AN: Another series! I know my Nuada series is not finished but do not worry. My muse has been nagging me quite a bit lately.

I was inspired by LuvMiddleEarth for this story. Her story is called Hearts of Fire. She has a polyamorous/polygamist theme as this will be. I thoroughly enjoyed the idea of having dwarves, like elves, find their one and them be intertwined. I also enjoyed there being more than one suitor as I imagine dwarven women to be far and few between. Of course, our stories will differ in most aspects.

I do not own the Hobbit series (though I wish I did). This is purely fantasy. I own only Freyja and any other character I make up.

There will be violence, gore, fluff, smut, polyamory/polygamy, along with several other things. If that's not your jam, don't read!



It had taken Gandalf a great number of tries to convince the leader of this group to stop just outside of Bree to retrieve a sixteenth member for the group. The harsh stubborn leader was beside himself in anger when the wizard mentioned it would be a dwarven maiden.

The dwarves were a stubborn lot especially that blasted leader, Thorin Oakensheild. Many of the company were hesitant to bring along a woman, be it a dwarven one or no. They viewed it as far too much of a liability. Dwalin had expressed his immeasurable distaste to Thorin about this new addition, which was also reciprocated by the leader. The two were rather firm on this front. Though after the wizard had threatened he would not help them without her help, Thorin could not decline. They needed the wizard more than he cared to admit. Having the magic being would be a great help with this quest to reclaim Erebor.

The hobbit, Bilbo, took a keen interest in the soon-to-be new addition. He was rather intrigued by seeing a dwarven maiden. He had heard from Gloin that dwarf maidens were often mistaken for men as they had beards as well. He said they were the softest beards around, staring fondly off into the distance as memories of his own wife flashed before his eyes. Bilbo had never met dwarves before they barged into his house and destroyed practically everything. Well in his eyes it was everything. His usually pristine hobbit hole had mud tracked through it, food thrown about it, and the plumbing, he knew, would most certainly have to be replaced when he returned. His mind went back to their current task though. Bilbo wondered if this woman would be just as harsh as the dwarven men around him currently or not.

They had reached the town in a few days' time. Currently it was afternoon and bright out. The birds chirped and the greenery swayed gently in the light breeze. Gandalf led the dwarves just outside of the town where they found a small cabin. There was a small water basin sitting on top of a barrel just on the outside of it next to the door where small birds happily chirped and splashed about in the water. Smoke was coming from the chimney, signaling someone to be home.

Gandalf smiled. His heart was happy that he would get to see the young dwarf girl again. He hadn't told her about the journey he would be going on when last they saw each other. He knew then he would have brought her along. She deserved to be along, she needed to be. His visions had been quite clear on her joining the quest.

He halted his horse and signaled for the other riders to jump off their ponies. Once they were, the wizard said "The dear girl is a little shy around strangers. Allow me to do the talking." He said turning to head to the door of the small cabin.

"Shy?" Thorin snorted out. His arms crossed over his chest. "Is she delicate as well? Like a flower? I still don't see why she would be of any use to us Gandalf. We need warriors with us. I already have one thing that I have to look after." He said indicating the hobbit.

Bilbo's face turned red with embarrassment at the leader. He knew Thorin didn't approve of him being there. Truthfully, he didn't know why he had run after the group in the first place. It must have been the Took inside of him that screamed to come on this adventure.

Gandalf looked back at the pompous leader before turning back around. He did not say anything as it would only prove to anger the old wizard further. Gandalf approached the cabin and gave three soft knocks with his stick. He listened closely and heard no movement. Again, he knocked three times. This time the wizard was well aware of the burning glares of some of the company as there was no movement from the cabin. Gandalf turned, slightly nervous to the company.

It was then the company heard movement off to the tree and bush area to the right side of the cabin. After so long of being in danger the dwarves were quick to grab for their weapons. Bilbo had to admit he was rather nervous seeing the dwarves get ready for battle but all their thoughts of impending doom were broken as a small girl came into the clearing carrying quite a few fish on a line.

Her hair was a bright golden color that was up in a bun, a few curly strands framed her face. Two small braids came down behind her ears to just the top of her breasts while two more were pulled back with the rest of her hair and encircled her bun. Her hair caught the sun in just the perfect way, like it was shining strings of gold. Her face was beardless which was curious to Bilbo as he was told dwarves, maiden or no all had beards. There was a smattering of freckles across her button nose and under each eye.

Bilbo knew if the two were standing next to each other she would only reach his shoulder. She was not skinny but not plump either. She was a mix of the two. She didn't wear a dress like most maidens in the Shire did. No, instead she wore dark trousers that were just slightly baggy, a blue tunic, brown boots and a dark brown overcoat that just swept the ground. Her hands had fingerless gloves on them but what really stood out to Bilbo were her bright blue eyes. Bilbo swore it was like the sky was in her eyes. He looked about the company only to find there was a tension in some of the dwarves. Thorin and Dwalin especially. Their jaws were clenched tightly.

