Phineas and Ferb: Camp Kidney Vacation

Chapter 1

Note: Once again, I am not responsible for the making of this story cover. This story cover was made by The Eds Rock, who also made the story cover for my first Camp Lazlo/Phineas and Ferb crossover story. I just want to give a big shout-out and thank you to The Eds Rock for making this story cover.

Side Note: If you have not read my first Camp Lazlo/Phineas and Ferb crossover story, "Camp Phineas and Ferb", yet, please read that one first as this story is the sequel to that story. Thanks, and enjoy the story!

One night at Prickly Pines, a car was puling up to a hotel. Whoever was driving the car pulled up to a parking space at the hotel.

Once the car was parked in the parking space, a family got out of the car. This family just so happened to be Phineas, Ferb, and their family. They were on another one of their family vacations, and were taking a vacationing at Prickly Pines.

Perry was not with the Flynn-Fletchers on this vacation, however; he was back in Danville, being cared for by a pet sitter.

"Well, here we are, Prickly Pines" Lawrence, the father of the family, said.

The Flynn-Fletcher family explored their surroundings.

Phineas noticed that the population of Prickly Pines was much different from Danville, as the population of Prickly Pines consisted of animals as opposed to humans.

"Wow, Prickly Pines sure is different from Danville," Phineas commented.

"Yeah," Candace agreed, "Why is this place populated by animals?"

"Because we are in an environment that is completely different from ours," Linda explained.

"We thought it would be nice to get outside of our comfort zone, and immerse ourselves into a new culture," Lawrence added as he was getting some luggage out of the car.

"Oh, yes," Candace said sarcastically, "We will definitely be able to immerse ourselves, and not stick out like sore thumbs."

"Well, I for one, am more than willing to try and come out of my shell," Phineas said.

"That's the spirit, Phineas!" Lawrence exclaimed as he finished getting all of the luggage out of the car.

The Flynn-Fletchers grabbed their respective luggage, and went into the hotel so they could get checked in.

"Besides, we're technically animals, anyway," Ferb mentioned.

While the Flynn-Fletchers were checking into the hotel, another car pulled up to the hotel. The driver of this car parked right next to the Flynn-Fletcher's car.

Once the car was parked, Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz and his daughter, Vanessa, got out of the car. Coincidentally, they were also going to Prickly Pines on a vacation.

"Well, here we are, Vanessa," Doofenshmirtz said.

Vanessa sighed. "Dad, tell me again why we are taking a vacation here," she said.

"Because Charlene thought that we needed to spend some more father-daughter time together," Doofenshmirtz explained as he was getting some luggage out of the car.

"But of all places, why did you choose this one?"

"Because it looked like a unique place after I saw it on a cartoon about these talking animals who go to a summer camp,"

Vanessa rolled her eyes as she and her father made their way into the hotel with their luggage in tow.

Inside the hotel, Doofesnhmirtz and Vanessa got in line right behind the Flynn-Fletchers, who were getting checked into their hotel with help from the front desk clerk.

While waiting in line, Vanessa noticed something familiar about Linda.

"Hey, dad, didn't you used to date her?" Vanessa whispered, pointing to Linda.

Doofenshmirtz looked at Linda, and was surprised to see her.

"Yes, yes, I did," Doofenshmirtz whispered, "But that's another backstory."

The Flynn-Fletchers had just been handed their hotel room key.

"Enjoy your stay," the front desk clerk said.

"Thanks," Lawrence said.

The Flynn-Fletchers left to go to their hotel room with a bellhop in tow, who was taking their luggage to their hotel room on a luggage cart. Since Doofenshmirtz and Vanessa were next in line, they moved up to the front to get checked in.

The Flynn-Fletchers walked up to an elevator that would take them up to their hotel room. Linda pressed a button that would let the elevator stop at the floor they were currently on.

While waiting for the elevator to come, Linda was looking at a brochure of some things that the family could do at Prickly Pines while on their vacation.

Linda noticed something in the brochure that she thought Phineas and Ferb would be interested in.

"Hey, boys, look," Linda said, giving Phineas and Ferb the brochure, "There's a summer camp not too far from here called Camp Kidney."

Phineas and Ferb looked at the brochure.

"I bet if we lived here, you boys would have a blast going to that camp," Linda said.

"Oh, they would have a blast all right," Candace said sarcastically, "Camp Kidney sounds really fun; at least, that's what I've heard."

Suddenly, the elevator approached the hotel lobby floor, and opened itself up. The Flynn-Fletcher family and the bellhop stepped inside the elevator.

