that I can understand you and any other Pokemon perfectly. 2nd, I am sure that you have heard of an ancient race of humans called Aura Guardians?"

Charizard had nodded slightly before it sunk in and ha asked, "So you are one of a supposedly extinct race of protectors that are somehow returning to the world."

"Yep. That sums it up. But I have an increased aura from being the chosen one."

"So Lugia wasn't talking tauros shit back at Shimouti Island."

"No but not just Lugia's chosen. But Arceus'"

That had stopped the fire type in his tracks.

He then looked back at Ash and said, "The Arceus! Lord of Creation! Master of All!?"

"Yes and correction, Lady Arceus."

"How do you know Arceus is a girl?"

"I had been at a Legendary Council. Once. But was sworn not to talk about anything that was there or had happened."

"Damn legends. Always so secretive. If I had the strength and skill I'd beat every secret that doesn't threaten the world out of them."

"Yeah. If. But see that island up there. Land there I'll make some lunch." Ash cut the conversation as the first of several Islands came into view.

Charizard nodded and landed on the sand of a small beach as Ash called out his pokemon on him. Torterra, Staraptor, Infernape, Garchomp, and Lucario appeared from their pokeballs and looked at the massive form of Charizard in awe. Infernape, also being a fire type was about to challenge Charizard to a fight but, Ash without looking up from the fire which was cooking a pot of stew and several different pots of pokefood, had said, "Infernape. I wouldn't do that if I were you. He barely got hurt by nearly 50 of my Aura Spheres."

The others stood in shock. Torterra, the most defensive of all of Ash's Pokemon but even he could only last through 23 or 24.

"That just gives me even more of a reason to get stronger." Infernape said as he walked up to the monstrous Flame Pokemon.

He then looked at Charizard dead in the eyes and raised a fist which ignited in flames and put it forward, "Rivals?"

The Flame Pokemon nodded and ignited a fist of his own before touching it to the fire monkey's own fire punch.

Even though it wasn't a battle, nor was it at full power, a small wave of power rolled off the 2 fire type Pokemon.

"Alright. Rivalry established. Lunch is done." Ash said as he finished cooking.

Lucario took his bowl and went off from the group a bit into the trees as did Torterra.

Pikachu and Staraptor went to a large rock jutting nearly 8 feet out of the ground as the new rival fire types went to eat on the hot sand.

Ash had eaten his share as the Pokemon were chatting, so he decided to explore the island a bit.

About 5 minutes of walking had passed before Ash felt a pull on his Aura. He tried to pinpoint exactly where but it felt like it was constantly changing position.

He had gotten a general direction and called for Lucario, who appeared moments later.

'Is something wrong, Master?'

"No just that I feel a pull on my Aura in that direction. I figured it be better if I had a partner in case there's trouble."

'Very wise. I will accompany you.'

"Then lets go."

They shot off to investigate.