Freyja did not regard the company. Her eyes met Gandalf's first. A bright smile formed on her face as she exclaimed "Gandalf! Miz meri!" She ran to him as he went to her and embraced him. "It has been too long Gandalf!" Her gentle voice carried to the group of men. It made a few shift, to what Bilbo thought, uncomfortably.

Gandalf smiled softly at the girl. "Indeed, it has my dear Freyja. You have grown more lovely since last I saw you." He said earning him another bright smile from the small dwarven woman. "I have much to discuss with you my dear but first I must introduce you to the company." He said stepping out of her way to see the others gathered in her front yard. Freyja immediately became nervous. She had not had such a large number of guests before and if she were quite honest with herself she didn't like large groups of any type of people. She cast her eyes downward.

Gandalf put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry my dear. This company consists of mostly dwarves and a hobbit. They will not harm you in any way." She gave a tentative nod to him.

"This is Bilbo Baggins" He said indicating the hobbit first. He gave a wave to her saying 'hello' as she was introduced. She gave a small nod of her head but looked up at him and returned the smile. "This is Oin and Gloin." Both men gave a small bow to her. She again nodded her head with a gentle smile on her lips.

"Dori, Nori, and Ori." He indicated each but upon looking at Ori, she felt a strange pull in her heart. The smile on her gentle face faltered ever so slightly. There was a gentle warmth that spread in her chest. Ori was staring at her as his brothers gave a bow. She was surprised by the pull but thought nothing of it. Dori pulled Ori down into a bow and she again nodded her head.

"This is Bombur, Bifur and Bofur." He said pointing them out. Bombur nodded to her as did Bifur. When she regarded Bofur, again she was stricken with the same confusing feeling. It was like her heart was yet again tugged on. The warmth returned. Bofur did not stare at her as Ori did. He bowed with a bright yet gentle smile on his face. She was starting to get extremely nervous. This feeling was something new to her and she wasn't sure she liked the sudden onset of it but none the less she did not forget her manners and gave a nervous nod to him.

Gandalf brought her in front of the next two, and yet again the strange feeling came back to her though slightly stronger now. Both men smirked at each other before taking it upon themselves to introduce themselves.

"Fili." The blonde one said.

"And Kili." The brown haired one said.

Both grabbed a hand of the small woman each and kissed it while bowing. "At your service!" They said together.

Freyja gulped loudly. She gave a barely noticeable nod. Her face no longer had a smile on it. There was a small pang of panic that set in her heart. She felt something else as well, concern? Why would she be concerned?

She was next introduced to a much older, white dwarf who gave her a very gentle and fatherly smile. "Balin, at your service." He bowed as well.

He stood next to his brother, who Freyja saw as a giant. He certainly was tall and bald! With tattoos! He was by far the most intimidating person she had ever seen…and yet…. The warmth returned. It was a tidal wave that hit her in the chest and she just stood there staring at the man. His piercing eyes cut through her. Freyja felt as if he was staring into her soul. She felt as if she couldn't breathe.

Gandalf watched the exchange with curiosity. He wasn't sure exactly what was going on but would ask the girl later. "And lastly the leader of our happy troupe; Thorin Oakensheild." He said.

To Freyja though, it felt as if time had stood still. Gandalf's words seemed to come out muffled in her ears. She turned her wide eyes to Thorin and felt a crushing wave of warmth spread through her chest, like a warm blanket being pulled over her. Her breathe hitched in her throat. All she could do was stare into his deep blue eyes.

That is when Freyja's eyes widened in realization. She knew what the feeling was. Her mother had told her this day would come. She knew and it terrified her. She turned and bolted to her cabin dropping the fish on the ground. She opened the door harshly and slammed it before anyone could say anything.

Freyja leaned her back against the door. Her heart was racing and her breathing erratic. Her ones? Multiple ones?! Her mother had explained to her about finding her mate or mates in the world. How it may feel. How it was the most beautiful sensation of warmth that would spread in her heart. Her own mother had two mates. Both of her fathers she remembered very little of but her mother never explained that it could possibly be more than two. She thought she may only find one or two. She had grown to find the idea lovely to have two mates after looking back on memories her mother and fathers together. But six? SHE HAD SIX?! How was this possible? She felt pangs of concern coming from the other side of the door but she wasn't ready to open it just yet.

Gandalf watched as the girl ran off and slammed the door to her quaint cabin shut. His eyes filled with concern. "I don't believe I have ever seen her do that before." Gandalf said looking back at the company.