As the elevator was closing, Doofenshmirtz and Vanessa were approaching the elevator. Linda noticed this, and pressed a button that caused the elevator to open itself back up, allowing Doofenshmirtz and Vanessa to get on.

"Thank you," Doofenshmirtz said.

"You're welcome," Linda replied.

Linda pressed another button that caused the elevator door to close, as there was no more room to fit anybody else.

As the elevator was going up to the Flynn-Fletcher's room floor, Linda and Doofenshmirtz looked at each other. They both felt awkward standing next to each other, and exchanged nervous smiles.

"Hey," Doofenshmirtz greeted nervously.

"Hi," Linda greeted back nervously.

There was an awkward moment of silence between the two.

"So, how's life?" Doofenshmirtz asked.

"Oh, it's fine," Linda replied, "You too?"

Doofenshmirtz looked at Vanessa, then looked back at Linda.

"Yes, yes it is," Doofenshmirtz replied.

Suddenly, the elevator stopped on the floor that the Flynn-Fletcher's room was located in. When the elevator opened up, the Flynn-Fletcher family got off with the bellhop in tow. Doofenshmirtz and Vanessa also got off, as their room was located on the same floor, just as well. The two families, however, went off in opposite directions.

Linda and Doofenshmirtz nervously waved goodbye to each other as they left.

"Who was that, Linda?" Lawrence asked.

"Oh, no one," Linda replied.

The Flynn-Fletchers found their hotel room. When they did, Linda swiped the room key card on the door, granting them access into the room.

"Well, here we are," the bellhop said as he unloaded the luggage from the cart, "Enjoy your stay."

"Thanks," Linda said as she gave the bellhop a tip.

The bellhop tipped his hat as a way of saying "you're welcome" before leaving with the now empty cart in tow.

The Flynn-Fletcher's hotel room consisted of two double beds and a bunk bed. The double beds were for Linda, Lawrence, and Candace, while the bunk bed was for Phineas and Ferb. Their hotel room also had other accommodations, such as a bathroom, coffee maker, television set, etc.

Phineas and Ferb were still looking at the brochure. They seemed to be really intrigued by Camp Kidney based on all of the information they read in the brochure.

"Camp Kidney does sound like a nice place," Phineas commented, "Reminds me of the time those two campers came to Danville. They were from Camp Kidney."

Suddenly, Phineas thought of something.

"Hey, Ferb," Phineas addressed, "Do you remember Lazlo and Raj?"

Ferb just stared at Phineas.

"You know, the talking monkey and elephant? They were kicked off a plane with their scoutmaster, and they ran a summer camp called 'Camp Lots-of-Fun' with us?"

Ferb remembered who Phineas was talking about, and shook his head 'yes' in response.

"Let's ask Mom if we can visit Camp Kidney tomorrow," Phineas suggested.

Phineas and Ferb approached Linda, who was unpacking her suitcase.

"Mom, can Ferb and I visit Camp Kidney tomorrow?" Phineas asked.

"Why?" Linda asked, "We can't just simply enroll you boys there. We're only here for a couple of days."

"We know that, but Ferb and I met these two guys who are from Camp Kidney,"

Linda remembered about who Phineas and Ferb were talking about.

"Oh, you're talking about the talking monkey and elephant,"

"Yeah," Phineas replied, "We had a wonderful time hanging out with them, and would like to visit them at Camp Kidney tomorrow. Can we go?"

Linda thought about it for a moment.

"Well, since we need to find you boys something to do tomorrow while we sight see, I don't see why not," Linda replied.

Phineas and Ferb looked at each other. They were smiling because they thought they would be able to go to Camp Kidney tomorrow.

"Are you sure about this, Linda?" Lawrence asked, "We just got here, and we do not even know anyone, yet."

"I'm sure it will be fine," Linda replied, "After all, it is a summer camp, so I'm sure there will be some adult supervision over there so that the boys are being looked after."

"And at least if they're looked after, we won't have to worry about them," Candace pointed out.

"Speak for yourself," Ferb said to herself.

"So, is that a yes?" Phineas asked, wanting a confirmation from Linda.

"Yes, we will take you boys to Camp Kidney tomorrow," Linda said.

"Alright," Phineas said as he and Ferb high fived each other, "Ferb, I know what we're gonna do tomorrow. We're gonna go to Camp Kidney!"

Phineas and Ferb began to unpack their suitcases, excited about being able to visit Camp Kidney tomorrow.

"Boy, Lazlo and Raj going to be so happy to see us," Phineas said, "I wonder what they are up to now."