Ilia slowly pushed the door open, cringing as the wood dragged against the floor, producing a raspy noise. It was dark inside the office, so dark she almost didn't see him there, hunched and leaning on his desk, shaking from head to toe
She saw him spasm and heard a metallic clang as something fell off the desk. "What…" his voice was barely recognizable, a long, throaty drawl, as if he hadn't drunk for days. But the hatred that it carried couldn't be mistaken. "What are you doing here?"
Ilia took a step back, wanting to run away and pretend she had never been there, but she was too afraid to try.
"Nevermind. I know why," he said. "She's gone. Turned her back on me, you… all of us," he paused. "She abandoned us… Yet I'm the villain… I'm the villain…"
Her eyes stung with tears. It couldn't be. Blake wouldn't do that to her. She had promised her, with a smile on her face…
I'll be back soon.
Ilia clenched her fists, sadness quickly turning into anger…
"Fine," he spoke again. "That's fine. She wants me to be a monster? Well, then…"
Ilia looked at him. He had raised his fist, and slowly it started to glow, painting the room in a red hue. She saw his face.
Oh, God, his face.
"…that's exactly what she's going to get!"
She pressed her hands against her ears, pushing so hard it almost hurt, but still she could hear them shouting at the other side of the door. Why couldn't Winter just stop? Family wasn't supposed to yell at each other, especially a daughter against her father. Whenever this happened, everyone, everyone paid for it.
"-believing your lies anymore! Nothing you say to me will change what I've seen! You are a monster!"
"What you've seen is nothing more than a lie constructed by the very people who tried to assassinate you, the very people I told you to stay away from! If you weren't so disobedient, we wouldn't be having this-"
"Exactly! You've controlled me for too long, father. It's over! Goodbye."
"Winter, come back here this instant!"
The door opened and slammed shut. Winter almost ran past her, but she turned her head around just in time to see her press her face against her knees. Her gaze softening, Winter came back and crouched beside her.
"Sister," she whispered. "Come with me. I'm getting you out of here and finding us a better home. Whitley too."
"W-why would do that? You know what h-happens w-when you…"
"No. You don't have to be afraid, not anymore," Winter urged, caressing her cheek. "I'll keep you safe. Just get up and come with me."
She looked up and saw how desperate Winter looked. She had never seen that in her older sister's face, not even when her Semblance had been unlocked or when mother had…
The door opened again. Their father stood in the doorway, glaring at the both of them. Winter's fingers retreated swiftly, and she stood up again, poised to strike. His gaze turned strictly to her, and just like that, Winter wilted and strut away, head low.
"Weiss. In my office."
She followed him inside, afraid to make a sound. After all that yelling, he was quiet. That was never a good sign. He sat in his chair and bade her to sit at the other side of the desk. She did so without hesitation.
"Can you guess why I called you inside?" He asked.
"T-to…" Weiss swallowed dry, closed her eyes for a moment, and raised her chin. Confidence. That's the key, confidence. "To talk to me about the vacant spot left by my sister."
"Yes, exactly that, my princess," he smiled. "How would you like to be the new heiress of the Schnee Dust Company?
"That would…" She course-corrected again, adding a little smile to her perfectly stable voice. "Nothing would make me happier, father."
Stay alert for a new RSU story next week:
Yang Xiao Long: Chasing Rose!
...What? I didn't mislead you on purpose. Why would you think such a thing.