Thorin looked up at the wizard "Clearly, Gandalf, this was a destined meeting."

Gandalf looked at the leader curiously. Gauging his words. He was unsure of what happened but was far more concerned for the girl. She was a shut in most of the time but she was always somewhat welcoming when it came to new arrivals. Her manners were always near impeccable, unlike most dwarves.

Thorin and Dwalin turned to Balin and they began to discuss something in Khuzdul. Dwalin, Gandalf could see, was most uncomfortable.

Gandalf made his way to the door and gave three gentle knocks with his cane.

Freyja had somewhat calmed her nerves down. She didn't really know how to handle this. She continued to feel pangs of concern in her heart. She knew now it was her 'mates'. She didn't like the idea of having so many but per what her mother had told her there really wasn't much she could do about it. She couldn't deny the sensation and there was no known magic to get rid of it. Oh dear this was not good.

She froze at the three knocks. Freyja was unsure if she should open it. Her mother would be rolling in her grave right now if she saw how Freyja reacted to her guests. Mates or no she should be a good host.

She very timidly opened the door. Her eyes were cast down yet again.

"Freyja, my dear." Gandalf said gently. "Perhaps we can come inside?" He was being cautious as the girl seemed most uncomfortable right now.

Freyja held onto the door tightly but the tension in her shoulders slackened a little at the wizard's voice. She was glad it was him who knocked on her door. She was far sure if it had been anyone else she would have slammed the door in their face.

Freyja fidgeted a little bit with the door. Her thoughts were racing. She didn't want to be rude but also was not sure how to deal with her current predicament. She looked up at the wizard who bore a soft smile, he always did when she was nervous. She gave a tentative nod and opened the door wider.

Gandalf turned and gestured to the company to come in. It was with some hesitation from them that they entered the dwarf maiden's home. She hid herself slightly behind the door as they entered.

The cabin was quaint and small. It consisted of a simple sitting area, a kitchen, a small living area off to the right of the kitchen, and a closed door off to the left, which one could only assume was her bedroom and where the washroom was. She did not have many things to her home but it was lived in.

The group crowded in her kitchen area. "Perhaps everyone would be more comfortable in the sitting area." Gandalf said noticing Freyja had yet to come out from behind the door much less close it. Gandalf ushered everyone into the room before turning and going to Freyja who was still nervously standing behind the door. "My dear, is everything ok? You seem rather uncomfortable."

Freyja looked up at Gandalf. She was unsure of what to say exactly to him. "C… Can we speak outside?" She asked.

"Absolutely my dear." Gandalf held his hand out as she passed by walking outside. He followed closely behind.

Freyja began to explain to Gandalf exactly what happened that made her so nervous and act the way she had. The wizard listened carefully. Freyja looked at the house and saw faces staring out of the living area window which made her blush furiously.

"What do ya think they're talking about?" Bofur asked eyeing the little dwarf maiden from the window.

"I don't know. She seemed rather nervous, didn't she?" Asked Kili next to Bofur. Fili was next to him also watching the interaction between the two. "You would think she would be happy to have found her ones."

Dori was speaking to Ori on the couch giving his brother some advice on how to approach the dwarf girl next. He was explaining to him that this situation was more than likely just as stressful to her as it was to him and the others.

Balin spoke next "Don't take offence laddie, the sudden onset of meeting your one can sometimes be overwhelming and difficult to deal with. Especially since she has six."

This earned a snort from Dwalin but no words came out of the warrior's mouth. Balin eyed his brother.

Fili and Kili nodded. "Aye…She is rather beautiful." said Fili looking at the woman fondly.

"Aye. Her voice is the sound of an angel's. Prettiest thing I have ever heard." Bofur said next smiling gently out to the girl.

Thorin sat in deep thought next to Dwalin. Both warriors were having a difficult time adjusting to the new feeling. Thorin had all but given up finding a queen since the fall of Erebor. Now here she was. His one. He should be happy but truthfully, he was nervous himself. She seemed far too delicate for his liking. He always imagined his queen to be strong and a warrior like himself. Dwarf maidens were not known for being delicate. Dwalin had the same mindset. Though the tattooed warrior was much more focused on war and his fighting abilities. He never gave much thought to women. Now he too had his one. Thorin knew his friend was taking it much harder than he was.


Miz meri: My friend

AN: AH! The first chapter! I started this out as their meeting. I wanted Thorin and Dwalin to have a much harder time accepting Freyja to be their mate as I can only imagine the two wouldn't been too keen on the idea. The others, I imagine, would be much more accepting of the idea no matter how unexpected. Before anyone gets on me about Ori not really being in this chapter he will be in the next one!

Also, I'm using Storm Nexus as a source for Khuzdul and its translations.

Thanks for reading!
